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This Is How The Wii U Controller Works With Rabbids Land (Trailer)

Ubisoft has released an amusing trailer for its forthcoming Rabbids Land which does a competent job at showing consumers how the game utilises the Wii U’s unique controller along with the standard Wii Remote. Ubisoft has this game and Rayman Legends listed with a Christmas 2012 release date in Europe.

Thanks, Pacho

76 thoughts on “This Is How The Wii U Controller Works With Rabbids Land (Trailer)”

        1. Yes. Exactly.. But I think I will buy this game as these games are very good at making you learn how to use the control in all possible ways so your body is ready for the other games.. Also, it is a nice multiplayer game to play with your non-gamer friends.

      1. Because I have a gf :) sucks since they turn moody on their period

        Wow I never thought I would ever discuss periods ofansiteam whilst we are at it here is a joke

        I really hate vulgar comments about women. Period.

          1. comeback comments? hardly insulting he just responded :P its like you want him to be nasty or something…and then you will all moan that he is nasty.

            dragon: Funningly enough you’re the only gremlin here who is actually flaming people every single article I read. grow up please?

        1. what girl your mother you fucking virgin.what your hands bleeding from all the jerking off you do.trying to front and say its your gf everyone on this site knows your a fag

  1. I must be reaally reaaally dumb because I did not quite understand the way the Wii U controller works with this game…!

  2. The ONLY way this can be considered good is because it shows off that the UPad isn’t just a gimmick. It does show off how it’s really quite different in gameplay, so that’s good, but that’s all.

  3. I actually find this rather interesting. It looks fun. Then again, I’m open to some extra fun stuff, like Tank! Tank! Tank!

  4. Question to my fellow xbox360 owners, should I sell my 360? This Wii U has more games in it’s launch with variety than our 360 has had in 7 years. They have ACIII in 1080 P, 60 frames per-second. Rayman legends, ZombieU, mass effect 3, batman armored edition( with all DLC that we payed for and extras ), Mario Wii U, pikmin, COD2, aliens colonial marines, let me not get started Wii Metroid prime trilogy. Making me believe Metroid prime on Wii U shall be epic. As I am posting this I realize my xbox 360 is for sale, I need money for the Wii U.
    P.S Nintendo shall have free online. Something is wrong with Microsoft and their xbox line.

    1. Don’t give up on it just yet… :) Save it in case that next-box is not backwards compatible. If you sell it now and it isn’t you might regret it later when you want to go back for some nostalgic gaming.

  5. This is nice! i laughted a lot with this trailer, despite what people say about it i enjoyed the way the gamepad is used but most of all the way they were dismmised!

  6. The PS2 was also the console that had the Rabbids game and how good it turned out to be the PS2, so I don’t really worry about this game being on Wii U.

  7. Pingback: [Trailer] Rabbids Land para la Gamescom 2012 | TierraGamer

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  9. Pingback: Rabbids Land Review | My Nintendo News

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