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Wii U Is Finally Coming To Brazil On November 26th, For A Staggering R$1899


Nintendo has finally announced that its latest home console, Wii U, will be coming to Brazil on November 26th. The catch is the console costs a phenomenal R$1899, which is roughly $829. The bundle is the recently announced New Super Mario Bros U and New Super Luigi U 32GB Deluxe bundle. The Wii U games will go for R$179-R$199 ($77-87). The actual system will be available for pre-order starting this Friday at midnight.

Thanks, Lunna

78 thoughts on “Wii U Is Finally Coming To Brazil On November 26th, For A Staggering R$1899”

  1. Pingback: Wii u finally coming to Brazil

  2. Man aren’t I a faggot bitch who nobody likes. And wow that Brazil price is crazy, to bad I’m to busy sticking anal beads up my ass and pulling them out my nose

      1. Haha I have no problem embarrassing and devaluing my own life to make iceazeama look like a jerk. And even if I didn’t do that who cares, let me be lifeless. I’m devoting my life to the downfall of a troll, not a console. I feel it’s a bit more of a noble path for a no life

        1. Caterpie thinks what you’re doing is worse than trolling. Now where is dekuplushdoll! I want my hugs and babies.

        2. Everyone already thinks he’s a jerk …. and what you’re doing what bring upon his downfall …. all you’re doing is wasting your life for NO REASON.

  3. SherlockWillFightBilbo

    Wasn’t the PS4’s price in Brazil even more? I thought it was because the government has high taxes on imported goods.

    1. PS4 on Brazil is R$4000, and I think it would be around 1750 US dollars (considering the last time I saw the dollar was equivalent to 2,30 reais), the high taxer are to blame, but I think it’s not the only fault, considering the taxes for imported goods are 70% of its value, it would be 399 + 279 = 678 dollars, I think it would be around R$1500
      why it costs R$4000?
      I’ll probably never know

    2. WII U$830,00 XBOX ONE $1100,00 PS4 2000,00. I will happily upgrade my computer and I’m done with the curent genereation.

  4. Your wrong their ice. You aren’t a faggot bitch hole. You misspelt our name. I however (who is also you) am a shit eating dirt sack full of diapers and dirty needles and stuff. But man although I’m the scum of the planet at least I love nintendo. Everything they do is Almost perfect and I love the game pad!

  5. That’s the problem with Brazil: abusive taxes for everything, specially video games. Not only the Wii U, but the PS4 and Xbox One are going to suffer from that evil, just like every other console. As a result, it’s less likely that first party games will be translated to Brazilian Portuguese,or that we’re having special events. Retailers get almost nothing from the sold systems, gamers have to pay more than the double the actual price and the government gets all our money to NOT use on hospitals, roads, school…

        1. Wow I New Mexico had untold corruption, but Brazil? Is it politically motivated and corporate corruption like in America or is it more drug based like Mexico?

          1. Corporate but mainly political corruption. Politics here in Brazil are never condemned even if there’s enough proof of they stealing public money – it happens a lot. And guess what, they are elected again and again.

            1. Well I guess that’s better then drug trade… Nahh corruption is corruption and I’m sorry to hear that :'(
              Btw I’m not iceazeama. I actually have a soul

              1. It’s mostly political, but we do have our share of drug corruption going on as well, and let’s not forget weapons trades as well. Seriously, our bandits are LITERALLY better-armed than our police forces! They are even more organized, sometimes, and even if they’re arrested, they’ll soon be walking free again because of “lack of proof”, “not caught in the act”, or even without any excuse! High taxes over video games is our last problem…

  6. Still cheaper than the PS4 ($4000) and the Xbone ($2200), and I actually think the Xbone is being produced here in Brazil. Nintendo’s having a considerable advantage here.
    Still, I paid around the same amount, and I imported.
    Still, great news. I never see first-party Wii U titles on retailers here, only a very small amount of third-party titles. Now, with that, it’s going to change.
    Wish they released the Zelda bundle as well.

    1. Just to make it simple. PS4= U$400,00 right.
      Plus all taxes, it will be around U$900,00, if you buy from another country to you.
      But if you want to sell it, the government will put more taxes and it will be around 1500,00. plus the money for the shop.

    1. According to official agencies (IBGE), the avarage income here is around R$1792/month (I am an avid gamer, pay my own bills including rent, transport, food and whatever is essential, and I earn less than that, by the way).

      Comparing Real and Dollar today, this is equivalent to ~780 US Dollars. But this is the “avarage”. Social inequality here is so strong that the actual income of 82% of brazilian workers (again, check IBGE) is around R$ 1290, which is ~560 US Dollars. And I add, the official minimum wage (according to our laws, and therefore not always respected…) is R$ 678, which is ~294 US Dollars.

      Yes, corruption here is absurd. It is insanely ridiculous. The taxes we pay here are just a reflection of that, reportedly among the highest taxes around the world. The saddest part is that even when we try to make things right (for instance, choosing an apparently good candidate during the elections, or by taking the streets and protesting against corruption and a lot of other terrible problems – check news about 2013 brazilian protests), we get scr***d up by the government and the politicians regardless. On top of that, it’s not like we’re a poor country, we have the 6th largest economy in the world, what the… O_o

      Despite all that, I really like my home town, my state (which is the 2nd poorest brazilian state), and my country, and I am quite happy (as far as I am “allowed”, due to all the problems we have here in Brazil). But I kinda lost hope, regarding things getting better (they are, but far from enough). So I hope I can finish my PhD and pursue happiness in another continent /: Maybe then I will be able to buy Super Wii Us, PS5, 4DS and whatever, at a decent price.

  7. Man aren’t I a sad little bitch. That’s right this is iceazeama here saying I enjoy choking myself while I masturbate. Reminds me of how my parents treated me growing up. Living in cages so when I soiled myself they could just move me to another spot in the backyard. Yes my parents poked me with sticks while I slept in a cage, and I watched them play NES inside away from the rain. And to this day I hate my parents and Nintendo for making me the sexually confused little girl I am. Hehe I mean boy. Did I think that or type that?

    1. Wow man I see you REALLY hate Iceazeama with a passion, I also think he is a tool but he must really get your goat huh?

  8. Some countries are just retarded and corrupted, in most of east europe 99.9% of people never see the console and only know a PC and torrent sites.. not because they actually can have a choice, it’s just corrupted and sad.

  9. God, I hate living in Brazil, R$200 for a game, at least I bought my Wii U and 4 games in the U.S, I’ll be visiting there again in January and I’ll buy more stuff, fuck the goverment!

      1. HAHAHA, eu queria trazer Wii U pra todos e vender por um preço justo, mas nem daria, tem parente pedindo as coisas que nem sei se vai dar pra trazer xD Mas aí, se voce procurar voce encontra por um preço amigavel, um amigo meu conseguiu comprar o Deluxe por menos de R$1000 reais no mercado livre, boa sorte com o seu o/

  10. We brazilians have to buy from stores who bring videogames from US in non official ways and don’t pay taxes, that way we can pay a decent price, cause its impossible to pay the official price

    1. No, the have a crap socialism type government. So, their joke of a government places high and unacceptable taxes on products that come into Brazil, not made in their country.

      And that’s why, even though it’s not perfect, Capitalism is better. Free market without the government being involved is the best and only way.

  11. No. The main reason is economic protection. The government want the people to expend the money with basic and specialy national things. If the citizens want a video game, then they need to be sure about that, only this. The tax is only the way to do this trick.

    1. But that’s horrible to begin with. Government, like always, needs to stay out of such things. This is why many people hate socialism and communism. This is crap and not fair to the people of Brazil. What a joke of a government.

  12. It really bothers me that games cost more where less people can afford them. A few years back in El Salvador, I found that they were charging upwards of $80 for a Wii Game. :(

    1. As it turns out, this generation, things are actually a lot cheaper than they used to be back in 2006, videogames wise, that is. For example, the PS4 will cost R$4000, while the PS3 costed about R$6000 (and some people bought it on day one) at it’s launch, I don’t know how much that is in american dollars, but you can do the math… Economy changes and all, but we always had a tough time with videogame prices here… Not that we aren’t doing what we can to reduce those prices to something more affordable.

  13. Bitch please. I’m Honduran and I’ve found Wii U BASIC Sets for as high as 22,000 lempiras (our currency) which is about USD$ 1100 .______.
    The lowest basic set that I’ve seen was for 14,000 lempiras ($700), and it was on sale D:

  14. Almost 800 bucks? Dear lord, that’s too much for a console and the price will just get higher if you want/need Wii Remotes, Nunchuks, Pro Controller and games. Some of us complain about high prices of stuff but we never really take into account about how bad people in other countries have it. I feel you you guys and girls.

  15. $800!?! that’s absurd and I thought here is South Africa it was corrupt to a full extent but $800 kicks the hell out of SA, just imagine how much the PS4 will cost (OVER 9000!!!)

  16. Agghhh yes, the joy of socialism and such governments. Man, how could you not root for such a way of life?

    Way to go government of Brazil — way to go.

  17. Let me guess PS4 will be $900 and Xbone will be over a thousand? Those consoles are really going to fly off shelves.

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