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Capcom Discusses Mega Man 11

Mega Man 11 is coming to the Nintendo Switch and Game Informer has all the details. The publication sat down with Mega Man 11 producer Kazuhiro Tsuchiya and game director Koji Oda to talk all about the game. Mega Man’s latest adventure is not due to be released until late 2018, but here’s what was mentioned by the team:

  • The goal is to take the past and combine elements that really worked from each title in the franchise
  • The aim is to bring Mega Man back and make him better than ever
  • They also want the game to be accessible to a younger generation
  • The team wants to make sure they don’t just recycle past elements for Mega Man 11
  • The team knows the core gameplay works, so they didn’t want to push too much in a new direction
  • The goal is to make sure visuals and controls work in harmony to have the tightest controls possible
  • The team wants to bring back the intuitive nature of the relationship between robot masters and their weapons
  • The devs feel figuring out what robot masters were weak to has gotten to difficult in recent games
  • The devs are finding Mega Man 11 a tough game to make
  • Designing unique robot masters and stages is a challenge
  • The team has members who worked on Mega Man games, industry vets who haven’t worked on Mega Man, and new devs
  • The dev team has strong ideas of what Mega Man should be, so sometimes they clash, but this helps create a ton of great ideas

Source / Via

14 thoughts on “Capcom Discusses Mega Man 11”

  1. “They also want the game to be accessible to a younger generation”

    I can interpret this in no way that doesn’t mean the game is going to suck a little bit more than it has to.

    “The team knows the core gameplay works, so they didn’t want to push too much in a new direction”

    So in other words, it’s a mega man game? I mean, I love the series. Have since it was only on the NES. But it’s not exactly known for being creative with gameplay. The majority of the series is borderline clones of the earlier games and those that aren’t tend to hurt the gameplay more than help.

    “The devs feel figuring out what robot masters were weak to has gotten to difficult in recent games”

    What recent games? Don’t 99% of players just google this anyway, even when going back to the classics? If anything, they should eliminate weaknesses altogether and just have the bosses react differently based on weapon, not necessarily taking lots of damage from just one.

    1. To be fair most 2d franchises failed to make the transition to new creative gameplay. Sonic , Mega Man , Castlevania , Double Dragon to name a few. Even games like DK Country , Yoshi , Kirby , Star Fox are still the same as in the 90’s. Mario hasn’t really evolved past its n64 version eather (Wich was done very well from 2d to 3d). Breath of the Wild and Metroid Prime are some examples of modernized games. Allot of the classics are gone or never succesfully made the transition very well if you ask me.

      For Castlevania I always liked the tought of a God of War style game wich they did only far lesser quality , and the same could have worked for Mega Man maby. These days though Dark Souls/Bloodbourne feel perfect for Castlevania.

      1. Mario hasn’t really evolved past the N64 game? Except that Sunshine and Odyssey both introduced brand new game mechanics and play much different than 64; and Galaxy took level design to, well, a whole new level.

      2. Still feels like the same game , A link to the past to Ocarina of Time was completely new not just some new mechanics. The next step was Breath of the Wild. Allot of people I know claim the same thing about Mario and i’m pretty much the only one of them that still buys it even though I lost most of my intrest in it aswell.

    2. “I can interpret this in no way that doesn’t mean the game is going to suck a little bit more than it has to.”

      What’s wrong? Don’t you want Megaman to live? I’d rather have a new Megaman game that caters to a new audience than not have a new Megaman game at all.

      “So in other words, it’s a mega man game? I mean, I love the series. Have since it was only on the NES. But it’s not exactly known for being creative with gameplay. The majority of the series is borderline clones of the earlier games and those that aren’t tend to hurt the gameplay more than help.”

      I’m fine with the direction they’re going. The transition to 3D has not been kind to the blue bomber if Megaman Legends ans/or Megaman X7 are any indication. A 2.5D game is a good compromise.

      “What recent games? Don’t 99% of players just google this anyway, even when going back to the classics? If anything, they should eliminate weaknesses altogether and just have the bosses react differently based on weapon, not necessarily taking lots of damage from just one.”

      Not gonna argue with that.

  2. I’m cool with mega man 11 being a thing and all but why not work on a new x game in the same fashion as the snes x games like the megaman x corruption guy was trying to do? Sonic mania was a game made by fans for fans, do the same with x. Sadly legends is dead and gone as is battle network

    1. Battle Network concluded, it was never canceled. Legends sadly did and I think X ran it’s course especially when Zero kinda overshadowed that series too and I love Zero more than any other spin off or sub series in MegaMan. Them doing another spiritual sequel in the main series especially after Mighty No. SUCK disappointed and pissed off a lot of fans more so than Capcom giving the series a break, was the right call to make.

  3. I hope Capcom finally does a 3D linear Mega Man game on par with Sonic Adventure and Ratchet & Clank one day, that ISN’T Mega Man Legends. Although I agree fans should still get Legends 3, but that’s it.

  4. im all for making mega man easier… not hand holding but just more stream lined. it would be cool if they focus on games 6 and 8 (by far the two best OG games) 6 nailed the gameplay and balancing and also has some of the best RM made. while 8 really made up for everything 7 lacked. 8 also had the most creative RM and really brought the graphics into the modern age yet still made level design spot on. if they fallow those 2 games then i think they can make a winner. its been a long time since a MM game was around and so much has changed in gaming that could put a lot on the developers, but i hope they make it modern and not forget what makes MM games simple and attractive. for example each RM could have more then one level, powers could have more then one use, their are a lot of side characters that could join up and add to parts of a level. lots of metrovania kind of gameplay could be added. also full voice acting would be cool.

  5. Pingback: Capcom torna a parlare di Mega Man 11, svelati nuovi dettagli -

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