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Nintendo To Hold Two E3 Developer Discussions, One For An Unannounced 3DS Title

Nintendo is reportedly holding two developer discussions at E3. According to GameXplain, the first discussion will be held on  Tuesday, June 10, for the upcoming brawler Super Smash Bros, while on Wednesday, June 11, an unannounced 3DS title will be discussed. At this year’s E3, the gaming giant will host a digital event on June 10, and bring a bunch of games to show off on the arena floor. What do you think this  new unannounced 3DS title could be? Feel free to speculate in the comments below.

202 thoughts on “Nintendo To Hold Two E3 Developer Discussions, One For An Unannounced 3DS Title”

    1. I just want to express my condolences to Reggie Fils-Aime’s family and their recent loss. My prayers are with his children and wife in these hard times. He was a wonderful person and even a greater father and I consider myself to have been blessed to have known him. God Bless…

    1. Now that would be interesting. Far Cry on 3DS but Ubisoft wouldn’t allow it, after all they are pretentious French pricks.

      1. Only in Japan. But now that I think about it it would be released on Wii U and not 3DS so it’s not gonna be that.

    1. No, Mother 3 is too good to be true. It will probably be something boring. At least to me. I’ve lost all faith in Earthbound/Mother ever being acknowledged again.

  1. I wonder what could be big enough for them to need 2 days to announce? And it’s a 3ds game. I just hope the bastards announce ssb3ds to be a June release

      1. Typically when they use “Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter” release windows, it is oftentimes at the end of the season. Since summer officially ends in September, I would not be surprised for a late August release. If it was June- we’d have heard about it by now, and likely July as well.

          1. Yeah, but typically that doesn’t fair too well with consumers. Sega did that with a console launch and it failed miserably. So E3 we will likely receive the date, and most probable will be August, if not early September. It would be better (I even wish) it would be June or July, but I don’t really see it happening.

          2. Mario Kart 8 was “Spring” and it’s basically the last day of May (with Spring ending officially in June). There’s numerous other cases of this as well. Lego City Undercover was “Winter” and launched in March. Either that or it was Q1.

      2. Why would you be angry if it was released a little later than that? It will be released when it’s ready. It will most likely be released at the end of august, so that the spacing between the 3DS and Wii U versions are not that far off.

  2. Metroid I belive.
    or starfox by platinum. or both.
    or that Catslevania something something 2 that was “leaked” a while back.


      1. Not if Nintendo buys Platinum or if Platinum merges into Nintendo for free.

        Don’t think it’s not possible. Kamiya has expressed interest in joining Nintendo in the past. He admitted that if Nintendo offered to buy out Platinum, he would be all for it.

  3. nahhh…… just……….HAS…… be ……………..I have no idea HYYYPPPEE.

  4. hopefully they’ll create there own PROPER Football game now EA have abandoned nintendo. nice hole to fill. (i don’t could that shocking piece of software called pocket football a game)

    1. SherlockWillFightBilbo

      Oh yeah I remember reading that. I think that’s a really good bet.

      It has to be something important. It’s getting a whole discussion, as is the giant called Smash, so I think there’s a possibility of it being F-Zero or something of the like.

    1. I don’t know if they can announce 2 zeldas in the same time, they’ll show off the new zelda for WiiU. But I’d love Majoras mask for 3ds also

      1. Remember way back when Nintendo said. They would make a original Legend of Zelda , then a remake they just made a original zelda title. So now the Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask 3D is coming wooooo hoooo!

  5. Metroid 5 please!
    I want to know the aftermath of Metroid 4: Fusion and see what they can add in the universe(More characters and etc.)

          1. The Station crashed into the planet, and the thermonuclear generators on board were sufficient enough to start a geothermic event powerful enough to destroy the planet. It’s outright stated by Samus that she intended to destroy the station, but Adam adds the detail of taking out SR388 too.

          2. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

            Human is right. But who is to say there isn’t a species similar to the X-Parasite on other planets? Or maybe the Space Pirates unknowingly took X off of SR388 as they were capturing & taking Metroids off the planet. They did take other creatures from SR388, after all. Maybe some of them were X in disguise. There are many ways for Nintendo to bring the species back in some form, so Samus’ ability to absorb them thanks to the Metroid DNA won’t go unused in post-Fusion games.

            1. Nintendo Commander Quadraxis

              Yes I know, I just remembered…

              It was far too long ago I played the game, I need to replay it…

              1. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

                Well if you don’t own the game anymore, I hope Metroid Fusion is a virtual console title on the Wii U in your country.

  6. Am I the only one confused here? What does developer discussion mean? Does that mean like the little directs we got last year, or is a behind closed doors things?

  7. Knowing the full extent of Iwata’s aloofness–

    Sticker Star 2
    Steel Diver: Definitive Edition
    Nintendogs In Space
    Yoshi’s New New Island
    Yarnderful 101

    1. Now here’s a Troll who knows his stuff…LOL, you win some internet troll points my good sir..

  8. EarthBound 3DS (Mother 4 3ds) would be a very long stretch but i could see them revealing Ness as a character and at the same time, announcing EarthBound 3DS, also becAuse the SSB4 Direct had trophy quizzes for franchises Metroid, Zelda, Fire Emblem and Kid Icarus, but no sign of (Original SSB characters) Falcon or (more popular) NESS, so yea fingerz crossed yall

  9. meh haven’t been commeting for a while. of course you nintendorks will get hype for another crappy 3ds game. nintendo e3 confirmed to suck.

    1. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

      And your confirmed to provide no evidence therefore proving yourself wrong, further exposing yourself and to continue to have us milk you for more lulz.

        1. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

          Is he making a special effort today? He exposed himself 3x more than usual, he’s really IMPROVING.

          1. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

            Edge review: Forza 5 = 7/10 < MK8 = 9/10
            Exposed once.

            Eurogamer review: Forza 5 7/10 < Mk8 = 10/10
            Exposed you twice.

            Game Informer review: Forza 5 8.25/10 Forza 5 80%
            Exposed four times.

            IGN Review: MK8 9/10 > Forza 5 8.8/10
            Exposed 5 times.

            GameRankings: MK8 88.5% > Forza 5 79.49%
            Exposed 6 times.

            Electronic Gaming Monthly: Forza 5 6.5/10 <<<<<<<<<< MK8 9.510
            You have been destroyed and proven invalid.

          2. ok? u do these are opinions. Plus while they are both racers, they have different styles. MK8 is lart racer, and F5 is racing sim. plus other sites like ign gave mk8 a 9 and F5 a 8.8. I don’t listen to gaming media because its a bunch of BS like fox news, which is essentially what the gaming “media acts like”

          3. I think you just exposed yourself… because Mario Kart 8 got more 9/10 scores than Forza 5…

            Damage controller exposed!

          4. You say you’ve never be exposed by Nintendo fans… yet right now and for a while now… you’ve been exposed so much I feel like calling the Police to arrest your for flashing these innocent people.

        1. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

          Svenson in a previous article: “Lololol Titanfall got good reviews Nintendo will never top that!!!! LOL NINTENDRONES”

          Svenson when MK8 gets better score than Titanfall: “Reviews Doesnt Matter”

          You fail at hiding your hypocrisy.

          1. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

            xD I wish I knew that. I would have rimmed him for his double standard ass in my posts toward him. Oh well. I’ve responded enough to the little shit.

        2. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

          More like reviews that don’t agree with your opinion don’t matter. Most of the big name sites that reviewed Mario Kart 8 were good reviews & gave it a very high score. Even Gamespot gave it a good score. So are you going to excuse every single one of them for being Nintendo fanboys? Some of those sites have shown a tendency to be against Nintendo. Anyway, I will say that reviews in general don’t matter since they are all from someone else’s opinion. I’ll wait til I play the game myself before I truly take any of these reviews to heart.

        3. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

          All of these high scores, though, really do give me a sense that this game must be doing SOMETHING right if a majority of reviewers are giving it high scores.

    2. We were fine without you here, destroying the community. Go comment in IGN or something, at least over there there’s idiots like you too. Stop being the animal you are.

    3. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

      Good for us & good for you. You should have stayed gone, though. But now that you’re back, it’s still good for us but it’s very bad for you.

  10. Majora’s Mask 3D definitely. Secondary guesses are a new entry in either Metroid or Starfox. Pokémon OR/AS was already announced so as much as I’d like it to be that, it won’t be.

        1. So where are the games? All I can see are the 3DSs games but no Vita games. Strange little man..

          1. Buy the New QoL Shit that Nintendo throws next year maybe you get a Bigger Dick than#NintendoWelfies

            1. I’m just saying, All I see on the PSVita is Sly Trilogy and Oddworld, whilst on the 3DS I’m seeing Pokemon Art Academy, Persona Q, Super Smash Brothers 4, Shovel Knights, Tenkai Knights: Brave Battle and so on.

              I’m so sorry Sony con’d you into buying a Vita that has no games.

                1. I’m sorry but from what I’m seeing, Persona Q is a pretty adult game. All I see on the Vita are two games that can be played on better platforms. I’m so sorry Sony con’d you into thinking the Vita was cool

                  1. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

                    Seriously. It’s just someone trying to grasp at straws to make their opinions better.

                2. Here’s a list of M or T rated 3DS games:
                  Fire Emblem Awakening
                  Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition
                  Bravely Default
                  Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan
                  Shin Megami Tensei IV
                  Resident Evil: Revelations
                  Dead or Alive: Dimensions
                  Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl
                  Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked
                  Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars
                  Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner – Soul Hackers
                  Tales of the Abyss
                  Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D

                  What does the PS Vita have?
                  Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified
                  Ridge Racer
                  Valhalla Knights 3
                  Ports of 5 year old PS3 games

                  Do you feel that butthurt bro?

        2. the morons were like wait to e3 2014, now that we saw the list of games….. they been exposed.

          1. Oh you mean that “Legit” list that was already exposed to be fake? I’m sorry, after the video you made we just can’t take you seriously anymore XD

            1. Community of Encyclopedia Dramatica

              Let’s gather up some people to make sasorideidaraobi an honorary article on Encyclopedia Dramatica! Come on people on MyNintendoNews, let’s help Sasori’s advertise his butthurt!

          2. that was a fishy fishy “leak”.I doubt companies would post their all their games, it would lose hype

          3. You should get out more and exercise a bit cus it looks like you need ti, instead of wasting time on here..

            1. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

              Or he should quit running his mouth, show he believes in his “Xbox One is superior” crap by buying an Xbox One, with the Kinect, & play Kinect Sports. He can lose wait & have “fun” while he does it.

          4. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

            You like getting beaten, don’t you, kid? We don’t know if any of these lists are legit. Quit trying to damage control for your delusional opinions that you think are facts. Pathetic. Do your parents know how you are on the internet? They should seriously use parental controls & bar you from a lot of stuff. No matter. Least you’re entertaining to say the least.

          1. Dude, if gta came out on a nintendo console these faggots would call it kiddy, they’re just not matutr enough to understand anyone can enjoy these games. Let them live their sad, miserable lives

            1. Nintendo Commander Quadraxis

              Funny how everyone says people are faggots yet faggots are the ones enjoying games unlike others…

    1. no there will be more. I guess this WAS supposed to be a surpise announcement,

      …….could even be a exlcuisve new megaman for all we know.

  11. a classic 2 d metroid for the 3ds and / or the rumored castlevania symphony of the night 2 for 3ds….i think that, that would make my heart collapse!

              1. So Nintendo made an awesome device that makes you toast whilst playing games that are actually good? Wow, their QOL device is even more awesome than I imagined

              2. You failed at trolling. You only made the Wii sound even better, it can play games and make toast!

                  1. But the Wii Toast is an amazing idea! You should work for Nintendo!
                    It gives you your a balanced part of your breakfast AND plays games that are actually good on day one!

                  2. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

                    Why are you failing to acknowledge your great idea of a Wii Toaster. It can play games and make a you balanced breakfast at the same time.

            1. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

              It’s on a Nintendo console so he’ll stupidly say yes, so he can continue to feel vastly superior to us.

    1. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

      After actually watching the trailer portion of that video, I can’t wait for this game. If a fighting game similar to this came out, I’d so buy it because I like the idea of playing super human characters that can leap all over the place.

    1. Nintendo Commander Quadraxis

      It can’tbe Ruby and Sapphire because they are already announced and known…

  12. Please have news on the new ace attorney spin-off I’m so excited I could explode please bring that game to the west!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. 3 years of teasing and it’s finally coming!!! Majora’s Mask 3D!!

    I’m also hoping for a late July early August release date for SSB for 3DS. They wouldn’t want to hype everyone up for one of the biggest games and then not release it until the end of “summer”.

  14. I would like to see Metroid Prime hunters 2 even though I would prefer it on the Wii u with Wii motion controls mph was a lot of fun online it was a refreshing take on online fps games definitely a favorite… but mph2 on wii u with online battle modes would be one of the best games ever made I bet

    1. The Wii U actually consumes LESS power than the Wii yet it’s more powerful than the PS3 and Xbox 360?

      Nintendo really do know how to make an eco-friendly console, can’t say the same about Microsoft and Sony though…

  15. I just want to say that Target date Super Smash 3ds for August 29 and since the day of launch nintendo are almost always Friday is likely to be the true date

    1. floppy hoppy and the bullet skillet

      This would be tits but earthbound one graphics would need updated severely. At least made to be more like 2 and 3

  16. Pingback: Nintendo will hold two E3 2014 Developer Discussions, Smash Bros + New 3DS Game | PLAYERESSENCE

  17. Pingback: Nintendo will hold two E3 2014 Developer Discussions, Smash Bros + New 3DS Game

  18. If the picture was for E3 I would say Majora’s Mask 3D… The fire is in the exact shape of the mask. It even has the horns at the top.

  19. I hope it’s a new resident evil game or a new castlevania game who knows we will just have to wait and see

  20. I couldn’t really wager a guess beyond maybe something Metroid related, or possibly Star Fox, but really, does the 3DS need any more killer apps right now? Seems like something else needs them far more than a handheld on pace to outsell the best selling video game hardware ever…

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