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Goku Has Been Modded Into Super Smash Bros Wii U

Super Mega Buster 123 Win64 Gigabyte, KTH, ShadowLuigi_NG, and Nanobuds have put together a new mod for Super Smash Bros For Wii U. Goku has been added into the game. The mod includes textures and sound clips. Super Mega Buster 123 Win64 Gigabyte’s video showcasing the mod, which can be watched below, includes a 3-stock 1 vs 1 match between two Gokus. Goku’s moveset is currently Ryu’s.


52 thoughts on “Goku Has Been Modded Into Super Smash Bros Wii U”

      1. 🎭Mr. Boss Ass Bitch💊

        Well that fucker lied about cutting his balls off and eating them on a sandwich. So nope that bitch ain’t funny to me anymore.

              1. That’s 4Chan in a nutshell. They hate everything about Etika, even to the point of calling him an overacting nigger.

                  1. True. But that’s not to say that 4Chan themselves are also good at overacting. They freaked the fuck out about a vague rumor that implied “weeb shit” like Tokyo Mirage Sessions getting a sequel. That website is full of interesting characters.

                  1. A crazy black YouTuber that likes to overhype with any bit of news he finds. Just watch one of his videos (specifically the Mewtwo confirmed one) and prepare to laugh.

  1. Final Smash can be Super Saiyan God Goku. OH & why wasn’t the Ka Me Ha not chargable? Well the vid does say Beta so they probably haven’t finished the modding. But with how quick Nintendo is to squash anything fanmade, free or not, right now, why should I not expect a C&D article popping up for this later?

        1. Good question, and probably, though that’s the tough part. You need new animations, hitboxes, frame data, and that requires bug testing too; considering Sm4sh’s massive roster, items, stage hazards, and possible scenarios (Luigi hits Samus with a bumper; at the same time, Ganondorf’s Warlock Punch is interrupted by Duck Hunt grabbing him), and now 8-player Smash, that’s going to be a A LOT of testing.

          If you’re passionate enough to add Goku to the game, you’d probably have the passion to do all the aforementioned stuff too, I’d wager.

  2. It begins!

    All we need now is the Ice Climbers, Wolf, Snake, Ivysaur, Squirtle, and Pichu (with new moveset)! But if a clone engine doesn’t work for SSBWiiU:

    -Ice Climbers over Dr. Mario
    -Wolf over Mii Brawler
    -Snake over Mii Swordsman
    -??? over Mii Gunner

            1. >.< People so worried Ridley might look weird if shrunk. Well if you use his original design with the scrawny ass neck & limbs, of course he's going to look stupid shrunken. Those bony arms, legs, & long neck won't look right on a small body at all. Other M Ridley would look way better made small. So the "Ridley would look stupid" excuse has never deterred me since we now have a more muscular Ridley that could be used, compliments of Other M. xP

  3. Pingback: Goku llega a Super Smash Bros | El Great Geek

  4. And watch as Nintendo shoves a C&D up his/her ass and claim that it hurts their brand, when you probably need a legit copy of the game just like Project: M needed a legit copy of Brawl.

    1. As if Dr. Mario, 3DS priority/limitations, and no Wolf for no reason doesn’t hurt their brand.

      And of course you would need a physical disc. When Nintendo are such patch nazis, I think we can all live without piracy on the Wii U, so long as we get to keep our mods, of content that fans actually want. Sakurai pissed off a lot people. Modding is the only fair answer left. Casuals keep their Sakurai-mandated content, while true SSB fans add what they want. Most of us are pissed because we have little control over a game and system that are more locked than the Absolute Safe Capsule.

    2. Even though they aren’t buying the actual product. Lmao. And it’s literally just a reskin, they have no reason to do that. If so they would be taking down any Nintendo related video. So what you’re saying is… That you wouldn’t be pissed that your hard work is just glossed over and suddenly the game gets sales for that ONE mod? Wow. Just…. Wow.

      1. You’re putting words in my mouth and then twisting them. If I made a game- which actually is a plan- and someone made a mod to include a new character, reskin or full-blown new fighter, I would really be fine with it as long as to access it, a legitimate copy is required. If not, I’m going to say something.

        With any product that has a modding community, there’s gonna be that part of it that will only care about the modding, or what they can get that wasn’t part of the original package. But, there will also be far more people in its community that will truly love and respect everything that did go into it from the get-go, without mods. I see it as expanding the experience in ways I either couldn’t or just did not feel bothered to do.

        Even if the game has a long lifespan, mods could help extend it even further- just look at the original Team Fortress, that was built from a Half Life mod, and is STILL played today.

        However, if my game was EVO-qualified, modded fighters would be banned per my say. Wanna enter? Play the characters me and my team made.

        So, to recap, if the mod requires a legitimate copy of the game to run it, yes, I am perfectly fine with it.

        1. Character mods? Sure but frankly if you haven’t realized PM just glossed everything over and suddenly Brawl’s selling more. Sales or not they’re not buying the actual product which is insulting. That would KILL, Smash 4’s chances of growing because all the dedicated players that’s helping making the scene grow would ditch Smash 4 in a heartbeat even though technical things are being found to this day leaving opportunities. Don’t believe me? Look at the Beefy Smash Doods channel.

          1. But they ARE buying the actual product. They aren’t playing it the way it was intended, but that’s true of the competitive scene as a whole. Sakurai designed the whole series to be played “casually” with 4 people (or 8 now, I guess?), items on, and obnoxious stages. I hate Brawl. Most Melee players do. But PM gives Brawl new life. It’s a look at what it could have been.

            Sm4sh is the same way. Melee players generally hate Sm4sh for the same reasons they hate Brawl (because it’s basically just Brawl 2). I can’t stand Sm4sh, but if there were a new PM-like mod for it, I’d actually play the game.

            Brawl stopped being relevant in the competitive scene because it’s not a good game competitively. Everyone lost interest in it. And you can’t blame it all on PM. People that love Brawl can still play it if they want. There’s nothing stopping them. But Sm4sh is a direct replacement to Brawl, the same way other fighting games get replaced by their sequels, so many of them have moved on.

            And all that “technical stuff” being found in Sm4sh pales in comparison to Melee tech. Sm4sh is too defensive and doesn’t have enough movement options, and all this useless “tech” doesn’t make up for it.

            1. Smash 4 would be ditched the second PM 2.0 existed. Don’t be stupid. And no it’s not the product is bought for some mod which is technically not even buying the ACTUAL product.

            2. And the “useless tech” still proves the game has room to grow. Just because it doesn’t have all the tech Melee has doesn’t mean it’s techless stupid. And for all we know it could get as many tech once it grows more. Eventually when the tech starts getting used in competitive scene there will most likely be some more approach options. After all things are and will get discovered for characters. Like how Melee and Brawl did?

      2. *facepalm* They have to buy a legitimate disc or digital download of the game to even use the mods. Don’t be stupid. And why should they care if their product gets bought because of one little mod? They are STILL getting our money regardless of our reasons for buying said game.

  5. Now watch the brogres take this opportunity to put their onion Lord and Savior in Smash. You know it will happen soon since the Shrek fans are that desperate.

  6. Pingback: Qualcuno ha fatto Goku per Super Smash Bros. Wii U |

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