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Site News: Anyone Can Now Comment By Filling In Username And Email

I’ve heard your opinions about the comment system and the fact that registering to comment has posed a problem for some. I’ve opened up the comment section to everyone as long as they fill in a username & email. There’s a blacklist of banned words so please be polite and courteous to others. If you have any major concerns about this then please use the contact form and I’ll do my best to get back to you.

On another note I’ve tried to get install a new comment system on the site however this has encountered problems that the engineers have looked into. Sadly it seems that a new comment system won’t be happening at present. Hopefully the default WordPress commenting system you are using now will do for the time being.

Thanks for all your support,

– The team at My Nintendo News!


41 thoughts on “Site News: Anyone Can Now Comment By Filling In Username And Email”

      1. Pretty good way to open the comments to more users who don’t like making real accounts.
        I remember you experimented so much with the comment section and opening it even to anonymous comments but every time you tried it or trusted people to be civil, It just ended up in disaster and you were forced to close comments to account holders.
        Hopefully we don’t get too many fools messing it up for people.
        –Cheers! :P

    1. I would like to formally introduce myself as T. Not only have I been a regular to this site daily for approximately 6 months, I have waited for this day, so a huge thank you admin.

      Now, where were we…

    1. Yup, sadly it’s only myself and the other editors that have the ability to edit comments. It would be a great feature for you guys if it was added but it’s not part of the commenting system. Sorry!

    1. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

      ||Only to be destroyed by me again if you step out of line…||

        1. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

          ||Welcome to The First Order, our main objective is the destruction of the Xbots…||

          ||Keep Aeolus from wrecking havoc in here, he is an ancient menace…||

  1. It’s about time…it made it difficult to even try to log in on my phone, but this helps a lot. Thank you for this. :)

  2. I’ve been following this site for a few years now, and I’d like to thank you for helping users like myself to making the commenting process easier. I’ve been wanting to respond to suspect, ignorant, and even nasty comments for a while now. I hope I can help make the comment section a better place, even if it’s just a little bit.

  3. The floodgates are now open again? Oh dear. Things are gonna be much more active here. Before I had such a backlog of games on PS4, 3DS, & soon Switch, this would have been a great thing actually but now? Oh my god! *cries & dies a little inside* lol

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