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Gateway Claim They Have Produced The First Working 3DS Flashcart

Gateway claim that they have finally produced the first working Nintendo 3DS flashcart. The company says that the flashcart supports all Nintendo 3DS Roms to date and that the device works with the original Nintendo 3DS and the Nintendo 3DS XL. The company has also produced a video showcasing the flashcart which can be viewed above.

The GATEWAY 3DS TEAM proudly presents the first ever video proof that many thought impossible. Below we show an unedited video of the device booting 3 different backed up 3DS ROMS consecutively which are loaded on the GATEWAY 3DS device via microSD cards. We hope you are as excited as we are!

219 thoughts on “Gateway Claim They Have Produced The First Working 3DS Flashcart”

      1. wow, ill get a 3ds if i can steal games, hope u get arrested. asshole. hope these flashcart people get arrested.

        1. It all depends on how you use the flashcarts. If you have purchased the games and still own them then you can legally make copies of them for personal use. This is great for people who don’t want to carry all their games or worry about them getting lost or something. I could be wrong though, I’ve stopped using ROMS a few years back and they could have updated the Digital Rights Laws.

            1. I don’t see how, if I own something I already payed for, I think I will rightfully make my own backup so I won’t loose my game/money and such. Also, if I lost the game, that doesn’t mean I got my money back, Nintendo still has it, so I think it’s a good idea. Yeah yeah, even if it’s somehow unconstitutionally illegal still.

              1. ive never heard of anyone making a backup of a ds game. people just download the rom from the internet which is basically a copyright infringement.

                1. Thats actually how I would demo games… If I liked it a lot I would go and buy the game… If I beat it and was like meh no replay-ability then their game wasn’t that good. Then I delete the Rom. Who’s fault is that? The dev for not making a good game. Pirating helps a lot of games. Just google “How pirating helps games”

                  And I also back up my DS games as well as my wii games back when I had one. So now you’ve heard of it.

            2. I wish I could have done that. My Mario Kart 7 got chewed up by my dog and no longer works. Now i have to buy it again and put the time back in to unlocking everything.

            3. No sir, my psp umds ge busted cause I’m genuinely clumsy so the isos actually help, also with how fast the game loads too

            1. finders keepers, losers weepers: if u lose a limited edition pokemon card, u cant just make a copy of it, u got to buy it. i lost a 3ds with almost 20 games downloaded to it, did i get one game back, nope, had to buy them again if i wanted them back… my mistake, shouldnt cost nintendo money if ur careless and lose ur games. but i do wish they had cloud gaming, but thats a bit different then ‘legally’ copying them for backup or straight up pirating them and selling them to the public for a fraction of the cost

          1. Actually that was never the case. Even if you own the game in person, you cant download it legally as a rom. Common misconception.

          2. actually it is still illegal to make copies, it says in the discloser in the instruction manuals that come with the games

            1. EULAs cannot trump the law. The law states that, regardless of what “agreements” end users are forced into, it is legal to have a single archival backup for personal use only. In fact, I’ve always done that with my games asap. As soon as a way to run backups came out for a system, I put my cartridges away and started running that. I never cost them a cent, or lost them a sale. I just prevented myself from losing access to the games I bought. I will likely do so again with this system.

        2. They wont, as long as they only advertise homebrew, theyll be Fine. just like the people that brought us AceKards and R4 Cards.

        3. Here’s a little FAQ for you.

          *Is this real?
          Short answer: Yes. This is a real product and will really allow you to play 3DS ROMS on your 3DS unit.

          *How does this work?
          It’s a tiny bit more complicated than this, but I’m dumbing it down so that everyone can understand. Basically, this is a shell for an SD card slot which tricks the 3DS into thinking that the SD card is the game cart. By putting the ROM into the SD card, and the SD card into the shell, you’ve essentially created a 1:1 copy of a retail game; a bootleg.

          *What does that mean for the user?
          A couple things. The SD card has to be the correct size for the ROM. If you have a 2gb ROM you need a 2gb SD card, and so on. You cannot use a larger card than the ROM you’re using, which also means that there’s no way to store more than one ROM on the card at a time. Additionally, the save files are stored on the cart shell itself, as the spot for that is standardized. This means that if you change the ROM, the new game will see that information as a corrupted save and delete it. You’ll need to back up your save files before switching ROMs, and you may need additional hardware to do so.

          *Can it run homebrew?
          Nope. This won’t allow you to run unsigned code. The cart is set up in such a fashion that you’ve created a 1:1 copy of a retail cart. That is, it’s signed by Nintendo already, and that’s why you can run it.

          *Can it get around region blocking?
          Nope. For the same reason listed above, you’ll still need to use the correct region’s ROM for your hardware, and won’t be able to play any ROMS of games that haven’t been released in your hardware’s region. You also can’t modify the ROMs without stripping the Nintendo signature and thus making this method no longer work.

          *But since the 3DS can’t tell the difference between this and a real cart, it means Nintendo can’t block it with an update, right?
          No. Nintendo can and will block this device. Currently, the 3DS can’t tell the difference. However, it’s just not being instructed to check the right things. There’s plenty Nintendo can do to identify this device. For only one example, they can check the read speed of the cart and see that it isn’t the same as an official card.

          Worse, since ROMs can’t be modified, Nintendo also can and will simply include the update on future game carts, making it impossible to play those games with the device since doing so would force an update that made it no longer function.

          *So what will I need in order to use this to full effect?
          You’ll need:
          1) The device itself
          2) One MicroSD card to standard SD card adaptor for your computer, or a USB card reader device with a MicroSD card slot.
          3) One MicroSD card of every standard 3DS ROM size – 512mb, 1GB, 2GB, and 4GB
          4) A method of getting save data off the cart, storing it for later, and putting it back on the cart (an R4i save dongle, for instance).

          *Will this open any doors for better versions in the future?
          Nope. Again, because it’s running 1:1 copies, and can’t run any modified or unsigned code, it won’t be leading to better technology on its own. It will, however, serve to motivate those that are currently working to crack that nut in two ways: First, because someone is out there getting a piece of the pie already and potentially eating their sales, and second because people will be unhappy with the complicated way this one works and demand for a proper system will increase.

          1. “*But since the 3DS can’t tell the difference between this and a real cart, it means Nintendo can’t block it with an update, right?

            No. Nintendo can and will block this device. Currently, the 3DS can’t tell the difference. However, it’s just not being instructed to check the right things. There’s plenty Nintendo can do to identify this device. For only one example, they can check the read speed of the cart and see that it isn’t the same as an official card.”

            So, yeah, don’t expect this thing to stay for any length of time.

            1. Very true. This will be kill very quickly and its also a hassle to use. I don’t recommend no one to purchase this when it’s release. You will likely waste your money and I heard from reliable source that it won’t be cheap. Nearly 80bucks. HA~!!!!!!!!!

              1. The R4 got blocked a lot of times, however they just sent updates for the R4 software to make it work again. Don’t get your hopes up, child.

                1. This is nothing like the r4…. the r4 had it’s own UI and kernel and files. This does not… this is a straight 1:1 copy of a game to full the 3ds that it’s an original game.

                  Nintendo can easily change the way the 3ds check for the 3ds/ds cart and this is block. Don’t get me wrong manrangan i do want a 3ds hack for my 3ds…. cause games are fucking expensive here in my country. But this is not gonna be a good solution. We gotta wait till gen 2 or 3. Just like the original ds carts them… the first gen was crap but gen 2 and 3 did it perfectly.

                  Ps….. i am sure I am older than you. So dont be assuming that I am a child.

          2. Wow, um, that cart just suck, imo. 1:1 copie only, need 4 different size of mSD cards, no homebrew, no region bypass… I think it’s just better to save and buy your games at this point >_>

            A real gamecart will be able to run homebrew, hold multiple games, bypass region lock, etc.

          3. Very handy piece of information! Thank you! Regardless of what people assume, I personally use flash carts to try games before I buy them. So, only being able to load one game isn’t a big deal to me. It’s still a shame I can’t play japanese games like this, however. I’d be on it in a heart beat for early access to monster hunter 4!

    1. Nooo the unhackable 3ds got hacked :( the only good that can come from this is if they manage to make a N64 emulator for it.

        still not possible to work around the region blok…..
        Better not, nintendo deserves all the monney! ALL OF IT!

          1. Eh, most of us has gone through it, I had a guy who copied my account, people were dumb enough to believe it too, so I made a gravatar.

  1. Aren’t you supposed to TURN OFF the device prior to removing or loading a game cartridge?

    And why won’t you create a flashcart that will play PSVita cards?

    And who is the girl with nice hands? I want her.

    1. Yes, yes you are.

      Because there is not market for pirating PS Vita games.

      I’m not so sure, but they maybe got Ashly Covington to do this video, maybe.

    2. 1. You can remove a 3DS game cartridge while the system is turned on so long as the software is not in use and you are on the main menu.
      2. Is it really worth making a flashcart for the Vita?
      3. IDK but, looks of a hand can be deceiving.

    3. No, you don’t have to turn off the system before ejecting the game. You must close the game.

      You are a special breed of stupid.

    4. I’m pretty sure homebrew has been released for the Vita, although it isn’t in the form of a flashcart.

    1. I agree nintendo or any other company has toke time and money to make a game so they need money back

      1. My thoughts aren’t with Nintendo on this, it’s the indie developers I fear most for. Also, think, Ace Attorney 5 is digital-only. What happens if everyone pirates it? It would end the series in the West as we know it. It’s already on it’s hands and knees…

        1. Actually, I think it’s not possible yet to make rom dumps of downloadable games, just retail cartridges.

          Which means we would be seeing more and more digital only releases of games if this flashcard was a thing.

          Good thing though, it’ll be blocked by Nintendo instantly.

    2. Flashcarts aren’t really made for piracy, though, you fucking retard.
      You can use it to play homebrew games or backups of already existing copies. Plus if there isn’t a demo available for a game, you can download it and see for yourself if you like it or not.

      For example, the Wii was hacked pretty damn easily. It allowed for homebrew applications, for example, there’s one that lets you watch movies off of a DVD on your Wii. There’s all kinds of cool stuff that can be accomplished for homebrew. Plus there’s a lot of people that waited for the 3DS to be hacked before buying it.

      Also, this isn’t the first way to perform piracy on the 3DS.

  2. Yay! Piracy……. I hope you’re as excited as my sarcastic comment appeared to be. R4 was bs, this is nothing more than piracy with a glossy ‘backup’ cover-story too.

    1. They don’t, because this is the first 3DS flashcard, the first of it’s kind. Nintendo did make updates to kill DS mode flashcards, but the manufactures just updated the cards firmwares on the same day they were blocked. Nintendo can’t do shit for DS Mode, the flaw is on their hardware on that.

      3DS Mode is different. It has a robust system and a complex firmware, so a flashcard can be blocked easilly to NEVER, ever work again, independant of firmware updates they can get.

  3. I am surprise this has happened already. This won’t hurt nintendo do….. alot of people especially in my country are gonna buy the 3ds much more now. This has happen with the ds.

  4. I do not want to see piracy again. Well I have a r4 myself but I only used it to cheat Pokemon.
    And I used it to check if the following games were worth a pick up:
    Golden sun
    Plants vs Zombies
    Dragon quest
    Ghost trick
    Phoenix Wright
    Pokemon mystery dungeon

    I played them on my r4 enjoyed them and bought them.
    I bought them all and never played them be caused I already finished them on my r4 card.

  5. Ewww no , as a 22 year old with money , I rather support the developers so they can continue to make games and be successful.

    Can’t Nintendo just ban this shit ?

    1. With this card you can download 3DS games from the internet and play them on the card for free. If everyone decides to do this then gaming companies won’t get there money. That’s why everyone here is against this.

  6. Once Nintendo finds out about this, they’re gonna prepare a system update that will stop this flashcard.

    1. Probably, the Nintendo R&D team is already pre-ordering a few of them. It’s sure to get a day one block.

  7. It would be much cooler if they could load more than one game on the SD card. But still, I have no need for this. Piracy is wrong. Especially for newer games like 3DS ones. I would be more on board if it could play SNES games.

  8. ehh, i don’t really care about 1:1 flashcarts

    when they release a Supercard DSThree or some hack that lets you put the games on the system itself through an SD card, i’ll be interested

    even if it were real, this thing is pretty useless to me

  9. unless they find a way to make games from different regions work the its usless to i only use flash card for i could get.

  10. The only way Nintendo could avoid this kind of stuff, is RELEASING ALL THOSE JAPANESE GAMES IN AMERICA GOD DAMN IT !!! =_=

  11. Nintendo Commander

    This is blasphemy in its highest form!

    Not only does these things affect the gaming industry, but the consumers and everyone that makes a living of it…

    I need to report this to High Command…

    1. Just because gaming news sites cry about piracy doesn’t mean shit. Every console that is ever made will be hacked, get used to it, kid. People pirate a lot of games, however they still make a ton of sales. Besides, there’s nothing wrong with flashcards and homebrew. Here’s a nice example: You know how the Wii couldn’t play movies off of DVDs, despite the fact every other console available could? When the Wii got hacked, there was a homebrew app released to let you do that. You can use all kinds of awesome homebrew apps on the Wii, the 3DS won’t be any different.

      If you ask me, this is very positive news, and may actually get me to clean off the dust on my 3DS, since there’s barely any shit to do on it.

  12. Finally this materialized

    it is indeed not a fake but all the hardware you want for this has yet to be shown

    ideally what this card does is make the Game Chip a Micro SD card
    the card will have to be formatted correctly and the right size (eg. you will need, 512mb,1GB,2GB,4GB cards)
    each card can only hold 1 rom at a time, as it takes up the whole space of the card
    surely you get the point here of whats its doing

    the next thing is Save Data
    as you can see in the video there is only 1 save chip and thats built in, so if you change the game MicroSD without backing up and Dumping the Save data with a Save tool BYE BYE save
    as it is wiped as the game recognizes it as corrupt so deletes it
    so they will either have to provide a method of extracting/dumping the save or you get a R4i Save Dongle or something that does the job

    basically this is a 1:1 clone sort of deal so only 1 at a time, no homebrew, no mods, no save tweaks

    Nintendo will most likely just block this with an update to check the game Chip ID and then fail to boot it

    enjoy :D
    but this is a sole piracy deal here

    1. And of course, the flashcarts will just receive updates so that you can use them. And besides, you don’t have to install the updates anyways.

  13. Yay, more piracy! I know, lets all pirate games so that the devs get less money therefore future game quality declines, and they make even less new ips or better still they go bankrupt!!! Sounds like a great idea to me!

  14. I don’t think blatantly announcing this is a very good idea if they don’t want to get sued by Nintendo…

  15. Nintendo Commander

    We will crush these infidels right into oblivion and any other Cyber Pirate out there!

    No one threats our empire without some serious payback!

    Hallowed is the holy N…

  16. Not again. Remeber how the ds lost developers because of piracy? The 3ds is doing so well we don’t need anyone to ruin it. Makes me wonder if it really works because a) it barely showed a minute of each game, b) on the resident evil gamethe data was corrupt and c) it didn’t show any gameplay. If you really want to do something, copy and paste the website address and report it here:

    I’ve already done so and hopefully with enough noise there’ll be a madatory update where games will not work without it. Also, it is illegal to advertise, sell, import, export and own an R4 card of any description in the UK so they’re already breaking the law. I hope the get shut down asap as devlopers will be the ones to suffer. After all, it took two years for the 3ds to get to where it is now. Let’s keep it there!

  17. This is so damn nasty when people do such kind of things. I remember from 00’s some people were telling to me “I pirate games, because I would never pay money to play a game”. If nobody buys games, nobody will make them, it’s multimedia entertainment.

  18. As a dev I don’t mind flashcarts as long as it is after the active console cycle. If Gateway keeps it and optimizes it and release it after the 3DS is done, I would love it. If not it will likely be blocked by nintendo with an update which would make it harder to use (bricking it and for people with updates off they might not get newer games as they’ll need that update).

  19. well hope they manage to get firmware to block them i hate pirates unless they are the type with Bristol accents and have a parrot on their shoulder. oooooorrrrrrr Jim lad!!!!

  20. I fucking hate this
    the gaming industries are dying and this fucking asshole come to pirate stuff just becasue they hate supporting the company that makes their best games

  21. Sky Grounder [@ Wii U]

    Nintendo can just release an update that blocks the flashcard. This thing isn’t future-proof.

  22. Kind of odd that the yt account that video was posted in was made on the same day as that video posted. Hmm….

  23. Hopefully Nintendo counters this soon. Hate these kind of things. People should just buy the damn games if they want to play them (at least when they’re this new).

  24. I already got over the age of “I wanna play ALL the games but I don’t have enough money for it” bullshit. So, to me, I’ll keep purchasing original copies of the games that I KNOW I would love to own. Unlocalized Jap games doesn’t appeal to me either because most games are usually story-based JRPGS and well… I don’t know Japanese

    Besides I think the 3DS was already hacked during its first year, but an update bricked all the systems that had pirated games on their Activity Log historic. Sooo you better think twice before doing anything ilegal, people!

  25. Say goodbye to 3ds third-party support if this takes off. Piracy kills sales and thus limits support. It’s a gamble to develop on hacked systems. My heart dropped when I read this post. I hope Nintendo finds a patch

    1. Nintendo won’t let it. With the DS they didn’t have the means to fight back, now they do, they have a robust system firmware they can update or force updates anytime they want.

    1. What’s wrong with emulators on the 3DS exactly? If you ask me, the possibility of playing classic games on the 3DS without having to wait for them to be released in the eshop sounds great to me.

  26. Right now I own at least 6-7 games on 3ds and I’ll still support any game that i want to play buying it, but i can’t say that i wouldn’t buy the flashcart if with it I can bypass the regional block and play Jap exclusives.

  27. This is a very hot topic. On one hand who does not like to get things for free. On the other hand I understand that this is the kind of technology that kills companies. Any business game developing company is the business to make money not to give their hard work away for free. But like i said who doesn’t like free stuff.

  28. the only reason I would consider ever getting one is so i wont have to carry all my games and just have them all in one Cart. having multiple MicroSD cards defeats the whole purpose.

  29. Here’s a little FAQ for you.

    *Is this real?
    Short answer: Yes. This is a real product and will really allow you to play 3DS ROMS on your 3DS unit.

    *How does this work?
    It’s a tiny bit more complicated than this, but I’m dumbing it down so that everyone can understand. Basically, this is a shell for an SD card slot which tricks the 3DS into thinking that the SD card is the game cart. By putting the ROM into the SD card, and the SD card into the shell, you’ve essentially created a 1:1 copy of a retail game; a bootleg.

    *What does that mean for the user?
    A couple things. The SD card has to be the correct size for the ROM. If you have a 2gb ROM you need a 2gb SD card, and so on. You cannot use a larger card than the ROM you’re using, which also means that there’s no way to store more than one ROM on the card at a time. Additionally, the save files are stored on the cart shell itself, as the spot for that is standardized. This means that if you change the ROM, the new game will see that information as a corrupted save and delete it. You’ll need to back up your save files before switching ROMs, and you may need additional hardware to do so.

    *Can it run homebrew?
    Nope. This won’t allow you to run unsigned code. The cart is set up in such a fashion that you’ve created a 1:1 copy of a retail cart. That is, it’s signed by Nintendo already, and that’s why you can run it.

    *Can it get around region blocking?
    Nope. For the same reason listed above, you’ll still need to use the correct region’s ROM for your hardware, and won’t be able to play any ROMS of games that haven’t been released in your hardware’s region. You also can’t modify the ROMs without stripping the Nintendo signature and thus making this method no longer work.

    *But since the 3DS can’t tell the difference between this and a real cart, it means Nintendo can’t block it with an update, right?
    No. Nintendo can and will block this device. Currently, the 3DS can’t tell the difference. However, it’s just not being instructed to check the right things. There’s plenty Nintendo can do to identify this device. For only one example, they can check the read speed of the cart and see that it isn’t the same as an official card.

    Worse, since ROMs can’t be modified, Nintendo also can and will simply include the update on future game carts, making it impossible to play those games with the device since doing so would force an update that made it no longer function.

    *So what will I need in order to use this to full effect?
    You’ll need:
    1) The device itself
    2) One MicroSD card to standard SD card adaptor for your computer, or a USB card reader device with a MicroSD card slot.
    3) One MicroSD card of every standard 3DS ROM size – 512mb, 1GB, 2GB, and 4GB
    4) A method of getting save data off the cart, storing it for later, and putting it back on the cart (an R4i save dongle, for instance).

    *Will this open any doors for better versions in the future?
    Nope. Again, because it’s running 1:1 copies, and can’t run any modified or unsigned code, it won’t be leading to better technology on its own. It will, however, serve to motivate those that are currently working to crack that nut in two ways: First, because someone is out there getting a piece of the pie already and potentially eating their sales, and second because people will be unhappy with the complicated way this one works and demand for a proper system will increase.

      1. The funny thing is, it wouldn’t surprise me if half the people on here have pirated something in there lifetime. I know I have.

  30. CaptainJackSwallows

    F*ck you haters! Haters gonna hate! Arr arr arr! Time to pirate some games!
    annd fck you! and you and you! Fck you more.

  31. Man I really hope they use this mainly for homebrew and not for piracy. Nintendo is already having economical problems and piracy will only worsen it.

  32. What about people who want to play older titles on a 3ds? I’d love to have this so I could play older Pokemon games on my 3ds

  33. I kind of hope this is real, but I don’t really much care about Flashcarts, unless I needed them for personal backups to mod or to keep safe so I won’t lose my original copy I already payed money for. As for playing new games, that could be more rare for me, it could happen but I don’t know.

  34. Holy sh**! If it indeed works and if Nintendo license its use, then that means the 3DS storage capability just doubled and more games can be stored. This is more than promising. I’ll be buying this if it works, authorized and sold at a decent price ($20-$25 at best with 4GB micro SD included)

  35. Wow that just really sucks. I know I bought an r4 for the ds but that was for my nephews but man I feel really bad about this. I bought the DS just for the castlevania games they were fucking excellent. Wish the same developers would have made games for the 3DS also.

  36. @Why u mad? said he is getting a 3ds, did not state anything else. i for one am buying one as backups in case the games i own somehow stopped working (or worst case scenario no more of that game anywhere, including the eshop) i “pirate” games as demos, if i like it then i buy it. im not completely heartless and not support the devs in fact i buy when i have the chance and delete the “pirated” version (on some) and start from the real copy.

  37. It’s not like Nintendo is going to let that pass. Not risking it; future updates’ll probably kill your 3DS for this. Besides, to be able to download as many games as the flashcarts for the DS could fit in just one, you’d need to buy loads of microSD cards anyway…Plus the fact that it’s illegal, might as well buy original. =A=

  38. I’m a Nintendo purist, so this is disgusting to me, why would i want to steal from Nintendo or anyone? why would i want to be guilty of maybe one day driving them to bankrupcy? i want to keep playing their games all my life, so i do my part in paying developers what they deserve for their hard work.

  39. well i do have a rom of black 2 but recently bought the game, brand new too (was expecting pre-owned or used but got factory sealed new at the one place i rarely go to, gamestop). other than that i mostly use my flashcard for music cuz the built in music player for 3ds sucks, very low quality sound, moonshell (program that comes with the firmware) has a higher quality, kinda sucks when playing through the 3ds speakers but i only use headphones. still i support the devs and have a huge library of games (3ds, ds, wii, wii u) and i understand that this makes people pissed-off about that some people do steal and not support by not buying but you do have to understand that some do it because they dont have the cash to buy it right off the bat and “pirate” until they have the money or wait for a lower price and yes we are all cheap-skates. i have money but i dont wanna buy them all in one go, i buy when its convenient and i decide to keep the backup or not (most cases i dont keep them). if you dont like flashcards then dont pay attention to them and i know some will say that id i want a back up then i should buy several copies, here is the thing, most of us dont have the luxury to by 10 copies of a game worth $60 (or $40 for 3ds in this case) so deal with it

  40. Excited?!
    I will make myself perfectly clear here,
    I’m not in any way shape or form excited for this bullshit piracy!
    F*ck off Gateway, leave the 3DS alone =_=

  41. Skeptical… but I do like the idea of lgeally backing up my own purchased content. That said, I don’t condone piracy. I don’t think it’s evil, it’s just not for me. I don’t wish to do anything to my 3DS that will impair my ability to access the eShop, purchase future online content and play the titles I have already purchased, or prevent me from installing future updates from Nintendo. I do, however, fully support homebrew apps. Here’s why. The best multimedia application I have EVER used is called Showtime and it only runs on a jailbroken PS3. It shows that the Sony unit CAN play any video and audio file known to man. Though Sony’s official firmware will not allow this. As such, I have a spare PS3, a fat model with a broken Blu-Ray drive that I use specifically to run all of the media files I have made over the years. In that sense, homebrew rocks. If you like a game, buy a game. If you don’t like flashcarts, don’t buy a flashcart. Yelling at each other over the internet won’t fix a thing.

  42. DarklordNintendoFan

    Illegally downloading 3DS roms is stupid. Call me, though, when we’re able to hack and mod games that we already own. Like what we could do with the Wii, Smash Bros. Brawl, Mario Kart Wii, and New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

  43. i bet microsoft is behind this.. and still i feel like buying it because nintendo uses region lock.. remind me for what reason?

      reagionblock is not solved! Please read the comment of venomjamaica!

      *Can it run homebrew?
      Nope. This won’t allow you to run unsigned code. The cart is set up in such a fashion that you’ve created a 1:1 copy of a retail cart. That is, it’s signed by Nintendo already, and that’s why you can run it.

      *Can it get around region blocking?
      Nope. For the same reason listed above, you’ll still need to use the correct region’s ROM for your hardware, and won’t be able to play any ROMS of games that haven’t been released in your hardware’s region. You also can’t modify the ROMs without stripping the Nintendo signature and thus making this method no longer work.

      read it for god’s sake…..please……

  44. What a piece of crap. One game per SD card, has to match exactly the ROM size, save games don’t save back to the flash, no region lock bypass, no cheat patching, no running of unsigned code, detectable and Nintendo can blacklist your 3DS serial and ban you from all Nintendo network games.

    For $80. Thanks but no thanks

  45. yes…I download mods cause’ I like playing games for free! yes…I don’t give a shit if I it’s illegal! yes…I know some of you will be compelled to call me names like “loser” “asshole” “stupid”, ect. ect. But, I don’t care!!! Yes…some of you morally goody goodies like paying a lot of money to play games that someone developed and if you don’t like the game, too fffff’in bad cause’ you own it!!! If I don’t like game, I just delete it ha,ha,ha,ha… It’s a fact that Ninny isn’t going bankrupt anytime too soon in the future!! Cause’ they got loyal customers like some of ya…

  46. They are not the only ones close to releasing a 3d cart rumors are that the R4i team are close and so are Acekard team if this releases then it could be a big problem for Nintendo because expect the above to come out of the woodwork with versions themselves

  47. You guys complaining must be some rich spoiled kids whos parents buy you everything and have alot of money……..I’m a single parent with 2 kids and can’t afford buying expensive games for my kids to play 2-5 times, cuz that is the reality…..This is a break through as kids who are less fortunate can enjoy playing with the rest of you rich little snobs…….HELL YES!!! AND SCREW CORPORATIONS…….They are already very well off compared to the rest of us…….so these comments of calling people thiefs are coming from rich snobs or corporate greedy basterds!

  48. Honestly, it’s only a matter of time before it is perfected. There is a lot of money in this (flash carts for the GBA and DS were big $$$ ) and this time it is no different. You can kick and scream all you want, but it’s going to happen. If you are against piracy, then,

    1. Don’t buy products like these.

    2. Buy games legitly.

    Just don’t berate others for what they do with their lives. I’m sure you have all done things you have not been proud of.

  49. I use flash card for many years.(from the oldest R4DS to the newest Gateway 3DS) and high recommend for you.
    Though the flash card is not allowed to sell in many countries for copyright problem.

    As you known, there are hundreds of games for DS,DSi and the new 3ds.
    And you want to play many of the games, buy all of them? less 20? 10?
    It is a waste of money, and it a waste of the card too.

    Buy a flash card it is only 10 more dollars(only the newest Gateway 3ds is a little expensive),
    then you can play many free download games, why not?
    Save money, save resource, and environmenta. Isn’t it?
    and i will share a good flash card reseller for you:
    I get r4i 3ds and gaeway 3ds from them, with reasonable price and fast shipping.
    A good store to trust.

    Ok, have fun gays!

  50. lolwut why are people so angry about people downloading games. Nintendo will still get plenty of money, the majority of the gamers buy the games anyway.
    I’d buy this (Except I won’t because it’s not nearly as good as it sounds) for the free games because they’re way to expensive. For every console I’ve owned I have a few legit copies of games with cracked/downloaded versions beside them. Why buy a game you don’t know you like or wait until that 60$ game drops to 20 so you can actually consider purchasing it without getting ripped off.

    Anyway in the end the community will release a card that works because that’s how this stuff always happens. We make something to run games for free, they update, we update so on so on and then eventually they release a new console all together and stop updating the old one, we get the last punch.

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