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Final Fantasy Versus XIII Renamed Final Fantasy XV And Coming To Wii U?

With E3 fast approaching it was inevitable that we would get plenty of juicy rumours before the event takes place. The latest rumour is that Square Enix has renamed its long-awaited PlayStation 3 exclusive Final Fantasy Versus XIII to Final Fantasy XV and that the game is also heading to Wii U. The news came about when a video was posted online showing footage of the game reportedly running on Wii U. Admittedly it does scream fake, but who knows?

Tip: Ninty15

63 thoughts on “Final Fantasy Versus XIII Renamed Final Fantasy XV And Coming To Wii U?”

  1. Batman, Call of Duty, NBA 2K, Assassin’s Creed, maybe GTA & this. Nintendo really is preparing the Wii U for a “hardcore” market

    1. Pikmin, Mario, whatever Retro has, Kingdom Hearts, Killer Freaks, Lego City, Dragon Quest. idk y ppl r sayn Wii U is goong to fail

      1. people say that because they are afraid of the wiiu.they are jealus because they have that peacee of shit ps3 and the ps4 will cost so mutch money that their mom wont buy it for them

        1. I for one have a ps3, and i don’t think its a piece of shit. Do you really think seeing the wiiu makes sony fanboys go “grrr, my ps3 is shit now, but i can’t admit it!! D:< ) Of fucking course not! People who say It'll fail say that because of the rising popularity of tablets and pc gaming; more and more people are thinking that consols as a whole will be rendered useless.

          1. I have one and I must admit it is a piece of shit i mean come one.
            PSN go offline too much
            got hacked
            over prices dlc and games
            too much loading time
            updates sucks
            too much installing

  2. sorry but final fantasy X was the last of FF era… All other ff series after FF10, are just horrible.. Personal opinion.

  3. Wii u look like its going for the western side of things why can’t the 3ds do the same I’m so tired of jrpg

    1. 3DS lost some western support last year because of the low sales. Iwata said that since those picked up last December, we’re going to see more western games on it this year. :)

            1. great alexander was from boulgary and not from macedonia

              you can’t speak english smelly, smelly girl pants.

  4. Makes sense. This game actually looks great way better than FF13 and 13-2 and the artwork reminds me of FF7

    1. i hope we’ll see a good 1 for the wiiU and bring gamer to its senses.(most f gamers left nintendo)

        1. too bad for those who left Nintendo and went the graphics and fps path, they won’t enjoy Zelda and Mario games anymore u_u

          1. except if zelda will be released and the gamer will change his opinion.he MUST see that nintendo does more enjoyble games for now.i wish some developers who they left rare could come to nintendo or retro.

            1. and i have some proofs.i mean i have some friends who they have ps3 and when i see them to play COD or socker they are just like they are bored with their lives.can you understand me?

  5. Been waiting for this game for so long I don’t even

    Well, even if it does come out for Wii U I’ll probably get if for my PS3.
    Still, would be cool.

  6. I would love to see the main Final Fantasy series come back to a Nintendo console. Back home where it belongs. Leave luck to heaven.

    1. Nahh not this garbage they shove out now. If they come back to Nintendo I wanna see the revolutionary games like FFVI or Chrono Trigger. Games like those are what made the RPG universe thrive

      1. The way you see Final Fantasy 6 and Chrono Trigger is different from how you see other games, so you will never enjoy any new Final Fantasy game like those two in the same way again. Our only hope is that those new games will be incredibly awesome in their own way.

  7. I havent been keeping up with the development cycle of this. Is this new footage? If it’s new footage then how can it be fake?

  8. Square has been focusin on an already trashed franchise. They are just steady beatin an already dead horse. I wish they’d go back to their GOOD games, you know the games that were beautiful and actually FUN, but were overlooked by FFVII, FFVIII, and FFIX. You know, the games like Chrono Trigger, Legend of Dragoon, and Xenogears. Those games made a much larger impact on my childhood then any final fantasy game and I’d insta-buy them if they brought them back out, just like I did the other day when I found xenogears on the PSN the other day. If Square bought back the Xeno-series and made a proper sequel to both, xenogears and Legend of Dragoon that would make major cash for them

    1. They call me... Mr. Vain

      but thing is, Monolith Soft developed Xenogears and SquareSoft published it. So really Xenogears belongs to Monolith Soft but Square owns the rights.. thats why Monolith Soft made games like Xenosaga and Xenoblade because they cant go back to develop Xenogears

        1. Monolith Soft wasn’t even around when Xenogears was made. They only came to being when Xenosaga was in development.

  9. I wouldn’t be surprised if this were true. This game has been in development for almost half the lifespan of Duke Nukem Forever’s development. At this point, they’re better off renaming the game altogether. Nobody wants to be stuck on the number 13 two years after the fact, especially when number 13 was the number we’ve been dealing with for the past six years during FF13’s development and release and this game’s development. Not many people care for FF14 either, so we might as well get FF15 very soon. You can argue that Final Fantasy games have usually taken a long time to make, and I’d tell you that there was only like a one to two year difference between 7, 8, 9, and 10. 12 was what took the longest to make.

  10. I can’t believe you’re posting this. That video has been said to be fake. Listen to the fake English with fake Japanese accent. Look at the school desks. I think the trailer was remixed. That video is no more real than this one

    It’s probably made by the same people.

  11. Pingback: Wii U, 3DS, Wii, DS, DSi, Videojuegos y Consolas Nintendo – | [RUMOR] Proximo Final Fantasy para Wii U

  12. Pingback: Video game upgrades | Side Quest Publications

  13. Pingback: New Final Fantasy XV Details | Gamers Sphere

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