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Dragon Quest XI On Nintendo Switch Will Use Unreal Engine 4

Square Enix has been undeniably quiet about the Nintendo Switch version of Dragon Quest XI. However, Yuji Horii  has broken the silence at UNREAL FEST EAST 2017 in the Pacifico where he mentioned that the Nintendo Switch version of the popular JRPG will be running on Unreal Engine 4.15. The PlayStation 4 version of the game, which is available in Japan, is running on Unreal Engine 4.13. This may point to why there’s been a lack of comments on the Nintendo Switch version as they might be having trouble adapting to the updated engine.


40 thoughts on “Dragon Quest XI On Nintendo Switch Will Use Unreal Engine 4”

    1. Are you really, REALLY going to complain about a turn-based game being 30fps instead of 60fps? the only genre that absolutely has no need for 60fps son? get a life.

      1. I doubt it will just be framrate. The Japanese version Dragon Quest Heros for the Switch was FAR inferior to the PS4 version in every way. It was almost a joke. Now to be fair that could be because of a lazy port, because Bethesda did a great job on the Doom port.

      2. i didn’t talk about fps lol im talking how the game will look better as a result. Textures,lighing,shadows and the rest

        “Fun” fuct nintendrones are always stupid asf

      3. Heroes is an action game though, with a huge amount of enemies on screen, DQXI overworld would be the only limiting thing on the Switch, but again the Switch runs BotW.

    2. Fun fact. People who frequent websites about things they don’t like and leave pointless comments designed to irritate others are very strange.

      1. The fuck? Another fun fact is nintendrones always will say anything to protect the nintendo religion they got. Fun fact PC is PC it got everything including emulators for Wii -Wii u. The fuck are you talking about again portability? Well ok lets play your gay game.
        Switch is cool because provides portability
        And ps4 nop.
        Well wrong. because ps4 provides Home portability while PC doesn’t. I can get my ps4 to my friends house or to my holiday house something that you will not do with PC.

        So your gay game is fun because you tried to make Ps4 irrelevant because of PC? are you dickhead or what? do you mistake Ps4 with Xbox?
        Ps4 is x1000 times more convenient than a PC and you have a very very fair good looking games on it something that nintendo cant deliver since gamecube. unless it is a cartoon game ofc

      2. “Another fun fact is nintendrones always will say anything to protect the nintendo religion they got.”

        He said while deeply emotionally hurt that someone insulted his game console.

        “The fuck are you talking about again portability? Well ok lets play your gay game.
        Switch is cool because provides portability
        And ps4 nop.
        Well wrong. because ps4 provides Home portability while PC doesn’t. I can get my ps4 to my friends house or to my holiday house something that you will not do with PC.”

        You didn’t understand the argument. I wasn’t suggesting that portability > framerate or any such thing. I was pointing out that your EXACT argument against the Switch could be used against the PS4 by PC fans. I, as most gamers old enough to have touched a cartridge game don’t, don’t emphasize graphics above all else. The reason I mentioned portability is that while the Switch can answer your argument with it being a handheld as an excuse for why it’s underpowered, a several years old console has no such claim. Your own machine doesn’t withstand your own argument.

        As for “home portability”, you know there are PC cases specifically designed to do that right? Shoot, I can go to ibuypower and get a high end PC that is literally inside of a console case.

        “So your gay game is fun because you tried to make Ps4 irrelevant because of PC? are you dickhead or what? do you mistake Ps4 with Xbox?”

        No. I’m actually usually the one defending consoles as generally superior than PC’s. I just thought the obvious problems with your argument needed pointing out. If the PS4 is automatically superior to the switch for being more powerful, than my PC is automatically superior to the PS4 for the exact same reason. Right now I’m playing Tekken 7 on my PC. There’s some controversy in the community because tournaments are held on PS4’s for convenience reasons, but the PS4 can’t run the game properly. The console won’t run at the proper frame rate all the time, so more difficult combo links are too risky to try.

        Oh, and just as a general suggestion. There’s a limit to the number of times you can use “gay” outside of accurate context in an argument on the internet and people not assume you’re a 9 year old, and that limit is 0.

      3. Nintendrone. Who the fuck cares about PC vs Ps4. for real. Are you that butthurted to mention “You can have PC cases specifically designed to do that right” Are you ? Are you that retard to compare the extremely convenient ps4 moving ability Vs Pc special cases? What the fuck? You can do anything with PC no shit Nintendrone Well time for your leasson you ask for it.


        “PS4 is automatically superior to the switch for being more powerful, than my PC is automatically superior to the PS4 for the exact same reason” Yes this is exaclty how it is. But you missed something. Ps4 is by far more superior than the switch. While pc is just Alot superior than ps4. And you skip something else too. Power is not the only reason Ps4 is superior. You mention Tekken 7. Ps4 got tekken 7. Switch doesn’t have shit (oh maybe street fighter ii?……) So cut the crap because pc may be more powerfull than ps4 and any console…every time But atleast ps4 got tekken 7 and all the rest games that the Switch wont have or wait….Doom 720p is coming…

        And what the fuck are you talking about these crazy frame drops on tekken that makes the game unplaylable for combos? You got the day 1 ps4? because on ps4 pro i got no frame drops that can destroy your combos….lol i douptyou even got a ps4 now You look like just a nintendrone without pc too but you just mention it while it is very obvious pc is always the best but here is the problem you mistake ps4 withh xbox one. Ps4 got exclusives. Switch got gayxclusives well that was to trigger you i enjoy these gayxclusives on Pc emulators anyway such a pitty nintendo is keeping these games hostages with gimmics gaming systems.

        well i admit switch is the best handle machine that will get best games too for a handle machine.. but still such a pity..its not a home console And breath of the wild it could look much better on ps4…it is already much better on Pc with Mods too (wii u version anyway)

    3. No kidding. The PS4 is several times larger and is locked to your TV. Thanks for the breakdown Captain Obvious. It’s a pointless comparison. The Switch IS a home console, but the PS4 is not also a portable. For most of us, portability is far more enticing than a higher resolution or faster frame rate.

    4. You’re an idiot and I’m saying that as both a PC player and Switch owner. Feature wise, the Switch version blows the PS4 version out of the water… Who cares other than you about graphics. If i want graphics my PC is here and is significantly better than a PS4 in every way. If I want portability I got my 3DS and Switch…. You’re just an unreasonable little c_nt with no life. Besides, what console has been outselling the PS4 2-1 where Dragon Quest is popular? Hint, it’s what the article is about and in a country where portability reigns supreme.

      1. looooooooooooooooooolll (Breath) loooooooooooooooooooooooool (breath)

        In every wayyyyyyyyyyy yeaaa Nintendroneeee. Hit your head on the wall or something so you can wake up little nintendo kid. Switch is a good enough for portable console. Now go invide your friends with Codes like retard or go with voice chat with a phone like a moron. Go play your 720p doom game on tv on 2017.
        Oh wait even worse..Go buy a PC or a ps4 so you can play games like normal person such us Gta v, witcher 3,RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2, BECAUSE NINTENDO cant HAVE THEM. well maybe on 2020 the Switch 2 will get Witcher 3 like it get skyrim hahahahahahah

      2. N(ot)icepeter, how about we just agree that you are not a Switch fan and leave it at that.
        Also, a lot of people own a PC along with two or all three consoles. So yes we can “play like a normal person” while still enjoying everything we like about the Switch.

    5. To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂

      And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎

      1. King Kalas X3 {I only buy exclusives that interest me on Switch. For everything else that interests me, there is PS4.}

        I’d rather go into Rick & Morty as Morty with limited knowledge of things instead of going into the show as Rick who knows & understands everything. It’s honestly funnier for me that way.

        1. To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to hate Rick and Morty’s fanbase. The hatred is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the bandwagon effect most of the criticisms will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also The Szechuan Sauce Freakout of 2017, which is deftly woven into the show’s mainstream downfall – it’s personal philosophy draws heavily from literally any predated example of science-fiction in contemporary culture, for instance. The fan’s critics understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly despise the vapid nature of these jokes, to realize that they’re not just unfunny- they say something deep about how marketing your show as counterculture and underground can appeal wildly to the masses. As a consequence people who like Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the irony in McDonald’s Szechuan Sauce release, which itself is a blatant cashgrab reminiscent of Hot Topic selling Invader Zim merchandise. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion the entire world unfolds in laughter at the McDonald’s freakout videos on Youtube. What fools… how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have an original and personally meaningful tattoo that won’t degrade as our culture’s taste shifts. And no, you may not see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 levels of irony of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

    1. If the game ends up looking like Dragon Quest Hero’s on the Switch it will be disappointing. That was a horrible port and the PS4 version was way superior. But it would be nice to have the game on the Switch for the portability factor…. but then what about the 3ds?? Hmmm a conundrum

  1. I’m going to blow everyone’s minds here since the topic has come up: throughout history gamers have almost always taken convenience over power. When arcades were huge they had the best versions of their respective games but people still got the console versions for the convenience of playing at home. PC is now viewed as the big powerhouse but people still prefer the plug and play convenience of consoles. Now we come to the bigger downgrade of playing on the go.

    Long story short, we know it’s not powerful you dumbfucks. We like playing on the go. Just recently I was able to play Mario + Rabbids to and from New York on a plane. PlayBox can’t do that.

    1. That’s not really true when comparing consoles though. PCs have always been in a separate category because they’re very general purpose and arcades were kind of the theme parks of video gaming, but when talking specifically about the history of home consoles, especially early on, it was all about bringing the arcade experience home.

      When the Famicom launched in Japan, it launched the same day as Sega’s SG-1000. Because of initial hardware issues, the SG-1000 actually sold more than the Famicom but the Famicom eventually left it in the dust because it was more powerful hardware that was capable of producing more colors and supported scrolling which ultimate allowed for more varied, smooth, and better looking games.

      When the Master System came out, it had better hardware than the NES, but due to anti-competitive licensing agreements with Nintendo, most game developers wouldn’t develop for it and stuck to the NES.

      The Genesis/Mega Drive was more powerful than the NES and came out after Nintendo had changed their licensing policies which resulted in the Genesis getting more games that looked way better than NES games which resulted in Sega finally starting to become competitive with Nintendo… at least in the US. Once the Super NES came out which generally had better sound and graphics than the Genesis, they would apparently frequently trade US market dominance. Then Donkey Kong Country came out which kept SNES in the lead until the end of that generation. I don’t think it was a coincidence that the game that solidified Nintendo’s first-place spot happened to be a graphical showcase either.

      The N64 vs PS1 was a little stranger. N64 had a better CPU and GPU but was viewed as the less capable system by a lot people due to the fact that the PS1 had longer games with FMVs and CD quality audio. The PS1 also played audio CDs which was a very novel feature.

      Same with the PS2 vs GCN vs Xbox. The PS2 was generally the weakest with the GCN being comparable to the Xbox but at a lower price. In this case, the GCN was the only system that couldn’t play or use DVDs which made it difficult or impossible to port some larger games to it and made it less versatile than the others. The PS2 also included backwards compatibility with the PS1’s games, controllers, and memory cards so people could theoretically sell the PS1 to put money toward a PS2.

      The Wii vs PS3 vs X360 was interesting because the Wii was by far the weakest and it sold the most but it didn’t sell as many games as the other systems. In fact, the best selling game systems that generation were DS, Wii, PS3, X360 but their game sales were reversed. X360 sold the most games, followed by PS3, followed by Wii, followed by the DS. That was the only generation where software sales and hardware sales were complete opposites. Nintendo still made a lot of money but “hardcore” gamers were playing way more games on the PS3 and X360. In fact, the X360 is the only game system besides the PS2 that sold more than 1 billion games.

      I think we all know what happened with the Wii U vs PS4 vs XBO. The Wii U was by far the weakest. That worked for the WIi but many casual gamers moved on to smart phones or were fine with their Wiis, so they didn’t buy Wii Us. Meanwhile the most powerful console, the PS4 now has sold over twice as many units as it’s nearest competition.

      Even with the Switch, I’m aware that people like playing their games on the go, but I’ve seen a lot of people get pissed when a new game was announced for the 3DS after the Switch came out so I’m assuming the allure isn’t so much it’s portability but that it’s a “handheld with the power of a console”. I’ve even heard someone say that they wouldn’t have been as interested in the concept had the Wii U instead been a “hybrid” with specs similar too but better than the Wii.

      I’m not saying that you’re wrong for liking the Switch or that graphics are everything. Enjoy what you want. I’m just saying that, more often that not, the console that was perceived to the be the most powerful has generally been the most successful one, not the most convenient.

      1. And my point is consoles as a whole being convenient to game on. Then the Switch will have the handheld market all to itself which means anyone looking for the convenience of on the go play will flock to it. The fact it can be played on the TV as well and will have such huge games on it sharing some direct ports with PS4 and XB1 is indeed another huge factor that helps differentiate a dedicated gaming portable from a smartphone even more. Speaking of smartphones, that’s the ultimate in convenience. Think of all the people who like playing their simple little games just because they’re so conveniently on their phone.

        1. I dunno. Convenience really doesn’t seem like the right word to me.

          The 3DS is something that I can grab with it’s charger and throw into my pocket just before I leave and I’ve frequently done that before going on shoots. The Switch is something I wouldn’t bring some place unless I planned to. You need to pull it from the dock, put it in a case, maybe put that in a backpack unless you want to hold it, and if you didn’t buy a second charger for it or your phone doesn’t use USB-C (iPhones and older Android and Windows Phones), then you need to disconnect the one from the dock.

          I’m also not completely sure how big the dedicated handheld market is anymore for it to matter that the Switch if the Switch were the only dedicated handheld. When the DS was selling, it was before smartphones became as ubiquitous as they’ve become now and it’s unique design, features, and the fact that it played 3D games (like Mario 64!) made it the first handheld to be more successful than the original Gameboy. Then the 3DS came out around the time that way more people started to buy smart phones and the 3DS became their worst selling handheld despite having more hardware revisions than the original DS. 3DS game sales are also way behind PS4 sales and slightly behind lifetime PSP sales.

          1. Because the convenience of smartphones ate into the dedicated portable market. Nintendo also didn’t give the 3DS the best start it could’ve.

            Obviously being able to easily take your Switch games with you is worth disconnecting some wires and I don’t know about you but whenever I took my 3DS with me somewhere it was somewhere where I would likely have a bag with me anyway like on a trip or to school. Also the Switch carrying case really isn’t that bad if you don’t have a bigger bag with you.

  2. King Kalas X3 {I only buy exclusives that interest me on Switch. For everything else that interests me, there is PS4.}

    Grr! Post my damn comment, WordPress!

    1. King Kalas X3 {I only buy exclusives that interest me on Switch. For everything else that interests me, there is PS4.}

      Oh now you post it. Maybe it was the image link I used that’s causing it to be the Invisible Comment two times in a row.

  3. So… The problem is with porting it to an engine 0.02 better. Well, just as long as I get to play it. Along with Dragon Quest Builder 1&2. Dragon Quest 10 would be nice, but I don’t have high speed internet.

  4. Pingback: Nintendo Switch: Informações sobre Dragon Quest XI e resolução de Sonic Forces | Nintendo Online

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