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Jeff Grubb says he heard Capcom was thinking about Dino Crisis

Capcom’s much loved Dino Crisis series has laid dormant for quite some time now, but it seems as though the franchise could possibly make a comeback. The news comes via journalist Jeff Grub who says that he heard that the Japanese development studio was thinking about doing something with Dino Crisis, though this was before they launched Exoprimal. Capcom recently issued a survey asking fans about which dormant Capcom games they would like to see revived and Dino Crisis was one of the games on this list.


2 thoughts on “Jeff Grubb says he heard Capcom was thinking about Dino Crisis”

  1. Until Capcom actually show gameplay all rumors are worthless trash.
    Capcom are fully aware that fans wanted games like Dino Crisis, Onimusha, Okami, Mega Man X, MM Legends, RE Outbreak, Lost Planet ect, to return yet they constantly ignored fans.
    All of that wasted money and time, spent developing those crappy RE spinoff flops, could have been spent on a brand new RE Outbreak game, which would have actually sold much better as an online game since Capcom was so hell bent on a multiplayer online game.

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