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The US Federal Trade Commission Warns Public Of Nintendo Switch Emulators

With Nintendo Switch stock still somewhat hard to come by in some regions across the globe, some people may be tempted to download an emulator instead. The US Federal Trade Commission have addressed the potential desire and warns against Switch emulators with the following message on their website:

If you can’t get your hands on a Nintendo Switch gaming system, you may think an emulator is the next best thing. Think again. Online ads for emulators, sometimes with Nintendo branding, say they can run Switch’s games on your desktop. But there is no legit Nintendo Switch emulator. It’s a scam.

Even worse, when you try to download a Nintendo Switch emulator, you can install unwanted applications on your computer. These apps give you misleading information about computer problems that aren’t really there, then ask you to pay to fix them.

Other times, when you go to an emulator site, you get a link to a survey that you must complete to get a code to unlock the emulator. Again, the emulator doesn’t really exist. Don’t give personal information and don’t sign up for anything requiring your credit card information. You’re still not getting an emulator.

What can you do to avoid this scam?

  • Don’t download anything that says it’s a Nintendo Switch emulator.
  • Don’t complete a survey to get an “unlock code.” That’s a red flag for a scam.
  • Keep your security software current. Set it to update automatically. Installing unknown programs can lead to malware.
  • Play Nintendo Switch at your friend’s house until you’re able to buy the real one yourself.

And if you think you’ve been the victim of a scam, report it to the FTC.


37 thoughts on “The US Federal Trade Commission Warns Public Of Nintendo Switch Emulators”

  1. This warning is so fucked up! They say you shouldn’t emulate the Switch because the emulator doesn’t exist yet. But what they really should say is that it’s ILLEGAL to emulate the Switch just because you can’t find one in store!

      1. I know. But the warning addressed people who don’t own a Switch and logically don’t own the games. Which means it’s illegal for them to emulate the games!!

        1. That’s actually only an urban legend. You are NOT allowed to make copies of games you own. You don’t actually own the games you buy. The games are still the property of the company. You just buy the permission to use the game.
          The misunderstanding comes from back when computer games came on floppy disks. Back then you were allowed to copy your game just in case the floppy got demagnetized (which could happen from to much use).

  2. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits. This use to be something that awaited those for all consoles. It's sad it's mostly just a PS4 slogan these days. Maybe Nintendo will get back to that greatness with the Switch. Only time will tell.}

    Of course an emulator of a new system isn’t possible yet. Sadly, they have to point this out because some people are idiots. Or they are ignorant idiots.

    1. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits. This use to be something that awaited those for all consoles. It's sad it's mostly just a PS4 slogan these days. Maybe Nintendo will get back to that greatness with the Switch. Only time will tell.}

      Sadly, some morons lack common sense! Like that one stupid idiot that walked off a damn cliff because he couldn’t take his stupid eyes off of his stupid phone while playing stupid Pokemon GO. Should have let the idjit rot on that part of the cliff that saved his life. We seriously need to quit getting in the way of natural selection when it comes calling for these individuals. lol

      1. I totally forgot that game existed. I haven’t played in months; I even uninstalled it. But yeah, I remember the stories of people dimwitted enough to waltz right into completely avoidable scenarios.

      1. You're making a fool out of yourselves.

        Is calling people names all you can do?
        And people wonder why PC is king. (Hint: It’s because the fanbase doesn’t threaten people over developing software that plays games.)

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