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Batman Arkham Trilogy for Switch now delayed until December

Batman Arkham Trilogy was originally due to launch this month on13th October, however, Warner Bros Games has announced today that the collection is now delayed until 1st December. The company sent out a message on X announcing the delay and say that the game needs more time the oven to give players a satisfactory experience on the Nintendo Switch family of systems. Warner Bros.Games finished by saying that they apologise to the fans and thank them for their patience.

6 thoughts on “Batman Arkham Trilogy for Switch now delayed until December”

  1. Delaying a game doesn’t necessary make the release any less rocky, “Wrestle Quest” got delayed and it was still a broken mess. The dev’s delayed Wrestle Quest because of a save file bug that prevented players from saving and/or loading progress. Guess what, i had numerous save file bugs at release until they updated the game “yet that was the reason it was delayed”
    The game would crash at random if you entered specific areas or during a match the game would hard lock. “The best possible experience” is complete rubbish. 

    1. It means they intend to bring the best product as possible. Bugs can appear as they are unintentional, games are not entirely free of them. Sometimes they are not found by the developers, but that is not the norm.

      Also, just because you have a bad experience with a delayed game it doesn’t mean every game that pass through that will have issues. Calm down.

  2. You can play these games almost anywhere else in better quality for a fraction of the price. Don’t support years-old ports. I guarantee they only delayed it because of MK1’s quality issues, hoping everyone forgets about that before they push out another “gem”.

  3. So not only were they gonna release a incomplete physical release that required a download of the 2nd and 3rd game they were also gonna release it buggy and possibly unplayable as well.
    God I truly hate WB, they are the Konami of America in my view.

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