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Rumour: Nintendo NX To Be As Powerful As Xbox One And Showcased Privately At CES 2016

There’s a new Nintendo NX rumour on the block to keep you all excited, but it should be taken with a large grain of salt! The rumour states that the Nintendo NX is reportedly as powerful as the Xbox One, which is a clear step up from the Wii U. The platform is also meant to be showcased privately in January at CES 2016 in Las Vegas. Third party developers have apparently been given invites to witness the console and see what it is capable of. The same thing happened in 2012 with the Wii U. Of course, a rumour like this is easy to devise, but we shall have to wait and see.

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181 thoughts on “Rumour: Nintendo NX To Be As Powerful As Xbox One And Showcased Privately At CES 2016”

    1. It wouldn’t be financially viable to make it more powerful than PS4/XBO. No developers would ever use that extra power that would force it to be an exclusive. And I don’t think trying to make it futureproof for the next console would work. Plus it would make it more expensive than the current consoles, and no one’s going to pay MORE money for a console than the ones we have, with less support from developers, and may or may not be on part with their system and online features.

      The best Nintendo can do right now is be on par to at least get ports, and be cheaper than their competition because they already have an advantage in mind share and game library.

      1. Yeah and start over at a 0 user base with a 2nd 8th gen console? When we are more then halfway through this generation. It’s stupid to do that. Then it gets support for 2 years and loses it again bravo! Brilliant idea lol.

      2. You’re assuming that all other things would be equal. Nintendo doesn’t have to work with AMD, they don’t have to use x86 Jaguar chips, they don’t have to manufacture chips on the same process. Removing the optical drive would bring the manufacturing cost down by about $30. Using newer chips on a new manufacturing process could lower die size. All these things would also lower power consumption meaning they could use a cheaper power supply. It’s not inconceivable that NX could best the PS4 while being cheaper.

  1. Jesus, they are dropping the ball exactly like they did with the Wii U, step by step.
    The system needs to be MORE powerful than those in order to put up a fight against the inevitable PS5/XB2.

    1. Yup catching up two years after the competition is just stupid and only a fanboy would defend such decisions. They said they want to be relevant yesterday, well being late to the party doesn’t make you relevant. If they don’t want it to bomb harder than wii u, they need to impress everyone. At this point I’m not getting it. I’m getting Zelda U and star fox zero and maybe pokken tournament and that might be the end of my days as a gamer unless NX blows me away. I’m starting to go o the gym and stuff and trying to get in shape and playing video games doesn’t really do what it used to for me. Can’t tell if it’s cause I’m just older now or the games and industry just aren’t good enough these days. A mix of both I think honestly.

      1. I agree. I’ll get it if it’s a true hybrid system (doubtful). If it’s not, I may get the portable. It will all depend on what features it has (remember MyNintendo and all that) and if they eventually bring hardcore franchises to the table (because honestly, Metroid Prime 4 and F-Zero NX need to happen if they want to redeem themselves with me).

        1. Those two definitely need to happen. A true 3D Mario game would be nice, I loved 3D world but it didn’t hit the spot. But Mario we know we will get in some form. I would love a 3D DK or Diddy Kong Racing if those could happen. Since they are doing well with square why not another RPG from them like super Mario RPG 2 or a different franchise? I just hope it has third party as well on board and far less droughts.

          1. Rumor has it Retro has been busy with the next DKR for a couple of years now. If I’m not mistaken, the sequel was supposed to hit the Wii at some point, with a roster that included the lesser known Nintendo characters racing for recognition. I love the idea, it needs to happen. Same with another Square-Nintendo title. Let them revive Golden Sun or something.

            1. Yea I have heard of the DKR rumors and hope they do it. It would be great for NX, and would make more sense cause Mario kart 8 is on wii u, so less direct competition in a sense. Would be cool to see them revive golden sun, my friend wants another one bad.

              1. Well, Mario Kart 9 will surely come down the line, but by giving DKR a head start, it might get enough advantage to do great. Especially as a launch title.

                I said Golden Sun, but I’d be happy with any Nintendo RPG, really. We already have the ARPG-ish covered with Xeno and the SRPG with Fire Emblem. A traditional RPG in the vein of older Final Fantasy or even Persona titles would be nice.

              2. … Not to be weird, but are you my brother? He used to write on here too, and then I stopped seeing posts from him. And now I see you on here a lot. And you write very similar to him. So perhaps you changed your name? Or am I way off?

                    1. Jaded Ridley X3 {I'm not whining, you suckers... *cough* ..poor souls! I've just been driven insane by Nintendo failing me one too many times this gen!}

                      I don’t know if I should laugh.

              3. Jaded Ridley X3 {I'm not whining, you suckers... *cough* ..poor souls! I've just been driven insane by Nintendo failing me one too many times this gen!}

                *comes in a crackhead disguise* Golden Sun 4..? Give it here. *scratches arm & all that other addictive symptoms with right eye twitching rapidly* I need my fix, man… I’m hurting really bad… (lol)

    2. I’m guessing the word “Rumor” just flew over your head.

      At this point in time, this is nothing more than a rumor, we’ll have to wait until January 6th, 7th, 8th or 9th to see what happens. If the NX is on par with the PS4 then it’ll most likely die, if it’s more POWERFUL than the PS4 and Xbone then expect it to match the power of the PS5/Xbox Next.

      1. I’m guessing Nintendo as a whole flew over your head. This rumor is much more realistic and easy to expect from then than the one stating that the NX has top-of-the-line hardware (especially when the original phrasing could hint at something other than performance level).

        1. So you reworded my comment just to make yourself sound clever…. wow, what a Nintedork.

          I’m sorry, but remember the rumor of Nintendo showing off the NX at E3 2015?
          Yeah, that was just a rumor and lets be honest here, have you got any evidence to back up this? If not then why are you complaining about this?

          Just saying, bro.

          1. I’m just being witty. Your attempt, on the other hand, is pretty sad. ‘Nintendork’? Seriously? Are you sure you’re not the /v/ dweller here? What’s next, Nintendog?

            “I’m sorry, but remember the rumor of Nintendo showing off the NX at E3 2015?”
            The completely retarded rumor that was denied by Nintendo themselves? Yes, I remember it. Do you have any official statement about the NX specifications? Because if you don’t, both rumors have the same veracity.

            “If not then why are you complaining about this?”
            The pot calling the kettle back. The newer rumors have more of a chance to be true than the older ones, that’s just common sense.


            1. Yup I agree nintendo won’t go all out they are stingy with their money and if people have forgotten the xbone is a huge step up in many ways from the wii u now I am an easy person to satisfy when it comes to the next console if it is improved in several ways from the last console then im good but of course people may have high expectations or what they think should be normal but like many people say it’s nintendo and they do suck

        2. industry leading chips is not the same as top of the line hardware. industry leading chips means that it is widely used in a lot of electronics. It does not mean it is the best. For example, Intel Celeron can be an industry leading chip but it is in no way top of the line.

    3. Sorry, not trying to start anything, just interested in your thought process. Why do you believe that the NX needs to be more powerful than the XBO and PS4? I’ve seen articles in the past featuring interviews with Sony and Microsoft execs discussing how they believe their consoles will feature a lifetime of 6+ years. Understandably, the Wii U released at the end of the seventh generation with an on par GPU and hugely inferior CPU which is incredibly reasonable as to why developers do not support the console. But going on these interviews, the NX is speculated to release mid-generation, even when PC Gaming has had no major jump in performance over current generation consoles (as of yet) and developers are still more than happy to produce games and optimise them for Xbox One specifications. Another point to mention is price, if these so-called “industry leading chips” are even higher in performance than the PS4, are people, including yourself willing to spend what is likely a lot of money ($500 for example) on this mid-generation released console? (Especially when that $500 is unlikely to include the handheld component as well.)

      1. No worries.
        When I say that it needs to be more powerful than the competition, I’m using the Wii U and recent memory as an example of what would happen if it doesn’t.

        I see your train of thought when bringing up what Sony & Microsoft said about this gen’s length, but I have one problem with their statements: there is no fucking way third party studios will agree to another long gen taking into account that the consoles are already outdated.

        Remember the whole Batman fiasco previously this year? Developers are trying to make games that just aren’t possible in the current console environment without insane levels of optimization and workarounds. So, I disagree about PC not being distant enough from current consoles in performance (and I think it’ll only become more clear as time goes on). As the gap grows larger, more developers will, in fact, find themselves unhappy with the capabilities of the twins (the larger publishers will, at least).

        About the price, “industry leading chips” doesn’t mean anything. They might as well be industry leading in the heat dispersment department. It’s a meaningless term that doesn’t necessarily correlate with better performance, it just means that they are the best at some area. So, if the chips themselves aren’t ‘industry leading’ in power, as I suspect, the price of the console itself wouldn’t be that high. But all that is speculation, since we have no idea about what Nintendo is going to do with the product in order to save costs, or how cheaper to mass-manufacture 8th gen technology will be at 2016-2017.

        1. Correct me if I’m misunderstanding you, but it sounds like you’re saying it was the limitations of the consoles that caused so many problems with Batman? So because a game was made for consoles, it’s their fault that a port to the PC is so difficult? If a PC is struggling to execute a console game (one that looks nearly as good as any mainstream PC game when running on said consoles), then that means those machines are about on par with each other. No matter how crazy specially optimized a game may have been developed for let’s say, the Dreamcast, a PC would have no problem emulating it.

          1. I’m using Batman as an example of a game that’s too ambitious for current hardware, which leads to performance issues. I’m not talking about the PC version, since that’s an entirely different situation. What I’m getting at is that I don’t think the current consoles can run such a game at 1080p, constant 60fps minimum, which is what we should be striving to have by now.

            The high-end PCs would be able to run it with that performance were it correctly optimized (as you said, it wasn’t). That’s what I’m getting at. The developers that try to sell their games based on graphical fidelity and performance are going to find the consoles very limited. I’m thinking of Square in particular and FFXV as I type.

        2. Thank you very much for your reply. I can understand your point of view much better now and can most certainly agree with a number of points you have made. However, I always thought the whole Batman fiasco was based upon the dire performance of the PC variant of the title? From what I understand, the console editions ran perfectly fine (with a reduced resolution on Xbox One).

          In support for your higher performance argument, reading an article about the performance of the latest Batman game on consoles reminded me of the current 30fps debate. Both consoles run the game at 30fps while obviously, the PC edition (in theory) can output at over 60fps. This definitely supports higher performance for the NX so that greedy publishers can achieve the 60fps target without having to sacrifice their “sacred” graphical fidelity. However, based upon my technical knowledge, this issue is much more CPU orientated than GPU. Though both consoles offer 8 core CPUs, sub 2 GHz clock speeds and a CPU microarchitecture aimed for notebooks doesn’t offer as much performance as some would have hoped. Again, rumours suggest that the NX CPU is to be AMD based and if true, could potentially use the same microarchitecture as both PS4 and XBO, showing no improvement on that front.

          I completely agree with your statement about the “industry leading chips”, as this report showed no identification on what the technology is “industry leading” on. And we have no indication on how much more cost effective manufacturing processes will be in 2016 – 2017. However, I personally expect to see hardly any difference until these “wonder materials” such as Graphene are in mass production.

          I would like to thank you again for your reply to my query. (I also apologise for my formality.)

          1. “From what I understand, the console editions ran perfectly fine (with a reduced resolution on Xbox One).”
            They also had framerate problems (dips), didn’t they? It’s what I had in mind when I used it as an example.

            Glad you see what I meant about the NX and its chips. No matter what people say, what is certain is that we hardly know a thing about the system itself and its capabilities. As of now, these rumors are all info we have.

            About the chips, did they enter in mass-production or was it the NX itself? I can’t recall that right now.

            1. While the PS4 varient of the Batman game runs at a locked 30fps. The XBO edition runs at 30fps with very uncommon dips of around 2fps. I have no idea if this performance on Xbox One is based upon the extra CPU power Microsoft gave developers back in January.

              I cannot recall which part of the NX console the rumours suggested was in mass production, but if any mass production for the NX was being conducted as of this moment, it would very likely be the internal components such as CPU and GPU. Mass producing the entire NX at this point in time would very likely suggest a Q1/Q2 launch for the console. Recent rumours suggest that the console will be released in early Q3 2016 (though I believe this to be unlikely).

                1. I completely agree. (Though I find a early 2017 launch much more likely than a earlier than Q4 release.) Q4 would be a perfect release window thanks to Christmas.

                2. Within the length they never state whether that is Calender 1st Quarter or Nintendo’s Fiscal 1st Quarter which is in April. January to March 2016 is Nintendo’s Fourth Quarter for Fiscal Year April 2015 to March 2016. We have only heard of the first dev kits going out. In order to mass produce a product, the product would need to be completed which takes at least 6 months to complete it. I think there were 3 or 4 different dev kits for the Wii U.

                3. I don’t think a 2016 release is a smart idea regardless of when they put this thing into production, because releasing in 2016 will not give third parties enough time to make proper multiplats for it.

                  Does anyone here really think that Square Enix, for instance, would be able to achieve release parity if they started making FF VII Remastered for the NX right now?
                  Not only would the budget be an issue for working on an extra console mid-cycle, it would also result in an un-optimized port that would not run up to the standards fans demand of it.

                  If Nintendo wants to up their game, regardless of whatever power is inside it, then they NEED to give both themselves and third parties the ample time needed to get the games done RIGHT.
                  Also, yes, having the XBones power would be more than ample; you’ve seen what they can do with just the Wii U’s power in games like Xenoblade X, so imagine what they can do with XBone’s level of power.

                  1. Well, Square has already shown interest in porting the new DQ to the NX, so there’s that. If they think it’s possible, it’s because they think they have enough time.

                    1. Yeah, but that’s just one game, and it’s already out rather than in development like Kingdom Hearts III.

                      Besides, people forget two things:

                      #1 Nintendo’s had plenty of console before now that were powerful, so it’s not like releasing later would guarantee they wouldn’t have a console powerful enough to compete.

                      #2 It’s not like third parties are going to stop making third party games once 2017 rolls around; by releasing later, they get the opportunity to be in on the ground floor of a bunch more big-names, meaning possible release date parity on top of a better chance of getting all the same content that other versions of said AAA third party games will get standard.

                      If they try to release in 2016, they’ll be missing out on most of the big name games because they’re all already too deep in development to afford prioritizing the NX.

                      Waiting is just a smarter business decision, from many angles, not the least of which is sticking to their 5 year tradition, which will further cement the image that they will make their consoles last long enough to be worth investing in, and won’t release consoles back-to-back in too quick a succession, like Sega did when it killed itself off with the Dreamcast.

                      1. What? DQXI is not out yet. It’s still in development, with a 2016 release date. That’s why I picked it as an example. Even if it’s unfinished, Square is thinking about porting it to the NX. That’s because doing that is feasible in their eyes.

                        Besides, I don’t see how point 2 doesn’t apply to 2016 as well. It’s not like third party studios have just started to develop new games and won’t begin any other project until 2017. If anything, after all the heavy-hitters we’ve had this year, now would be the time to announce and release the console, so the companies that have their hands full with a couple of recently-started projects see if porting them to the NX is worth it.

                        1. What you’re overlooking, here, is that if they released in the coming year, they’d still be missing out on the big names, or not getting them at the same time, that people are anticipating on other systems.
                          DQ is just one example; there’s still stuff like FFVII and KHIII amongst many others, that third parties just wouldn’t have the time to properly port to the system if they started now with the goal of releasing all of them on the NX next year.
                          It takes time for third parties to get used to Nintendo systems; we’ve seen it proven time and time again.
                          2016 would just result in cases like Black Ops 2 Wii U again, where it’s poorly optimized, doesn’t sell, and gets none of its extra content.

                          If the NX releases next year, the only thing people will be thinking about, is how this system doesn’t have those games, because the third party companies won’t have wanted to halt or extend production of said games mid-development in order to add NX to the list of supported platforms.
                          DQ is an exception, and even then they’re only CONSIDERING it; it’s not like we’ve got proof that they’re already working on said port, nor that they’ll have it ready for the NX launch if it launched in the coming year, even if they started right now.

                          Whereas if they wait for 2017, they could get properly optimized ports of all of those games with all of their content to strengthen its launch line-up, alongside the announcement of new games due out in that same year.

                          Waiting until 2017 gives them the “perfect storm” opportunity of tons of properly-optimized AAA third party ports that were, and will still probably be, popular from the previous year, alongside the opportunity of new projects being announced to start development with the NX included on the ground floor of said projects, rather than hurriedly rushed in.

                          1. But why do the games have to be ready for launch? It would be a problem if those third party games came out in other platforms before the NX, but it doesn’t seem like it’s going to be the case. Even if the NX is released in 2017, there’s no way FFVII will be completed by that time, for example. DQXI has been in development for much longer than that game, so if Square thinks they have enough time to port it to the NX, they can port FFVII too.

                            I get what you mean, but I don’t think it applies to this situation because unlike Black Ops 2 and all those other rushed ports, these games are nowhere near close to be released yet. Besides, wouldn’t an early release give studios the exact amount of time to familiarize themselves with the hardware? Not only that, but they can see how Nintendo takes advantage of it with its launch titles and learn from it. Unless you’re thinking of some other games besides the Square examples, I don’t see how that applies, those games are not going to be ready/completely released (in the case of FFVII) no matter if the console comes out in 2016 or 2017.

                            1. “But why do the games have to be ready for launch?”

                              Because Nintendo needs to project a new “image”.
                              When the Wii U launched, it didn’t have a strong line-up.
                              Delaying it so that these games have the time to properly be made for the system’s launch, will give the impression, the image, that Nintendo is putting much more care and effort into the NX than they did with the Wii U’s launch.
                              By waiting, they give third parties more time to not only make these games right, but to also decide which ones will take priority as launch releases, and which ones they will need to extend development time for.

                              It is the one guaranteed method there is for Nintendo to avoid ANY chance of another Black Ops 2 scenario, and that’s what Nintendo needs the most from third parties in the coming gen; a steady stream of properly optimized games, right from day 1.

                              1. Fair points, I wasn’t factoring Nintendo’s image into the equation that much. You’re right, they need to have those games ready for launch if they want to correct their past mistakes. Even if the multiplatform games aren’t available in the console for whatever reason, having a couple of exclusive, quality third-party titles would put everyone at some easy (as long as another Rayman Legends situation doesn’t occur).

                                I’ve also been thinking: since we have confirmation that the dev kits are out, isn’t it a bit weird that there hasn’t been any convincing leaks about the damn thing so far? Either Nintendo managed to keep the studios tight-lipped or… there’s no much to leak yet, which would hint at a 2017 release. And if I remember correctly, Nintendo never said they would reveal the NX this year, they only said they would talk about it, right? They might not even show the console itself or what it’s capable of, just talk about the general concept.

                                1. Pretty much, yeah. All we’ve got is rumors, as far as a next year release go.
                                  But on the flip side, we’ve got more than a few decades of precedent showing that Nintendo not only tries to keep their console releases spaced 5 years apart, but that they also always release their latest consoles the year >following< the official unveiling of them.
                                  Both of those things, plus the logic of a strong release and image being stronger if released in 2017, lead me to reason that 2016 is not as likely for the NX.
                                  It's still possible, but I feel it would be a big mistake.
                                  Unless, of course, Nintendo has got some trump cards ready for it already that we're unaware of.

                                  And if the inclusion of Cloud and Bayonetta in Smash has taught us anything, it's that Nintendo is very good at keeping surprises hidden if they really want them to be.XD

                                  1. Yeah, it seems the safer bet overall. Which in turn makes us naturally wonder: what about the Wii U? More precisely, what about the second half of 2016? I think that if people are betting about a 2016 release is mainly because how barren the Wii U’s catalog looks once summer’s reached. There’s probably Zelda and… not much else. I’m sure Nintendo has secretly been working on some other titles that will be unveiled in the future, but I’m not surprised about people having reservations. At the beginning of the gen, they used to show everything they were developing years in advance as if to draw people to buy more Wii Us, and only this past year and a half have they reverted to their old approach of announcing games only months in advance. Makes people think there are no games coming.

                                    1. Well, they announced some time back that Pikmin 4 is basically done, so we can safely bet on a summer release of that, at the very least.
                                      As for others, I can’t think of what Nintendo will release next, but I do know that there’s quite a few great indies releasing in 2016 to look forward to, in absence of AAA third party games.

                      2. A few corrections. Wii U was the start of the eighth generation of consoles. The next console will be the ninth generation. The “NX” if released as a console will be the start of the ninth generation. Generation are not judged by power, specs, and any other non meaning item some people will try to add in there. The next generation is the next iteration of a product. industry leading chips is not the same as top of the line hardware. industry leading chips means that it is widely used in a lot of electronics. It does not mean it is the best. For example, Intel Celeron can be an industry leading chip but it is in no way top of the line. PS4 specs are not that powerful. It will not cost much to out do it and come at a similar price.

                        1. Technically, your right. But what really matters is the general publics opinion. If 90% of the gaming world does not accept the Wii U as a genuine 8th generation console, then it really doesn’t matter if it technically is. If the NX is underpowered, the public will not deem it a real 9th generation console, regardless of the fact that it will be a 9th generation console…..Ask Sega about generational consoles. The only thing that matters is how the public see’s it, and the NX cannot afford to be underpowered.

                          1. it does not matter what the public think. The truth will be it will be a 9th generation console. Opinion does not state a generation.

                            1. Of course it matters what the public thinks. The public is the market. You do not have a console without a market. I said technically you are right, but if the public dismisses the console as a genuine 9th generation console, then facts don’t matter. The market controls the destiny of new consoles, and if the public deems a new console “last generation”, then the console is dead on arrival. To avoid this disaster, the NX does not need to be underpowered…

                              1. The public can dismiss the product of something they want to buy but they do not determine the generation of a product. If iPhone 7 does not sell and they discontinue it then it is still the next generation of the iPhone.

                                1. I think what he is trying to say is that if the public does not consider a console to be part of the next generation, they will not buy that console, and that is why it matters. Public opinion didn’t change the fact that it IS next generation, but it does influence their decision to purchase it greatly. I agree with you that it doesn’t matter what public opinion says about the generation, but unfortunately many people will still be swayed to not buy the console simple because of the specs (and all the shit talking that ensues as a result).

                                  1. Yes, that’s what I’m saying. I was trying to explain that the fact it will actually be a 9th generation console doesn’t matter if public opinion is poor. If the general consensus is that the NX is last generation, it will be known as a last generation console, regardless of the facts. If the NX is underpowered it’s going to skew public opinion right out of the gate…

                                    There are exceptions.. If the NX is underpowered, but is indeed a handheld hybrid, then I believe it will get a pass. Simply because playing a handheld that’s as powerful as an Xbox One sounds pretty great. But if the NX is just a slightly upgraded Wii U, there’s gonna be some problems…

                                    1. Now you have explained it more, then I again with what you are saying. You explained it well. I disagree with the last line because that is what all consoles are but a slightly upgraded consoles from the last console. PS4 is a slightly upgraded PS3. Xbox One is a slightly upgraded Xbox 360. Wii U is a slightly upgraded Wii. Honestly, I have no clue what sell home consoles anymore. I have no clue why PS4 is selling well, or why Wii sold well, or why PS2 sold well. As you said, it will be the public to determine what sells well. NX could be part for part spec for spec 10 times more powerful than PS4 and be ready to compete with the next PS and Xbox and still sell like crap. The next PS and Xbox could still sell like crap. It just depend on what popular during the release.

                          2. This is why public opinion should not always be taken as the end-all-be-all.
                            The public “opinion” can be just as wrong or illogical as that of a single person.

                            What matters in this case, is not the public opinion of it.
                            It’s a 9th generation console regardless.
                            That’s the truth of the matter no matter what the public thinks.

                            1. What does it matter what generation it technically is if the public doesn’t accept it? Its like the old saying, “if a tree falls in the woods when nobody is around to hear it, does it make any noise?” It might have made some noise, but nobody cares because they could not hear it. If the NX is underpowered, nobody will care what generation it comes from. There are exceptions of course, like handheld for instance.

                              1. It matters because the public thinking otherwise doesn’t make them any less incorrect.
                                It’s the difference between being a gullible sheep who only follows what the rest of the crowd believes, and actually thinking about things from a logical standpoint.

                                The NX could be a regular game boy again and it would still technically be the next system in the line, I.E., the next generation.

                                But if you really insist on me humoring you with this whole ridiculous “power is what defines it all” malarkey, then let me just say this…
                                Even if the NX turns out to only be above the XBone in power, that much strength alone would still be enough to make awesome-looking games, and it would still be the next generation of Nintendo’s home consoles.

                                If there’s anyone out there that simply says they “don’t care” just because it didn’t beat the PS4 in specs, then said person is just another sheep who only follows popular perception, instead of giving a fair and objective chance to something, and their opinion is no longer worth considering in any serious debate.

                        2. You are correct, console generations are not defined by specifications, however, they are defined by timeframe. If a hardware manufacturer produced an incredibly low performance today, it would technically be categorised as an 8th generation console. But I completely agree with deepsouth, as much as generations are fact, public opinion is most certainly the most important factor here. Wii was incredibly underpowered in comparison to PS3 and XB360, and even though it was seventh generation, sold massive amounts thanks to public opinion on the innovation of the console. There is also no confirmation (yet) from Nintendo that the NX will be a 9th generation console and last I checked, there was no criteria limiting manufacturers to produce only a single home console and single handheld console per generation. To be perfectly honest, there is not even a true criteria to console generations.

                          1. the sells and production does not make a generation either. The manufacturer does decide it this is a new generation. I grant there is no confirmation by Nintendo as it is still not known what NX is. They did say it would be different from 3DS and Wii U and it may start or a new generation of a device like handheld consoles became.timeframe has nothing to do with Generations. if that was true Saturn and Dreamcast would be in the same generation. An example of something being in the same generation would be 3ds, 2ds, and new 3ds. Also, all the different ds handhelds.

                            1. The releases of the Sega Saturn and Sega Dreamcast were 4 years apart. Even though short, it’s still enough time to begin a new console generation. You also seem to contradict yourself. It’s strongly suggested currently that the NX will launch in 2016 and if true, will be 4 years since release of the Wii U (very similar to that of the Sega Saturn and Sega Dreamcast). You yourself claim that the NX is 9th generation. Does that mean then that the 4 years apart from Wii U and NX is simply not enough to verify a new console generation?

                              1. There is no contradiction. I never said Sega Saturn and Sega Dreamcast were in the same generation.There is no proof at all that the NX will or will not launch in 2016. NX could be another pillar that is having its 1st generation or it could be the next generation of portable or next generation of home console. There is no information to determine. My 9th generation is based on if it is a home console. There has never been a new home console by the same manufacturer created in the same generation as it previous home console. Nintendo has only done that in the portable sector. Atari, Colecovision, Intellivision, Nintendo, Sega, Apple (Pippin), Sony nor Microsoft have ever created a new home console in the same generation as their previous home console.

                    2. Unless has modular graphics, which starting graphics comes as equal to Xbone, then Nintendo could just release graphics separately every 2 or 3 years. We wouldn’t have to worry about our games being obsolete after each generation

                      1. Well, that would be an interesting choice. People have wanted an upgradable console for years, but I don’t think it would work that well for one good reason: people prefer consoles to PCs because they are simple. When you over-complicate it like that, the consumer gets confused. Not to mention, some games would probably require an upgrade to function at all, which would be the biggest bullshit. Unless every game is optimized for the possible settings of the console, I’d predict a disaster.

                        1. I almost full heartedly agreed… I even typed “Exactly this…”, but then I remembered, Nintendo is the KING of upgrading their consoles midlife. Their implementation was perfect too, by including the upgrade free with a must-have first party game. There was the Rumble Pack with Star Fox for N64. Then the memory boosting Expansion Pak that plugged into top-front of the console, essentially upgrading it for better games (not included with, but required by Majora’s Mask).
                          Then there was the Wiimote Plus upgrade that just naturally acclimated into the ecosystem.

                          I’m actually thinking the wii u gamepad should have been released a year and half after the wii u.

                          Nintendo needs to go back to doing this, IMHO.

                          1. That would be Sega, I think. It’s why the dropped out of the console-making business.

                            I’d consider those things you mention add-ons, since they generally don’t mess with the actual performance capabilities of the console. The expansion pack is the closest thing that they’ve made, and it wasn’t that big of a thing either.

                            Just take a look at the Genesis to see how these practices create distrust in the consumer. I really don’t think it’s that good of an idea.

                    3. Nintendo doesn’t compete with PS and Xbox. They’ve said that before. No matter the power of a Nintendo system they won’t ever get 3rd party support back.

                      1. From a consumer standpoint, they totally do, though. I’m glad they are trying to do their own thing, since I don’t think the current console model will be viable in a couple of years, but I don’t see why they wouldn’t be able to get third-party studios back on board.

                      2. If the NX has good sales, 3rd parties will come. Developers care about selling their games, and making a profit. Nothing more. If they see potential on a Nintendo console they will put their game on it…

                      3. Jaded Ridley X3 {I'm not whining, you suckers... *cough* ..poor souls! I've just been driven insane by Nintendo failing me one too many times this gen!}

                        Doesn’t mean they should give up & not even try to get them. Either Nintendo tries their damn best to get 3rd parties back, even if it’s going to fail, or they eventually risk going 3rd party themselves one day. The Wii U has shown Nintendo can’t support a console by themselves unless they pull a Disney & start buying up a buttload of well known developers and/or brands to help even things out or start pulling a Sony and Microsoft by actually paying 3rd parties for support.

                    4. While being more capable is preferable because they’d have less ways that people could argue that their console is inferior, being on par doesn’t mean they’re dead in the water either. Game libraries and features do matter quite a bit.

                      Also, we don’t know what this rumor is even inferring. Even talking about the PS4 and being “more powerful” than the XBO isn’t really telling the most accurate story. Sure, in their case, the architectures are directly comparable so we can say that the PS4’s GPU is more capable and the XBO’s CPU is more capable, but there are people out there who make these same judgements of different architectures just by looking at clock speeds. There’s a lot of ways that some things might look on-par on paper, but one outperforms the other.

                      1. Well, that’s true, but I don’t see how they can win third-party studios back if they don’t make sure that their machine can run every single one of their games without much effort.

                        Good point about the possibility of the architectures not being directly comparable, but it creates another problem: it would mean that the NX uses a different architecture than the twins. If that’s the case, we can say third-party support goodbye.

                        1. The XBO and PS4 already have different architectures. Sure, they both have x86 AMD APUs but they have different memory architectures, different OSs, and different graphics APIs. Most code in a program is generic with x86 instructions being used only where manual optimization is needed. As for how they access files, memory, threads, and what not, that’s all OS specific and in this case we’re talking Windows for XBO vs Sony’s own FreeBSD implementation.

                          1. In other words, that’s not what’s going to effect third party support.

                            If I were to write:

                            if (Player:health < 0)
                            GameOver = true;

                            that's not going to change whether we're talking about x86, MIPS, ARM, or PowerPC. That get translated by the compiler and requires no extra work from the developer.

                            1. It’s like OSX versus Windows. They both run on x86 processors with separate CPU and GPU memory pools, but that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily easy to port software from one to another. It’s different enough that Adobe’s Creative Suite didn’t always have feature parity between the two. It’s also been quite a lengthy process for the PS2 emulator PCSX2, to be ported to OSX because it’s very Win32 oriented.

                              To get around this, developers try to make their code as portable as possible. This is actually one of the main benefits of using something like Unity3D, Unreal, or CryEngine. They provide tools and low level code (where manual optimization might be used) and the game is built on top of that. Once the engine is ported to the a platform, the game should be able to run on the platform with relatively few, or no changes.

                  2. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

                    >>>The cattle have been wanting the NX to be as powerful as the two current diseases for at least one year now, the rumour states that it is possible, which leads the NX to be obsolote by default going with this rumour, the cattle will complain about the NX being weak and underpowered once the other diseases’ machines are brought out, the never ending cycle continues assuming this rumour turns out to be true>>>

                      1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

                        >>>If you are trying to attack me then your attacks are futile as I said no such thing anywhere ever>>>

                          1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

                            >>>As long as that power is used to its fullest potential then yes I want more power, but if they are oblivious to it like with the Wii U then it’s a waste of resources and power>>>

                    1. Speaking as part of the cattle…
                      “The cattle have been wanting the NX to be as powerful as the two current diseases for at least one year now”
                      When has this ever been the case? People (myself included) have always said that it needs more powerful hardware than its competitors in order to stay relevant. ‘As powerful’ is the recipe for failure.

                      1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

                        >>>There are a lot in here that have said such things countless of times, of course they would deny it now because well, they are humans and they never admit to being wrong even when they are wrong which is often>>>

                          1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

                            >>>Can’t remember which articles as there have been hundreds of them, but whether you want to believe in what I’ve said that’s your choice, however, I’m a cyborg and I never lie>>>

                              1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

                                >>>Cyborgs regardless if human made or alien made, are still far better than humans will ever be on anything>>>

                                  1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

                                    >>>Emotions are an illusion the weak created into believing it makes them stronger and this so called soul is a primitive explanation to the strongest “emotion” humans experience at that moment>>>

                                    >>>We just consume and take control of them all>>

                                      1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

                                        >>>Typical human turning to assault measures when they can’t prove their illusions because well, they are illusions created to soothe your weak psyche>>>

                                        1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

                                          >>>So you have time to complain about someone who according to your little cerebro has too much time to waste?>>>

                                          >>>I can already sense the butthurt>>>

                                        2. Jaded Ridley X3 {I'm not whining, you suckers... *cough* ..poor souls! I've just been driven insane by Nintendo failing me one too many times this gen!}

                                          Really? Tell that to the countless people who have gotten stronger for a short period of time because of emotions like love or anger or fear when someone they love or they themselves were in danger. It’s not some machination created in the name of art like anime, video games, etc as art takes a lot of inspiration from real life more than we sometimes care to admit.

                          2. Wow.. you’re really something special.
                            Are you some 4Chan Troll or something? Because I’ve seen your pretty over the top comments before and to be fair.. it makes you sound like a Dork, or in this a Nintendork.

                            If the NX is a HANDHELD and is more powerful than the Xbox One then I think Nintendo could be in for a rain fall of money, but if they did it to a console then expect Nintendo to slowly shift resources into developing for other companies.

                            I’m not going to take these rumors seriously until I see some LEGIT claims rather than what sounds only partly accurate. I think Nintendo will be showing it off at CES 2016, but I feel that this could be their handheld before they announce their home console version which will most likely release the following year after the handheld.

                                    1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

                                      >>>The petty “stuff” is only you by not minding your own misguided business, but since you humans are nothing but cattle of amusements to me then by all means continue to thrill my exalted superiority>>>

                        1. XBO? I love my XBO but that is far from having cutting edge technology. Of course that was a rumor too, but I wanted my Wii U to be as strong as the twins, not the Wii U successor. Let’s hope this stays a rumor.

                          1. To add to what DemiGod was saying, any consoles can reach 1080p. That is not the hard part. The hard part is how much detail can be put in a game at 1080p and is that enough detail. If more detail is needed then 1080p has to be dropped.

                          1. I personally doubt it. The Mario Mafia Kingpin is gonna destroy the “Wii” name this June 2016 at The Microsoft Theater during the E3 event.

                        2. Devs with kits have already stated its much more powerful then ps4 by testing the demo that came with the kits and finding out Nintendo are using something really powerful,basically the demo was crunching so many polygons that top spec pc couldn’t run it… this FAKE rumour…

                            1. Mate maybe not exact but saying it crunches so many polygons it basically couldn’t hit 60fps on top spec pc rumour or not it says it’s in a different league then ps4,also lets look at the FACTS AMD have been working on new chips and there coming to new devices in 2016 ?? wonder what they are,maybe the NX devices,listen the rumoured devs with kits saying that about the demo being super impressive also stated the kits come with multiple devices ?? WORK IT OUT …..

                                1. That’s also the problem were getting rumours from a Portable and a Home Console so I’m also thinking the rumoured kits are the Home Console and these other rumours about it being on par with ps4/xbox1 are the Portable but i also think that latest patent is cloud tech to beef the Portable up on the go….

                            1. Could be, but my theory thinks that this could be the handheld that everyone was rumoring about.
                              Think about it, some tablets have more horsepower than the Xbox One and yet still be affordable, case and point the Nvidia Shield K1 which uses a GPU/CPU combo that has the power of a Xbox One but with the portability of a tablet.

                              Now, if Nintendo can do that with the NX then BOOM… Profit, because everyone would love a tablet from Nintendo and then later on, Nintendo could announce the Nintendo NX Hub system (AKA Supplemental Device) that has even more power behind it and out matches the PS4 and Xbox One, then connect your handheld to the hub then BOOM, more power!

                              1. Taking into account the fact that Nintendo themselves have addressed the NX as a ‘console’ and they have never mentioned a handheld device, I’ll believe it when I see it.

                                  1. Yes, but Nintendo speaks of handhelds as handhelds or handheld devices. It would be very misleading to call it just ‘console’ and then reveal it to be a portable.

                                      1. Example:

                                        Notice how in this comercial they refer to the New 3DS as a ‘system’, not a console or a handheld.

                                        Example 2: “The Wii U GamePad has “all the functions of a handheld,” according to Nintendo.”

                                        Example 3: Iwata calling the 3DS a ‘handheld device’, not a console (

                                        Generally speaking, they do address the 3DS as a ‘handheld’ or ‘handheld device’, not as a console. Not because it’s not a console, it obviously is, but to distinguish it from their other line of products (home consoles). What is 100% certain is that the NX has been called a ‘console’, not a ‘handheld’ or even a more neutral term like ‘device’. It could all be just to avoid spoiling the surprise of the reveal, whatever that is. Until that’s clear, it’s a home console to me.

                              2. The Tegra K1 isn’t on par with the Xbox One. The Tegra X1 gets close but their is a reason the K1 is in a tablet and the X1 is in an Android TV, they both need more power to get decent battery life than something the size of a handheld could provide. The supplemental computing device thing sounds great in theory but games made with something like that in mind, would be required to be programmed very differently. Even if it’s a local processing device connected via a wire, that’s still way more latent and lower bandwidth than if these things we actually in the device. If something like that can optionally be used wirelessly, than you’re talking about even more latency and less bandwidth with the chance of interference. The great thing about consoles is their consistency and by introducing that many more variables, they would just be increasing debug time and development costs.

                                Also, the existence of that patent doesn’t erase the existence of the patent about a console without an optical drive which mentioned a gamepad-like controller and hard drive which stores an operating system, user interface, games, and game saves.

                          1. Actually the whole thing about devs having dev kits already was rumor too…there is no finalized dev kit for NX yet.

                        3. Also the ps4 and xbox1 are not powerful only the media says this because Sony/Microsoft can lie and get away with it simply because they have all the 3rd party games to make it look plausible,basically i look at certain games on WiiU and it’s clear that all 3 consoles out now are about the same graphically……

                          NX will destroy the ps4 in every way just because of it using new chips from AMD end of these new chips will be much more powerful then the ps4 which already is only a little bit more powerful then ps3….

                              1. Jaded Ridley X3 {I'm not whining, you suckers... *cough* ..poor souls! I've just been driven insane by Nintendo failing me one too many times this gen!}

                                Where are people getting this “NX won’t be shown til E3”? This is a rumor itself. Just because E3 makes the most sense because of the fact it’s a big event doesn’t always mean that’s where something big is going to be announced or revealed. I only ever remember them just saying 2016.

                                1. I believe you are correct. I don’t remember them saying E3, just 2016. If I were a betting man, I would say they will reveal it at E3, but they have never stated that they will do it then.

                          1. “it’s clear that all 3 consoles out now are about the same graphically……”
                            lmao, no.

                            “the ps4 which already is only a little bit more powerful then ps3….”
                            lmao, no.

                            “Also the ps4 and xbox1 are not powerful”
                            Nobody really said they are very powerful in a general sense, but it’s a fact that they are the most powerful consoles out right now. I think everyone is aware of the PS4 and XB1 not being able to come close to what today’s high-end PCs can achieve.

                            And about the AMD chips… Being the newest doesn’t necessarily mean being the very best in terms of possible performance. I don’t think we know any specific details about them yet, so the NX getting the newest AMD chips really doesn’t say much about its power at this point. You’ll have to wait for official information for statements like that to be credible.

                            1. Jaded Ridley X3 {I'm not whining, you suckers... *cough* ..poor souls! I've just been driven insane by Nintendo failing me one too many times this gen!}

                              Very true. When making something new, power isn’t always the reason for making something new. Sometimes making something new is about getting rid of the flaws of the older product, not about making it stronger than it’s predecessor.

                        4. I think people are getting too worked up on this “Needs to be more powerful than PS4 and XBO!” thing. In my personal opinion, this rumour helps to suggest the console is on a perfect cost-performance ratio. I believe that at the end of the day, nobody will be happy paying $500 for a overkill-specced, mid-generation released console, especially when PS4 and XBO will be priced at $300 or lower at the time the NX is out. It’s important for Nintendo to appeal to both Nintendo fans and gage new customer interest, $500 worth of console isn’t going to cut it. However, if we add in other rumoured information about the NX, specifically the native support for the Vulken API as well as the “Supplemental Computer Device” (Cloud-based?), the NX could potentially far exceed the performance of both the XBO and PS4. Couldn’t the supposed handheld component of the NX also offer performance enhancements when connected to the home console? I honestly think this rumour sounds about right for the base, home console component of the NX in terms of cost-performance and can help Nintendo focus on other aspects of the console such as connectivity between the two alleged components or cloud-computing to help improve customer interest.

                        5. lol what a joke. If this rumor is true, I hope they say NX is 8.5 gen console, because if this is a 9th gen console, Nintendo is going to sink hard. They seriously think people are going to want old generation graphics compared to the PS5/XB2.
                          You could have done yourself the favor (and everyone else) and work harder on the Wii U, Nintendo, and wait 2-3 years for more 9th gen-worthy technology.

                        6. What people has to realize is that the NX is still heavily rumored to be two separate platforms, a handheld device and a home console (and all of the recent reports have been clarifying that) so with that being said it could be the handheld device version of the NX that’s rumored to be on par with the Xbox One not the home console version. I really don’t see Nintendo taking a step back with their new console especially when the Wii U flopped so hard with this similar type of strategy (remember the Wii U is only marginally more powerful than last gen consoles). Remember, AMD are working on top of the line chipsets that are suppose to be for a home console and a mobile unit and both are suppose to be introduced in 2016. Also WSJ (Wall Street Journal) has said that demos for the NX have to be ran on high end PCs that uses special ” top of the line ” chips and yes I know specs can change over time but when the late Iwata-san said that the NX ” may surprise some people ” and that Nintendo didn’t want to discuss it because they feared that their competition may try to steal their ideas it’s letting me know that Nintendo may have found some clever innovative way to make the NX far more powerful than current gen consoles. We’ll have to wait and see what happens but to avoid another Wii U situation, the NX will have to be far more powerful than current gen standards and future-proofed for it’s future compeitors which are the PS5 and the next Xbox and I think Nintendo realizes that and will achieve that goal……well at least I’m hoping they will

                          1. Wii U wasn’t marginally stronger the last gen lol. That Zelda Tech Demo was 1080p and last gen couldn’t handle doing that. And that was only using 10% of a none finalized Wii U system doing that lol. In the end Wii U was using 6 year newer tech then last gen. Marginally pff your a dipshit if you believe that.

                            1. Spec wise on paper, it was marginally more powerful but in terms of raw power you’re right, the Wii U was far above last gen consoles but Nintendo didn’t showcase that when the Wii U first launched. Although it’s not really meant to be a graphical showcase, Super Mario Maker should’ve been the game that came with the Wii U to showcase what the gamepad could truly do. My point is graphically Nintendo failed to show a game at launch that showed the Wii U’s true potential. You’re absolutely right about that Zelda tech demo, it was graphically impressive but it’s a shame that we’re still in year 3 and we have yet to see a 1st party game that matches that in quality outside of Mario Kart 8

                              1. On paper? Wii U specs has never been figured out. Most of the people that was trying to figure it out gave up. No one knows the specs of the Wii U other than Nintendo and its partners.

                        7. Pingback: Rumor: El NX con las capacidades del Xbox One. Se mostraría en privado en CES 2016 | Atomix

                        8. While that’s nice, I’m not sure that’s enough for the long run. Then again, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with the systems graphics. Nintendo would have to make NX easy for game developers / maker’s to put their work on. I’ve got so much gaming to catch up on its ridiculous, so I’ve got all the time in the world.

                          1. Wii U is easy to work on you just gotta learn it. However what you want is Nintendo take a copy paste console where they can copy and paste PC games to NX lol

                        9. While I hope this rumor is not true, it is just that: a rumor. Quite frankly, I am sick of all these rumors. We know NOTHING about the NX. This whole hybrid crap, more powerful than current gen, less powerful than current gen, on past with current gen. Nintendo has not did anything about any of these rumors. I don’t believe it is a hybrid. I don’t believe any of the power related rumors. They’re all just rumors. Stop acting like any of them are true. I’ve not seen one single article from Nintendo saying it is a hybrid. Same goes for specs of the system. Discussing it can be fun and sharing opinions on what we think it should be. But some people are stating rumors as facts. Until Nintendo comes out and gives us details, I don’t trust any of these rumors.



                              1. Jaded Ridley X3 {I'm not whining, you suckers... *cough* ..poor souls! I've just been driven insane by Nintendo failing me one too many times this gen!}

                                *tries to say something similar to what is said on Scooby-Doo but stops* Have a Family Guy video instead!

                          1. Jaded Ridley X3 {I'm not whining, you suckers... *cough* ..poor souls! I've just been driven insane by Nintendo failing me one too many times this gen!}

                            Cut back on the drugs, dude. You’re ALL CAPS lock seems to be bipolar. One minute it’s broken, the next it’s fixed. Fix your keyboard, bub.

                            1. if i have two cpus of the same spec one is say 28nm the next is say 14nm and i have improved build over say 4 years worth of time

                              my 28nm bode runs at one instruction per clock my 14nm node runs at two instructions per clock

                              i now have twice the real world performance @ the same spec YOU IDIOT



                              FUCKING RETARDS ALL AROUND

                              1. Jaded Ridley X3 {I'm not whining, you suckers... *cough* ..poor souls! I've just been driven insane by Nintendo failing me one too many times this gen!}

                                You’re the one using all caps most of your comments yet I’m the idiot? lol

                        11. That would be utterly pointless lol. Ember the rumors of “cutting edge” tech well Xbox One isn’t cutting edge lol. This would be a Super Wii U then not a new console lol. The Xbox One is only like 33% stronger then Wii U. Bumping up power by that much would be stupid. And in a few years when the next Xbox and maybe ps5 come along Nintendo do is left behind again. It’s like clockwork people lol. I say bs on all these rumors. Everyone should not believe anything NX related till E3 when Nintendo themselves finally talk about it.

                          1. That’s not how anybody who knows anything about tech talks about things. Where the hell would you be getting 33% percent from? Do you have some benchmark? Also, if we’re going by the theoretical maximum that the GPU can do, the XBO’s theoretical max is at least 3 or 4 times higher than the Wii U.

                            Also “cutting edge” and “industry leading” can mean anything especially when we don’t know whose words they were.

                        12. and here we go again, the problem with those rumour is that nintenod can’t do nothing about it at the minute. They can’t deny it cause if they say no most people will believe the NX wil be crap. If they say yes then people will have high expectations. Here how the video game industry destroyed teh wii u in the 1st place. I would not be surprise to hear the rumour come from the competition or Patcher.

                        13. HollowGrapeJ (Da Ji- Deadly Servant Of Lord Orochi And Cunning Fox Woman Of Whom You Are Simply Inferior To)

                          Hahaha. Xbox One and cutting edge don’t go together.



                            MY SUSPENSION MY BRAKES ETC


                            USE YOUR FUCKING COMMONSENSE



                        14. the gamcecube cu was weaker PER CLOCK than wii the wii was weaker per clock than wii u

                          add the clock speeds and core counts and ram and build improvments your MULTITUDE GOES UP AND UP AND UP



                        15. Last I heard, The NX was rumored to be MORE powerful than Xbox One and PS4. Now it’s just equal? Whatever, still sounds cool to me. I just wanna see Nintendo on top again. I hope the NX has a huge built-in hard drive (at least 500GB). I never did buy an external hard drive for the Wii U (an I have the puny 8GB model). Which is one of the reasons why I’ve never downloaded any DLC other than Mewtwo for Smash. Because I keep being forced to delete game files that I want to keep just to save new ones.

                        16. This is hellah disappointing news. They went from the Wii U at least slightly outdoing the most powerful 7th gen console, PS3, to releasing a 9th gen console that doesn’t even beat the 8th gen PS4. Makes you wonder what Sony is going to come up with. Again, this just shows Nintendo isn’t fit to be in the console market. Since the Gamecube theyve struggled to keep up with the competitors in terms of technical power. The Wii took the market on a gimmick, which was one fluke they won’t see again most likely. To anybody who wants to go: “Graphics and power doesn’t matter, it’s all about gameplay”, you’re all wrong. Lack in power compared to competitors makes any third party multiplat release less likely. Namely third party support for this is unlikely once the 8th gen ends. Then Nintendo will have to build yet another console which will probably also fail just like the Wii U and have jack for third party support. Nintendo alone can’t keep consoles alive with their IPs, this has been proven ever since the SNES.

                        17. This whole console thing is loads of crap and new machines come out pay more money.
                          I do say this even you buy new console you can’t play older games on them, does not have games from 10 years or more from 2000 till now, where the PC’s have most powerful hardware and GPU why buy these weak consoles they are just so simple and no upgrades stay the same.

                          All consoles should die and all developers should come to the PC there is no need for consoles as for the NX I can’t see any point of buying this, it’s not powerful, no upgrades why buy a system has these weak points all consoles are duff compare to PC systems.

                          Consoles this generation can’t even compare to Nvidia GTX 950 GPU, now know consoles are basic and overhyped systems, console is a simple than PC then if feel computer are bit more difficult then really think need to be educated everyone should be this 2015 and soon in few days 2016.

                          1. You’re aware that there are plenty of ways for a console to still outperform PCs, right? Use of certain features on PC require widespread adoption of tech before devs use them while a console is a fixed spec where not using a feature just becomes a waste. For example, ASTC will probably first see widespread use on consoles before we see PC games using it. Raytracing hardware on a PC would be ignored unless significantly adopted, while a console with raytracing hardware would guarantee some use.

                            It’s great that you enjoy PC games but gaming is more than having higher theoretical numbers for your hardware especially when getting those numbers means spending many times more money.

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