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Wii U Will Be Sold At A Loss

Nintendo has announced that it will sell its forthcoming Wii U console at a loss when it debuts on November 18th in North America. This follows todays earlier revelation that the Nintendo 3DS isn’t selling anywhere near as many units as Nintendo had originally forecast in the west.

Annual sales of Nintendo’s flagship 3DS handheld player, introduced last year, will be 17.5 million units, 5.4 percent lower than previously estimated, the company said in a statement today. Nintendo also lowered its forecast for 3DS software sales 4.1 percent and said it will sell its new Wii U model at a loss.

– Bloomberg

206 thoughts on “Wii U Will Be Sold At A Loss”

    1. It is, Sony and Microsoft did it this gen. It’s so the console can still be powerful yet have a more appealing price.

        1. Exactly, although i doubt Nintendo is stupid enough to make that much of a loss $50-80 loss sounds more reasonable, especially with bluray being much cheaper now. All that money is in the hardware.

          1. I doubt it. At most Nintendo must be selling it with no profit at all, expecting to have some profit from software, at least in those first months.

    2. Simple tactic, make it cheap, way more people will buy it. Larger the home base the more third party support. The more third party support the longer the system will last when competition comes out next year. It isn’t the hardware thats makes the money, it is the software. The only thing I believe can hold back the Wii U’s success is Nintendo not having the supply to meet demand for the holidays. Have 5 million units before christmas they will all sell, have 5 million after christmas you will sell half. Either way I’m routing for them. Go Nintendo :)

  1. Ah well, these things happen, same goes for Sony and Microsoft.

    Its not all bad news though, from what I’ve been hearing the Wii U is doing incredibly well so they might be able to recover slowly but surely from the 3DS sales but I’m pretty sure when the 1st party titles like Luigi’s Mansion, Paper Mario Sticker Star and the new Animal Crossing game comes out in the USA and Europe those sales are going to go up again.

    1. yeah but as long as 3ds is getting shovel ware the people in the USA including me wont be buying crap. besides if they make a shooter 3ds sales will sky rocket watch and see what i tell you

      1. 3DS doesnt have a lot of shovelware. The quality games well outweigh the Shovelware or Kids games….. the 3ds has BY FAR the highest quality titles ona a handheld ever , way ahead of DS or PSP

        . Kingdom hearts , 2 Mario’s , Zelda , Resident Evil , Luigis mansion , Monster Hunter , Street fighter , Tales of the abyss , Mario kart 7 , Kid icarus , Castlevania , Animal Crossing , Professor Layton , Theatrythm Final fantasy, Star fox,

        And many many other High quality games I don’t want to list.

        The 3ds is shapeing up to have ONE OF the greatest video game librarys ever on any console and you speak about the tiny amount of Games for children and women ????


        1. i wouldnt say so yet. we still have yet to see a mainframe pokemon game on the 3ds. i do agree that the games listed are great, but we all know that pokemon is the best and most popular franchise for Nintendo handhelds

          1. Black White 2 is a DS game, but anyone can play it on the 3DS, so we do have a main pokemon title right now, not to mention the excellent Conquest.

            1. but a ton of people already having a ds lite or whatever dont see the need to have a 3DS to play it. and i said mainframe. Conquest, although genius, doesnt fit under that category

        1. … more than games on other major consoles. Still, can’t be long until publishers and retailers realise their mistake there.

        2. Well looks average in the UK, some games are lower. The definate peices havent been set yet, not to mention the rrp is almost never the actual price.

            1. Yeah I dont get what he’s saying either. Here the Wii U games cost exactly the same as all the other consoles games. The big ones cost 60, some of the lower profile ones cost 50. Ect. Same as all the other consoles. He must live somewhere weird where the stores are price gouging everything because its new.

              1. Yeah. Plus all the prices shown are RRP, not the stores own price. I can go into a Sainsbury’s a see pretty much all new releases sold at £5 sometimes £10 less than it should be

          1. Actually no, I checked using my beard computer, the price is about £50 and the most expensive being Black Ops 2 at £55

        3. Thats because the Wii U versions are slighly more complicated. In some cases they include a complete season pass worth of content ($30-$50) alredy there on the disc. And Nintendo exclusive stuff too. As far as facts go Reggie said last year at E3 the Wii U will be aimed at consumers with SIGNIFICANTLY higher finances than the Wii consumer meaning not many titles will be $49.99 aside from the Ubisoft trends and multi-player family party titles. Though A.C3, Darksider2 and Tekken are $60 regardless and Sonic Racing Transformed retained is $40 sweetspot across the board.

        4. I dont know about America, but in my country the pre-orders prices are the same as for the other consoles. Some XBox360 titles are even more expensive than some WiiU titles

    1. And how much is RE6 for xBox or PS3?

      New games cost more. You’re complaint is that WiiU doesn’t have a back history of games that have been out a while, and discounted, nor have developers gotten used to the new hardware development.

      This is normal, and one of the primary methods a company recoups cost of development of the newly launched console.

    2. The reason why some PS3 games for example were more expensive than Wii and even some Xbox 360 is because bluray was a new technology back in 2005/06 and same goes for Wii U (Wii Us bluray based disc data transfer rate 22.5MB/s vs PS3 bluray 9 MB/s) is obiviously new tech, so are bluray based discs…

      1. I own a PC (Steam, Origin etc)…. but why should i leave consoles like Sony and Nintendo? only because more expensive games? i wont buy 1000 games anyway….

      1. Exactly.Plus the reason they have to do this are because of the people that will criticize them for either
        c.)Third party support
        d)Lack of mature games
        Sadly people are never satisfied.The trolls always find something and so do regular people.Nintendo had to do all these things to succeed.

          1. I agree.Because then people would either expect it to happen again or people wouldn’t just buy it at the beginning.

      1. What? It’s kind of true. First the poor sales of the 3DS outside of Japan, now this. I am a huge fan of Nintendo and I own all the DS’, the N64, and the Wii (and the GBA), but Nintendo is losing money, even though I highly doubt they will go bankrupt.

    1. dont worry man its the “Big N”. The Wii U just needs to be a Wii like success and im sure they can achieve that a second time.

  2. Well well well…isnt that interesting…
    Hmm, would i be correct in saying how ancertain someone went on about how Sony and Microsoft sold at a loss, to meet a price amd still have a powerful machine, yet said, Nintendo would never do it, because the hardware was too weak?
    Hmm, who was that…i just cant remember…

    1. I’d say more greedy cause they sold shitty hardware at a very premium price for a big gain.

      Now that they actually have decent hardware they realize that in order to follow their “make a big gain” pattern the wii u would probably have been like a ps3 at launch.

      1. I doubt thats the case, they arent fishing for money. Obviously as a business they need to make money, but Nintendo has always had low, affordable prices, and i think as they were making the WiiU, and had a solid idea of its tech specs and costs, that it was a little too pricey to be considered affordable.

      1. Thats pretty funny that someone said that. Isnt he supposed to be a tech analyst? Yet believes the WiiU should be $200, and brand new system.

    1. Some dude also said that the WiiU would use tech worse than the 360.

      Only believe the words from Nintendo themselves

        1. Hmm, maybe I got ripped but my premium pre order is £310. Can’t cancel it now as only the shitty white one is available.

  3. And yet people still complain about the price. Sheesh, the haters don’t really realize what an expensive piece of hardware the Gamepad is. Be thankful that Nintendo is trying their best to keep something low in price

  4. So according to math, they forcasted the 3DS to sell 18,to 19 Million units. And it only sold 17.5. That is in no way a real loss for Nintendo, if you account that a 3DS only goes for about 170 to 200, so it lost about 170m to 200m in predicted sales. When a Company is worth Billions, how bad is that really?

  5. I do not have a good feeling about this. What if it does not sell. But in Nintendo we trust. I bet the Wii U will do quite fine.

        1. If it was “reported months back”, how are you surprised now?
          Oh, because you didnt actually read on it till now, because you dont actually have any information when it comes to the WiiU, other than your personal opinion on Nintendo.
          Through your mind, all you can think is “Nintendo wont sell at a loss, they’ll sell it as high as they can, for shitty hardware, to make a greedy profit”. Dont deny it, in fact, i remember you even saying something like that before.
          You got proven wrong, thanks to that little fanboy veil you put over your eyes.
          Again, how do those words taste?

          1. This is the first report since then claiming they’re doing such. Shut the fuck up.

            In the end, the fact remains that the console is not a significant leap, I don’t know how this indicates otherwise. You’re just going to get a 360 that pulls off some slightly better textures and framerates. Nothing more.

            1. Again, go look at the 360’s launch line up. It got slatted because it didnt look truely “next gen”, but once games like Halo 3 and Gears of War hit the scene, everyone shut up. It’s natural, get over it. You expect every company to know exactly how to use a system, and create a next gen game in a short space of time, with a deadline, for a system that isnt even out yet, then you’re smoking some serious shit.
              Other than Nintendo, its rare that we’ll even SEE a next gen game till the 720 arrives, because thats how companies work now, they go multiplatform. They wouldnt say, “hey, we have a next gen game for the WiiU, that’ll be on the 720 whenever thats released”. They’ll lose a shitload of money, because by then, the game would be over a year old, sold at £25 on the WiiU, and people would have to pay a full £40-50 for year old game (you know, like those ports you like to go on and on about).
              Sit in fucking corner.

              1. Perfect Dark Zero, Kameo, Madden, Resistance (PS3), Ridge Racer 7 (PS3), Viva Pinata, all launch/launch window titles that looked significantly better than the generation preceding it. Your entire argument is invalid.

                1. No they didnt, they looked slightly better, if you looked at them in standard def, the only reason they looked better was because of HD, anyone who’s bought any of the ps2 HD releases can see thats the case, in particular with Ratchet and Clank 3, MGS3, Okami, Shadow of the Colossus and Sly 2-3. They look significantly better because of HD

                  1. Yes they did, you ignorant little shit. Show me any and I mean ANY Xbox game that looks comparable to the best looking title out of what I listed. Good luck, dude. Good luck. The fact still remains that Wii U has shown not a single game that looks better than the consoles on the market now, so you lose in any scenario.

                    1. Doom 3, a PC port suffering from muddy textures and most definitely isn’t comparable to those titles.

                      Yeah…”boom” the sound of your credibility exploding into pieces.

                  2. About the xbox 360 launch games vs xbos games graphics i recomend to look this article:


                    I´ll paste one short statement:

                    “If you only can play at standard resolution, games like Gun, NHL 2K6, and Tony Hawk’s American Wasteland are only marginal ports that offer very little over the Xbox versions of the same game. At the very least, you can expect to see higher resolution textures, and some will give you a new widescreen look, complete with a stretched-out UI overlay.”

                    Have a nice day.

            2. well it does have at least double the memory of the other machines. But regardless, that isnt the appeal of the system. Its about the controller. Also keep in mind nintendo is all about low power consumption, which costs a little more.

              people who are buying this system ultimately isnt doing so purely on its graphical capability. Its still powerful hardware, just not leap and bounds above what is currently out, and it doesnt need to be.

              arguably (depending on whether a second screen appeals to you or not), it is worth the price due to the possibilities in regards to gameplay that this system brings with its new controller.

              If it doesnt appeal to you, thats ok cause its not for you, its for those who are more concerned with new gameplay experiences than super robust graphics. Not to say graphics dont matter, but the priorities of the people interested in the wiiu reside elsewhere.

              you need to chill the fuck out

            3. hey aeolus i agree oh wait that was some guy with dmencha on my lap top yeah only a conplet idoit thinks what your saying is true so how do your words taste dont know what that means but every one els is doing it so yeah wiiu will crush xbox720 and lamestaion4

          1. This ^
            If you use “Aeolus” prepare to have a drop in consideration drop 80%! (Due to his irrelevant, monotonous comments,)

            1. Yeah, and due to the fact that he sounds like a broken record. That keeps skipping, but no actual distinguishable words are formed.

        2. Oh look! Its the guy thats on welfare that makes his job posting on every mynintendonews article multiple times. GO GET A JOB lazy ass!

        3. @Aelous

          Dont make us Sony fans look stupid (yes, if we count every console than im more a Sony fan or fanboy bla bla because i didnt own a GameCube and i owned all Sony desktop consoles)….
          You said: ” Doom 3, a PC port suffering from muddy textures and most definitely isn’t comparable to those titles.” hah upss………… than tell me, why do you talk shits about Wii U ports? (i mean real rushed ports like Arkham City etc)…. i lold so much because if it was Nintendo than there is no excuse, and when its about Sony than there are thousands excuses, your obiviosly a blind fanboy…. and last, if you want a REAL 100% NEXT GEN GRAPHICS THAN BUY A PC, PC PC… im already next gen, how about you?


          PS3 launch was worse than Wii U launch… just telling the truth.

      1. I should probably add that the 3DS was also being sold at a loss of $1-2 post price cut, so that still doesn’t mean they’re taking sacrifices for power like you guys are suggesting.

        It’s good that they’re not selling overclocked Gamecubes for massive profit, though.

    1. Their trying to make it back in digital download retail prices. D:

      For the record, my company is starting to develope and sell digital products. The bandwidth necessary to host, deploy / download digital content isn’t cheap afterall…
      Still, they could offer SOME discount….

      1. Well they do to Deluxe owners, you get a 10% off just for buying the system. Not to mention the star points (which people always seem to forget), can get you point cards for the Wii/DS shop.
        I’ll be honest, probably about 60% of my WiiU games will be digital, not including smaller titles. It’s just easier to me, and i dont have the space for tons of games lying around. I’ll buy physical copies of stuff like Zelda, Mario, Pikmin ect, but other than that, fully digital.

  6. That’s a shame, but mostly it depends on how much of a loss they’re selling for.

    If it’s not huge, then it shouldn’t be a problem. I believe they said they’re profiting off the 3DS now, and that is selling at a good, steady pace. As long as the losses on Wii U are minimal, they’ll be able to profit off that soon enough, and then they’ll be in good shape for the upcoming generation.

    1. Didn’t scare investors from the ps3 and 360.
      Seriously, am i the only one who see’s this as a fairly positive thing?

        1. No, it’s a negative selling your console at $600, when for the rest of the generation, its been almost on par with the 360 in terms of sales. The original price has dropped by HALF.
          That is not good business, thats retarded, but Sony do it, ALL THE TIME. Tv’s and cameras, that cost thousands of dollars when all people want is something that works. “Oh we’re in financial trouble? Lets release a tv as expensive as a fucking car”. What crack are they smoking?
          There’s selling at a loss, then theres jus being downright retarded

          1. Yeah, & if Sony continues to do what they’ve been doing, then Sony as a whole will go under a lot sooner than we think. And I’m talking about more than their gaming division.

          2. You don’t know what “good business” is. You don’t run major Japanese corporations. You’re a Nintendo fanboy on a Nintendo blog. I think you should know your role before sounding like a total twat and hypocrite.

            LG is selling a 4K TV within the same price range; point is MOOT.
            Lastly, PLENTY of fucking cameras cost those very prices and they SELL. You literally don’t know shit, it’s actually pathetic. I’d advise you to stop while you’re ahead, because you’re really going to look like a gigantic idiot.

              1. Yet Nintendo has just posted another loss, and likely do have (quiet) employee lay-offs themselves.

                …By the way, what does Sony’s recent layoffs (with the closure of their camera plant) have anything to do with the PlayStation brand?

                Like I said before, stop while you’re ahead. You’re being an idiot.

                    1. The only problem with these links and “losses” is that when you read it, it says “net income is down 6.7%”

                      what does this mean? It means if last year their net income was, for example, 1 billion dollars and this year they see a decrese of 6.7% of net income compared to last year, all that means is they made less PROFIT. But they still profited over all, not lost money. These articles and statistics are always misleading. If they project theyll net 2 billion in a year and then later see the sales arent on track tho make that much in the year theyll adjust it and say our projections were wrong, sales arent up to par with our initial projections and we have now reduced that by 10%. This means they predict theyll make 180billion instead in profits. but they write the articles saying “losses” and people who dont read into how its written think the companies are losing money. theyre still making money, just not as much as they thought they would. that goes for all companies an articles of that nature.

                  1. the dragon234 is one of the aonly people that knows what there talking about oh and one more thing piss off you stupid trolls

        2. Talk about kissing ass.

          You kiss your own ass 25/7/365. Your so infatuated with your non-existant high school intellect. That im surprised you have enough time to post all of the comments you do, because your kissing your own ass so much.

          1. You’re*

            Looks like your grammar is non-existent. You go on about intelligence, yet you made all of these simple mistakes. Talk about ironic.

              1. When all else fails, do absolutely nothing but mindless bitching and moaning to the person pissing you off over the internet. Glad to know I struck a nerve with you. Now what the fuck are you going to do about it? Hmm?

                1. Lmao hey I’m just trying to get you mad. It worked because you’ve resorted to cursing! Aint no one mad here. but you. I think this stuffs funny. Your so passionate about this junk! Its so hilarious!

                  1. “Aint” isn’t proper English.



                    Basement dwelling Nintendo fanboy confirmed. Try considering primary school education.

                    You claim you’re not mad, so why make a bunch of usernames doing nothing but talking shit to one poster and contributing nothing to the discussion on hand here?

                    Yeah, that makes loads of sense. /s

                2. aeolus i think you have no life no friends no job and no life so fuck off your worse then a troll you don’t just bash nintendo you bash every one that does not troll you worthless fucking idoit i was hopeing that you would just stop but this had to be rightin i am speaking for every one when i say this just fuck off jack ass i try not to swear but your that infuryating

              1. You know who Aeolus is right?

                Basically mynintendonews has a guy post the sterotypical Nintendo hater comments to cause a reaction. This site makes money off every click. So if they have someone causing arguments in the comments. People who have a love for Nintendo get into commenting against him. If it spans out. Which it usually does because Aeolus constantly replies to every comment as to get a reaction. People will come back and view the article again so that they can reply back to Aeolus.

                Hes simply a paid troll. To help this site make money by getting more clicks. Nothing more nothing less. Should we fault mynintendonews for this? Nah. Just like any media outlet. It isnt about getting the facts straight, or even reporting the actual news. Its about getting money to keep your media outlet going.

                Best way to get rid of Aeolus. Ignore him. Then mynintendonews wont have any use for him, and he will go away.

                1. I think you’re right about ignoring the guy, but I doubt the fact he’s paid for that. He just likes to make himself feel better by putting people down. Why Nintendo fans? Maybe he’ll answer that for us. We know you’re reading this, Aeolus.

                    1. I like how he doesn’t respond to me. Answer the question, Aeolus: “Why do you visit this website?” No getting off that topic.

              2. You know who Aeolus is right?

                Basically mynintendonews has a guy post the sterotypical Nintendo hater comments to cause a reaction. This site makes money off every click. So if they have someone causing arguments in the comments. People who have a love for Nintendo get into commenting against him. If it spans out. Which it usually does because Aeolus constantly replies to every comment as to get a reaction. People will come back and view the article again so that they can reply back to Aeolus.

                Hes simply a paid troll. To help this site make money by getting more clicks. Nothing more nothing less. Should we fault mynintendonews for this? Nah. Just like any media outlet. It isnt about getting the facts straight, or even reporting the actual news. Its about getting money to keep your media outlet going.

                Best way to get rid of Aeolus. Ignore him. Then mynintendonews wont have any use for him, and he will go away.

  7. Well with the 3Ds not selling well does make sence. Sure Nintendo owns the handheld genre but let’s be honest the age of the handheld is dying. Because people are playing games on their iPhones and iPod’s. Not to mention the launch for the 3DS was poor as hell

  8. Damn that’s not good. They should’ve just made the prices at $350 and $400. Many people would buy anyways and it will lessen those people that purchase Wii-U’s in bundles and resell them.

    1. Yeah! Making it more expensive will make unresistible! Im thinking more of a 800-1000$ plan! Everyone would buy it! *Roles eyes*

  9. Pingback: – Wii U, 3DS, Wii, DS, Videojuegos y Consolas Nintendo | Nintendo espera vender 5.5 millones de Wii U en 4 meses

  10. Maybe if they take points from the vita and make game region free, they wouldn’t have such results. Bravery Default boosted the sales in japan, so take those type of games and bring them over here. For the Wii U on the other hand. Nintendo’s 1st party ip’s are one of the worst I have seen. Pinkmin 3 is probably the only decent game from Nintendo. Nintendo Land is a joke. Instead on focusing on watered down versions of the games we love how about you make them. And to ass to the bull crap its not even online. Well I might give it a try, in 1-2 years it will sell for 5-2$ similar to wii sports. NSMBU is just a slightly lower res game, than NSMBW going 1080p on an emulator. It adds a few power ups and features here and there. I’ve got to admit that its one of the most courageous NSMB games but gamers will beat it in a few days and call it a day. They could have implemented a stage editor similar to brawl or at least online play so you can play it with your online friends but no, its the same bland recycled garbage only made to milk casuals who don’t know any better. Nintendo is just wasting my time, if it doesn’t want to do things properly I will just keep my Xbox 360.

    1. You make a valid point about the region-free.

      Nintendo Land wasn’t a focus, it’s meant to draw casuals to Nintendo’s core franchises.

      NSMBU isn’t like an emulator. I do agree that it’s way too similar and getting old, but it’s still a new game.

      NSMB wasn’t made to milk casuals as much as to get fans of the old SMB from the NES/SNES days to buy it for nostalgia.

      If you don’t see Nintendo to be interesting, then play what you want. But we can still expect a new Metroid, Smash Bros, and Zelda eventually. (Also Wii U versions of multi-plats are going to be more fun in my opinion)

    2. You do realize they’re doing that so 3rd parties can have a chance at launch, right? A AAA game like Zelda, Metroid, SSB, etc. would’ve killed 3rd party devs so no, it’s not due to lazyness. Ntm, Nintendo does not “make the same crap” over and over, unless you’re like Aeolus, hard8, or Pyro.

  11. Interesting. To my knowledge this is the first time they’re doing this with a home console (I don’t think the SNES took a loss per unit sold).

  12. I wish Apple would say the same thing about the iPad Mini. I can see the disappointing sale figures for the 3DS, with no Zelda 3DS what do you expect?

  13. Isn’t it sad that a guy posts so much stupid bull on a site that 1000’s view that hes made a name for himself? That people recognize him just by the sheer amount of comments he leaves, and the fact that he keeps watch on ever comment that he posts. So that he can reply to them. Even that people on other sites/forums use his name jokingly.

    Aeolus. Dont be a Laptop Gangster. Don’t hide behind a screen. If you have shit to talk. At least get behind a camera, and put yourself out there. Stop being a coward!

    Oh wait. If he replies it will just be the typical Aeolus love affair.

  14. You know who Aeolus is right?

    Basically mynintendonews has a guy post the sterotypical Nintendo hater comments to cause a reaction. This site makes money off every click. So if they have someone causing arguments in the comments. People who have a love for Nintendo get into commenting against him. If it spans out. Which it usually does because Aeolus constantly replies to every comment as to get a reaction. People will come back and view the article again so that they can reply back to Aeolus.

    Hes simply a paid troll. To help this site make money by getting more clicks. Nothing more nothing less. Should we fault mynintendonews for this? Nah. Just like any media outlet. It isnt about getting the facts straight, or even reporting the actual news. Its about getting money to keep your media outlet going.

    Best way to get rid of Aeolus. Ignore him. Then mynintendonews wont have any use for him, and he will go away.

  15. everyone pointing to articles about ninetendo posting losses and losing money over this past year, consider this:

    The only problem with these links and “losses” is that when you read it, it says “net income is down 6.7%”

    what does this mean? It means if last year their net income was, for example, 1 billion dollars and this year they see a decrese of 6.7% of net income compared to last year, all that means is they made less PROFIT. But they still profited over all, not lost money. These articles and statistics are always misleading. If they project theyll net 2 billion in a year and then later see the sales arent on track tho make that much in the year theyll adjust it and say our projections were wrong, sales arent up to par with our initial projections and we have now reduced that by 10%. This means they predict theyll make 180billion instead in profits. but they write the articles saying “losses” and people who dont read into how its written think the companies are losing money. theyre still making money, just not as much as they thought they would. that goes for all companies an articles of that nature.

    so, nintendo can afford to sell the consoles at a loss because over all profit from other products will more than cover those per console losses.not to mention their supposed gigundis war chest of stored cash they have on top it. Thatswhy microsoft, and sony could do the same as well.

    1. remember, say theyll lose even as much as 100 bucks on each wii u. selling just 2 nintendo 3ds games or two wii U games makes up that loss right off that bat per console. its fine.

      1. If you have a business background, then you will see that this is a bad thing. Net Operating Income (NOI) is contracting and trending downwards. These are red flags, especially just before the release of a new product. Sure, N is operating in the black, but there are so much more to the story.

  16. to be honest i think they mean they will make a loss of the first run but then it will level out out buy the end of the second and third production loops. if they were to put on the cost development cost equally on the price of each console and having to drop your price later. instead of keeping the price low means more will buy it and then you have the software market after that brings in profit. putting the production price on the first batch means less would buy it meaning it can be a bigger gamble than making it slightly cheaper so you can the increase production then your overheads shrink and you make the loss back later in the other production runs. its simple economics

  17. This is surprising news, I hope they make it up on volume. And I thought they skimped on the flash storage, everyone is criticizing Nintendo for only giving 8 gigs and 32 gigs of storage. 8 gigs is on the low side, but with this information, I don’t blame Nintendo. I think when Nintendo brings out the big franchises to 3DS and Wii U, they will be a big hit.

  18. Some of you are idiots, the reason it’s selling at a loss simply has to deal with the yen being worth so much more than the American dollar. Nintendo isn’t the only Japanese company suffering from this, Sony is as well, along with other Japanese companies. So when they sell 5 million wii u’s in America and that money gets converted into yen, they aren’t profiting at all because if they sell that same 5 million in Japan its worth a whole lot more. It basically comes down to our crappy economy. Either way I will be supporting wii u on day one and buying many games.



      GET THAT DERPS!!!!!!!





      I GIVE UP




  20. …Kick back ’cause this is kind of a long one :-D
    Wii U to be sold at a loss? Felt a bit of surprise when reading that. But considering the state of traditional gaming, this move makes sense. Companies like Nintendo (and Sony) probably want to play it safe in these times. Traditional gaming is in a strange place – it isn’t the safe days of N64/PS1/GB where traditional gaming was solid, or the days the handheld NDS saw such dominance in its market. Now, people probably seek a better reason to pick up a gaming console. What started as ‘fanboy’ like obsession with gaming grows into a hobby or more of a past time. It’s kinda hard to explain. Yeah… I’m still a gamer and I like Nintendo, but I don’t eat, sleep,dream games the way I did 5/10 years ago. I guess that’s just ‘gaming maturity’. I can’t exactly speak for everyone but I think this is the general trend.
    But some things in gaming can still enchant me. Like the 3DS when I first got it and the upcoming Wii U. These kind of rekindle that inner gamer in me. Also I’m really looking forward to seeing the new LoZ and Mario Kart.
    I think a gaming industry where Nintendo is doing poorly would be a pretty sad time for gaming.

  21. Ha. After saying countless times that they will never sell a console at a loss, especially at launch… more lies and fumbles from Nintendo.

    Now if the Wii U fails, Nintendo is in HUUUUGE trouble. And with the recent news about the lack of voice chat for some games, and thus, no person-to-person voice chat from different games like you can do with every other last-gen console, and the Pro controller not having a mic or even a bloody headset port… it’s not looking like Nontendo has done many things right.

    Seems like 1080p is the only thing they’ve done right, and they’re barely even getting that right with all the conflicting reports from various Nintendo sources saying 720p launch games, then saying they’ll be 1080p, then 720p, then 1080p…

    And also, no Miiverse on launch day? GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER NINTENDO! SERIOUSLY.

    1. Um, nope.

      Even if the Wii U ‘fails’, Nintendo can easily bounce back. Their coffers are filled to the brim with great credit, massive profits, and valuable IP. They are not SEGA – a company who suffered constant hardware flops by the time the Dreamcast came along.

      However, I do respect your particular bugbears about the Wii U’s lack of features. I can’t defend the the lack of headset features in the pro controller, or Nintendo’s seeming confusion over HD resolutions.

      But they are just that; bugbears. IMO, these are things that can easily be rectified. Personally, I’m not too bothered.

    2. “no person-to-person voice chat from different games like you can do with every other last-gen console”

      The 360 is the only one of the three home consoles that offers this feature.

    3. That’s what a rep said and they’re more than often wrong so wait till Nintendo confirms or denies this. Also, for certain games that DO lack in-game voice chat, that’s simply because due to time constraints and them being released at launch day, not because of Nintendo screwing up. Not to mention, only the 360 has universal party chat and that wasn’t even available day one. Hell, most features aren’t available day one for practically every modern gaming console. Is this the first time you’ve ever seen a console launch or something, because it seems like that. Oh but this is IDP, Aeolus’s boyfriend, what better did I expect?

      1. Who the fuck is Aeolus?

        People keep saying I know this prick but I seriously don’t pay attention to anyone on this site at all. Apparently you people pay A LOT of attention to me though.

        Obsess much?

        1. Nope, it’s just that whenever you comment you’re always in the whole “Nintendo’s doomed” or “Nintendo sucks”, etc. mood. You’re just so similar to him except you’re not as douchy. But you’re almost there.

  22. Pingback: NewsXpress: Édition en soirée du 24 octobre 2012 | Facteur Geek

  23. Jeez, and people wanted the Wii U to be more high-tech than it already is…

    These people really have no idea how business works. Now look at this; Nintendo have made the Wii U a relatively cheap and modest console – and they’re STILL going to take a loss on each unit!

    This actually makes me more intrigued about the PS3 and Nextbox. Just how much more powerful are Sony and Microsoft willing to make their consoles in relation to profit?

  24. LACK OFF VOICE CHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!! i love how a butt hurt sony or ms fan thinks theres no LACK OFF its commonsense that every single game in the world neeeds voice chat thats in its self childish thinking

    i dont game to chat i game for gameplay enjoyment nintendo knows 100% witch to support that way and witch not to and has everyone forgot that nintendo is miiversing the os for al to comunicate

    only x360 10 year olds want to scream down mics all fuuuking day

  25. cod chat wii a fantastic experience chattinh to other educated in forned cultured people around the globe



  26. They will make their profit off this software. The Wii U launch line up has something for everyone. From Mario and Rayman, to AC3, NG3 and Darksiders II, Just Dance 4 (?) and SiNG, to CoW Blops 2. I think Nintendo will have a stellar holiday season. I’ll hopefully be getting my Wii U as early as possible next year, so I’ll be doing my part. Leave luck to heaven.

  27. Pingback: Nintendo Actually Needs To Sell More Than One Wii U Game To Profit From Its New Console | My Nintendo News

  28. GBA emulator on the phone card can easily increase the element of numerousother characteristics including the actual SNES emulation too.
    This machine is the first of its type, but it shall not be the final.
    While we suspect there’s many duds amongst the line-up,
    there’s a few stand outs such as “Final Fantasy III.

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