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Nintendo Takes Down Tool Assisted Speed Run Videos And Rom-Hacked Games On Nicovideo

Yup, you read that correctly. Nintendo is currently taking down a number of videos that include tool assisted speed runs and also rom-hacked video games. Previously the Kyoto based company said it would endorse things such as Let’s Plays, Game Music Covers, and Fan Art. However it would seem that tool assisted speed runs and rom-hacked games just aren’t accepted by Nintendo. The tool assisted speed run videos taken down from Nicovideo include:

  • Mario Kart Advance
  • Legend of Zelda : Majora’s Mask
  • Made In Wario
  • Doctor Mario
  • Super Smash Brothers Melee
  • Kirby Deluxe
  • Edited SMW

Thanks, Giddy64

132 thoughts on “Nintendo Takes Down Tool Assisted Speed Run Videos And Rom-Hacked Games On Nicovideo”

      1. The nintendo magistrate

        I dont blame them for doing this really speed runs ruin the whole point of the game companies work so hard to make a game to get people doing that? Sorry but im with Nintendo on this one.

          1. The nintendo magistrate

            i work with them so yeah i stand by what i said Speed runs Ruin games companies work so hard to make only to have people do that yes equal rights and all that but speeding through the game destroys the fun and doesn’t give you time to fully enjoy the experience that took months to make.

            1. Man, do you have any idea how stupid that reasonning is? Doing a speedrun require you to know the game by heart. Just look at super metroid ! This game is still alive to theses days, thanks to speedrunners who have taken years to find the optimal route.
              Speedrunning a game is another way to enjoy a game you love when you’ve already finished it multiple time. Mario 64 and oot are two games of my childhood, and I’ve rediscovered them with speedrunning, it gave a new interest to a game I had already finished so many times.

              Speedrunning a game(meaqning “being ready to spend thousands of hour perfecting it”) is one of the greatest “proof of live” you can give to it.

                    1. I’m Just saying you hzd two choice there.
                      Admiting that you made à mistake by not knowing What speedrun is(nothing wrong with that…) and maybe aknowledge thoses People Who love Nintendo at least as much as you do.

                      Or insult an entire community of People you know nothing of, based on the ridiculous cliché that “gamer are basement nerd with no life” wich is insulting to everyone.

      2. The problem here is the people are misunderstanding what was uploaded. These are TASes of old games and/or ROM hacks. While, yes, ROMs are not legal, many old console games from the NES, SNES, and N64 are increasingly harder to find. Most are only available on eBay or second hand shops and are very expensive. Mario maker or Nintendo’s eShop also isn’t a solution as you can not TAS games or create ROM hacks. The point isn’t to pirate the game, it’s to get a version of the game that can be used to modify and change.

    1. Shouldn’t it be Accepted, not Excepted.
      Anyway, what exactly is wrong with these types of videos? I’m really curious…

          1. If you didn’t understand, your IQ must be dramatically low. Think critically before you post any ignorance comment. Oh wait, there’s no need to think crtically at all because this article is straight forward.

        1. Piracy is a practically unsolvable problem. They can’t fix it or help it to be honest. Doing things like this just makes less people want to support Nintendo and buy their games, and I wish Nintendo would realize that they are literally just shooting themselves in the foot with stupid and horrible decisions like these…

          1. Eh, it’s not like their sales were robust to begin with. But it’s their IP, and much like how they don’t approve of their IP’s on smartphones, why allow the false advertising of a tweaked, cheat version of their most prized franchises? I think they are wasting resourses in doing this, but it won’t hurt them, either

        2. Last I checked EA said this about every game they released that didn’t sell as much as something else that is popular. As people say that you can’t prove that a Let’s Play caused someone to buy a system or a game, can you prove that pirates really hurt the sales of games? You can’t prove either, so don’t use it as a defensive argument because you can’t prove it. Pirating is a thing that existed since before the internet. Remember CD and floppy and cassette duplicators? You could easily copy a game and dupe it and sell it to your friends. That’s why copy protection exists. People have been pirating since the dawn of the internet and before it and will even after the day it dies.

        3. You have to own the ROM to mod it. ROM hackers (usually) don’t endorse piracy, and usually offer the hack as an IPS patch or something and tell you to go get the ROM on your own, which can easily be done by ripping your own copy.

        1. Piracy =/= Theft

          Theft: Loss of a product. Loss of a sale. Loss of profit. Direct loss of tangible material from both distributor and reseller.

          Piracy: Copy of a product. Loss of a sale? Not really. Loss of profit? Not quite. Loss of material? Not at all.

          Really though. Piracy could be called an illegal demo. As for Rom hacking. It has as much to do with theft as painting a Ferrari has to do with vandalism.

            1. What if you own the game legally -and- TAS it on an illegal copy? Or even TAS it completely legally with a TASbot or similar?

              Get off your high horse.

              1. Get off yours.
                If you own the legal copy, use the legal copy to stream by getting the gear necessary to do so, like a legit Let’s Player would.
                Quit excusing piracy just to shit on Nintendo.

                1. “You should be required to buy a capture card if you want to stream a game you legally own or you’re a morally decadent not-legit let’s player”

                  L M A O

                  1. “You should be allowed to illegally download and pass around as many copies of a game you previously bought as you like, because why should anyone pay for games, right?!”

                    L M A O

                2. I think things like rom hacks shouldn’t be taken down tbh. You can’t really put it on a real physical copy without being extremely keen on technology. Also, if Nintendo wants to stop this stuff, then why don’t they legally distribute these games on the eShop to have a reason to not just pirate it. (Why not go ahead and distribute rom hacks and stuff if they want to “support” fans :P)

                  1. Also, imo, if they made a “Pokemon Maker” of sorts for the Wii U which allowed you to create your own Pokemon game and distribute it, that alone would make half of the people I know irl to buy a Wii U. Not even joking, since they absolutely love rom hacks and such.

                3. “You’re okay with the Law because you own a bought copy of the game, but If you were really okay you would have streamed from your console”

                  It’s a joke right ? XD
                  At least you’re funny trying to prove some point you can’t prove.

                  1. What, the point that a bunch of filthy pirates just want to justify what they’re doing?
                    Already been done, mate. I’m just emphasizing it for those too stupid to see they’re in the wrong.

                    1. I have a bunch of old PS1 CDs in my attic. I must be a pirate if I decide to put them on my PC and hack them. Same goes for roms. Dickhead. You’re such a fucking fanboy. Go die in a fire.

                      1. Nothing less from an entitled little bitch who can’t comprehend that pirating something you didn’t purchase is wrong.
                        When you bought those CD’s, it didn’t entitle you to all similar data across the internet.
                        Go learn what the fucking law is instead of crying when you don’t understand that you’re supporting the wrong fucking side.

            2. What? “Fans pay this guys steal”? What are you trying to say? Fans pay these guys to steal? That doesn’t make sense. If I watch a video online that means that I’m giving money to people who steal things. That doesn’t make much sense at all. If you don’t have the game you don’t do.. what? Again are you using google translate because your English is a little bit broken.

        1. You are not making much sense here. You say “by removing a let’s play of a game avalible on the eshop but they decided to illegally download??” This doesn’t make any sense. Are you using google translate? I would recommend re-doing this comment because it is very nonsensical.

    2. Uhhh… huh.
      Welp that makes sense. Maybe they should just take down YouTube let’s plays while they’re at it huh?

      But why stop there? Let them moderate every stream with a Nintendo game on it! Or in every podcast, whenever someone mentions Nintendo, strike them with a copyright claim! Heck why the hell not get on Deviant Art and start closing every fanart group there!


        1. My Wind Waker Is Bigger (I.A.B.A.B)

          Finally you posted something new. I Congratulate you on your achievement. Bra-vo

      1. Because it’s a totally dick move to remove videos featuring illegally downloaded rom hacks of games that are up on the Eshop.
        Yeah, it’s totally not the Pirate’s who are the bitches here./s

    3. Nintendo really needs to get along with the times. They seriously need to realize how ridiculous they’re acting.

        1. “we should allow these infidels to steal games”

          By legal definition; stealing is an act of physically taking something that can no longer be re-used by the rightful owner.

          Besides the point. I missed the class telling us that Rom hacking and emulation was Piracy. Now sure… if they say “I downloaded this hacked rom” then that’s bad. Even if they have the legit game but I wanna see if Nintendo are actually trying to discern whether or not ACTUAL “Piracy” (not stealing) has occurred.

      1. And accept illegal games? Fuck off stupid brat. That’s not how the world works. If you worked for Nintendo you’d think otherwise.

        1. You act like pirating started with the creation of the internet. Ever heard of CD duplicators? He never said that they need to accept downloading games he said that they need to not remove the videos. Personally, I don’t care about the videos. But why do people feel the need to get involved and yell at each other just because piracy or something is mentioned? Why does the world have to be so divided? Can’t we all, you know, get along?

      2. Law should allow everyone to walk in to the store and steal games from their shelves. Is that what you are saying?

        1. Theft =/= Piracy.

          Copying a game disc and selling the copy = Piracy.
          Stealing a physical game disc = Theft.

          Learn English for fuck sake.

      3. They need to realize that no one pays for games anymore so why not distribute it for free instead. #lostinfaithofhumanity

    4. This goes to show that Nintendo STILL hasn’t learned from Sega in regards to taking down videos.

      No wonder people complain about their YouTube program.

      1. Their Youtube program may be stupid, but if you had actually read the article, you’d know that the videos removed were of illegally hacked versions of games that are up on the Eshop.

          1. That’s because the entire system doesn’t yet support Gamecube games.
            When it does, you can bet your bottom dollar that they will have it there.
            And in the meantime, Nintendo still gets money and recognition out of the title due to people still searching for copies of it.

            1. They discontinued Melee years ago…. How are they supposed to be earning money from used copies/remaining new copies sitting around in game shops?

    5. I love hearing pirates trying to justify their actions.

      – I only pirate DRM games
      – I only pirate to demo, and if I like the game I buy it.
      – I pirate games because of greedy corporations
      – I pirate games because I cannot afford 60 dollars games
      – I pirate games because developers keep releasing half baked games.

      It’s all bullshit, your a bunch of thieves

      1. I have never heard any of these ever. Please tell me where I can hear these because I have never heard any of this. But what you should be saying is people who like to talk about all of the shit they pirate or the people who are the worst, the people who conceal it and just say to themselves “who cares” are the people who know the best.

        1. “They don’t have the guts to walk into a store, grab a game from a shelf, and walk off the store.”

          Or maybe they don’t want to cost the store money for a physical copy they paid to re-sell and can no longer get back. Piracy =/= Theft.

      2. If they pirate the game for any of those reasons you stated (except for the demo reason), then they weren’t going to buy it in the first place.

      3. 1. “– I only pirate DRM games”

        Cracking the DRM of a game you legally own makes you a pirate. Not a thief.

        2. “– I only pirate to demo, and if I like the game I buy it.”

        Pirates can try and buy. In the end, they’re pirates but not thieves.

        3. “– I pirate games because of greedy corporations”

        A legitimate call to piracy. Not un-alike selling without a license.

        4. “– I pirate games because I cannot afford 60 dollars games”

        Yeah. People who can’t afford to buy the game and therefore wouldn’t have bought it either way will just pirate it. Then they might “try” it and later might “buy” it.

        5. “– I pirate games because developers keep releasing half baked games.”

        This is a VERY GOOD reason to pirate a game. If you’ve been burned by developers and producers many times. You’re going to resort to number 2.

        6. “It’s all bullshit, your a bunch of thieves”


        Also no. They’re a bunch of pirates. You even used the word “pirate” instead of “steal” in every one of your points. You’re a self-righteous douche-nozzle and you should probably just go cry in a corner somewhere.

        In the end, a pirate is free to purchase what they wish and pirate whatever else they might like. I pirated GTA:V once because I was burned HARD when I bought GTA:IV back in the day. I was so surprised by how well it ran and the quality of the port that I then BOUGHT it after. Guess I’m a thief… no… no I’m not. I’m a morally ambiguous PIRATE!

    6. Again we see the backwards, draconian actions of a Nintendo controlled by those who have no idea about the Internet. The sooner the higher-ups stuck in the 80’s and 90’s leave Nintendo the better and all this nonsense will hopefully end.

      1. And these people who are using ROMs are almost certainly the biggest fans of these games, and likely have purchased them legally in the past. The people running Nintendo now just have no clue about the importance of the Nintendo and how they should embrace their fans, not harm them. I love Nintendo, but anyone supporting this action, along with the YouTube programme, are blind fanboys.

        1. Oh please. Like you’ve got any evidence that most of these people have EVER bought the games they’re DLing roms of.
          And as for the Youtube program and the fiasco surrounding Let’s Players…
          It’s funny; no one bitched about it until MONEY was involved.
          That’s what it’s really about; content creators are bitchy about MONEY.
          They don’t care about what they play so long as it’s popular enough to get them hits and get them money.
          That’s all Let’s Plays are about anymore.

          And a few generations back, when they weren’t about money, people did plenty of Let’s Plays of Nintendo games.
          And yet the console sales for Nintendo have been on a down-trend.
          In other words, Let’s Players haven’t done jack for Nintendo through their “free advertisement”, paid or unpaid.
          You can argue for their effectiveness for any other company all you like.
          But there’s no evidence that they’re helping Nintendo.
          I’ve yet to see anyone post anything that proves Nintendo has Let’s Players to thank for moving more Wii U’s.

          1. The founding father of Let’s Play, Slowbeef, said that Let’s Play started as promotion to the game you were doing the Let’s Play of. The idea was to raise awareness for a great game that is never talked about ever. Money was never a factor. It wasn’t until people could start making money from this is when things got out of hand. You have morons like DSP who didn’t care about the whole Nintendo copyright thing until it took money away from him, and then he complained like a little manchild about the issue. Retsupurae, who consists of Slowbeef and Diabeetus, had a podcast where they talked to Protonjon about it where Protonjon mentioned that Chuggaaconroy had said that he would just continue making videos and that he doesn’t care about money only to make entertaining videos and to tell people about the game. You can thank people who started making millions of money off of playing other people’s games for issues like this and for creating generations of DSPs who suck at everything and they play video games in their mom’s basement for a living. It doesn’t matter whether Let’s Plays have sold games or sold console or whatever things people what to say and that there is no evidence of this or whatever. What people should really think is “Who cares?”. Nobody really cares about whether Let’s Plays sold anything. I don’t, and neither do you. Let’s Play should just be left alone on the condition that it is not a job creator and you don’t get money from it unless sponsored by Nintendo or something like that where they pay people to make videos for them. If Let’s Play never became so shitty you would never have any issues with any of this and nobody would care.

        2. As I was once told, “if you pirate something, the idea is nobody knows, only you do”. The only way ROMs are legal is if you ripped it yourself or the publisher or developer puts the game out as freeware. There is no in-between of “well I downloaded it, but I have this here copy of Mario 64”. If you download a ROM and you make videos of it on youtube the idea is you never say that you pirated it or anything of the sort, you shut up and you don’t talk about it. ROMs are illegal to download and those people should knows this and they should know that nobody gets caught because nobody cares about people who download video games. I don’t care how big a fan they are just when you flash around the fact that you pirated it some people will get upset by this and can take that as telling others to pirate it too. Now this does create negative publicity and Nintendo I would hope knows this and that this will annoy some of their fans.

    7. Umm, I think it’s the fact that they are using and encouraging downloading and playing roms. If they played the games on the original hardware it would have been different. Hate Nintendo all you want but if you don’t understand that roms are illegal you’re an idiot. Yes they are illegal even if you own the game. Read Nintendo’s own page clearing up any questions about roms and emulation and learn. Always use the original hardware. Don’t be a brat.

      1. And just to add, if you still wanna use roms then do it. It’s your choice. But don’t fucking upload proof using them online and act like you did nothing wrong.

      1. That’s ’cause they are spoiled little shits. Grew up with the internet where everything’s “free”.

        1. The nintendo magistrate

          i played fire emblem 6 the english translation by fans but i bought the japanese game and now i play that on my gba love it to bits

      2. Good job at stereotyping the group of people as “thieves”. I would agree that they should not be like “yeah, look at my library of pirated games”. But to people who just look at the TAS runs or whatever as just some kind of entertainment to pass time or whatever they do have a right to be annoyed. People are allowed to state their grievances no matter how wrong or right they are. I don’t like that they took it down they could have at least kept it up and profited of off it. But people who find TAS runs entertaining are thieves. Really? Last I checked they were just people watching a video of some bot using glitches to beat a game in 10 seconds. Not everyone is a thief for liking a video the people who used the ROM and recorded the video and uploaded it are the people you should direct you hatred towards.

    8. Never heard of this site before to begin with. Am I wrong in assuming it’s something akin to the Myspace to YouTube’s Facebook? Anyway, it’s Nintendo’s IP and they’ve every right to enforce their copyright.

    9. Nintendo, please, you realize that when ever you decide to remove something like videos or whatever you always make people more annoyed with you. I, personally, don’t care about the issue, but I don’t get why they have to remove it. It only creates negative publicity. Nintendo I thought you were learning that when you remove this there are people who don’t care and then you have people who care. To please both, just do nothing. It’s a very simple solution. People who don’t care will continue to not care, and people who care can continue to care and not hate Nintendo because of something like this.

    10. That’s why a game that takes5 years and millions to make only remain relevant for a few months. Because at some point people began to consider something stolen as legit ownership. When you save for a game you love or work for something you want.(And I don’t mean buying your own copy only to make the money back by selling hacked copies to make your money back) You are truly relavant in your views and what you want to share. Outside of that, you’re a thief, who wants something for nothing, and have convinced yourself that you deserve such. If you want an earned audience, buy it, first, then mod away.

    11. Then again Nintendo could help by releasing all their old games ( first party ) on the eshop then nobody would have any excuses to pirate. Because they should do that. Beats me why all the Wii shop channel games aren’t up there at least. You know? I’m one of those people who’d at least like to avoid pirating but I must be able to buy the games somewhere without paying 100 bucks for one game. I do buy the actual cartridges and shit but buying the more expensive titles digitally always helps. I wonder if people would agree with me. To some maybe “free” is all they want to pay. Assholes.

      1. Problem is Nintendo is too lazy to emulate SGB features, Link Cable Emulation, N64 Controller Paks etc so for many games on VC you don’t have acess to the full game you’ve paid for. Not to mention N64 emulation is tricky and Nintendo needs to thoroughly make sure a N64 game will work properly with it’s specially tailored emulator before they release it on eShop.

    12. Guys, if you know Japanese law, then zip your lips!

      Nicovideo is a Japanese website. Thus, it’s under Japanese jurisdiction. Therefore, Japanese laws apply to that site, not US laws.

      Fair Use works differently in Japan than it does in America, explaining why, amongst other things, the Japanese Wikipedia doesn’t show box arts, gameplay snapshots, etc. (because they can’t justify using those images on a website that’s technically under a copyleft license).

    13. It’s probably because Nintendo makes you agree to give them the ad revenue thus if you’re playing a ROM hack they’re making money off someone else’s hack (a lot of games state that the game company owns the user created content but a ROM hack isn’t bound by agreements like this). Also, most people playing ROMs download theirs illegally instead of copying themselves (there’s also probably a license agreement saying you can’t copy it yourself anyway) so a hack is good evidence of piracy. as for TAS maybe it’s because Nintendo is making money from the TAS tools?
      Not to mention various legally binding agreements on Wii, Wii U etc make you say you won’t use unauthorized hardware and software modifications. Not sure if they have a similar agreement regarding modification to older games.

      Basically there’s various legal issues that you would be surprised by.

      1. Nintendo has no influence on the development of TAS tools and thus making no money off it.
        Same with ROM hacks, they don’t make money off it.
        Also the aggrements on WiiU/3DS or whatever don’t have anything to do with TAS/ROM hacks, the TAS/ROM hack creators might not even hit the agree button on the terms, since they don’t need a WiiU/3Ds for their activity. The legal bindings from the agreement differ from country to country, even if they agreed to them.

      1. There’s a certain quality to easycaps and other analog video converters that is easy to notice when it’s missing.

        1. Thanks dude ..
          So that means if I am using a footage from the rom on my computer for a video ( a top 10 for instance ) .. it will be taken down ?

    14. Solution. Don’t TAS, games are more interesting to watch when they’re played legit anyway (especially if you’re a potential customer which is the reason Nintendo allows LPs).
      As for hacks, stream them to easycap from a flash cart and don’t mention anything that gives away it’s a hack I guess.

    15. Might as well take down LP videos seeing as many people make money out of them. With TAS videos people don’t and that’s a fact. Also, many people who have pirated the games do tend to buy them or have bought them in the past. Perhaps if Nintendo readily made TAS tools available then that’s another potential target audience that they have opened. Maybe even creating their own emulator of sorts where people have to pay for them and allowing a form of digital download of the game (where they charge money).

    16. Pingback: In-Depth: SEGA & Fan Content Takedowns | TSSZ News

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