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Nintendo 64 Games Coming Soon According To Official Wii U Virtual Console Page

A number of you have emailed in to say that the official Wii U Virtual Console page mentions that Nintendo 64 games are on their way. The website doesn’t give a specific time frame regarding when we should expect them, but hopefully it’s soon.

Check back regularly for the latest releases, including the future addition of titles from the Game Boy Advance and Nintendo 64 systems.

Thanks to those who sent this in.

71 thoughts on “Nintendo 64 Games Coming Soon According To Official Wii U Virtual Console Page”

    1. Real PC Master Race

      Even though games like Hey You Pikachu, Pokemon Snap and Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2… just saying

      1. They could re-release Pokemon Snap with optional motion controls. That would make it more than worth it.


    Content: The website doesn’t give a specific time frame regarding when we should expect them, but hopefully it’s soon.

    So it’s not ‘coming soon according’ to the website, you just hope it’s coming soon

  2. I haven’t played many N64 games, but I’ve had the most fun EVER with the few I did play. Zelda OOT, Killer Instict Gold, and Conker’s Bad Fur Day are all very good. But I doubt those last 2 would come to VC. I think they’re both from Rare, which is in the hands of Microsoft now. :(

    1. Play Diddy Kong Racing, DK64, Majoras Mask, MarioKart64, Super Smash Bros., … The list goes on and on

  3. Was there ever any doubt? if the Wii had them of course the Wii U would have them eventually, I’m just a little surprised it wasn’t sooner. Give us word on a Gamecube virtual console, now that’d be news.

  4. Too bad about 50% of the games I want from this gen are from Rare. I already got most of the downloaded on the Wii. Though I did not see Bomberman64 or Quest 64. Other that the rest I want are from rare.

      1. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

        Bomberman 64 was good but Bomberman 64: The Second Attack was better. I had a lot more fun with Second Attack. The story was great & I loved the fact Pommy’s form & abilities would change depending on the food you gave him.

    1. Oh shit! Someone else knows about quest 64 ? I honestly thought I was the only one who played it..

  5. What’s the point of Super Mario 64 I already have it on Wii and 3DS. Its the GameCube franchise like Pikmin 2 Sunshine, RE Zero etc. Starfox adventures. Melee.

      1. How about you shut the fuck up? Many others might want it again or not have played it, ever thought about that you dumb fuck?

      2. Ignoring I should die but you failed to support Nintendo 20 years ago playing that old ass Mario game that is on 3DS, Wii and 64 and Wii U. Pitaful.

        1. I never mind
          I get you. I have the GameCube Pikmin 2. I don’t like playing it with Wiimote. Though it would be nice to use my GameCube controller so I can play Pikmin 2 on Wii u.

    1. 3DS? You mean the 64 DS remake? I have the wii one but haven’t touched it, I hate the classic controller and classic pro and have been waiting and hoping for it on the Wii U so I can play on a tv and with proprer controllers like the pro controller and gamepad. Far more comfortable than the classic controllers and 3DS/3DS XL for me and I refuse to replay such greatness as Mario 64 with cheap controllers or cramped.

      1. Lord Zedd Sir, have you played Mario 64DS? If not, i highly recommend it. Very worth cramping your fingers for all the extra hidden 30 stars! So many clevwr tricks were added to that game. Its an mprovement on perfection itself!

        1. 30 extra stars is enticing lol. After Mario Kart 7 I got joint pain in my thumbs so I’ve been turned off to the 3DS for certain games, but Mario 64 isn’t as intense as Mario Kart in the sense that you can stop for a minute and relax, but you can’t stop in the middle of a race online and all that drifting did numbers to my poor thumbs lol. Maybe I’ll give it a try, but I’ll still hold off for some new remake (3D or HD) before jumping back on. Thanks for letting me know about the extra stars though, definitely makes me like it more already.

  6. Pingback: The Wii U Virtual Console page says Nintendo 64 games are coming soon | NintendoSpot

    1. Crap, I have to own 4 Wiimotes+ (got them), 4 nunchucks (got them), 4 pro controllers (got two), the gamepad and 4 gcn controllers to play all the games avaible in 4 player multiplayer? Crap…

      1. You don’t need game cube if you have the classics and pros I’m pretty sure. They are just a great luxury to have for Smash Brothers lol.

        1. Are you serious? Come on man, you and I know way better that the NGC controllers are best for smash and smash only, and with the announcement of the NGC adapter on the release date of Smash for wii u, we might get a bone thrown at us for NGC VC. It would make sense to do that but knowing Nintendo, it might not happen as we think…soi fingers crossed man.

          1. LoL of course I know it’s the best, I will be buying 4 brand new ones, it’s the only way to smash, even the pro controller isn’t as good (got to play twice at best buy so I can confirm). I was just letting her know she didn’t HAVE to :p For some people GameCube is luxury, for people like you and mean it’s mandatory.

          2. I would somehow try and make the D-Pad bigger without ruining the placement and feel of everything else (not too important cause in Smash it’s only used to taunt), add an extra Z button on the left side (also not a big deal but would be nice) and make the Z button(s) have a better feel when you press them down. Always felt the Z button felt weird compared to all the other buttons. And god I love clicking those L & R buttons over and over just for satisfaction.

  7. Classic example of what is old becomes new again. this was announced over a year ago and the website may have been saying N64 games even before that!

  8. Pingback: La Consola Virtual de Wii U tendrá juegos de Nintendo 64 | koi-nya

  9. Here is hoping for wwf no mercy, vigilante 8
    turok rage wars, bomberman 64, doom 64, extreme-g, fighting force 64, rampage 2, nightmare creatures, mischief makers and mace the dark age.

  10. What’s this site’s obsession with reporting on months-old, or in this case years-old pages, and calling it news? That page has said that since last year.

  11. Another reason to buy a Wii U….damn You Nintendo! Put Battlezone: Rise of the Black dogs on that list! Excellent game, many hours of playing.

    1. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

      Hell yeah! I loved the ability to build your own base for some of the levels! I’d prefer a makeover of the original game with better graphics & an extended story but the same gameplay. The gameplay should be left the way it is. But if not a remake, virtual console of the original game will do. This all hinges on whoever owns the game these days, though. :/

  12. What about Gamecube games Nintendo? Wii was perfectly capable with playing those. Can’t you just run the ISOs of those games on the Wii Channel?

  13. thenintendoreviewer

    If this is true, it’s about damn time. Beef up that virtual console market, Nintendo. Next put some gamecube games there.

  14. All I care about from 64 is

    Shadowman, castelvania 64, castelvania legacy of darkness, Mario 64, paper Mario, Pokemon snap, mace, and Mk 4.
    (can’t remember if Kirby air ride was 64 or game cube)
    But honestly that’s about it, and most likely only 3 of them well come out.

    They better support HD, other wise why bring them…

  15. Tallon Ridley XIII: Kalas

    Battlezone: Rise of the Black Dogs, Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage, Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber, Pokemon Snap. These were great games I enjoyed for the N64. I couldn’t really get into Quest 64 but that would be a nice VC game for those that did like it, though.

  16. N64 games are going to look horrible if they don’t upres them and maybe even use screen filter. I’m sorry but i know people are like “GBA and NES and SNES games don’t need screen filters, they’re fine pixelated” i don’t agree.. but for damn sure i don’t think N64 games will look very good unless they do something.

  17. Pingback: G.R.L. – Vacation and the Nintendo 64 | N64 Squid

  18. Pingback: NINTENDO64の2chでのうわさ -ニンテンドー64「はがさないでください」 | うわさペディア

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