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Apple To Team Up With Valve For New Games Console?

Apple CEO Tim Cook was spotted at Valve’s headquarters in Washington recently sparking rumours that the Steam Box could be a joint venture between the two firms. Earlier today I posted that a Valve computer engineer stated via Twitter that he was working on “next-generation hardware”. If turns out to be true then it could be a very exciting E3 indeed.

105 thoughts on “Apple To Team Up With Valve For New Games Console?”

    1. Sony has original games, microsoft has nothing other than fanboys backing up the casual xbox, so they’d be the first to go.

      1. Xbox is on top of the 3 mig consoles right now, Sony just took a $6 billion hit. Sony will be the first out. I think they’ll stick with PS3, and may not make the PS4

      2. Obvious fanboy is obvious.

        XBOX has just as man, if not more, exclusives that have sold millions upon millions. Don’t be an idiot (I know it’s difficult for you).

        Instead of moronically lashing out against a system you don’t like, why not embrace more variety of gaming? Last I checked, people played video games because they like to have fun, not because they owe one company or another a debt of allegiance.

        1. You are missing the point. Sony is LOSING the console wars. Your opinion does not matter, and neither does mine. The FACT is that Sony is at the bottom of the list here and are showing no signs of life in the console market in relationship to Nintendo and Microsoft. The user you replied to was not even being a fanboy.

          On a more opinionated side of things, who cares about Sony’s original games? The Wii has lots of those and they suck, but hey, they sure are original. If people aren’t buying your games, then you are not making money. This is about business, not about a happy feel-good “yay, we make a different variety of games!” In business, the company who wins is adaptable and fits the market. If you want to talk about a debt of allegiance, Sony, with their Asian mindset of marketing, plays to this more than Nintendo or Microsoft does. They think Americans will buy their product just because it is made by Sony. Too bad for them in the rest of the world consumers buy the better product, with little allegiance to any one company. The last time I checked, Microsoft jumped into a world dominated by the Playstation 2 and N64 and started kicking ass and taking names. Nintendo was on the out and came out with Wii and dominated in sales. Sony? They launched a crap console with crappier titles. No way to make a stand if you ask me. I am a PC gamer, and there is not a single title I would ever consider purchasing a PS3 for? 360? Sure thing, it’s got the big-name franchises and the Wii is just plain fun.

          1. Gotta agree here. In all reality, as much as I love nintendo, PC gaming is the way to go. With Nintendo dominating with the wii, and xbox 360 having a very large fan base, the PS3 just didn’t cut it.
            On another note, I’ve been thinking apple would try another video game console, with all the sales they rake in on iPhone and iPad games. Could be a replacement all-in-one iTV/iGames or something. Could be neat, but I imagine it will be subscription based which I no likey.

            1. actually, if apple were to release a bluetooth controller for the iPad, and then you hook it up to your TV via hdmi and if games were designed with that controller in mind, the iPad is already potentially a console.

              1. That is very true. Although I doubt its any kind of powerhouse, that hardly matters considering how popular they’re “drive-by” games are. I believe they outsell even DS games these days. But somehow I doubt Apple would pass up a chance to sell they’re loyalist fanbase another expensive piece of hardware, or to claim “first” on that technology (in this case a “cloud” style gaming system).

      3. dude actually xbox is better than ps3 and wii if u wana be honest it offers alot the only thing its lacking is originality but its actually better than ps3 and wii so yeah

      4. At least Microsoft’s console is trustworthy enough to play games well. And original games are hardly worth bragging about these days, especially if they don’t build on their staying power.

      5. You are missing the point. Sony is LOSING the console wars. Your opinion does not matter, and neither does mine. The FACT is that Sony is at the bottom of the list here and are showing no signs of life in the console market in relationship to Nintendo and Microsoft. The user you replied to was not even being a fanboy.

        On a more opinionated side of things, who cares about Sony’s original games? The Wii has lots of those and they suck, but hey, they sure are original. If people aren’t buying your games, then you are not making money. This is about business, not about a happy feel-good “yay, we make a different variety of games!” In business, the company who wins is adaptable and fits the market. If you want to talk about a debt of allegiance, Sony, with their Asian mindset of marketing, plays to this more than Nintendo or Microsoft does. They think Americans will buy their product just because it is made by Sony. Too bad for them in the rest of the world consumers buy the better product, with little allegiance to any one company. The last time I checked, Microsoft jumped into a world dominated by the Playstation 2 and N64 and started kicking ass and taking names. Nintendo was on the out and came out with Wii and dominated in sales. Sony? They launched a crap console with crappier titles. No way to make a stand if you ask me. I am a PC gamer, and there is not a single title I would ever consider purchasing a PS3 for? 360? Sure thing, it’s got the big-name franchises and the Wii is just plain fun.

        1. Sony and Microsoft will never go bust due to the computing sector of the company being a tiny part of a massive industry. If they lose money on gamin9g, then they’ll recover it in the music or film production side (sony).

          Ps3 brought in Blu-ray, and now that industry is independant. but it would not have succeeded without the Ps3’s ability to play them on the console, so to believe it is crap is rather childish.

          The majority of the 360’s ‘exclusive’ games are also available to be bought and played on the PC, the strongest gaming hub of them all.
          The ps3 has Blu Ray capability and games such as Uncharted, which is a great series. I’d have loved for them to have created a new entry to the Jak and Daxter series but we have to make do for now.
          The Wii – whilst rejected by gamers, saved the industry as a whole. now because of apples dominance in the world, the only way we can keep our consoles alive is by introducing the Casual audience into gaming, to get them to hand money over and keep us afloat.
          On a gaming side, the wii is still fantastic but as long as you can appreciate the game for what it is, not for the specifications.
          the metroid prime trilogy is fantastic. To me that is why i have a wii. I’ve played it over and over again.

          But games like that will be rejected by ‘gamers’ because it’s on the wii. People should learn to appreciate the console more for what it did to the industry, it introduced the family to gaming, whilst retaining the identity as a Nintendo console.

    2. I think sony is not in danger. If this is true then is nintendo the one in danger. I love nintendo and i know we all do, but most of wii owners, are casual people, people who think that an ipad is a gaming machine.
      So if they see a real apple console they could buy it instead of the wii u

      1. Actually thats what stupid ppl call wii gamers “casual”, when real gamers play games like Zelda, metroid, ssbb,and mario, nintendo fans dont think ipads are gaming machines, i think xbox user think this way because they are after new tech.

        Hard core and casual is shit

        IM A GAMER

        1. yes i understand you
          what i meant is that of total 95 million wii owners,
          not all of them are gamers. there is a big part who is casual

          1. What i meant too is that ppl that say im a hardcore gamer are shit because they only care to see blood in a game to feel like a man.

            Thats why i dont say im hardcore or casual, i say im a gamer, because i try all kind of games, and nintendo makes the better games.

      2. False, Nintendo is staying. A previous post on this site said that a financial analyzer said Nintendo has enough funds to last until 2050. And thats if every console from the Wii U on has horrible sales. Sony is the one who’s really in danger.

      3. It’s Microsoft who is in danger. Nintendo has franchises that are always 100% of the time going to be exclusive to Nintendo. And Sony has a couple too. But Microsoft really only has halo. Mass effect was released on ps3 ending exclusivity meaning that as of right now. Microsoft has the lightest pull on the market.

        1. Did someone forget Gears of War? And Forza? Among many others? Just because YOU don’t play them or like them doesn’t mean they’re not exclusives, and it certainly doesn’t mean they’re not good. I think their high sales prove they are more than well liked by millions.

      4. I don’t think an ipad is a console honestly I hate apple, and I have been playing on Nintendo systems since the SNES came out.

  1. This all sound very far-fetched…
    I doubt this will be successful if it exists, can’t see anyone warming up to a new console, but we’ll see.

    1. I’m just thinking, what will Apple offer in terms of software? I mean, will the system just be a console to play games that are already on computers? (in other words, other developers make most of the largest iPhone iPad games)

    2. Take a look around Steam’s library. I sure would love to buy a console to play everything in there rather than having to constantly upgrade my PC. Especially since I am on a laptop right now without much room for upgrading.

      1. apple system would only sell well because it will have an apple logo on it as we all no anything with an apple logo on it sells stupidly well

    1. Oh, as opposed to $699 for the severely overrated PS3 that was supposed to be magnitudes more powerful than XBOX360, but isn’t?

      Difference being that if Apple prices it at $500, it will actually be WORTH $500. $700 fr a PS3? Which is only as powerful as an XBOX360 and had shit titles when it launched? Laughable.

      I paid $499 for my Mac mini and that was way back in 2005. It’s still going stron an has never had to have the OS reinstalled, change hardware (other than a 2gb RAM upgrade from Crucial for $40), and still runs things like Photoshop CS5 quickly and smoothly. I’d say that’s worth the money, since I’ve owned at least a handful of PCs that have never had that kind of staying power with little to no upgrades.

      And who says Apple will price it? Valve are genius, so I doubt they’d let their system be built to cost more than folks can afford, nor would they allow it to be ridiculously overpriced for no reason.

    1. Did you even read this post?

      They denied rumors, but there is tons of evidence that SOMETHING is being made. We just don’t know what yet.

      Also, plenty of game companies have denied things that turned out to be actually true. Why? Because they don’t want people to know about it yet. Nintendo is the king of that.


    Well unless it just knocks Microsoft and Sony out of the way and leaves Nintendo, I’ll be happy :D

      1. Except PC game developers can’t go nuts with game design and graphics because they have to put in options for people with less powerful systems. Also, they can’t make games with new types of controls because every PC is different. They’re pretty much limited to keyboard and generic game pads/sticks.

        The Wii U, for example, may not be as powerful graphically as a high-end PC, but the controls + tablet combo adds all kinds of interesting possibilities. Even beyond the “gimmicky” possibilities; think of controlling a remote control stealth device/robot/car with the video feed for it showing up on the controller screen instead of having to have tr view on the TV change. You could continue to cover your ass in an FPS whilst you maneuver the secondary vehicle.

        Or having a map with heat signatures during a multiplayer FPS game, a rear-view during a racing/car combat game, inventory list during an adventure (Zelda) type game so you don’t have to pause and bring up a menu, having video chats whilst playing an online multiplayer game, etc. the possibilities are really exciting to think about, even despite the fact that it’s not “new tech”. It’s just new in it’s application. Can’t do any of that with a PC game. Just gotta stick to than lame old keyboard/mouse combo that hasn’t really evolved much in the last 20 years.

  3. Wow, Apple is starting to look more and more like the bridge between independent and thriple A developement companies. I sure hope I can get a developer liscence with them right away.
    I hope this is going to happen, and Apple dies not close the doors on its indie developers!!

    My only app: “Dino Bird”. Its free. Check it out.

    1. It’s not even a rumor, it’s baseless speculation; this isn’t journalism and, quite frankly, is disgraceful.

      They’re definitely discussing Steam on Macs; something there’s been issues with

      1. Apple was soloing that. With Valve, it could be a different story, especially since most of Valve’s IPs are very synonymous with Apple’s image.

  4. I reckon it’s just them developing a way to play steam games on apple products now and in future i.e. ipads

  5. There’s no way in hell. Apple is too restrictive and Valve likes having control; maybe Valve is working on an app, but there’s no way they’d make a console together.

  6. This sounds like something you’d read on TMZ or other celebrity gossip outlet, except with video game developers instead of celebrities.

    “Oh these two people were seen together, they must be fucking!”

  7. if this is going to happen then damn apple!!! i hate companies that get involved in industries they dont belong in, especially when there is no room for them in the industry.
    anyway i think its highly unlikely and much more likely that apple is there to talk about steam on apple computers

  8. I just hope this is about Steam on Mac, I don’t want Valve + Apple to join because Apple would try to change gaming to drasticly and I want Steam on Wii U.

  9. too bad apple and valve couldnt kick microsoft out of the gaming market they dont bring much but extra expences. i forgot halo but i wouldnt buy a console for just that. would you ?

  10. ok for all the people saying microsoft is in danger you dont know shit sony is in more danger than u can imagin xbox is profiting more than sony because u know why they actually listin to there community unlike sony and nintendo some of u fuckin nintendo fans are in denial it dosent make sense nintendo is not putting out grown up games like most of us want they rather make more party games for the moms and grand moms rather there than listen to the people who have helped them make it this far and im a loyal nintendo fan but if anyone is in danger its sony and nintendo but nintendo can hold there own hopefully one day they will make more grown up games like they did with the n64 cause honestly the n64 was the most hardcore game system ever made period

    1. All they merely did was debunk rumors. And I’m guessing you’ve never read the likes of 1984 or any Orwellian novel, otherwise it could have occurred to you that sometimes with news, people lie.

  11. I don’t really care if its xbox, wii or ps3. I’m such a gamer that I’ve got all the consoles even the 3ds and psp. Now I’m just waiting for wii-u to add in my collection. Then when others come too, I sold old ones and upgrade.
    I love varities of games. No one is better. They are all equally good. The only good thing about having all consoles is I get more varities in game price and availability.

  12. Well, that sounds cool. If it can get my eyes off the 360 and the Wii U, color me impressed, but till then, I don’t care.

  13. This is funny as hell….So now if this thing is true then a systems life will only last 1 year not 5 or 6 because we all know apple is like the Call of Duty franchise. Think about this for a second….now, if a fuckin iPad cost $600+ imagine how much a gaming system would cost!….$1000+….. fuuuuuck that! They can keep that expensive piece of shit! Oh, and apple are being sued for overcharging on ebooks….hahaha! Fuckin’ greedy bastards that’s what they get. I could just imagine them selling a $50 game for $75….hahaha this news if true is plain fail.

  14. Sweet, I’ve been waiting for a new company to enter the console war and I knew Apple would try again someday. We’ll have to see how good the system will be and what titles will be on it (if it’s even real that is)

  15. Mixed feeling about this. On the one hand I really don’t want another home console on the market. I think 3 competing consoles is plenty. Besides, this could just be computer hardware and not a home console. On the other hand (assuming it is a home console put together by Apple and Valve) it could be awesome if done right and not to expensive. I would still buy the Wii U either way. And if it does become a big competitor in the home console market I would say that Microsoft would be in the most danger in regards to their xboxes. But Microsoft wouldn’t really suffer if they did stop making home consoles because of how well they do with PC games. Sony would be in a bit of trouble of because the huge financial loss they suffered. Course if they did stop making PlayStations that wouldn’t be too bad for them either because Sony makes so many other electronics that rack in profits. Nintendo might take a hit at first but they would stay strong. They’re video game experts. The Big N saved the industry in the 80s. They would be fine if Valve and Apple do make a home console. But again this might just be new computer hardware.

  16. Apple’s iPad, iPod do not compete with console gaming, nor have they proven a real threat to the 3DS (or DSi, or DS lite, etc…) however, if apple teams up with someone who does know how to build a gaming device… Well shit, as much as I hate apple, their hardware can be pretty strong.

  17. I don’t care if he was seen there this just screams bullshit. Apple has always sucked as far as gaming goes. The only reason I would buy a mac is for the screen, remove every thing “usefull” and then install photoshop and firefox.

  18. That is so stupid it just hurt my brain to read it. Why the hell would you spend all of that money for a screen? Let me help your sorry self out. Here is a wonderful 32″ monitor: Hook that up to your laptop or desktop and you are good to go. No over-priced Mac needed. And PS runs on Windows too, the misconception that Mac is better for photo editing is a load of shit. It’s just freaking hardware and electrons flowing through said hardware. People these days will go for anything shiny. I bet you half the country buys antivirus software based solely on the way the icon looks. Fucking hell.

  19. “If turns out to be true then it could be a very exciting E3 indeed.” Love that “indeed” thing at the end quite very much indeed myeeees…

  20. Confidentially, I honestly use my PS3 as a video machine than a gaming machine. It does appear Sony is subtly dropping out of the gaming race. Especially since the PS Vita hasn’t done well in Japan, and though it did have a strong reception in the US, the sales weren’t as great as they could’ve been.

    As for Apple and Valve’s possible new console, it just depends on which type of audience it’s aiming for, and how it’s marketed and supported. Think about Microsoft, the problem MS had was they originally wanted to engineer a console aimed at the PC gamers, not console gamers, but it attracted younger players since they

    1. were anxious in having what the ‘experienced, older, players’ were after. But it seemed MS focused more to the seasoned gamer than the casual one, But it will be interesting to see how this new console will play out (if at all) at E3

  21. Pingback: Valve Confirms It’s Making Hardware | My Nintendo News

  22. Pingback: Valve Confirms It’s Making Hardware | Gaming R.S.S.

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