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GameStop Executive Believes Breath Of The Wild Has A One-To-One Attach Rate On Switch

Breath of the Wild is certainly the Switch’s biggest game at the moment, so unsurprisingly the majority of Switch owners have picked up the game. According to a GameStop executive, Zelda’s attach rate is practically one-to-one. This means that nearly everyone who bought the console also owns Breath of the Wild. This is certainly good news for Nintendo, their big game attracting many people to their new console.

“The other thing is, every game that’s out there, to have over a five and a half attach rate to this, signifies that a lot of people are finding this a great platform and they’re picking up any games that they can. I mean, we have almost a one-to-one attach of Zelda.”


26 thoughts on “GameStop Executive Believes Breath Of The Wild Has A One-To-One Attach Rate On Switch”

  1. I have 1,2 Switch as well and I think it’s pure fun. I really love those type of games for their on the go potential. For example Frobisher Says on the PS Vita was one of my most played games because we could play this with many people on just one handheld. Can’t wait for Wario Ware and more games like that. Snipperclips is also a very good game. While Zelda is definitely the only must have title right now.

  2. listen if you’re buying a switch you gotta get zelda. you can’t just buy a switch and not get zelda. that’s like making a sandwich without bread. I mean yeah sure you can still eat it but if you try and make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without bread you’re in for a mess.

      1. In his example, Zelda was the bread.
        Although I think it also makes sense the other way around.
        Without Zelda, the Switch is the bread. Empty and boring.
        But then, I could be wrong as I don’t own one.

        Zelda is ridiculously addicting through. And I laugh to see reviewers trying to explain it to their comrades, and you can tell the others don’t want to say anything great about Zelda, and they hate giving it a 10/10, but The reviewers don’t budge.

        It’s not a game you can watch on a lets play video and understand why it’s so amazing. You really, really have to play it and experience the environment for yourself. Otherwise you just won’t understand.

        Horizon Zero may LOOK more realistic, but Zelda performs more realistically.

        Zelda also ruined open world games. Most of them feel too restricted now. D;

        1. The mantra of BotW can be summed up as such,

          “Ok, you cleared the first 4 shrines which are mandatory and got the glider. Now do whatever you want and don’t forget to have fun :)

          Oh, and we do mean ANYTHING.”

          1. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4! Hopefully it will also await us at Nintendo Switch if Nintendo doesn't FUCK things up again!}

            That last guardian vs talus fight! lol Talk about a home run! xD

        2. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4! Hopefully it will also await us at Nintendo Switch if Nintendo doesn't FUCK things up again!}

          Nope. That’s right. Without Zelda, the Switch is just boring ass bread. Unless you lost a ton of brain cells & bought 1, 2 Switch for 50 bucks for some god forsaken reason.

      1. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4! Hopefully it will also await us at Nintendo Switch if Nintendo doesn't FUCK things up again!}

        Talk about a chicken sandwich! LMFAO

    1. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4! Hopefully it will also await us at Nintendo Switch if Nintendo doesn't FUCK things up again!}

      What? Then what did you get? Wait. Don’t answer that. @.@

  3. Is anyone else sad that Breath Of The Wild isn’t even BIGGER than it already is? I mean the overworld. I just completed filling in (deciphering?) the entire map, and now I’m feeling sad because there’s no more towers to find. Also, WHERE IS PRINCESS ZELDA? Does she only appear in voices and memories? That sucks! (also, where’s Tingle?)

    1. I filled in my map also, but I realized, in getting to every tower, I skimmed over areas and need to go back to explore. There are a tone of places on the map that are there, but you can’t see on the overworld map.

      Of course I’d want it to be bigger. With a game this amazing, it will never be big enough or long enough, although it’s already blown most people’s expectations.

      We can only hope Nintendo makes a sequel, although I have a feeling we are getting a 2D Zelda before a Breath of the Wild sequel.

    2. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4! Hopefully it will also await us at Nintendo Switch if Nintendo doesn't FUCK things up again!}

      Hopefully Tingle died a horrible death from a Lynel. Considering how broken those fucking things are, I’d let that shit pass if they did kill him.

  4. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4! Hopefully it will also await us at Nintendo Switch if Nintendo doesn't FUCK things up again!}

    Honestly, I’m now wishing I’d waited on Switch & just got BotW for Wii U. Hopefully aiming controls, whether it be with the control stick or with motion controls, are better for Wii U users than it is for some of us Switch users. Talk about copy & pasting shit without testing it first to see if it works just as flawless on Switch as it hopefully did on Wii U.

    1. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4! Hopefully it will also await us at Nintendo Switch if Nintendo doesn't FUCK things up again!}

      I hope I’m not the only poor sap with this issue & many, many more are complaining about it so we can get an update for BotW.

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