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Itagaki: Devil’s Third Will Be A Breakthrough For Video Game Industry

Tomonobu Itagaki has a lot of faith in his upcoming project Devil’s Third. The previews that we saw from various outlets suggests that the game still needs a lot of work, but Itagaki still firmly believes that the game will take the shooting genre to the next level and will also be a breakout for the video game industry.

“If we had given up, then we wouldn’t be able to show our face to all the people that had supported us up to that point. There wouldn’t be any opportunity for us to work in this industry anymore.

“Our desire was to complete the game by any means while establishing our company structure, developing the game itself, and keeping the company going all at the same time. We were finally able to make it through thanks to Nintendo who really made it all possible along with everyone in the industry, and also thanks to the expectations from all the fans and gamers that were waiting. With all that support, I couldn’t be someone who would drop it all and walk away.”

“It’s a culmination of everything so far – not just mine, but of everyone that works here. Please try it for yourself. I think it’s going to be a breakthrough for the industry. I believe it’s going to take shooters to the next level.”

“Just stuffing a ton of elements in doesn’t mean the player is going to have a good time though. That’s why controllability is important. You can throw weapons [laughs], you can throw molotovs, you can guard, you can dodge, you can jump, you can slide. Normally, trying to put everything in just makes it all a mess, but we were able to fit it all in Itagaki-style.”

Source / Via

50 thoughts on “Itagaki: Devil’s Third Will Be A Breakthrough For Video Game Industry”

      1. It’s certainly not a pre-PS3 rendered third person shooter with no voice chat (A-FUCKING-GAIN!) and choppy 30FPS performance which Wii U is beyond more than capable to doing better than that.

        It’s a breakthrough for shitty game design work with extreme denial attachment to it.

  1. >”we wouldn’t be able to show our face to all the people that had supported us up to that point.”
    >He always appears with dark glasses on.

  2. I will give this game a try with the pro controller I never trust reviewers but he should at least promise a update so the game runs at 60 fps

      1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

        >>>He should stop opening his mouth and let the gamers decide for themselves, he comes off as desperate and a bit of an attention-whore>>>

        1. Exactly.

          As I’ve also said, it is never a good thing when people need to talk something up so much, instead of just proving it. Based on past events in the gaming industry, it never seems to lead to anything good when a developer has to hype their own game, like this.

          Hope I’m proven wrong when it releases, cause I still want the game to be good.

          1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

            >>>Indeed, I don’t mind about the graphics and so on, they are not as horrible as people make it to be even though they are nowhere close to the standards of today but I hope they fix the glitches and AI at least>>>

    1. Lol, I hope for his sake he pulls a rabbit out of his hat with this one. Cause if the game releases like anything I’ve seen, he’s going to be in for a rude awakening.

      1. He’s raw meat primed for the slaughter by US video game reviewers at this point….and US reviews are even harsher than Europeans…..

  3. thenintendoreviewer

    He’s sure hyping his game game up a lot. Careful, Itagaki. That could come back to bite the game if it doesn’t live up. Look at what happened with Watch Dogs. It was a victim of its own very high hype.

  4. well, at least he’s got ambition and motivation to make a change… with so many people afraid to take even the tiniest risk these days I’ll at least give him that. If things were different though, I’d write him off as just another J. Romero getting high off his own deluded hype.

    Proof’s in the pudding, once it’s released we’ll all know.

  5. this game will get a 6/10 at most and will sell less then Watchdogs on Wii U

    the reason Nintendo delayed Zelda Wii U was to rekease it on the NX because it doesn’t make sense releasing a AAA games that cost millions to make,on a dead console like Wii U only to sell 1 million,they wont make thier money back,so they decided to put it on Nx,if Wii U was a success from the Get go,Zelda Wii U would have been released 2014.

  6. Been watching video’s, I don’t see where everyone can say its going to bomb. It’s almost like people are trying to make it fail for some reason. One of the video’s I watched the guy was saying something to the effect of “its not really that great, but It’s one of those games you want to know more about and see how crazy it can get”. Word? So really it cant be that bad if you don’t stop playing it…

    Idk, I think its going to be fun for people. *running around with a pistol* crap no ammo! *tosses gun at passing enemy player*….headshot!

    1. I’d think if anything, people pointing out problems with your game before it releases, is actually the opposite of wanting it to fail. But only wanting you to fix these problems so it can succeed. Regardless of how people feel about the game, whether it be bad or good, there are obvious problems with it.

      Hopefully all these problems will be non-existent once it releases, but Itagaki acting like they don’t even exist is not helping me feel any better about the game. His pro controller excuse was beyond ridiculous also, it made absolutely zero sense.

      Most people here were all very excited about the game, other than the people complaining about the graphics. So I really don’t find that to be true, when the game was first shown, the majority were very hopeful of its success knowing Itagaki’s past work. There are very legitimate reasons as to why it is getting such a bad reputation, it isn’t people wanting the game to fail. And a lot of the reviewers are big fans of his other games as well, so to say all these journalists are out to make the game fail is a bit of a stretch.

      I’ve watched many videos also, and there are issues with the game that cannot be ignored. You take away all the reviews of the game, and I’d still tell you the same thing.

      1. Eh, whatever. I still hear and see people talking trash about it and yet still seem to be enjoying it. Maybe not want it to fail, but expect to much? Idk. I mean, come on its on Wii U ffs. It’s amazing there’s even a mature shooter of any kind coming to the system.

  7. “Normally, trying to put everything in just makes it all a mess, but we were able to fit it all in Itagaki-style.”

    Only time will tell, now please just stop talking and work on a damn patch to fix any potential bugs.

  8. i think because of itagki’s pass success and doing what most people don’t have the balks to do ie. going out on his own they for some reason want him to fail. pretty pathetic really. they want to be the first to say oh how the mighty have fallen. it takes zero talent to give out criticism. i’ll try this out for myself and decide. i don’t let other peoples opinions make up money. this is usually my type of game, i like it cool. if not its not like l haven”t bought shitty game before.

  9. Okay, okay. People get it, Itagaki. Now shut the hell up before all of your talking starts to make people wonder if the reviews are right & this game is as horrible as many are saying. Sadly, I’m starting to wonder myself.

    Please have a day 1 update/patch when it releases in America!
    Please have a day 1 update/patch when it releases in America!
    Please have a day 1 update/patch when it releases in America!
    Please have a day 1 update/patch when it releases in America!
    Please have a day 1 update/patch when it releases in America!
    Please have a day 1 update/patch when it releases in America!
    Please have a day 1 update/patch when it releases in America!

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