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Nintendo UK Confirms Special Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Demo Version For October 15

Nintendo UK has confirmed that Pokemon fans will be able to get their hands on a special demo version for Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire from October 15. This “special demo version” will feature gameplay that cannot be experienced elsewhere as a self-contained storyline. As such, players will be able to mega evolve a Pokemon, which can then be carried over to the main game when it launches November 28 for Europe and the UK.

The demo codes will be distributed by a number of retailers including GAME, Amazon, ShopTo, Smyth Toys Superstore, and the Official Nintendo UK Store from October 15. Eager Pokemon fans may also be able to grab a code from certain partners such as Nintendo Life, Wikia and Bin Weevils until mid-November.

Though Nintendo UK has only confirmed these special version demos so far, Nintendo of America and the rest of Europe may also be sharing in the fun at a later date. Earlier today, Nintendo of Europe confirmed two new 2DS bundles for Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, which you can check out here.

Additionally, it appears as if the Nintendo Netherlands branch has also confirmed the demo, and will be available at their Autumn Tour or “First Look” event on October 11 and 12.

27 thoughts on “Nintendo UK Confirms Special Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Demo Version For October 15”

    1. Eh. I’m kind of sick of demos already… I live in the U.S and I would rather just wait for the actual game.

      There isn’t a point in playing a Pokemon demo unless you can continue the game from where the demo leaves off or trade your Pokemon over the the actual game (which I doubt they would let you do).
      So I’ll probably skip the demo.

      1. You wrong the demo deos let you trade stuff over to the real game includeing a mega stone for an as of yet annoced mega pokemon

      2. You get an Exclusive mega stone (for a new mega evolution which is yet to be revealed), and trade over all your items you get. The Pokemon are transferable to Bank, apparently, which suggests you cant use Bank on ORAS til late in the game is this turns out true.

  1. It’s coming to other places as well, just not as soon. Waiting never killed anyone. Don’t you have the human race to enslave NCQ?

          1. Nintendo Sub-Lieutenant

            That’s been my answer to everything lately. Haha. I have a college tuition that needs paying off. I so I can only choose one. Gotta give Bayonetta a warm welcome on Wii U.

              1. I know. I was telling Kootie that. In fact, I think Kootie is one of the people that really dislikes Quadraxis, so it probably doesn’t pay much attention to anything he says unless he’s being negative. I could be wrong, though.

  2. I hope i can get a code via nintendolife as uve broken my leg and i cant get 2 game 2 pick one up? Anyone kno the exact date when the codes are being distributed there? I wouldnt care so much but i bet that this will be the only chance to get the secret mega evolution other than having 2 trade it wiv sum1 for it when the games come out. If sum1 could reply back here with a date itd be very appreciated.

    1. The press release didn’t mention any specific dates, sorry. Nintendo Europe has said they would detail more information soon on the demo codes, however. When we hear more, you guys will hear more. :)

  3. Ooh. I might have to get this demo if we can transfer the Pokemon, it’s mega stone, & any thing else we collect in the demo. The stand alone story sounds interesting, too. I enjoyed that about the Bravely Default demo.

  4. I want the 2ds special transparent edition sooo bad. Please Nintendo bring it to the US now so I can preorder it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Honestly. i think you guys are forgetting something. Shiny Gengar distribution is Billed for Oct 15. to be printed on a receipt.. the chances are this demo code will be alongside the shiny gengar code. since shiny gengar we know to have a mega stone. whats the chances of there being Two mega evolved distributions happening :P on oct 15 :P

  6. Pingback: Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Special Demo Now Available In European eShop | My Nintendo News

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