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Unknown Nintendo Device Has Just Been Approved By Korean RRA

A mysterious Nintendo device has just been approved by the Korean RRA. The model name is WIS-009 and in the description the device is listed as a portable video player. There’s not much information to go on, but it could be somehow related to Nintendo’s forthcoming Quality of Life platform, or it could be a redesigned GamePad.

Thanks, Martin C

100 thoughts on “Unknown Nintendo Device Has Just Been Approved By Korean RRA”

      1. That would be awesome, but I doubt that because it would be really pricey. Or they should release more than one version of it like the WiFi and 3g versions of the PSV

    1. … I really hope you’re joking Peteriuss, cause you just said so many stupid things at once, I feel like punching you

    2. The Wii U is Nintendo’s next generation home gaming console, and is the first Nintendo console ever to support full HD graphics. Backwards compatible with all Wii games, it is priced at $299.99, and bundled with launch title Nintendo Land. The main standout feature of the Wii U is the Gamepad, which allows Off-TV Play, which allows the player to display the image seen on the television on the touchscreen, to continue playing the game if the television was needed for other uses, or the player needed to move away from the television. A television isn’t needed to be connected to the Wii U; the Wii U can operate in Off-TV Play mode as long as the console is connected to a power source. The Wii U Gamepad can also be used for asymmetric interplay between the television screen and the Wii U Gamepad screen, such as Nintendo Land and Zombi U, such that the Gamepad can be used in various methods such as a map to look at while playing on the television screen. Each software title may be designed to utilize this touchscreen as being supplemental to the main TV, or as the only screen for Off-TV Play. Each game may support any combination of the Gamepad, the Wii Remote, the Wii Nunchuck, the Wii Balance Board, or Nintendo’s more classically shaped Wii U Pro Controller. Another interesting feature of the Wii U is Miiverse, which is a communication system or social network for Wii U powered by the Nintendo Network, which allows players to interact and share their experiences through their own Miis. It is also available via a web interface on PCs, with plans for dedicated apps for tablets and smartphones. It allows users to seamlessly share accomplishments, comments, and hand written notes with other users. Miiverse is integrated into the system menu of the Wii U, but social interactions can also occur within supported games and applications. A user is able to suspend any game to access Miiverse functions via the Home menu, and then return to the game at the point it was left. Posts are divided up into different ‘communities’ based on specific games, series, applications, or interests, and players can post screenshots from their game to attach to their posts. Certain games, such a Sonic Lost World, allow players to share in-game items with other players via Miiverse. Other games, such as Super Mario 3D World, offer pre-made stamps that can be used in handwritten posts, though they can only be used in their respective communities. The Wii U Nintendo Eshop is an online marketplace, and features downloadable games, applications, and information on upcoming film and game releases. It supports user reviews of games, applications and other media. After an Eshop title has been acquired and used for at least one hour, users then can submit a review consisting of a crescent range of one to five ‘stars’, representing the game’s quality. Users can also categorize games by age and gender, and as being suitable for either hardcore or casual gamers. Wii U has Miiverse integration for user reviews on the Nintendo Eshop. Virtual Console is a specialized section of the Nintendo Eshop online service, that allows you to purchase classic retro titles such as Super Mario World, Castlevania, Golden Sun, Advance Wars, The Legend of Zelda, Earthbound, and much more. Many titles have been released for the Wii U, such as Need For Speed: Most Wanted U, Resident Evil Revelations, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Lego City Undercover, and Pikmin 3. Upcoming Wii U games include Watch Dogs, Yarn Yoshi, Project CARS, and Mario Kart 8.

              1. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ The Wii U is Nintendo’s last generation home gaming console failure, and is the first Nintendo console ever to support full HD graphics. Backwards compatible with all Wii games, it is priced at $299.99, and bundled with launch title Nintendo Land (fun for an hour). The main standout feature of the Wii U is the Gamepad, which allows Off-TV Play (nobody uses it though), which allows the player to display the image seen on the television on the touchscreen, to continue playing the game if the television was needed for other uses, or the player needed to move away from the television. A television isn’t needed to be connected to the Wii U; the Wii U can operate in Off-TV Play mode as long as the console is connected to a power source. The Wii U Gamepad can also be used for asymmetric interplay between the television screen and the Wii U Gamepad screen, such as Nintendo Land and Zombi U, such that the Gamepad can be used in various methods such as a map to look at while playing on the television screen. Each software title may be designed to utilize this touchscreen as being supplemental to the main TV, or as the only screen for Off-TV Play. Each game may support any combination of the Gamepad, the Wii Remote, the Wii Nunchuck, the Wii Balance Board, or Nintendo’s more classically shaped Wii U Pro Controller. Another interesting feature of the Wii U is Miiverse, which is a communication system or social network for Wii U powered by the Nintendo Network, which allows players to interact and share their experiences through their own Miis. It is also available via a web interface on PCs, with plans for dedicated apps for tablets and smartphones. It allows users to seamlessly share accomplishments, comments, and hand written notes with other users. Miiverse is integrated into the system menu of the Wii U, but social interactions can also occur within supported games and applications. A user is able to suspend any game to access Miiverse functions via the Home menu, and then return to the game at the point it was left. Posts are divided up into different ‘communities’ based on specific games, series, applications, or interests, and players can post screenshots from their game to attach to their posts. Certain games, such a Sonic Lost World, allow players to share in-game items with other players via Miiverse. Other games, such as Super Mario 3D World, offer pre-made stamps that can be used in handwritten posts, though they can only be used in their respective communities. The Wii U Nintendo Eshop is an online marketplace, and features downloadable games, applications, and information on upcoming film and game releases. It supports user reviews of games, applications and other media. After an Eshop title has been acquired and used for at least one hour, users then can submit a review consisting of a crescent range of one to five ‘stars’, representing the game’s quality. Users can also categorize games by age and gender, and as being suitable for either hardcore or casual gamers. Wii U has Miiverse integration for user reviews on the Nintendo Eshop. Virtual Console is a specialized section of the Nintendo Eshop online service, that allows you to purchase classic retro titles such as Super Mario World, Castlevania, Golden Sun, Advance Wars, The Legend of Zelda, Earthbound, and much more. Many titles have been released for the Wii U, such as Need For Speed: Most Wanted U, Resident Evil Revelations, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Lego City Undercover, and Pikmin 3. Upcoming Wii U games include Watch Dogs, Yarn Yoshi, Project CARS, and Mario Kart 8.

          1. People know what the wii u is and what it’s capable off and nobody makes the assertive effort to go out of their way and buy one because they know how BAD IT IS!

                1. I apologize for assuming you’re a guy but usually Females don’t act so immature. I get you’re trying to be funny, and I’m not a Nintendo fanboy if you’re going to pull that card, but you’re trolling technique is very annoying and unoriginal. On every post I see #WiiU (something puny) and its funny in the beginning but eventually it gets boring and tiresome. I’m not going to call names or blaspheme you but please, stop being such a bad troll.

    3. leave my homiesexuals alone. if you don’t like good times, your loss, but me and my homiesexuals will go on. i the bisexual king, exile you from our lands.

  1. Seriously, whoever thought up the Quality of Life bullwhip should commit seppuku with a butter knife. Nintendo keeps taking their eye off the ball with stupid nonsense. Reminds me of the vitality sensor that never was released.

    1. Meh, could be interesting. Nintendo does need to expand there business beyond gaming to be honest, they have the money and the tech so why not.

      Could be a Smart Phone, Smart Watch or a Portable Version of the Original Wii for the Korean Market

    2. We have no idea what this is, also this could be something already out, sure it could be a QOL product, but that’s fine, I’m glad Nintendo is expanding, their is no excuse for them not to be as big as Disney

  2. Sounds like they are dipping their toes into the Smart Device buisness by the sounds of things. Let hope it’s a Smart Watch or Smart Phone by Nintendo.

    1. HDS – agreed

      i also wouldn’t be surprised if it’s not 3D and an expansion on the 2DS

      that being said, i’m also certain it supports 3DS games … just in 2D

      also, i wouldn’t be surprised if they push Youtube and other HD related features on it more … maybe video-taking features … video-editing features … etc.

      1. I do prefer the sound of the fusion ds…………its still hd.

        but I would be ok with fusion hds with slide out 2 screens haha,

        1. i completely forgot about the fusion ds … completely forgot about that … researching…

          the fusion ds rumor was highly hardware technology-based and arguably very much “concept” … i’m certain nintendo constantly goes through “concepts” which are never actionable … they become more actionable as time goes on but it’s not time to do something so big. we’re in a 3DS platform step, i think … not a new platform completely.

      2. SherlockWillFightBilbo

        This is EXACTLY what I was thinking. However, I wonder if they might ditch the second screen entirely.

        Another thing I’m divided on is whether or not it will be backwards compatible. I doubt the Wii U’s successor will have a tablet controller, which will make backwards compatibility almost impossible. If they decide to make their handheld function with their home console, it might be wiser to go for just one powerful screen on their handheld, rather than two. Two handheld screens won’t work well with one console screen (TV).

        1. Not impossible… The wii u is backwards compatible to,wii if you have the wii motes… The same could be done for the next

      3. Id love to see a HD 3DS, (with 3D) and a W-OLED screen, and a second circle pad….. and screens flush with the system not ones that collect dust in the edges,……. better cameras would be nice to….

    2. I’d rather it be called Gameboy Fusion. IMO everyone knows it’s dual screen so it doesn’t have to include DS in the name.

  3. lol its properly a cranky kong 2.0 with knug fu sensei. dont get hyped. let the nintendrones get face plamed.

    1. @sasorideidaraobi – Your retardation is over 9,000!!! Learn to spell for Christ’s sake, because you meant probably not properly and you spelled kung wrong its not spelled knug, and honestly explain what in the hell face plamed is, because I have heard of face palmed before.

    2. Valve Admiral GLaDOS

      Nor is your pathetic Betamax One, my PC is a better console than that underpowered PC. A my steam box even destroys it.

        1. Actualy thanks to Microsoft’s cloud graphics, it well have the better graphics, so long as you are connected to the internet and the developers take the time to make better graphics then Xbox one well always end up having the better graphics

  4. Pingback: Unknown nintendo device has just been approved by korean rra

  5. To the social rejects here……. if you didn’t know peteriuss was joking than go back to grade school. Also holy shit have the comments gotten sadly more pathetic. i know i used to contribute news here, mainly to laugh at people getting mad over something as simple as sickr thanking me.

    i stupefied over half of this sad website, got probably the highest amount of death threats, angered most of the people to even having a select few have a obsession with me….. one of the most hilarious things is all of you actually thought i was banned. i didn’t even have to be here and still you guys couldn’t get enough. I owned conquered and sadly was this website and all of you thought I was a troll when i just keep it real and can handle criticism to a plastic box. I was only here for like half a year or something. To be liked by fan boys you just have to accept everything, not be creative and not say anything slightly negative. this will most likely be the last time i will ever be here, unless i have to make a fool out of somebody on here, publicly embarrass them which i actually might because its a very good example.

    This website needs to be taken down. mysocialrejectbreedinggrounds – where the only life i know is videogames and internet wars. There is more to life than fucking videogames and it’s really sad that for the most part it rules your guys life.

    Oh and most of you are boring, this website used to be not boring.

    To make this even a bigger twist somebody just murdered me.

    MYSTERY!! who killed iceazeama? sickr did. this might not even be the real iceazeama? it could be a sock account. This doesn’t sound like ice does it? Am i trolling hard enough or………. was i ever?

    The only reason why im so hated i because fanboys hate the truth.

    abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz who ruled your world, next time will you not want to killlll meeeeee.


    secret message. whoever figures it out gets to find this super lame message.

    where am i? ohhhhh? guys do you want to know something?? i actually died on this website when it was first put up.

    1. It’s more the fact that you can’t handle someone elses opinion, and believe yours is the only truth to it all. God your harder to get rid of then aides.

    2. I find it kind of funny when you call people on here “Social Rejects” yet you took time out of your life that you could have been doing something else to just bitch and moan…. So who’s the Social Reject here?

      You went into so much detail about how you don’t like people’s opinions so you must not have much of a Social Life outside of the internet. We all know you are some fedoras wearing Atheist lard ass who can’t find a decent home to stay in so you stay in your mommy’s house and you’re venting your anger on people who really don’t deserve it.

      You see that bright stuff peaking in through your blinds… why don’t you open them and go outside for a change rather than troll. Gets some help while you’re at it too.

    3. I agree with you, in that this site has been reduced to a gruesome battleground filled with death and despair, with neither side acting in the name of peace and sanity. However, I believe that you are no less corrupt than these others. I believe that YOU are the cause just as much as anyone else.

  6. Guys, this may sound ridiculous…but I have this feeling in my gut the Nintendo is releasing a new Wii U Gamepad add on that adds a bigger screen to put on top on the gamepad to make it a second screen to act as your ‘tv screen’ but some games will need 2 screens like Lego City Undercover as you know. So this essentially, is a ‘big DS gaming system’ for just use at home…

    From what I saw at Neogaf, it says: “In description, It’s a “Portable Video Player”. What’s this? New platform? New peripheral?”

    So hey, who knows? I’d laugh if I was right! :P

  7. another underpowed tech. who wants tech from nintentrash when they make the most barebone hardware. even some tablets and smart phones are way stronger than wii u.

  8. A video player, seems like an add-on to me, but who knows, Nintendo is really mysterious with it’s hardware. Would love to see an HD 3DS/DS, maybe it will be called the Nintendo HDS or 4DS. This could be a next gen platform or something unrelated to the Wii U and 3DS. Only time will tell.

  9. Pingback: Okänd Nintendo-pryl läckt via Sydkorea » KATHING

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