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Nintendo President Still Wary Of Smartphone Gaming

Investors have been asking Nintendo to make the transition to smartphones and tablets for quite some time now. However, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata remains adamant that while he is still in charge this simply won’t happen. Iwata says he is still wary of smartphone games and questions the pricing aspect. Nintendo will instead make applications centred around Nintendo games and characters for smartphones to continuously remind people of the brand.

In the past, I have opposed making smartphone and tablet versions of Nintendo titles. Prices for content aimed at smartphones and tablets are falling quickly. I am still wary of the category. We intend to develop products that will allow customers to identify with Nintendo products and make people pay attention to Nintendo games.

For example, some Nintendo game consoles incorporate Mii, which creates a digital avatar to represent players. It would be fun for players to use their Mii characters as icons on social media. We are currently developing an application that will allow users to do that. The app will be announced around the time our full-year results are released.


45 thoughts on “Nintendo President Still Wary Of Smartphone Gaming”

  1. I’m wary of smartphone gaming as well. It’s simply not as exciting or as intense as real co sole gaming. The only game that I love on the mobile is Tetris, Blocks, and Flappy Bird, but they’re all better on a console anyway soooo….game set and match.

    1. That’s like saying all modern music sucks. It’s obvious you’re only looking at the surface of mobile gaming instead of trying to find the good stuff. Games like Riptide GP2, Shadowgun, hell, GTA 3 (and other GTA games) are on mobile and they play great with a controller. Yes, there’s a lot of garbage in the mobile gaming market. But there’s also a lot of great games if you know where to look.

      1. And that last part is exactly why mobile gaming is so pathetic. There’s nothing BUT garbage and other titles ripping off each other and never attempted a single innovation…at all.

      2. Modern music does suck. When was the last time music was revolutionized like bands did weekly I’m the 60’s and 70’s? You’re a fan of Katy Perry aren’t you?

        1. Nintendo Elite Commander Quadraxis

          That wasn’t music either, that was mostly political or other messages in music format, real music didn’t start until the 80’s to the early 2000…

          1. PUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA The 80’s to 2000’s? You’re joking right? Boston, Zepplin, AC/DC > anything made after the 70’s.

              1. This is entirely subjective. Every generation has music that becomes a classic. If you look at old top 100 lists, you’re going to see songs and bands you’ve never heard of whose song/s was/were big. Frankly, I’ll take Jackson Browne over MJ, but that’s personal preference. Music is “revolutionalized” every generation. It cycles going from simple to complex and back. That being said, the ’90s sucked for music for me.

                1. I disagree regarding the quality of music being subjective. Looking @ its quality can be done w/ objectivity. From the use of instruments, melody, lyrical content, etc. & how those components form a cohesive whole, even if eclectic. & what genre is it? & while art itself is subjective, what do the songs actually say? How deeply do they resonate w/ the mind, heart, &/or body?

                  I mostly prefer music w/ substance (instrumental &/or lyrical):
                  How to Destroy Angels
                  Johnny Cash
                  The Black & White Years
                  Maximum the Hormone
                  Kid Cudi

                  But I also like more primal or “simply fun” music:

                  The Dirty Heads
                  Capital Cities
                  Childish Gambino
                  The Ramones
                  White Zombie

                  What music means to each individual is subjective; favorite genre & msg (or lack thereof). But they’re composition, technical execution, & substance are aspects applied to any song (or piece of art/entertainment) & is very much objective. I wish their were a term to differentiate music like the terms film (art) & movie (simple entertainment).

                  1. That is a pretty awesome list. I do agree with you. You can respect the skill and virtuosity of music you don’t connect with. However, I would call that “artistry” rather than “quality.” You can say that a song has high quality but is terrible.

    2. But Pokèmon Shuffle is a glorified Smartphone game in the main gameplay mechanic(Match 3) and in the pricing(Free Download and can pay for extra lives, but it’s optional) but the reduce health aspect ISN’T like a glorified Smartphone game. So take that as you like…

  2. Well where are they? Haven’t seen a fucking Nintendo app on the play store yet. Seen ubisoft the other day. I have yet to see a Nintendo app. They need to put a instant app for messaging for the Wii u. Miiverse messaging is fucking terrible.

  3. Nintendo has much bigger fish to catch and fry. I wouldn’t buy Nintendo games on anything but Nintendo consoles anyway. From what I read they don’t even sound sure about it, so why waste time on it.

  4. They should release the Mii-Plaza games on I-phone… And/or release a Wario Ware type game. And/Or release comparable ADD games that are already on the app stores that you play for 1 – 2 minutes at a time… Face Raiders, Link’s Crossbow Trainer, Poke AR, etc. Anything else IMO would not be too good.

  5. Iwata is not seeing the big picture yet. I think Nintendo should bring their IP’s to mobile and tablet in a way that it will open up gamers to the 3DS and Wii U. One idea is using Mario Maker. Play on mobile, build on Wii U.

    The idea does not mean doom for the home or handheld consoles, but an accompaniment of experience.

  6. I tend to agree with iwata but the apps are not coming and nintendo need to make more money. Developing game on mobile is not a bad thing as long as they don’t put well proved IP on it. But cause there is a big BUT if they start releasing game on those platforms the investor, analysts, patcher or even “Nintendo fans” will want the like or Mario, Zelda and other IPs to be on it especially if the first games are not generating enough money. They can create new IP which could be later be on the home console or 3DS but that more everything is great in the perfect world type of thought. The other issues will be if they start to make game on mobile phone it will be more likely that the sell of those games will cannibalise the sell of 3DS and games associates to it hence why I do believe iwata tries to protect.

  7. What these asshole investors don’t realize is that mobile gaming is not only an insulting joke to the market but it won’t make as much money anyway and what then for them? Blame Nintendo for making such a stupid move that they blindly begged for?

  8. Yes, its cause there is little to no money in smart-phone gaming, at least to be sustainable as a large software developer not to mention it would kill their hardware business.

  9. I’m sick of this topic. Please, mobile gamers, STFU and enjoy your mediocrity. Either that or buy Nintendo hardware.

  10. Mobile gaming to me is a big ass fail, the graphics and game play seems boring so stale. There are no real buttons to push when you play, but sitting there holding a fucking phone all day.

    1. Nintendo Lieutenant Cereza

      Even if it did Happen, no one would pay for them. Cell Phone gamers aren’t used to dropping 8 to 15 moneys on games. Not knowing that they only have to pay ONCE for a game, they have no appreciation for lengthy quality experiences.

  11. Here’s the problem with these incompetent investors that want Nintendo to release their games on mobile platforms:

    It ‘is’ a short-term fix. While Nintendo would certainly reap the rewards with the cash cow that is mobile gaming, there wouldn’t be any reason for consumers to EVER buy a dedicated Nintendo console or handheld again. Why? Because Nintendo games on mobile platforms would have to be cheap to be competitive. That’s how the market is on those devices. Who would buy a new $49.99-$59.99 Nintendo game for the Wii U, let alone ‘buy’ the console for $299.99, if the games on the console have cheaper versions on the iPhone?

    “Super Mario Bros. on the Wii U/3DS for $4.99? Fuck no. That’s a rip-off. It’s $0.99 on the iPhone!”
    ^ That is the logic of your typical mobile gamer.

    The reason why Nintendo has been around so long in the gaming industry and at the forefront of console and handheld gaming devices for over 30 years is because they understand more so than any other company out there in the industry that it’s the long-term success and solutions that matter more than those that fix a problem only for the short-term. Sure, they made their mistakes with consoles like the Nintendo GameCube and Wii U, but the main reason those consoles haven’t sold isn’t because of their lack of games but because of their marketing. Or rather, the lack thereof.

    The whole war that Sony and Microsoft have put themselves into with the PlayStation and Xbox platforms is as fucking ridiculous and childish as two grown-ass men fighting to see who gets the window seat on an airplane bound for the same destination as everyone else who has suffered the same fate in the past (Sega, Atari, etc.) while Nintendo just takes their private jet and continues doing what they do best. In this business, it’s being humble that gets you far. When you get cocky, that is when your company becomes vulnerable to suffer the same fate all other major failures did.

    1. I like your argument, a lot. You’re absolutely right about the long term. However, in the current state. The Wii U is pretty much bombing. The PS4vsXbox is fair enough. But because they’re selling its what the public wants. With mobile. I do not believe its a short term fix. The mobile market is just growing from strength to strength. I see more TV ads now for free games on ios and android than I do Nintendo products, which is really said. The marketing of the wiiu was truly abysmal and it really is too late to rectify. With Mobile. Nintendo could limit the games from the NES/SNES/N64 era whilst GC/Wii/3ds titles would be exclusive to its own formats. If I saw Mario World on android for 99c. I’d jump at that

  12. I really admire twata for sticking to his guns on this but he is a complete cretin for not seeing the bigger picture. I really believe its time for him and Reggie to move on. I love Nintendo but they are a company forever known for making great games but bad decisions. I live in Australia and the cost of a NES game on the eshop is diabolical, $6.50 but I can log onto play store and get games for free or pay around 5 bucks for a game really decent (and good looking) game. The casual market for consoles has completely gone now, families are NOT interested in WiiU. Kids are into tablet gaming now or 3DS of which have the handheld market tapped up. The extra revenue they make on the mobile market can be invested in the new console. Wii U only has about another 18 months left in it. Its an overpriced PS3 with a game still yet to utilise the gamepad screen. They royally screwed up. I’ve called it from Day one, But WiiU will not surpass 15m in sales. Which is a failure

  13. They should seriously make some games for mobile phones. Not saying they have to put any of there existing games on there but instead just make some of their unpopular IPs games for it. They need to realize how big the mobile gaming market is now. Believe it or not guys, it’s big and they could get some people into Nintendo games this way. They really need to take advantage of this because most mothers probably won’t even buy a 3DS or Wii U or anything like that. They could just get their child a phone and they would be happy. They have a huge chance to drag in a lot of the mobile gamers into Nintendo games and not taking advantage of this is really ignorant imo. Especially since their games fit the mobile market more than Sony or Microsoft games (at least imo) Remember before you shits on this site start bitching at me like babies that I didn’t say they should stop making consoles and instead make mobile games. I’m saying they should make a couple of them based off their less popular IPs (Mario included) so maybe they could get those mobile gamers into Nintendo games.

  14. I am so proud of Nintendo!! I do not own a smartphone and never will. Nintendo keeps it real ,stays true to where they came from and they are #1 in my book. Please NEVER change Nintendo!!You are the BEST!
    p.s. I am an 80s music lover and typically dont lisen to anything made before 1970 or after 1991 but Katy Perry has 3 songs that I fell in love with .,Wide Awake, Roar and Dark Horse (minus the rap). but I have still not bought the cds yet.

  15. Ridley, the Angel of Death

    Yes! Please stay away from Mobile gaming. Just look at Capcom & Square Enix to see what happens when you make too many mobile games for too damn long!

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