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Pachter: Wii U is “Toast”, 30 Million Is Console’s Sales Limit

black_wii_u_gamepadFamed web analyst Michael Pachter has been sharing his views on Nintendo at this year’s London Games Conference – and it’s not exactly pretty. In a string of tweets posted by MCV and Games Industry Biz, Pachter has stated he thinks the Wii U is “toast” and that 30 million units is all Nintendo can achieve in future sales – the company is still hoping to reach its goal of 9 million units by the end of this financial year.

Adding further insult to injury, Pachter claims Nintendo’s home console is just “a DS that’s split into two”. But he didn’t stop there and turned his attention to Nintendo fans saying they should “stop criticising him for his Wii U comments and just buy a Wii U. Because they haven’t.” Let us know what you think of his strong words in the comments below.

229 thoughts on “Pachter: Wii U is “Toast”, 30 Million Is Console’s Sales Limit”

    1. I wouldn’t go that far just yet. If Mario 3D World doesn’t save it, then it’s safe to say that the Wii U is “doomed” That being said, the word is arguable and just because it loses to the other consoles, doesn’t mean that the sales are awful

      1. Less market share means less sales. Stop talking about marketing because you clearly do not know anything about that.

          1. Already been confirmed that over 2 Xbox One’s have already died. PS4 hasn’t had any problems, same with the Wii U… Xbox One is Doomed

            1. I googled it. I didnt find info about that. Had it been Wii U, it would have been over 10 articles of it. Show a link so I can read about that.

        1. He didn’t say that it wouldn’t sell less, he said that it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will sell poorly, and I agree. The GameCube was outsold by the Xbox and PS2, but it didn’t exactly “fail”, even if it didn’t sell as well as the competition.

          1. Given the fact that the PS2 sold 154 million and GameCube only sold 21 million, I think that is a pretty significant failure. Not saying specifically, but people cannot herald the success of the Wii outselling the PS3 and 360 and then gloss over how the PS2 beat the Deputy Dawg out of the GameCube. Not only that, the PS1 destroyed the N64 as well.

            The sad part about it is that the only reason why those things happen is because of mistakes Nintendo has made. Sony got fat off of food left on the table by Nintendo.

            1. I think what’s most important is they never gave up on GameCube. Wii U owners have nothing to fear. Nintendo will support us with the software we bought it for for as long as a common console cycle goes. People shouldn’t be so concerned about how well it sells, nintendo should be. Let them worry and try to filter the non sense analysts slandering the Wii U right now.

            2. That all shows that Nintendo doesn’t need to put up big numbers to stay alive. Every generation Nintendo is successful without selling as much as their competition. The Wii U is just more of the same.

              1. Staying alive and being successful are too different thing. Granted success is a relative term in this case because if Nintendo wants to “just get by” they certainly can do that. However that will once and for all cut off it’s link to the core gamer audience and all Nintendo will have left is the fickle casual crowd and that is not a sound investment to make.

                The success of the Wii was akin to that of Furbies or Tickle Me Elmo. It was something that was red hot at the time, but had no substance behind it and once people got tired of it they moved on.

                The Wii U is nothing more than Nintendo (failed) attempt to catch lighting in a bottle again by attracting the casual audience they brought in ironically with the Wii away from smart phones and tablets back to their home console. It’s not working for many reasons and it isn’t going to get any better.

                The one audience that can save the Wii U is the one audience that Nintendo all but abandoned back in 2004. The audience that built Nintendo into a monster in the 80s and 90s and grew up.

                The core gamer demographic largely consists of people in the 27-35 age range. People who grew up in the era when Nintendo was aggressive with its marketing, with it’s system specs, and with it’s genre selection. We got to experience the shift from 2D to 3D. We got to expereince the shift from digitized sprites to rendered sprites (such as with Killer Instinct and Donkey Kong Country) and polygon with games like Starfox.

                Nintendo has basically said that they have no use for us anymore. They are no interesting in making games that appeal to us. Their philosophy is that we are going to make the games that WE want and you should like it just because it’s got a Nintendo tag on it. It doesn’t work that way. There wouldn’t even be a Sony Playstation if it wasn’t for Nintendo screwing people over with their arrogance. They are “directly” responsible for the success of the Playstation brand and all that money and revenue could have been Nintendo’s but they chose to be shysty.

                Nintendo is successful to a fault. They are playing a dangerous game of jump rope on a sheet of thin-ice. They are ASSUMING that what has worked in the past will work whenever they call upon it. Well, I don’t need to explain why we should assume.

                The bottom line is that the Wii U does not have a long term future. Not because it doesn’t have 3rd party support, but because Nintendo refuses to supplement the gaping holes left from no 3rd party support. If Nintendo was going to make their own sports games, fighting games, RPGs, 1st-person shooters, 3rd-person shooters, adult-themed action-adventure, racing sims, and other genres then everything they’ve done up to this point (except for their horrendous marketing of course) would be fine. Problem is, they aren’t going to do that. They don’t feel those genres are important and consequently the people whom enjoy those genres they don’t feel are important.

                We all listened to Fils-Aime PUBLICLY talk about how the Wii U was supposed to be the system to win back to core, was designed FOR the core, and bring back 3rd party support back to Nintendo. Well, either he is a compulsive liar, or the management at Nintendo simply has no concept of reality and what it means to appeals to ALL demographics and having IPs in ALL genres instead of just genres that fit into your comfort zone (platformers and party games.)

                The previous Nintendo management team understood that. Hiroshi Yamauchi and Howard Lincoln. It’s past time to get the boot out for Iwata and Fils Aime and hand Miyamoto his pension and escort them all DIRECTLY out the door.

                  1. No, you are confusing me with your comment. Since you can’t provide an intelligent argument against what I said your resort to name-calling. It’s what’s called an “Ad-Hominem.”

                    The bliss of denial is a fleeting experience. I suggest you get off that sinking ship and join the rest or humanity in the world of reality.

                1. Well said, I’m understanding why core gamers are important, but if done right, you profit more from casualty. Casual games are cheaper to make and there are more casuals than hardcore gamers. The prob is Nintendo focuses more on one than the other.

                  1. Right. The casual audience is much larger, but the core audience is a much more reliable and sound investment. Core gamers are gonna be there no matter what. Casuals will be there IF it interest them and as soon as something comes along that sparks their interests, they’ll leave. Just like they did with the Wii. Casuals got board with the Wii and moved to smart phones and tablets. It doesn’t make sense for Nintendo to try and woo back people whom have proven to you that they are not going to stick around. Nintendo basically cheated on their wife with some temptress. Now their wife has asked for a divorce and they are trying to get that tramp back, but she’s already moved on to the next victim.

                    Nintendo had better beg for forgiveness from their wife (the core) and repent of what they did and pray that the wife will forgive them because it’s real close to being a done deal for the Wii U. Real close. Even though it will sell systems, there is no chance for it to win this gen at this point unless drastic changes are made.

        2. Clearly you don’t know what you’re talking about. Less market share doesn’t necessarily mean less sales. if you have 5 out of 10 that’s 50% market share. if you have 7 out of 21 thats 33% market share. Less market share with more sales.

          But he didn’t say anythign about market share. His point was (which you apparently lack the intellect to understand) is that just becuase the WiiU sells less doesn’t mean the sales are awful. It could sell far less than the Wii but still be profitable for Nintendo.

          1. But good games sell consoles. Which is one of the reasons the U is struggling so much; it doesn’t have enough “must have” titles to encourage people to make the investment in the console. (Not to mention Nintendo has left a lot to be desired with its marketing)

            1. Unfortunately true. The WiiU does not have a ‘killer game’ thus far which people are willing to pay out for. Add in that it dropped some backwards compatibility (I believe it was with Gamecube games) and a lot of people are saying “I’m going to wait!”

              1. It didn’t drop gamecube backwards compatibility. It never had it. Since when did it become common plays for people to start wishing for new systems to play the old games? Maybe its because the last couple generations have all been disc based.

                Heres game hardware/software 101 for you.

                When you make a system you put certain hardware in it and design software to use that hardware in a specific way. When you make a new system you use new hardware and then use new software. If you take old software and try to cram it into a limited system you have to tell that new software how to access that current hardware to produce what you want. That’s additional time and money. Many see that as a WASTE of time and money. If the Wii U was not backwards compatible and they were able to save that effort and have the premium bundle at 300 at launch… wouldn’t that of been nice?

                Just because you own a bullet for a .22 doesn’t mean you can put it in a .44 and fire it.

                1. Ignoring that bothe Wii and Wii U hardware sits on GameCube platform. Also ignoring you weren’t complaining on PS1, PS2, PS3 Wii and 360 doing it but now because PS4 and Bone don’t do it and Wii U does its all of a sudden supposed to be a bad thing for Wii U

          2. hes right i loved nintendo along time but stuck in the 1980s still its ok to be different but when your in left field its bad, devolopers now can do pc then scale to ps4 n xbone they have little desire to make another for wii u n its pad, the wii u isnt dommed its just not going to fare well against ps4 n xbone

        1. Let’s face it…Mario tends to sell a lot better than those games on the Nintendo console. (SSB4 being the only possible exception) So if Mario can’t help the console, those have about as much of a chance to help the Wii U as I do of eating a KFC Mac and Cheese with a Philly Cheesesteak in under 5 minutes!

          1. Nintendo abandoned Mario, which is why the games suck now. There is no more open world, no more missions, no more story, and no more collect-a-thons.

              1. few days ago he did say that he no longer working on the next Mario game after 3ds World but he never said his team not going to be working with Mario as well…. and I Think Mario Kart 8 doesn’t count as well.

          2. Ignoring that SSB4 is no exception since its on 3DS. The software will sale but it won’t pish Wii U units as much.

          1. You’re such a troll that you don’t even know what MK8 is LOL!!!!!! And a little education…. The Mortal Kombat reboot is technically MK9.

      2. Nah. Its still got games like smash, Mario kart, bayonetta 2, and X to go, not to mention a new metroid and Zelda. 3D world won’t bee the final say. Not by a long shot.

      3. Hmm not exactly. Nintendo has MUCH more to offer. not to mention that the holidays are coming up. Everybody is just waiting. I believe in Nintendo and I <3 my Wii U and 3DS ^^

              1. No, G rated just means that it’s kid friendly. You need to consult a dictionary.

                Also you can’t start a sentence with Because since that is a sentence linker. It needs to be later on in the sentence to be used effectively.

                1. Agreed and he will make comments like this even if the system was selling really well. He just does this for the attention.

    2. Sonic will never be better than Mario ever again

      Patcher is right about that . most of the Nintendo fan still has not bought a Wii U yet because if they did I’m sure that the console would be over 20 million units by now. the nintendo fans are very cheap they are waiting for price drops

      1. Exactly. I’d rather upgrade my 3DS which is got at launch (which is now kinda beat up, it’s been two and a half years) to a new 3DS XL rather than buy a Wii U… But still have my beat up 3DS, which I’ll be using more because I can bring it beyond my house.

        That’s probably the same line of thinking with a lot of other Nintendo fans.

    3. gamers are a joke.nintendo failed mario? they want a game every six months or its failed. have these gamers cant afford an atari let alone a ps4 or xbox

  1. Burrrrrrrn. This Pachter guy has been taking a lot of shots at Nintendo but what if he’s right? The Wii U’s gamepad was a bad idea and the console actually does look a little like a big DS, but it’s still a good console overall. Despite what you may think, I actually do like the console. It’s pretty solid and while it’s definitely bombing, I’m confident that their next console will sell even better. Nintendo will be ready with a solid lineup next time

      1. I think that people are just finally getting tired of all the gimmicks. Why can’t we have a console where you just play games without worrying about enhancments, Kinect/PS Move types of stuff and just have a good video game experience? Like the Gamecube or the N64

        1. It’s called innovation. Again, you are clearly stating stuff that you have no idea about. Quit spitting out nonsense and go back to school. What are you? 5?

          1. *What are you, 5?* No need to ask to questions in a row, it just wastes space. There are some pretty good sites to help you with your grammar, just check through Google. Innovation is only good sometimes.

        2. i’ll give you a sensible response. Personally I do not believe that the touchscreen is a gimmick, because it actually enhances gameplay in a rather significant way, and it is seen with all games.

          1. Well, that will definitely depend on what you like or dislike. It may make the gameplay better for some and worse for others. I’m not arguing that it makes the visuals or any other mechanic look worse, but it makes the game lose a lot of its enjoyment value for me. I’ve never been a fan of the touchscreen and I just don’t like the gamepad

      1. It’s a stupid idea. Microsoft and Sony are going to rape the shit out of Nintendo. Just like how you rape others.

                1. Aw you were doing so well and then you degraded to copying. Ah well, chin up, back on the horse and all that. Don’t worry, you’re still my favourite little pupil =D

                  1. This minty guy is trying waaaay too hard. It’s not even funny. Guh I wish this website had a way to downvote comments to hide them, sorta like youtube does. It would make checking this blog so much better.

        1. Takes a rapist to know a rapist am I right? Haha…..ha….you know what I’m saying right?….ah whatever…

      2. Out tech is just not ready for the job and the Gamepad isn’t that fun to use. I wouldn’t mind if it were more optional, but you’re essentially forced to use it on some games

        1. I’m not talking about handhelds you prick. Stop changing the damn subject to try and make Nintendo right because they are not right. They suck and they are going downhill. Jesus fucking Christ!

    1. “looks like a big ds” that’s what it is! and im OK with that, a more powerful, non portable DS! why doesn’t nintendo take advantage of that? i actualy tought there would be more ds-like games or ds ports on the wiiU(cause of the 2 screens, 1 of them touch) but nintendo decided they wanted to release them games for the ds/3ds only. hell! the biggest game for the wiiU (smash bros) is getting a DS port!

      We are using very little touch screen on the wiiU games, it’s the coolest controller and what makes the system different yet we barely use it. it’s frustrating to see all the awesome games for de ds/3ds and so little support for wiiU, which is the only console I have obviously lol.

      come on big N!

      1. Apparently, Zelda U will make unique use of the touchscreen. Let’s just hope the coming games can carry the Wii U until then.

        1. hopefully, but that game is not gonna be out in a year (i wish it was, tho)

          why not realease “a link between worlds” or “Luigi’s mansion 2 “on wiiU too? we dont care about graphics. i know wouldnt mind.

          why not release pokemon RED for the wiiU, original 150 pkmns, modern (ala x&y 3D) layout or even 2D if they get lazy. that would sell all the wiiUs and they dont need to risk anything since it’s only the 150 (+1) originals. “new” pokemon (3)ds games would still sell.

          well let’s hope 2014 is a better year for us.

    2. Considering how popular touch screen games are, how was is a bad idea? If you have the games, they will come… As much as I love my Wii U, they need to bring the heat… If SM3DW doesn’t sell, then E3 may be their last chance… Things have picked up lately, but biased negative press doesn’t help things any either.

    3. Speak for yourself many like the GamePad. I like playing Pikmin with it and my Pro controller. Its a great ass map. Most times I play with it. Also its nothing like a DS when you one person plays with the GamePad and Pro controller. Also ignoring the 3DS lacks NFC tech, mic you blow into, and able to few videos on YouTube and go on the net at the same time.

    4. how was the gamepad a bad idea? they just haven’t shown the public and people who dont own the wii u how amazing of a controller it is.

      1. I probably didn’t phrase it in the best way so my bad on that one. It’s definitely not a bad idea per say. The idea itself was great and it’s good that Nintendo is trying new things. Nobody can get everything right the first time and the Gamepad will be even better for the next console. That being said, I believe that it should be more optional and not forced upon the gamer. You essentially need to use it to play most of the games. I’m personally not a fan of the Gamepad, but I wouldn’t call it bad. It’s just my opinion after all and I know that a lot of other people like it

      1. Why are you on this site a minty Yoshi? My guess is you are the actual insecure “fat stupid kid” who really does not know anything. People full of hate like you need to be taken out back and beaten senseless.

        1. And people like you are the reason us trolls exist in the first place. Go to North Korea if you don’t want to listen to people like me. Jesus Christ!

  2. I bought a Wii U day one and love it =D
    There was a period, granted, where I didn’t use it all. About April to July this year, but Nintendo has been releasing games steadily since then and I think it’s a great console.

    1. Yeah, the way they released games it gave me the opportunity to anticipate new releases but enjoy the games that were out at the time. I’m honestly am pleased that I bought a wii u.

  3. Wii u was the first console I have ever bought with my own money (last December), and I’ve gotten over 10 games, all new not used, (with deals and discounts of course lol) so I have, ya jerk-off.

  4. For once I can agree with penis breath pachter, if we wanna prove him wrong just support the system instead of ranting in the comment section, I have a healthy collection of Nintendo games, so I’m doing my part….

  5. And in fine tradition, I ask why this site is continuing to give Pachter the time of day?

    An industry analyst who has NEVER ONCE YET BEEN RIGHT in regards to Nintendo is about as worthwhile a news source as my neighbor’s one-eyed basset hound.

  6. If it had been two or so years then yeah I’d agree, but honestly it’s just going to be a hard time right now for all of the consoles including the PS4/X1. Mobile gaming is bigger than it was when the previous consoles launched and times have changed. Plus, they two might be doomed also as all the PS4/X1 will offer out the gate are the same games many probably already bought for their PS3/X360. Honestly, I just want to see how it goes. If it sells then okay if not then next time they really need to look at what they could have done better and in the wii u’s case there is a lot that Nintendo could have done especially during it’s regular launch.

  7. That’s kind of a low blow insulting the fans, but the Wii U isn’t “doomed” more great games are on the way. It’s all about marketing.

  8. Sadly Pachter is right about me. i haven’t bought the console. I wouldn’t have bought it if it were the best console ever conceived by man. I can’t pay for it right now. It’s not a choice. However, that doesn’t apply to all Nintendo fans. I quite agree with him, there are plenty out there who haven’t bothered to buy it for one excuse or another. Yes, they should buy it. I’ll be buying it at literally the first viable opportunity I get.

    However, that doesn’t mean we should stop criticising Pachter as well. By all means we must continue that.

    1. How come you can’t pay for it? The Wii U is kinda really cheap. Just skip eating for a week if you have to and you’ll be fine. 💋

  9. Most console have tough launches. Look at the PS4 and Xbone. Their launch titles blow and there is very little separating them from the PS360. I think they will face the same hurdles that the Wii U has. The 3DS is just an amazing piece of hardware with so many great games it is dominating everything else. It too had a tough time in the beginning. It’s amazing what great games and a price drop will do for sales. By end of 2014 with maybe another price drop and the slew of games i.e Smash Brothers, Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2, Donkey Kong, plus word of a Mario Galaxy, Zelda U, Metroid, Kirby, etc the Wii U should be fine. People are so dramatic and this ‘analys’ is just a tool who is wrong more than right with his guesses concerning Nintendo.

    1. Agreed. It’s like be a gamer for the fun of the games on each of the systems and don’t worry so much about the future of it all. Everyone’s gotta be depressing and over analytical over every little thing. There are games I want to play for my wii u, some I still enjoy playing even today and that’s really all that should matter. Nintendo just have to find their footing and I’m sure they’ll be just fine.

  10. Remember 3DS Pachter? Well then, shut your trap.
    I have bought a Wii U and have a number of third party games, I have no doubt that the Wii U will sell over 30 million in it’s lifetime.
    If you had said 50 million then there is a large chance that you would be correct; you obviously don’t know the power of Zelda and Mario.

  11. “But he didn’t stop there and turned his attention to Nintendo fans saying they should “stop criticising him for his Wii U comments and just buy a Wii U. Because they haven’t.” ”

    Some analyst he is…he didn’t even know that Nintendo fans did/will buy a Wii U…because they are nintendo fans.

    1. That part cracked me up xD Obviously cause the sales are showing they aren’t buying it >_< You should also be able to understand some humor silly :P

  12. Hey Patcher, have you ever owned a company that has sold 30,000,000 of anything? Didn’t think so. Any asshole can spew your crap. Now, grow up and get a clue you 60 year old teenager.

  13. Firstly, Pachter is a moron. Second, even morons can have ONE good thing to say every once in a while. What he says is true about buying a Wii U. It seems as of late that Nintendo fans can talk the talk, but aint walking the walk. GO BUY A GODDAMN Wii U ALREADY! They are cheaper than a days worth of friggen groceries! 💋

  14. They MUST relaunch the Wii U. Gamers know about the games, the general public does not and has lost interest. Wii U is so much better than when it launched but nobody knows about it. Treat it like you did the DS and at E3 relaunch the Wii U by releasing the Wii U+ or the Wii U like or Wii U 3D. With the one account, all of the games and bigger storage people may notice and give it a chance.

  15. Yea if 3D world doesn’t help this holiday then Wii U is done for, and you all keep saying wait for

    X, FExST, bayonetta 2, dcktf, smash, mk8 but don’t realize that only mk8 and smash have the potential to bring the Wii U back.

    X- is mainly for the hardcore RPG fans it will sell good but no where near mk8

    FExST is a niche game that only appeals to its specific fan base. I mean if fire emblem awakening, fire emblem for Wii or even ST for 3ds didn’t sell at significant numbers what make you think a cross over would do any better ???

    Bayonetta 2- is the most lol, I love bayonetta but most of the wii U owners haven’t even played the first one also it sold like 1 million on 360, ps3 where the install base of players who owned the system was huge so this game will be another W101 for wii U, not to mention based on alot of comments over the internet wii U owners don’t care for 3rd parties. It just won’t sell well at all on wii U.

    DKCTF- a good series, it will sell decent but not in huge numbers and wont be a system seller

    Mk8- no doubt it will help move consoles I mean it’s Mario kart but the question is will it be coming out too late to have a major impact

    Smash- it would move consoles but sadly its also going to be for 3ds which means it wont sell like it should since the 3ds will have the same characters as the Wii U version the multiplayer (which is the selling point) will be the same baring stages

    1. You’ve got good points but just one correction: (I think) The Wii U and 3DS versions of smash have different stages. I’m pretty sure that a while back they mentioned that the Wii U version will have stages inspired by console games and the 3DS version will have stages inspired by mobile games.

      Also yeah, the 3DS will probably steal some of the sales but I know that I for one will go for the Wii U version first, simply because it’s the traditional experience and I feel it just fits better on a big screen. (I just hope that the online play is better than Brawl)

      1. I mentioned that the stages are different at the ending I said “baring stages” lol but I don’t think anything can be worst than brawl online connection

  16. Best way to shut up a troll. Ignore him as he will lose his relevance. He obviously is living off fanboy’s emotions and they should not give him any attention as he will lose his significance without publicity!!!

  17. Nintendo has stepped up their marketing for the Wii U, its selling more in Japan, better games are coming out, I’m sure that we’ll see a significant increase in sales during the holiday season, and that rate will probably continue throughout 2014 with more great games coming out.

  18. I freaking love patcher! He makes the best witty comments. Instead of complaining about how Nintendo isn’t doomed, go buy the freaking console you’re defending and stop whining.

    And remember how you all said the Wii U’s future would turn around with blockbuster titles like Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, Sonic Lost World, Lego City, and Wind Waker and that everyone who ever doubted the wii u would be put to shame when it bounced back?

    Hmmm, I don’t really remember the wii U selling that much… in that period…

    Now everyone is saying “Oh, no, Bayonetta, Smash Bros, and Mario Kart, the Wii U has the best exclusives, no one can say the wii u is doomed bcuz the BIG BLOCKBUSTER GAMES HAVEN’T COME OUT YETDURRR IDIOTS. xbone and psSUCK have nothing!!!!”

    Nintendo fans are the funniest.

    1. Yea Nintendo fanboys are the most delusional outta the 3. None of those titles helped Wii U and now they say WAIT. That’s why no one on other gaming sites take Nintendo fanboys serious. They’re logic sucks and they always damage control if something doesn’t sell well on Wii U

  19. Pachter is a troll who makes outrageous claims based on nothing. I don’t know why MyNintendoNews keeps reporting about the drivel he spews out.

  20. I don’t understand how this is news… If I predict that the PSVita will shift more than 100 million units, will my proclaimation be an article on a Sony website? Surely facts should be the foundation of a newsreport, not some guys rambling…

  21. Coming from the guy who can’t predict for shit.
    OH, and don’t forget. This mother fucker jumped ship too. months before he said Xbox One was going to win? What happened to that, Patchy?
    I think he’s just trying to clear his shitty reputation by making an obvious prediction. Yes, Sony probably will win.
    But wait, it’s Patcher, the opposite is bound to happen.
    This guy should get his head out of his ass.

  22. Patcher is complete idiot. He really doesn’t know anything about Nintendo. I am surprised he doesn’t bash MS or Sony. Their new consoles aren’t exactly top range either. Do not let the cores and the GHz count fool you – it’s what the hardware does.

    Patcher go back to school.

  23. So this guy, who everybody is sick of hearing about from the gaming press, says this just days before the PS4 launch and a week before the XBone launch. Interesting timing, one might wonder if this fella has been paid to say this…

    Nintendo’s games will sell the system, same as 3DS. So sick of hearing about this guy constantly, he’s such a “Debbie Downer”.

  24. I bought my wii u on 12:01am day of release and have bought 16 games for it. Off screen play is amazing. Keep trolling tho Pachter.

  25. To Patcher you are wrong. And I did buy one. I love. Yes not all games were there, but more are coming. Besides the games that are not there are not family type games so I dont want them anyway. Not everyone wants to play games that are gore and blood. Yuck.
    I will stick with Nintendo and their games.

  26. Just like always, its all talk. Nothing more than words with no meaning or depth. Just talk and i find it hilarious how 50+ years old male talks about these gamin companies like an fanboy on internet. Why cant we just accept all 3 systems without words like toast and fights and wars?

  27. SSF and MNN staff, for the 100th time, we don’t care about what Pachter says, the Wii U is in trouble, yes we already know that, but for the love of Jesus, don’t make a whole article about a person that pretends to be a prophet, when he sucks really bad at doing that. Time to move on.

  28. I’ll just laugh at him when the WiiU surpasses those numbers. He’s just underrating all the great upcoming games.

  29. You have to admit… he does a good job at earning money from people paying attention to him. Though I don’t think the Wii U is doomed. The Xbox One pre-orders at doing really “Well” but it’s still going to die because many developers are limited by its horrible CPU Microsoft actually made, not AMD.

    I think this should be retitled: GoodbyeMicrosoft: Xbox One is “Done” due to poor CPU power and lack of the mythical cloud.

  30. I disagree. I think with Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. dropping next Spring, the Wii U will be a huge success. Just a late bloomer is all.

  31. idk I cancelled my ps4 pre order because I think the wiiU will be played much longer plus im just bored with all this ps4 and xbox noise so im just gana upgrade my PC besides until the ps4 can have graphics better than my PC then im good.

  32. Michael Pachter is an idiot, a shill, a leech, a self-admitted troll, and makes his analysis’ based on message board fanboy banter, but in this case…..he’s right. That’s only because he’s stating the obvious.

    Nothing is going to change for the better for Nintendo by putting our heads in the sand like ostriches and acting as though trouble will just pass over. You can’t use Band-Aids on artery cuts. Nintendo’s whole holiday regarding the Wii U rests on the success or failure of Super Mario 3D World. I think the game is amazing and will sell well, but in order for it to make any type of lasting impact it will have to sell tremendously. and I don’t see that happening.

    I think we’ve already crossed the threshold of no return on the Wii U. People are starting to give up on the Wii U. SM3DW LITERALLY is their last hope. Most people have said that they’ll take a look at it maybe later next year after games like Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2, and Smash Bros are out, but by then Sony and Microsoft may have caught up with them. And people do move on. It happens all the time. An entity waits and waits and waits to give the people what they want and are asking for. Finally people get tired of waiting and go do something else. Then when that entity finally gets around to doing what they should have done in the first place, it’s too late. People don’t care anymore. They’ve moved on. They’ll acknowledge it, but then they’ll go right back to doing what they were before. There is no sense of urgency in Nintendo at all and this last 3DS Direct was microcosm of that. They spent more than half of the direct talking about stuff we already know about. They are basically carrying on as it Sony and Microsoft are not a threat which to me signifies unabashed arrogance and stupidity by Nintendo. It is not sweet Nintendo. You are about to blow this REALLY BAD.

    Maybe Nintendo is blowing it on purpose. Maybe they don’t really want to do consoles anymore. You have Iwata saying Nintendo can’t compete against Sony and Microsoft. You have Miyamoto saying that he just wants to work on smaller projects from now on. You see the vast majority of marketing from Nintendo for the 3DS and what little marketing for the Wii U there is doesn’t do much at all. They made the Wii U architecture so unique that average developers cannot spend the time and money getting their engines to run on it so they pass altogether. If they WERE trying to make the Wii U fail I don’t think a more masterful job could be done.

    That is where I’m at on it. Either they are tanking the Wii U on purpose, or as I and many MANY other have already said ad-nausea the leadership at Nintendo has absolutely no idea on what they are doing and need to be removed in order to ensure Nintendo’s survival in home console gaming. Nintendo isn’t going anywhere in terms of handhelds. They are the Supreme Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion in that category.

  33. My prediction of sales for Wii U after 2018 is a minimum of 19 million and a maximum of 26 million. This is only based upon current sales of Wii U.
    Just because a console does not sell the most of that generation does not mean it is a failure I believe that a console is a failure if it hasn’t done what it has set out to do. The Sega Dreamcast was not a failure because it helped to pioneer online gaming, it is also an acclaimed console; Nintendo 64 was not a failure because it revolutionised 3D gaming.
    Microsoft Kinect is a failure while it sold well, did something new and was fun. The kinect did not revolutionise motion control gaming in the way Microsoft had planned. The Kinect 2.0 for Xbox One might be the revolution for Microsoft and I wish them luck but the original wasn’t.
    In contrast Wii was a success because it was a revolution and that was nintendos aim from way back at E3 2004.
    With the Wii U we should give it time, hopefully by December 2014 Wii U will be selling well and by the end of this generation there will be that game which for fills Nintendos Aims and only when that happens Nintendo will have succeeded with Wii U.
    I believe the Sony President was commenting about something similar only yesterday to Greg Miller.
    And for god sake nintendo advertise the damn thing for Christ sakes!!!

  34. Isnt that what he said about the 3ds! Look what happened to that system and its still selling bucket loads lol.

  35. Even at 30 million system sales, the games can still make money and potentially (like other Nintendo systems) sell more than the other systems. I was reading an old Game Fan magazine the other day and it listed the top 10 best selling games of ’97 and the top 5 games were for Nintendo 64! The PS1 was outselling the N64 something like 3 to 1! Of the 26 best selling games 21 of them were only on Nintendo systems. Yuppers, Nintendo is Nintendoomed……

  36. WooHoo! What exciting news!! A little bit of a shame I suppose that this get so many more comments than the New Mario 3D world character, but who’s complaining, its just so damn exciting to know what goes on in this guys head!

  37. mynintendonewslovesthisguy

    WooHoo! What exciting news!! A little bit of a shame I suppose that this get so many more comments than the New Mario 3D world character, but who’s complaining, its just so damn exciting to know what goes on in this guys head!

  38. while nintendo haters keep bitching we nintendo fans keep playing… yes I own a wii-u ,in fact im writing in one now.
    The wii-u is a remarkable machine… is awesome i have lots of games for it and will never fail… the sales will eventualy come i dont care about that… i care about GAMES im 28 but i like nintendo games… i have a ps4 as well… because of kingdom hearts and final fantasy… i played like 3 games… im back on wii-u and the graphics are not that different. get over it this guy patcher… does not know anything its a fucking media toy. when the people start owning ps4 or xbox1 and leave their feedback the fucking hype goes away… with so many glitched games and framerate fucking problems… this so callled next gen consoles suck… so eat shit mr patcher and buy a wii-u and see for yourself if you like gaming at all… killcrapzone and whathafuckisknack sucked balls period.

  39. while nintendo haters keep bitching we nintendo fans keep playing… yes I own a wii-u ,in fact im writing in one now.
    The wii-u is a remarkable machine… is awesome i have lots of games for it and will never fail… the sales will eventualy come i dont care about that… i care about GAMES im 28 but i like nintendo games… i have a ps4 as well… because of kingdom hearts and final fantasy… i played like 3 games… im back on wii-u and the graphics are not that different. get over it this guy patcher… does not know anything its a fucking media toy. when the people start owning ps4 or xbox1 and leave their feedback the fucking hype goes away… with so many glitched games and framerate fucking problems… this so callled next gen consoles suck… so eat shit mr patcher and buy a wii-u and see for yourself if you like gaming at all… killcrapzone and whathafuckisknack sucked balls period.

  40. the wiiu is saved??? loool does it need it now??? seriously guys go by that system and play wonderful 101, pikmin 3, zombieU ,Sonic lost world , lego city stories, and then we will talk… we had the same talk with the 3ds pacher… patch yourself and get out of this industry… what matters me the most is people still belivin what he said.. a big LOL to him… peace ninty bros see you online on miiverse.

  41. It won’t sell amazingly but once it becomes the bargen second system for those who are buying a Xbox one, or ps4 then it well pick up sales. smash brothers, Mario, mario cart, Zelda, then sales well pick up, and they are working on some other new exciting games like X. I well say this, their next homes and handheld can’t be simple step up devices. They need to be epic and grand. Cloud, online play, cloud possessing, cloud gaming, cloud saves, 3D, full HD, 4K support, multitasking, more media and apps and services, and really reach out to 3rd party AAA devs, they should honestly buy Sega, and let the “Sega division” make mature games wile core Nintendo can do what it dues best, monolithsoft can make its mature action RPG’s, and retro should focus on bringing old IP back to life and modern. Finally virtual console needs to be 2 thing, a month service ware you can play VC games in the cloud from NES to gamecube. And then have VCHD which is full modern remakes of older games. Like the original super Mario remade with the new super Mario engine and graphics. All those things would be the right path. They also need to continue to beef up Eshop and miivers services

  42. Yup patcher would rather rep two companies that make $0 from their gaming divisions and shit on a company that actually pulls in a profit.

    This guy is a fucking joke.

    Xbox, ms share holders and one of the CEO candidates want to sell the brand.

    PS, coming off a gen that saw them lose 5 billion, lose in the handheld market and abandoned their latest handheld.

    This is the same guy that claimed the 3ds would fail, he’s an idiot and a paid troll.

    Seriously, for anyone to think ninty would fold or leave the console market based on what this twat says, need to give their heads a shake.

    The reality is, Nintendo is a lot more stable then their competition.

    Fuck an Microsoft analyst came out and said the Xbox costs them 2 billion a year, couple that with the bad PR and ninty is the one in trouble?


    1. ^strong denial/understanding of nintendo’s marketshare… lmfao

      biased untrue fanboy comments like yours are just as annoying as teh rest of trolls

  43. He is right about Nintendo fans not stepping up and buying a Wii U. they can talk smack about him but what they should do it buy a Wii U

  44. My prediction is that eventually, Sony and Nintendo will be the only 2 game companies around (with consoles that is). I don’t know why anybody would even care about the Xbox One? Even the name is stupid. Makes everybody think it’s the original Xbox.

  45. My prediction is that eventually, Sony and Nintendo will be the only 2 game companies around (with consoles that is). I don’t know why anybody would even care about the Xbox One? Even the name is stupid. Makes everybody think it’s the original Xbox.

  46. He clearly didn’t get the memo that I’m getting the Wii U very, very soon.

    You can set a sales limit, but not a purchase limit.


  47. Does anybody else have suspicion that nintendo delayed DK:TF because 2014 was looking kind of sparse? There’s not a lot of hard dates on software in 2014 other than DK. I really hope they blow it out of the water with Zelda. It’s going to have to be something really special to make up for some rocky waters lately.

  48. So who’s paying him to say this? Or is he completely delutional?
    Nintendo will capture the casual market again. Not to the same degree as they did with the Wii, but enough to guarantee 40-50+ million units sold.

    He’s supposed to be an analyst, but he keeps making wrong predictions about Nintendo ALL THE TIME. It’s like he’s looking at the current situation and thinking it will be like this until the Wii U gets discontinued.

    1. And my estimated number of sold units is minimum. I can’t really tell how successful Mario Kart 8 and Wii Fit U will be, or what other secret games Nintendo is developing, so I won’t put up a higher number just yet.

  49. I think Pachter may be somewhat accurate about the sales, but I don’t think the Wii U is “toast” from those kinds of sales. If Nintendo can turn things around that much by the end, they won’t suffer enough to the point where Nintendo is in trouble.

  50. What a low class asshole, he not only insults the company who is having success with the 3DS and had a lot with the DS and Wii, he also insults its fans. Why he focuses so much on hating the Wii U with insults and snarky comments? Where is he talking about how amazing it is that the 3DS was the best sold gaming console of October and was the best month in sales for it in a long time? Where is he noting that? Oh, right, he’s a troll and disgusting guy that only focuses on the lows of Nintendo, the 3DS could sell 2 million next month he wouldn’t care, he wouldn’t comment about it, he would just focus on hating the Wii U, insult Nintendo because of that and its fans. He’s the Ann Coulter of video games. Just talking about the negative and insulting to get attention, how sad.

  51. Oh Pachter, did he speak out on his failed XBONE rooting or is he still silent about it?
    He’s always wrong, I’m just waiting to see him eat his words AGAIN.

  52. Pingback: Famoso analista diz que Wii U é um DS dividido em dois | CreativeCute

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