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Darksiders 2 Creator ‘Would Love To Do A Legend Of Zelda Comic Book’

Joe Madureira, the creative director of Darksiders has told online gaming publication CVG that he would be stoked to be given the chance to create a Legend of Zelda comic book. For those not in the know Madureira is a prolific comic book writer and artist who has previously worked on Uncanny X-Men, Deadpool and The Ultimates for Marvel, as well as creating Battlechasers.

66 thoughts on “Darksiders 2 Creator ‘Would Love To Do A Legend Of Zelda Comic Book’”

          1. Yeah, yeah, you can have some cancer too. I just want to insult the trolls, if they are not there I like discussing about the actual article, but as long as they’re not being banned by Sickr, I’ll just have to say stuff that might make them think.

    1. You fucker! Why does everyone have to say, “First!” aaahhhhhhhh! *sobs*

      If didn’t like you, I’d REALLY pull out the harsh language. :p

      1. I would be interested if they worked on a new IP. But take out the puzzles so it doesn’t feel as much like their copying Zelda…
        Sorry, it’s the truth, and that maybe it should be avoided.

  1. Thought I’d love to see this, I’d love to see their take on a Zelda GAME. Darksiders was basically a Mature-rated Zelda but just imagine what they could do with full permission/license/access to the actual universe that Darksiders was largely inspired by?

        1. *i agree with Winscar, and only if the devs stayed true to Zeldas spirit and Nintendos quality. Look how sweet zelda was with capcom on it. Typo correct over

  2. that picture was so cool i took it and put it as my iPhone’s wallpaper. i’ve actually just started darksiders on PS3, its… ok at best.

  3. Etecoons and Dachoras

    I’m not into comic books but even I would be interested in this. Gritty, visceral depictions of Link and the rest of Hyrule would look fantasic in my opinion.

  4. I’m a Zelda fan and all that, but I kind of hate this idea because I think games should stay games and nothing else. When people make it something else it just gets ruined. Remember the one movie about Super Mario Bros.? That thing was a disaster.

      1. Hmmm… I should have reiterated that to “Nintendo games should stay Nintendo games.” But I agree with you about FFVII.

  5. Hmm… I love Deadpool, the guy’s hilarious and I’m sure that a Zelda comic done by this guy would look awesome, but I don’t think it would suit the franchise too well. Zelda’s only put a toe in the dark and melancholy side of videogaming; it’s tone is usually light to serious business, but doesn’t go further than that.

    Then again, I like the idea of what Twilight Princess was trying to do. They sort of fell flat a little with the melancholy, but they had the right idea. So if the story was more like Twilight Princess and less like the DS games, then the comic would be a hit, IMO.

  6. Anything’s gotta be better than the 80s animated series. I think a Zelda comic or cartoon could go very well if handled with some sort of seriousness =)

  7. I wouldn’t like to see this. I’m tired of all the franchises trying to be dark and realistic, Zelda doesn’t need the kind of make over that guy would make.

  8. Pingback: Darksiders 2 Inspired By The Legend Of Zelda & Should Launch This Year For Wii U | My Nintendo News

  9. Pingback: Darksiders 2 Inspired By The Legend Of Zelda & Should Launch This Year For Wii U | Gaming R.S.S.

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