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Emily Rogers: Nintendo has two more Wii U ports coming to Switch

Known Nintendo insider and blogger Emily Rogers has stated on the Reset Era forums that she’s aware Nintendo has two unannounced Wii U ports in development for the Nintendo Switch. You can guess which they are. She also says in the same thread that Nintendo will be focussing on Animal Crossing: New Horizons this first quarter. That could mean the traditional start of year Direct could be an Animal Crossing focussed blowout.

I can also confirm that Nintendo has (at least) two more unannounced Wii U ports. They are not difficult to guess because there aren’t many Wii U games left to port.


83 thoughts on “Emily Rogers: Nintendo has two more Wii U ports coming to Switch”

  1. The most popular would be Wind Waker HD and Super Mario 3D World, but I’m hoping they do the rest like Pikmin 3 and Star Fox Zero. I honestly loved all of these and played Wind Waker back on Gamecube, but love replaying classics any day!

    1. I don’t see them doing a port of a remaster/port. If they did, I would guess that it would be Twilight Princess, not WW, as Twilight Princess sold *dramatically* better than WW in its original run, and got largely ignored on Wii U because of coming so late in a dead console’s lifespan.

      1. Why not just release a Zelda collection with every Zelda game? I’d only cost about five hundred dollars.

    2. Would rather they packed WW and TP together in one pack tbh. Already bought them both again on Wii U so probably wouldn’t bother if they released separately at, I assume, full price.

    3. No point in porting a port of Wind Waker. They should rather make a 4K remake for Switch 2. Or even better just porting other Gamecube games over.

      1. 𝑵𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒐 𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝑶𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒓

        At this point Nintendo is gonna make a Nintendo GameCube app similar to NES and SNEs apps so you can play GameCube games. Problem solved.

    4. If they port Star Fox Zero I’ll run around Osaka in my underwear yelling out “Denno heika Banzai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” with an Icelandic shark meat on my armpits.

  2. Xenoblade Chronicles X would be nice for those who haven’t played it yet. Don’t know if I miss anything else. Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is upon us soon, so I’m satisfied atm. Rather want some GameCube HD ports.

      1. Since Eternal Darkness started out as an N64 game (you can definitely tell), it’d be nice to get an HD remaster with updated models and graphics. The CGI cutscenes could use some work, too.

        As for Baten Kaitos, I’d love for that to also get a remaster with updated models & graphics. Maybe release it & the prequel as a set. Those games left such a lasting impression on me that Kalas is a name I use regularly, along with Sagi to a very lesser extent but a name I’m still attached to.

      2. Finally someone with some taste. What’s with all the let me buy WW for the 3rd or 4th time. Big Zelda fan but WW would be a mistake. TP any day!

      3. Eternal Darkness would need a whole new set of insanity effects. And perhaps different effects for handheld and TV modes.

    1. I liked Color Splash although would rather they made a new one closer in style to the first two in the series or just did HD remakes of either of those games, although the original is my favourite game of all time

      1. @ P Edwards and everyone else talking about Paper Mario Color Splash,
        OH YEAH! I forgot about Color Splash. That was the final Wii U game I played and thoroughly LOVED. It was amazing. Loved it from beginning to end. It was definitely the best Paper Mario I’ve played since The Thousand Year Door. I’d love to see Switch remakes of the N64 Paper Mario, Thousand-Year Door AND Color Splash. All were so great.

  3. Considering the fact there not alot of wii u games to port the most obvious choice is 3d world considering it’s one of the most popular wii u games and theres a huge demand for it, next would probly be windwaker because they port windwaker like all the time, plus people still want that game on the switch, pikmin and paper mario (paper mario mostly) are going to get new games this year paper mario gets a new game ever 4 years, I could see 3d world launching february, or april because those two months seems dry on first party content, and march has new horizons so that would be there main focus there

      1. Sorry I was thinking about the early wii that allowed you to play gamecube games cause it had backwards compaitablity, you could play wind waker on wii, amd wii u sorry to confuse ya

  4. 𝑵𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒐 𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝑶𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒓

    My guess are:
    Pikmin 3.
    Super Mario 3D World.


    Super Mario 3D World
    Star Fox Zero.

      1. 𝑵𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒐 𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝑶𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒓

        One side of me says it’s possible because mister Miyamoto wants the series be more popular. The other side says it will not be SFZ because of the dual screen functionality. Using both the TV and Gamepad was essential for that game.

      2. I think Miyamoto will push towards Pikmin and Star Fox as long as he’s at the company, but I do agree here Super Mario is probably one of those titles. I bet it will be used rather soon or closer to the competition’s hardware launch.

      1. Am I the only one in the world loving those controls? I mean I never have any issues with any controls in any games (Even Bubsy 3D), but Star Fox was quite fun to play!

      2. 𝑵𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒐 𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝑶𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒓

        Yeah they just needed to add the traditional controls.

  5. Hopefully Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival gets the Switch port it deserves! /s

    In all seriousness though, my guesses would be Super Mario 3D World, maybe with a couple of added playable characters and Xenoblade Chronicles X since they’re releasing a definitive edition of Xenoblade Chronicles this year.

  6. 3D world has gotta be a defo.
    There was a mention back along about skyward sword, but that’s a wii game so could be woolly world or pikmin.
    I’d say 3D world and pikmin 3

    1. Wooly world wouldn’t fit considering craft world and that has similar themes it would be confusing to choose between those games unless the box art got change would nice tho

  7. Pingback: 【噂】著名リーク師エミリー「任天堂はさらに2本のWiiU用ソフトをSwitchで発売する」

  8. I would love to see a Wonderful 101 port. That was one of the most underappreciated games of the last decade. Maybe if a port sells well on Switch we may get a sequel too. I would also hope for ports of either Fatal Frame or Color Splash.

    1. 𝑵𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒐 𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝑶𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒓

      Are you guys still requesting this game? How many years are you requesting this game?

      1. @ P Edwards and everyone else talking about Paper Mario Color Splash,
        OH YEAH! I forgot about Color Splash. That was the final Wii U game I played and thoroughly LOVED. It was amazing. Loved it from beginning to end. It was definitely the best Paper Mario I’ve played since The Thousand Year Door. I’d love to see Switch remakes of the N64 Paper Mario, Thousand-Year Door AND Color Splash. All were so great.

      2. @ Nintendo First Order Reaver,
        But Mother 3 is WORTH requesting. I’ve been dying to play that for SO many years. And I refuse to play the fan translation. Earthbound on the Super NES is one of my all-time favorite games. And it’s a crying shame that I never got a chance to play the third instaliment in the series.

    1. 𝑵𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒐 𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝑶𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒓

      I doubt about NES Remix Pack. I’m not saying it’s impossible but why this game and not Pikmin 3?

        1. 𝑵𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒐 𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝑶𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒓

          Yeah but I can only day that making a game requires time and effort. Probably they really started to develop in 2016.

  9. The two most likely candidates, in my opinion, are Xenoblade Chronicles X and Wonderful 101. Both were criminally underrated and deserve to get second chances. X is a given since Nintendo has been pushing the XC series more lately, with a remaster of the original game to XC2 getting a prequel/side story in Torna: The Golden Country. It all fits.

    As far as Wonderful 101 goes, I think the only thing it needs is a rework regarding the various formations the heroes can shapeshift into so it can be done while the Switch is in docked mode and the touchscreen can’t be accessed. Other than that, I think it can be an otherwise straight port.

    1. 𝑵𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒐 𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝑶𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒓

      Xeno X has been overshadowed by the poor sales of the Wii U. The devs really pushed the game to make it sells well. They even made a special bundle if I remember correct.

  10. Real talk; I’m actually fine with having a quiet year. 2017 was amazing, 2018 was like a toned down-2017 but still really good and 2019 was awesome!
    If they want to cool things down for 2020 and just give us re-masters, remakes, and maybe sprinkle DLC for existing titles like Smash Bros, Super Mario Maker 2, and Fire Emblem Three Houses, I’m fine with that.

  11. Pingback: 【噂】WiiU用ソフトが2本Nintendo Switchで発売か? | ニンテンドースイッチ速報

    1. Although I agree 100%, I don’t expect to get this one right before or until MP4 comes out . For one thing, the control scheme will be completely different. And the game will probably need to be polished up to720 and1080.

  12. Pingback: 【噂】有名リーカー「任天堂がさらに2本のWiiU用ソフトをスイッチで発売する」 | NS-NEWS ニンテンドースイッチまとめ速報

  13. Pingback: 【可能性は高そう】海外有名リーカー「任天堂はWii Uソフトの2本をスイッチに出す計画がある」 | 死ぬまでゲーマーでいたい!

  14. Pingback: 任天堂がさらに2本のWiiU用ソフトをスイッチで発売へ、ゼノブレイドクロスがくるか | ヒマワリGAME速報

  15. Pingback: 任天堂がさらに2本のWiiU用ソフトをスイッチで発売へ、ゼノブレイドクロスがくるか - のぶりん’s GAME

  16. Pingback: 任天堂がさらに2本のWiiU用ソフトをスイッチで発売へ、ゼノブレイドクロスがくるか | ゲーム情報局 ドラゴニックゲーマーズ

  17. Pingback: 任天堂がさらに2本のWiiU用ソフトをスイッチで発売へ、ゼノブレイドクロスがくるか | ITニュース最新情報アンテナ!

  18. Pingback: 【任天堂大勝利】任天堂がさらに2本のWiiU用ソフトをスイッチで発売へ、ゼノブレイドクロスがくるか|いいんです。まとめてみます。

  19. So many Wii U titles still left to choose from. Some I didn’t get to play because I stopped caring about the stupid Wii U & moved on to PS4 in November of that year or some I adored so much & would love to own again.

      1. It’s odd seeing this Emily back at bringing up rumors after years of her being silent on such things, though. Not to mention that stupid fiasco where Kotaku released her article (according to her, prematurely as she wasn’t done with it (I guess it’s possible since Kotaku is woke & will try to find any excuse to attack something or someone that isn’t woke like them) attacking Smash Ultimate for a Persona song that they accused of having retard in the song when there was no such thing. And even if it did, oh fucking well. Some people are way too bloody PC these days that it’s getting annoying.

  20. Just because I have nothing better to do, my list is this:

    Super Mario 3D World Deluxe
    Pikmin 3 (or a Pikmin Trilogy)
    Xenoblade Chronicles X: Directors Cut
    Zelda, Wind Waker HD
    Zelda Twilight Princess HD

    Games I do not see being possible on the Switch:

    Star Fox Zero, requires two screens
    Zelda Skyward Sword, requires 1:1 motion controller

    And the game I wish for but don’t see coming in 2020:

    Metroid Prime Trilogy HD

    1. Although,if they released a new Star Fox game, they could add two player mode that mimics Star Fox Zero

      And who knows, Switch Pro (if it really is a thing) might have a Joycon capable of 1:1 controls.

  21. Pingback: 任天堂がさらに2本のWiiU用ソフトをスイッチで発売へ、ゼノブレイドクロスがくるか - ゲームわだい!

  22. Pingback: IGN hints Pikmin 3 could be coming to Nintendo Switch – Latam Gamer

  23. Pingback: IGN hints Pikmin 3 could be coming to Nintendo Switch – Sikkim Gaming

  24. Pingback: Video: Digital Foundry looks at possible Wii U ports for the Nintendo Switch – Sikkim Gaming

  25. Pingback: Video: Digital Foundry looks at possible Wii U ports for the Nintendo Switch – Natsis Games

  26. Pingback: Video: Digital Foundry looks at possible Wii U ports for the Nintendo Switch – Latam Gamer

  27. Pingback: Video: Digital Foundry looks at possible Wii U ports for the Nintendo Switch – Awesomeninjagamer

  28. Pingback: 【噂】著名リーカー・エミリー氏「任天堂はさらに2本のWiiU用ソフトをSwitchで発売する」 | ニンテンドースイッチNEWS

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