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Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door remake has now been rated by ESRB

The remake of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door has been rated by the Entertainment Software Rating Board. The ESRB has given the game an E for Everyone rating. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door remake has yet to receive a precise release date from Nintendo and is currently penciled in for a 2024 release. The new rating could mean that we are getting it sooner than expected. For now, here’s the rating’s summary:

“This is an adventure role-playing game in which players help Mario rescue Princess Peach from an alien group. As players traverse whimsical worlds, they interact with characters and engage in turn-/puzzle-based combat against paper creatures. Players use various attacks (e.g., boot stomp, hammer strike, fire balls) against cartoony enemies that disappear into stars and coins. A handful of characters engage in brief flirtatious dialogue (e.g., “Aren’t you a fine specimen of a man”; “Perhaps if I…grabbed you and gave you a little sugar”), and/or are designed with large chests/exaggerated proportions.”

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12 thoughts on “Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door remake has now been rated by ESRB”

  1. Before I even clicked and read the article, I knew it would be a ridiculous description for the rating. Everyone’s so offended by everything. Paper cutout drawings in a very kid-friendly game, but the description makes it sound like softcore porn waiting to happen or something. Surprised they didn’t bump it up to E10 or T.

  2. Y’know… It had never occurred to me until reading that description that the X-Nauts could be aliens. I always thought they were just dudes with a moon base, but some of their forces (like the Yux) do look rather alien.

  3. The hell are you on about, Steve? You seem like the sensitive one if this perfectly reasonable rating set you off like this lol. They obviously found the flirtation innocent enough to keep the rating E. You need to get ahold of yourself, little fella.

    1. What are YOU on about and why are YOU triggered? My point was that THEY were sensitive, like you are apparently. What they described didn’t even need to be pointed out, that’s my point. It’s innocent. And I said at least they kept it E, didn’t I? Obviously you just want to argue like the troll you are. Not even worth my time. I’ve seen ESRB ratings go off on the dumbest things, and sometimes they get upgraded to the next rating.

      It’s Paper Fucking Mario. But they’re talking about well-endowed females. For parents that know nothing about games (like many do) and already think video games corrupt youth, my point is they’re gonna read that and think oh my god, no, not for MY child! Meanwhile do we censor big-bosomed females in real life? It’s just stupid to mention. Oh no, a character flirted! It’s like how they want to cancel Pepé Le Pew for flirting with the cat. We all grew up on it and we didn’t go out raping women. Kids aren’t even gonna pick up on the flirting. That’s the thing, they’re making a big deal out of something so small. And yes, at least they had the sense to not let it bump up the rating, I said that didn’t ?

      Funny how you call me sensitive though when my entire point was it’s dumb how sensitive these people are when rating a game. Maybe you were one of them that did. The rating itself is reasonable, I clearly said the description was stupid. Typical troll, resorting to insults. Nothing I said was even worth insulting me over or getting triggered over. But that’s the internet for you, why have a discussion when you can just argue and insult each other over nothing? You’re the one who looks immature, sensitive, and easily angered. <insert random insults and a few lol’s to intimidate others>

      Grow up. Can’t even use your real name, hide behind your keyboard like the 12-year-old in your parents’ basement that you are. Yawn.

  4. Lmaoo what a joke. How is a female with female body parts even worth noting, like literally all? Exaggerated? No. Big booba is just that. And it’s literaly just Madam Flurry you know they’re talking about. Didn’t know the ersb rating board was run by sad, ugly women and incels that hate “people” better looking than them, yikes 😂

  5. The rating: it’s fine.
    The explanation of said rating: this does sound stupid. I can basically boil that last bit down to “Warning! Women with female parts exist!” insert Nic Cage “you don’t say” meme 🤣

  6. I’m curious what this means as to how far the game is in the development process. We saw a LOT of areas in the reveal trailer so it’s clearly been in the works for awhile, but 2024 is so vague…

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