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Miitomo Is Getting Splatoon Accessories Soon

Nintendo will be releasing Splatoon-themed accessories for their Miitomo mobile app from April 27th through May 29th. Splatoon-themed stages will be available in Miitomo Drop, where you can redeem Miitomo coins or game tickets to play and receive Inkling clothing. Squid pin accessories will be available in the Miitomo Shop. You will also be able to redeem My Nintendo Platinum Points for ink tank reward items in a variety of colors for your Mii to wear in Miitomo.

Nintendo is also holding a worldwide retweet event to celebrate the new releases, which would make it so all Miitomo users receive an Inkling wig for their Mii character to wear. To do so, users must reach a target combined number of Retweets of Tweets including the hashtag “#Miitomo_Splatoon_RT” from Nintendo’s official Twitter accounts, which are @NintendoAmerica, @NintendoEurope, and @Miitomo_JP. The retweeting period ends on April 26th. Nintendo will give everyone an Inkling Boy wig if a total of 10,000 retweets is reached. If 20,000 is reached, the Inkling Boy wig will also be released to all users with an Inkling Girl wig. Nintendo will only count the retweet if there is no comment, so tweet wisely.

Feel free to check out the image gallery of the upcoming items that is included below.


76 thoughts on “Miitomo Is Getting Splatoon Accessories Soon”

          1. Star Fox Zero would like to have a word with you. It got an literal side game and animation dedicated to it. So they still do listen to their fans. Just because they don’t let the fans run everything doesn’t mean they don’t listen. Paper Mario’s a lost cause though.

                    1. You shut up and actually talk about the article’s topic you stupid shit and stop with the old overused rants of Nintendo.

                      1. I did talk about the topic you fucking idiot i gave my opinion and then you come over bitching and whining and my rants arent overused and they are fresh not old because i am finding out more and more of what nintendo need to do to even think about trying to match the competition because they wont pass them up that wont happen for who knows how long because nintendo is always behind in several features etc etc when it comes to gaming

                        1. They are anything but fresh. It’s the “Oh Nintendo doesn’t listen to their fans!” and shit argument. Save that pointless bitching and drama elsewhere fuckboy.

                          1. Nope that is just one point of many but you can keep being a retarded drone little child and what did i saw before you must have hearing problems no one is bitching just stating facts and expressing my opinion and eat horseshit ya dumbass kid

                            1. And keep being a whiny bitchy little boy who relies on overused arguments and “facts” go drink bleach and kill yourself you waste of flesh and bones since all you like to do all the time is bitch about Nintendo over video games. Get a life.

                              1. Overused how so nintendo is far behind the competition in everything and need to be uptodate period there is no defending that and they can innovate and all of that shit after they catch up and yeah it is facts unless it seems that you are a blind nintendrone ya retarded dumbass kid and nobody is bitching im simply telling the truth and some of my opinions when it comes to shitty nintendo and ha ha lol get the fuck outta here kid im usually only on this website for a few minutes i read the articles then i comment then check later to see if someone responded unless if someone comments at me consecutively then throughout the day i comment back no where did i say this is the only thing i do keep eating shit and being fuckin stupid damn drones these days

                                1. Kys you dumbass whiny fag. It is overused I see this shit argument everywhere. Nintendo isn’t even that far behind if they’re still getting millions of sales. Just because they aren’t releasing “4ds” and such year after year doesn’t mean they are shitty. Hang yourself.

                                  1. Then thats the thing you continue to go to other websites i know a part of the facts but not all of them and just say what i know and of course add on to it with even more stuff but this is common sense stuff that nintendo should be doing regularly with each console release but they arent because they are retarded and im not talking about sales you fackin dumbarse but features and what the consoles can do when it comes to games etc etc and since you brought up sales yes nintendo is far behind now i dont know the official numbers but i will guess nintendo is at 13 million sold and xbone is at 19 million sold and the ps4 is at 31 million sold and nintendo is definitely behind when you look at the simple fact the wii u launched what a year earlier and still got shitted on but that is due to nintendos piss poor fuckin marketing and other factors and what are you talking about lol im not talking about the handhelds but since you brought it up i dont care about the next handheld yet i have a shit ton of games to get for the ds lite and 3ds once i get one and i still have to get a shit ton of games for my psp and of course vita and eat burning horse shit you stupid ass kid

                                    1. You still need to drink that bleach. Stop with these unoriginal failures of arguments stupid fuck.

                                      1. There is no argument you fuckin retard the basis of what i am saying is fact unless if you are a nintendo drone ya dumbass little child and keep eating dog shit

                                          1. The facts are that nintendo is behind in more ways then one and need to catch up with the competition and there is more but that is all i will say stupid ass kid unless if you really think nintendo is up there with sony and microsoft ha ha lol keep being retarded

                                            1. They don’t need to actually, Sony is trying too hard and one day it’s gonna crash and burn. Keep being an salty blind motherfucker. Very amusing.

                                              1. No sony learned from their mistakes with the ps3 so far that i know now with them releasing the neo idk but it is an improvement and you will keep being retarded and how would know they will crash and burned based off of what exactly you ignorant shit

                                                1. Says the arrogant as fuck sony fanboy who says everything they’re doing is perfect. That explains everything. I never said what Nintendo is doing is perfect but it’s far from shitty.

                                                  1. Ha ha lol tell ne where i said they are perfect or are doing 100 percent all right no where did i say any of that like i said before since you cant read i dont care about small mistakes or big mistakes unless if it impacts what i use their systems for which is to guess what play video games if i can continue to do that then i am satisfied mainly offline but if i was an online mainly gamer and if something were to keep happening weekly or monthly then thst would be a big problem for me but it is not and nintendo is doing bad all around except for making money when compared to the competition the only one that may be doing worse is microsoft but like i said before i dont care for the xbone right now but since i will eventually get one for scalebound then i will see what the system has to offer but im sure i will have more games on the ps4 sinve sony has always had the most variety when it comes to games they usually have some of every or almost every main genre and possibly sub or mixed genres of games and i am a multi console gamer not a sony fanboy you retarded fuck

                                                    1. Stop being a cringy piece of shit. You’re saying they’re doing everything perfect read your own damn comment. Stop fangasming over Sony, YOU FUCKING MISTAKE.

                                                      1. Show me where i said sony is perfect or doing perfectly fine retarded kid you are grasping at straws i said they can fuck up with some snall things here and there or big things here and there and if that stuff messes with me playing video games or using features or something that i like to do on the console weekly or monthly then i have a problem and sony continues to get games that are in the several genres i play which the next best is microsoft since they are mainly about 3rd party support but are going to make more 1st party content which suprised me so i will see what they have to offer especially when i get an xbone but keep being delusional

                                                        1. Fucking drone. Treating Sony as if they’re perfect. Leave. Your arguments have became useless and pathetic because they turned into nothing but asskissing to Sony and Microsoft and blind hate to Nintendo.

                                                          1. It seems you cannot read you retarded child like i said if sony or microsoft when i own a xbone has huge problems that effect me from playing games then shit is wrong and they are so far ahead in terms of what the wii u can do it is entirely laughable and you cant be that delusional and yet again no gaming company is perfect but when 2 of the competitors are so far ahead when they have problems it may be acceptable but it depends on how big the problems are that i can deal with it happening and of course how often it is happening and ha ha lol nobody is asskissing but literally stating facts that the ps4 and xbone can do much more then the wii u period that is a fact unless if you are a nintendo drone and i am talking about nintendo not being anywhere near the competition that is a fact and that they need to catch up or they will continue to be low in sales with how things are going at least for the home consoles

                                                            1. Danny… you truly are sucking Sony’s dick. You have no fucking idea what Nintendo is doing. Making video games, promoting their IPs for anime series, movies, and gaining profits from their games, systems, and Miitomo, and bringing attractions to Universal Studios from around the world.

                                                              1. Kid you keep making stupid assumptions it just seems you cant read if someone is doing better or 2 or more people doing better it is easy to congratulate them over the person doing bad and talk shit about the lower person but also to want that lower person to catch up with the competition that is a simple concept nintendo is behind period no matter what you say and they have been behind for years period and what have i told you before i dont care about all of their extra shit just how i dont care about sonys extra shit im strictly talking about video games because that is what i use from both companies on a day to day or weekly basis and once nintendo shows the results from everything and they will most likely make profits thst is good but i dont care now read this ya stupid ass retarded shit eater god damn you need to stay in school kid

                                                                  1. Sony and microsoft are shitting on nintendo and dont forget retard since you do have bad memories i am a multi console gamer not a drone of any company and can easily acknowledge when one or two are doing better in every way when it comes to video games unlike you since you eat shit but o well stay in denial and you have no argument or nothing to say against what im saying because it is factual ha lol i didnt know someone could be this oblivious to facts

                                                                      1. Explain how that is an opinion the consoles can do more with features and they can do more in their games and are selling better and are getting many times more games then the wii u

                                                                          1. O this will be good then tell me what nintendo is doing better then sony or microsoft when it comes to video games now i dont know much about microsoft but googling things only take a few seconds go ahead little retard explain it clearly for me

                                                                            1. Nintendo clearly has the potential to beat Sony and Microsoft. They just choose to go on at their own pace it’s very understandable especially since how society has turned into shit nowadays.

                                                                              1. No i dont see any potential because they would have to do so much to compete or beat the competition and i think it is too much work for them maybe unless if they start full blast right out the gate that is a good start but still have a long way to go and society has nothing to do with it lol they should keep up with what gamers want and or expect out of gaming companies and it is as simple as that or do enough to please your normal fans and get back possibly millions of people who abandoned nintendo because of the route they have gone down throughout the years and of course to please 3rd party developers

                                                                                  1. Maybe but if they dont take advantage of that potentual then they have none im sure nintendo could do this or that but they havent done it yet but maybe with the nx it can be the start of them catching up in the game division who knows its nintendo

                                                                                    1. Oh my god. How dense are you? I literally said they HAVE potential never said they used it stupid if they don’t then they would’ve never been making good games.

                                                                                      1. Did i say they used it i said if they used it then maybe thats like someone telling me i have the potential to be like bruce lee but guess what we work in two entirely different fields so i may not have the same amount of time or drive to work my way up due to laziness or whatever is stopping me from trying to achieve that goal so then my potential has been wasted and the longer i wait the worst it gets for me to try to get up to that level especially if i have competitors who are at that level or are reaching that level much faster then me then if i all of sudden say im not competing then that makes me look even worse

                                                                                        1. Nah it was never wasted. They still have that potential which is keeping them alive.

                                                                                              1. Of course it is not gone but it will continue to fade away or some of the potential will be used for stupid ass fucking innovations no one cares about the fans want a console strong enough to get all 3rd parties or a lot of the main ones and better online and more friends to be added and more 1st party games and more partnerships with 2nd and 3rd party developers and more advertisements and a lot of other shit i cant think of right now many people on this site have said all of that and much more but you are obviously new so you wont know that and of course i have seen it on several other websites and forums and blogs just to get an idea of what the fans who continue to play nintendo and the fans who left nintendo and want to see them actually compete with the competition and the people who really hate nintendo i at least play some of the games that interest me but they dont play shit and talk down nintendo worse then i do

                                                                                              2. What is this shit. Nobody wants you here. Leave you drone and save that blind love for Sony comment sections.

                                                                                                1. Well you can keep thinking a multi console gamer will put the people who are at the bottom at the top ha ha lol without acknowledging that the other 2 are doing much better you cannot refute whst i have stated and that is a fact lol google what each console can do feature wise, the games coming, who has sold more, and if you want resolutions of the games etc etc nintendo lose in each category you will keep being retarded because that is what nintendrones do o well

                                                                                                  1. Look ya retard you can continue to comment at me and get destroyed with facts or stop being retarded you choose stupid ass kid stay in school and you have no arguments or nothing to say to me as i see by your replies getting smaller and smaller ha ha you lost just like nintendo so accept it and move forward and learn from your mistakes unless if you want to keep losing then stay in the mind set you already have stupid ass children these days god damn

                                                                                                    1. Your facts are bullshit opinions you stupid ass motherfucker. And we all know you’re the child here. Go back to raging on Call of Duty.

                                                                                                      1. So the ps4 and xbone are not better then the wii u in every way possible ha ha cmon kid you seriously cannot be this stupid and nintendo need to catch up with the competition that is a fact how would they continue to survive without 3rd party support because the wii u is a perfect example of what would happen

                                                                                                          1. How now see you have to explain because from what i witnessed from gaming, online, features, what the consoles can do with their games completely blows out the wii u lol there is no comparison whatsoever unless if you are a delusional drone which it seems like you are you have no evidence

                                                                                                            1. That’s hilarious as shit. You clearly have bias towards Sony. If you ever been paying attention to what Nintendo is doing they are clearly getting hooked with animation programs and even starting to branch out to the phone addicts which is working currently. They have 3rd parties Sega, Namco, Capcom, Platinum Games, etc. on their side so they could blow those systems out of the water if they truly felt like it.

                                                                                                              1. I DO NOT CARE ABOUT ANIMATION OR MOVIES OR ANYTHING ANY OF THE GAMING COMPANIES DO OUT OF GAMING that is what i buy there consoles to do not to do anything else but if the extras are there and i want to use them then i can and no sony and microsoft already have a shit ton more 3rd parties that they either pay or partner with or whatever that easily trounces what little 3rd parties nintendo have are you serious lol NOW YOU CAN EASILY LOOK UP ALL OF WHAT IM SAYING unless if you dont and want to deny it you fuvking drone

                                                                                                                  1. Ha ha lol i said that from the very beginning i dont care what sony or nintendo or microsoft are doing outside of gaming DO YOU UNDERSTAND that you really are a retarded child i play games from these companies not movies not tvs etc etc GAMES ONLY

                                                                                                                    1. Stop saying “Ha ha lol” you fucking blind ass child. And that statement clearly isn’t true about “trumping 3rd parties” Bitch you really need to tie a noose around your neck. I’ll take you dying than someone memorable and loved like Iwata any day.

                                                                                                                      1. Im blind when i see the shit in front of me for what it is and that nintendo is lagging behind the competition and you are a truly delusional person nobody on this website can deny the FACT that the ps4 and xbone have much more 3rd party support then nintendo unless if you think all of the games on those systems are 1st or 2nd party games get the fuck outta here kid stay in school or be home taught to back up what you are saying with evidence

                                                                                                                        1. We all know your the kid here. You already got banned the first time they’ll happily ban you again because of your stupidity. Yes you are blind because you’re sucking Sony’s dick saying “I don’t care if the mess up!” but then you shun Nintendo when they do the same thing. Get your fucking facts straight.

                                                                                                                          1. Ok i got banned from a website what does that mean exactly nothing ya dumb cunt and yet again quote me where i only said i dont care about sony when i have said several times and just recently said IF THE MISTAKES ARE HUGE THAT INTERRUPT MY GAMING FUCK ALL 3 COMPANIES but if it is small stuff here and there then i dont care because it usually doesnt affect my gaming and i shun nintendo for the fact they are so behind now luckily since they are so far behind they have no where near the problems as sony or microsoft BUT when nintendo does have problems it can be easily fixed which is good but they should continue to have little to no problems BUT nintendo being far behind it is a problem in and of itself ya stupid arse kid

                                                                                                                1. I’m not a drone just for somewhat enjoying their content and stopping your over exaggeration there. “They don’t make any of their fans happy!” Kirby: Planet Robobot, Star Fox Zero, Smash 4, Bayonetta 2, Xenoblade Chronicles X, etc. would like to have a word with you. Just because they don’t listen all the time and don’t let the fans run everything make them shit.

                                                                                                                  1. No there is no over exaggeration i am one of countless people who either grew up playing nintendo games and other companies games and seeing the progress moreso with the competition then nintendo and wanting to play more games that i like instead of dumbed down easy shit and i didnt say they dont make their fans happy they dont listen to the specific or overall things we as fans want from them to actually go toe to toe with the competition but of course that is too hard for them to do and the fans dont run anything they only get somethimg that they actually want maybe every few years of course we are going to get the staple 1st party games and a few surprises here and there but where are the games that we actually want or the system that we actually want and the features etc etc nintendo is fuckin stupid but hopefully the nx does good which it will not redeem them from several years of getting shitted on

                                                                                                                    1. There we go with the blind Nintendo hate. Shit like that is what makes sure you guys are gonna keep getting ignored most of the time. And you have to wait YEARS because that’s how long it takes for a GOOD game from the same series dipshit. Really? So you’re fucking saying Star Fox games should come out twice every year. Bruh. You make the classic Nintendo fans look like whiners y’know that right? You aren’t doing any justice.

                                                                                                                      1. I will most likely will never be satisfied with nintendo by themselves that is why i also game on other consoles shit if i just gamed only on nintendo consoles i would be missing out on a shit ton of games and so you retarded fuck where are the games in between to play either smaller games from 1st party and 2nd party and 3rd party support because indies can only last for so long until someone wants another 3rd party game to play and all because a game takes a long time to come out doesnt guarantee the game is good you going full retard little child and i dont care for star fox much but may get it eventually when it is really cheap on ebay and nintendo need to come out with games from past series while we wait for others in the main series and im not whining and what in the fuck are talking about doing justice the classic nintendo crowd liked nintendo a lot because of the huge variety if not early then later in the consoles years and of course the 3rd party support and there is no justice in the shit nintendo has pulled for several years compete with the competition in every way they can and there will be a huge difference in nintendo as a whole but that may never happen or it may start to happen with the nx

                                                                                                          2. sweet i don’t even have to fire up ye olde twitter, speaking of twitter mine is linked in my gravatar profile, anyone feel free to follow me and i’ll follow back so that we can be friends on miitomo, if you follow me let me know here so i can know what is happening, i don’t use twitter very much

                                                                                                          3. Pingback: Miitomo pronto tendrá accesorios de Splatoon - TierraGamer

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