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Nintendo Trademarks Advance Wars

Advance Wars is one of of those video game franchises that is held with much respect amongst Nintendo fans. Interestingly, the company has recently applied for a new trademark for the strategic franchise. Japanese Nintendo reports that the recent trademark covers things such as ‘video game program’, ‘downloadable video game program’, and ‘program for smartphone’.


16 thoughts on “Nintendo Trademarks Advance Wars”

    1. 99% of the people on this website are fake gamers aswell , been playing Nintendo since day one but ever since the first playstation has been released they have been way behind. Infact those filthy casual’s as you call them are the main target of Nintendo these days. Until Nintendo releases a console that can compete power wise and release the full line of third party support Nintendo will never be for the true core gamers. Don’t get me wrong I used to be Nintendo’s nr1 fan but they dropped the ball like 20 years ago or so.

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