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You Can Get A Free Splatoon Squirt Gun When You Buy Splatoon At Target

Now here’s a pretty neat deal, you can grab a free Splatoon Squirt Gun if you decide to purchase Nintendo’s ultra colourful shooter at US retailer Target. It’s probably one of the best pre-order purchases you can get for the game, so if you’re after Splatoon possibly the best place to purchase it would be Target. Who couldn’t resist a free Splatoon themed squirt gun?

Thanks, MasterPikachu6

88 thoughts on “You Can Get A Free Splatoon Squirt Gun When You Buy Splatoon At Target”

  1. Should I keep my Gamestop Preorder for the free mii fighter costumes (I rarely use miis btw) or should I get target instead?

      1. I’d say buy both and return one, keep both bonuses. I got like 3 or 3 bonuses from Smash doing that lol. I’ve never had a problem doing it. Got the free majoras mask pin for Code Name Steam, think I got something else more recently. But yea if you really want both, do that if you can afford to buy both (just remember you’ll be getting money back for one).

            1. Although it doesn’t say it in the ad itself that I see, so maybe not, but I would just in case if you really want it. It says supplies are limited so I would go for it. And it’s wave 4 amiibo day so there will be lots of people camping out already for amiibo who will possibly be picking up splatoon as well.

          1. lol not sure but now you can take full advantage lol. For smash wii u I got the smash coin from best buy, the free amiibo from toys r us, the smash champion belt and midnight release from gamestop, and I think there was one other one…pretty sure I got 4 copies in all and 4 different bonuses and returned 3 copies and only paid for one in the end.

            1. That’s so evil and genius… I envy you.
              Sad thing we don’t get stuff like preorder bonuses in Belgium, or maybe in one store. But I would probably be to lazy to do this anyway. Sometimes I pay ten euros(or more) more for some games because I’m to lazy to bike a five extra minutes to get it for a lower price so maybe that says enough…

              1. Man that sucks sorry to hear they don’t give you guys anything in Belgium. But yea I love taking advantage of the free stuff lol. Lucky for me I have a gamestop, target, wal mart, best buy, and toys r us all within 2 minutes of driving in a car and maybe fifteen minutes to the farthest if I walked. I’m quite lucky lol I live in THE spot for gaming lol.

              2. Two of my brothers were born in Belgium and my oldest brother and sister lived there for 6 years. They said they got some cool Pokemon stuff sometimes.

        1. lol I did the same thing with Codename Steam for the MM pin, then returned the game and put the money toward Splatoon.

        1. Like I said, it really IS just a cheap plastic squirt gun with the Splatoon logo on it… And even if it was good quality, who uses squirt guns anymore? XD

    1. lol has target screwed you in the past? I know they are pissing lots of people off with jiggypuff amiibos. They apparently are authorizing credit cards like twice a week or something and lots of people are getting their orders canceled, and if you know how quick jiggs sold out, you know that shit would piss many off.

      1. I'm a Boss Ass Bitch

        Target is the worse fucking store ever. Never use your card there. Fucking hackers hacked into their systems.

        1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

          >>>All stores are useless, they are the pirates of this world, they haven’t gotten any of my resources in like forever>>>

        2. Oh shit did they get your card info? I know my bank canceled my card for me when that had gone down. Sucks if that did happen to you dude.

        3. You know that event was unfortunate but then later afterwards, Home Depot and such got affected by the same guy who is now in prison at this moment. You can’t blame a company for a brute force hack attack like Target and at least they’re swift and knowledgable about it. Now when you look and compare them to Sony’s level of hack attacks which were possible because of them not updating any form of security for their PSN and business infrastructure that got hacked more times than Live, Sony is far more universally irresponsible than Target was.

      1. lol what loser has porn dvds anymore when you have google. porn dvds are the new playboy magazine in the sense that they are obsolete. Honestly I would respect magazines more than dvds at this point lol. And if that pic he is using is his real face, I don’t think he’s worried about mommy finding anything. He looks old enough to drink at least.

    1. I can’t agree lol I’m old school and like my discs. Especially the U discs with their soft round edges, I feel that should be the new standard for all discs.

      1. Yeah, they feel fine I guess and look cool, but those boxes go in the recycle bin and it is a pain to grab the disc and put it and have it load… Too easy with digital version. Hyrule was the first I did that way and I won’t be going back

        1. I keep my boxes but if you don’t then I can see your point lol. And usually when I play a game, that’s the game I am playing for a while so I’m never really switching discs much. And I don’t have issues with changing them anyway, it’s a good feeling lol. I do see some perks to downloading of course. I just prefer what I have done my whole life lol it will be a while before I break that habit.

          1. it is freeing… And what, you one of those people with way too much space in your house dedicated to DVD/BluRay and video game cases? Recylce them shits and put the discs in a book. No one wants to see what crappy movies you couldn’t help but buy in the walmart bargain bin :)

            1. lol no just a more recent catalog, lost a lot of my classic stuff, and all my stuff around the gamecube era got stolen from my apartment back in 04. and the people who come to my house and see my movies and games actually are quite jealous usually lol. honestly a good portion of my dvds from wally world were donated by good old sam walton ;)

              1. Yeah but… it is a waste of space and kind of ugly to have that book case (or good forbid dedicated DVD case/shelf) on the wall… I mean maybe they are jealous, but it is ugly. You married already or are you trying to get laid because… well, idk, it is more pleasing to the eye not to be staring at a collage of DVD spines

                1. Depends on your taste I guess, but yea I have never had any girls have any issues with it. Truthfully speaking I can’t say I’ve ever heard anyone complain about those anywhere. I’d honestly say you would be in the minority on that one. And not trying to be offensive, just my personal experience I’ve met plenty of people with dvd/blu ray book cases, both male and female.

                  1. Look, I think to have your entire collection is a god awful waste of space… the girl was just a “whatever”… I just think it looks stupid. You guys don’t… fair enough

                    1. The way you talked about the whole thing in your previous comments made you look like an entitled prick, to be honest. And that “getting laid” argument was a really silly one too, imo. If displaying your collection of games/movies is enough reason for a girl/boy to not hook up with you, they probably aren’t worth getting laid by anyway.
                      But yea, good to know you actually respect other people’s opinions.

                      1. When I did it about 10 years ago or so… getting rid of the cases was extremely liberating. Maybe I did started wrong (kind of a bad internet argument day) but I was trying to be helpful. The getting laid thing was… I don’t know… a poor choice
                        of logic

                  2. And once you’ve changed who you are or what you own to get laid, you’ve gone too far and are trying too hard. Trust me on that one. Been there done that. Once you are experienced enough you know getting laid ain’t worth changing what you like.

      2. I cant believe anyone would actually spend real money on a download/digital anything, especially a 60 dollar game.

    2. Damn Nintendo is pushing hard with the advertisement for Splatoon. They definitely want this game to sell Mario Kart 8 numbers and I for one hope it does. It appears to be a great franchise with a lot of potential in it

      1. Or at the least, sell a couple of Million units. Where as I don’t think that this WILL sell close to Mario Kart 8 numbers, I do hope that Splatoon will be successful.
        I am certain, that Nintendo wants to make Splatoon a whole franchise and not just 1 game. Or so I hope. At the end of the day, Splatoon is just another IP that Nintendo have at their disposal. (As if they needed it, but it’s great to see Nintendo still making new IPs and not relying exclusively on Mario and Zelda.)

      2. So why not do the same for Wii U? Oh sorry. The console turned out to be a complete waste of time, a fill in test bed for this NX system to come by next year to be what Wii U should have been.

    3. Sony Emperor Xperia

      Babies and they toys, lol now Nintendo is giving them a toy gun,why do i need a squirt gun when my dick can squirt cum?

        1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

          >>>It’s so primitive it can even use its thing to to the most basic primal rituals>>>

      1. Playing video games no matter what genre or system/pc is a “baby” thing. Sorry if microsoft or sony convinced you that you are a big boy if you play on their systems :p

      2. pink0crystal0midbus

        What the hell…

        Well, for starters, you can use a plastic squirt gun in public. You can’t do your nasty squirt in public unless you want to be arrested (and rightfully so, you nasty freak).

    4. if you preordered at gamestop already- KEEP YOUR PREORDER. just look at the in-game design vs this design. it doesnt even look close to the real thing. if it was an actual authentic design then i would want it, but its basically a normal squirt gun with a Splatoon sticker on it

    5. @n8lewinski

      To some it doesn’t look ugly, a shelf filled with comics, video games, movies or whatever sort is considered a pride for collectors. I’m not a collector myself but I prefer to own retail copies for one damn good reason; if something happens to my Wii U, I won’t lose my games and considering HOW MUCH 1st party titles cost, I am well damn safe compared to someone who is primarily buying it digital.

      It also keeps me reminded of my good old memories, it can get a bit messy so I can understand where you are coming from but it doesn’t have to be messy, it can be organized just like a book shelf.

      1. I too try to avoid buying digital on Nintendo systems for two reasons.
        1. The same reason as you: if something happens to my system, there go all my games since Nintendo doesn’t believe in tying games to an account you can use on multiple systems.
        2. The Wii U doesn’t have much storage space to begin with, so I try to only buy games that are digital-only like VC titles or indie games that interest me.

    6. Welp, looks like I’m getting Splatoon from Target now. Honestly care more about a Splatoon squirt gun than Mii costumes in Smash Bros. I will literally never use… And I’m 15!

    7. If Splatoon wasn’t $60.00, I MIGHT have considered buying it. But I just can’t see paying that price for such a casual looking game.

      1. Did you try the global testfire? There’s nothing casual about the multiplayer- you wanna lead your team to victory, you better play seriously.

    8. Get it at GameStop: Mii fighter outfits for download

      Get it at Toys R Us: 5 dollars for any amiibo of your choice

      Get it at Target: Receive a Splatoon exclusive squirt gun.

      Which will YOU buy?

      1. The outfits look like shit.Never liked the idea of paying for alternate costumes/skins in games anyway

        If I had any particular interest in those figures,that would sound like an ok deal…but only because those things are already too expensive for my tastes

        I’d rather grab hose and blast everyone instead of using a tiny cheap squirtgun.I mean seriously,I have a shot glass with more capacity than that thing

    9. Pingback: Il gadget più bello per il preordine di Splatoon? La pistola d’acqua ovviamente |

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