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Eiji Aonuma Q&A On The Legend Of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds


Acclaimed Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma has taken some time out to answer longing fans questions about the forthcoming The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. Aonuma explained a number of things about the highly anticipated game including his favourite weapon upgrade. You can read the full question and answer sessions, below.

Players will be able to choose which weapons they upgrade. Which weapon upgrade do you find especially useful?

I would recommend the bow. When you upgrade the bow you can fire 3 arrows at once and they spread out in a fan shape so it’s far easier to hit enemies than with a single arrow like normal. However, since you are firing 3 arrows at once it will use up more of your energy gauge. So be careful because if you get carried away and keep on firing too much, after a while you won’t be able to fire any more.

Fans will recognise many elements from the world of A Link to the Past. What was your process behind deciding which elements of that world to keep and which ones to replace with something new?

Most of the enemies that appear in the field for example are touched up versions of characters from A Link to the Past. We’ve recreated a very similar world to that game in 3D so we thought it would be fun if the enemies there fought in the same way as in A Link to the Past. However, since the 3D effect introduces the new concept of height to the gameplay we have changed some attacks so that they take height into account. We have also brought back some characters from A Link to the Past. These are characters where there is a point to having them there in a similar role to what they had in A Link to the Past. Perhaps most notably Sahasrahla, who guides Link on this adventure too, helping him, using the  knowledge he has as an elder.

As players are free to tackle the dungeons in any order, how did you ensure that someone who picks a certain dungeon first can enjoy it just as much as someone who tackles that particular dungeon last?

In terms of the difficulty level, each dungeon features new ideas involving the item you need to use there, so there isn’t some kind of process or order you can follow to make it easier. However, if you are using a particular item more than normal you will become more used to it so you may find it easier to complete the corresponding dungeon in that case. However this is a reflection of your own skills increasing so I think the game would be most fun if you try out lots of different approaches.

Yuga is the main villain in the game. What can you tell us about his origins?

The name “Yuga” is derived from the Japanese word for oil paintings because he has the ability to use magic to turn people into paintings. We wanted the character concept to be a crazed artist and so we made him into an unusual character where you can’t quite tell if he is supposed to be male or female. He might be close to Ghirahim from Skyward Sword in terms of having an over inflated self-importance.

Who is Mother MaiaMai and how did all her babies get spread all over Hyrule and Lorule?

She is shrouded in mystery. I don’t actually know myself exactly why she looks like she does. However, as the question mentioned, she exists in both Hyrule and Lorule and we thought it would work well to make her a bit different from other characters since she has this ability to travel between worlds. So we decided to make her look a bit alien. If you rescue all of the Maiamai then you may learn a little more about her so I would encourage you to play and discover this for yourself.

Thanks, Gaminglord

23 thoughts on “Eiji Aonuma Q&A On The Legend Of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds”

    1. The game will definitely not be hard. The last time I played a hard Zelda game was Zelda 2 and that was just retarded difficulty lol I’m more worried about it being way too easy like usual

      1. I fail to see how Majora’s Mask is easy, or Twilight Princess… it’s true handheld Zeldas are always easier though

        1. Twilight Princess is my second favorite Zelda game (after Majora’s Mask) but even I have to admit that it is ridiculously easy in one particular aspect. Overall the difficulty level is decent (and the puzzles can get challenging) but the one part they messed up was the bosses. The bosses are ridiculously easy with the third boss literally not attacking you during its second stage and the final boss only losing half a heart per blow.

      2. Yeah Zelda 2 was a bitch, I never paases it as a child (watched my pops passed it though) but passed the game a few years ago (currently 24) heres hoping its just right though.

  1. I thought Yuga was a girl… Haha, I think I like ghirahim more though with his character. However I don’t exactly know a whole lot about Yuga

  2. Zelda 2 was a pain but I passed it! Twilight princess was easy for me but Majora’s mask was kind of challenging. I’m still hoping for a veteran mode for the next console zelda.

  3. why do people like zelda? in every game all you do is walk around with a little bitch his little bitchass sword and a little shield and just go HAA! HAA! HAA!

  4. I don’t want to read this, already enough hyped for the game and I want it to really surprise me. With SS, I knew everything when the game was released (almost), so there wasn’t THAT many surprises… Game looks great, though, can’t wait to get my hands on that LBW 3DS XL!

  5. I actually hope the game is pretty easy. I dont want to be running everywhere around not knowing where i have to go and what to do and then checking on internet where to go, there was a part like this in skyward sword, with those windmills or something, was really annoying

  6. Pingback: Aonuma Confirms Zelda Link Between Worlds Villain Yuga Is A Man, Plus Other Details | My Nintendo News

  7. I’ve never been overly challenged with any Zelda game, because I always buy the Player’s (Strategy) Guides for every one. I only do that for RPG’s, and games like Animal Crossing. I beat Ocarina Of Time in 1 or 2 weeks with the Player’s Guide to help me out. I don’t think I would EVER get past certain parts in Zelda games if I didn’t have a Guide to look at. Not because I suck, but because I have no patience.

  8. Pingback: Miyamoto Has Been Trying To Get Aonuma To Do Zelda A Link To The Past On 3DS For Years | My Nintendo News

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