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Splatoon Devs Reveal In-Game Clothing Shop And Additional Artwork

The official Splatoon Twitter account has showcased yet another in-game store for the upcoming Wii U game. The new clothing store will join the weapon and headgear stores unveiled last week to compete for your hard-earned battle money and, of course, will be owned by another peculiar-looking store clerk. According to translations, the clothing store named “Sas au Bon” will have a range of unisex t-shirts and tops with specific perks attached to pump up your characters fighting skills.

If you were hoping to purchase a full outfit, though, you’ll be hopelessly searching as store clerk Echizon refuses to stock bottom halves. Presumably it’s because he can’t wear them as a blue jellyfish – his tentacles need the room. Echizon’s unique speech pattern can make him difficult to understand, yet despite this he’s still a forward-thinker and fashion guru in the field. You can check out his cool style in the artwork below.


55 thoughts on “Splatoon Devs Reveal In-Game Clothing Shop And Additional Artwork”

          1. Mario Kart got boring because 9f no voice chat. Smash got boring because of no voice chat. What makes you think this won’t?

            1. Why does voice chat make it better? It was one of the more annoying things, although I will say that in this team oriented game it might make more sense. But in those other games, why?

              1. Being able to talk to your friends while playing greatly improves the experience, imo. You can react to what’s going on (laugh, joke, playfully trash talk, etc)

                  1. I don’t know about you but when most people play games with friends in real life they typically don’t sit there quiet not saying anything.

                1. meh.. it is your opinion so I’ll let you have it, but while I don’t need it, it certainly shouldn’t be looked at as such a great detriment if it isn’t there

    1. It really does. Well at least for playing with friends. Not interested in public voice chat.
      And if it does have voice chat for friends, it needs to be enabled throughout (in menus and mid-match).

      It’s annoying how Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros implemented it where you can’t even talk to each other while playing.

    1. Art style suffering from Nintendo with new tech? Zelda U says “hi.” Nintendo was stupid when making the Wii U but graphically not really just stupid in not putting more cores to handle 4 gamepads and stupid for not making the Gamepad not operate the Wii OS. And stupid for not giving it the power it needs not to get kicked off Netflix. Graphics I can give a rata ass about since I saw Zelda U.

    2. You’re so wrong. This game will bring fresh air in the world of multiplayer shooting, and way more fun. I’m done with non-creative war shooter. This remind me of Jet Set Radio and Mario Sunshine. Can’t wait to play it!

    3. Also Yoshi Wooly world and Splatoons are my next games. Not interested in Kirby. It looks boring drawing a line with a styllis.

  1. I get more interested with every Splatoon reveal. When it was announced, I was like “Meh, there must be more to it” then all the info starts coming and I’m just thinking “Shit, more money I have to spend”

  2. I can’t be the only one who’s super bothered by the look of the squid people’s faces. I wish they designed their faces a little different. Oh well.
    But other than that, the game looks interesting.

          1. I really like the colourful cartoon style too, really suits the concept of the game, with all the ink and stuff. I also like the way they designed the characters’ hair and all. It’s just something about their faces I can’t get myself to like, I don’t know.
            But you see, it’s quite the small detail, and that, of course, won’t influence my opinion about the game as a whole.

  3. look at this pathetic fanboy desperate to justify Nintendo purchases in an article where it has nothing to do with them. Even as a hardcore Nintendo fan (I don’t own any non Nintendo consoles) this is pretty sad and makes me sad having such a shitty community for my favourite gaming platforms:

    I’m glad us Nintendo fans aren’t going around believing some ” magical ” software update will improve the Wii U’s graphics. We know we have the least powerful current gen console this gen but we’re ok with that because our UNMATCHED and UNRIVALED exclusives makes up for it because having a unique fun gaming experience is what it’s all about anyway and Nintendo is UNBEATEN when compared to other gaming companies in that category as far as I’m concerned


      1. I hate nintendo life they ban you for the stupidest things. It’s as bad as miiverse. I got banned for NOT calling someone names, and stating I wasn’t getting involved in two other users argument and calling each other names, and I got banned by the ugly bitch des. Than I tried explaining and pointing out the mistake and got my ban extended. Fuck des and fuck nintendo life.

          1. Yea I got into a long e-mail battle with nintendolife’s monitor person, and she refused to hear my side or my explanations or admit that she was ENTIRELY wrong and I was wrongfully banned so I said fuck her and stopped going there.

            1. OH, my bad, I misread that…just…um….yeah lol, I though you meant miiverse not Nintendo life. But yeah miiverse is kinda on the raw side of banning people too…specially when people who can’t draw get jealous and falsely report great artists like Jwillz on miiverse. He got banned for no reason and right after he drew “Luigi self portrait”, and posted it. Look alive there on miiverse too, people just hate for no reason too but mods keep the place clean of foul language.

              1. Yea miiverse is quite annoying too. They seriously should have a kids miiverse and an adult one. And only being able to post once every 3 minutes or whatever is so damn annoying. As for banning great artists, that sucks. No need to do that or report people.

          1. Found out the hard way. I’d rather have a site that allows trolls to run wild then a site that bans even the slightest use of words above a G movie rating.

  4. The art style has me nostalgic for Jet Grind Radio on Dreamcast. Since Splatoon involves developers responsible for Animal Crossing and Fantasy Life, I have a lot of faith in their making the customers happy. Like other gamers, I was concerned about the gameplay getting repetitive-boring fast, but I like everything I have seen since E3, and as stated earlier have a lot of faith in the team.

  5. I’m getting more and more excited for this game. It just fits perfectly into the Ninty world, like it’s always been there. It looks like pure fun, how must Ninty games are. No matter how good or bad you are, you’ll still have a blast.

  6. Pingback: Se revelaron más detalles de Splatoon; Tienda de ropa y arte conceptual – Arcadiavg

  7. Really happy to hear I can customize the clothes in case I don’t like them. I haven’t been watching any videos since E3 so I will be surprised when I get the game. Don’t mind reading about stuff like this though, just makes me more interested.

  8. Pingback: Il negozio di vestiti di Splatoon e un nuovo artwork |

  9. I was bummed out about cod:aw not making it to the WiiU, but now I’m just bummed out that Splatoon comes out in May.

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