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Kotaku ranks all the 3D Sonic games

Artwork from SEGA for Sonic Superstars

Online gaming site Kotaku has taken on the difficult task of ranking all the 3D Sonic the Hedgehog video games which have been released over the years, starting with Sonic 3D Blast on the SEGA Mega Drive and SEGA Saturn. This list is going to clearly going be very divisive for some and you can see their choices down below. Here it goes:

  1. Sonic Heroes
  2. Sonic Adventure 2
  3. Sonic Generations
  4. Sonic Adventure
  5. Sonic Dream Team
  6. Sonic Colours
  7. Sonic Frontiers
  8. Sonic Unleashed
  9. Sonic Forces
  10. Sonic 3D Blast
  11. Sonic and the Secrets Rings
  12. Sonic and the Black Knight
  13. Sonic Lost World
  14. Shadow the Hedhehog
  15. Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
  16. Sonic Boom


17 thoughts on “Kotaku ranks all the 3D Sonic games”

  1. Well yeah, I love Sonic Heroes, but number one!? Boom below ’06? Dream Team? This is all a joke.

    1. We dont talk about sonic ’06 OR boom so it makes no difference. both trash shouldn`t even exist.

      1. The only thing 06 did right was its soundtrack and giving us Silver.
        Played it for the first time this past year (maybe was January now that I think about it). It was so badly programmed that not only did it crash the emulator I was using, it also crashed my computer… 10+ times…lmao.

        Oh well. At least that’s one thing off the ol’ bucket list.

    2. Sonic Boom is more tedious than Sonic 06. Even with the Knuckles ‘flying’ glitch, Sonic Boom isn’t worth playing at all. 06 is stupid enough to get laughs out of it (when the game has finished loading at least).
      We’re comparing shit to crap, but at least one pile has less flies around it.

  2. Damn… the 3d sonic games are so mid in my opinion…also generation or colors are the best ones for me

    1. Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 are great if you continually replay the levels. Best incentive to do that is playing with and raising the Chao in the Chao Garden.

      It’s a lot of fun but also a lot of time to spend tending to the little creatures. Imo it was worth it when I was a kid, but I dunno if I can fully recommend someone do it as an adult. Great memories of it though.

      1. I guess I can try sonic adventure 2 since I have it on steam, I hated the first one but who knows maybe I like the sequel, thanks pal

        1. Personally SA2 is my favorite 3D Sonic. SA1 is alright, but there’s still plenty of annoyances to be had in that game. SA2 I think does a better job at keeping the entire game and the campaigns well rounded.

          There’s three play styles in SA2: Speed, Treasure Hunting, and Mech Shooting. Treasure Hunting and Mech Shooting are both a lot slower in pace compared to the Speed courses, so to maximize enjoyment for those levels I’d recommend focusing on trying to get high scores. The higher your score, the higher your rank will be.
          The hint boxes for the treasure hunting courses lowers how much your next treasure is worth, so it’s sometimes worth it to ignore the hints and try finding them only with the radar.
          Mechs give more score the more enemies you get with one target lock on. Tbh, getting a huge number from that was one of my favorite aspects of playing as Tails and Eggman. ‘Number go up, brain get happy’. Sometimes simple caveman mentality just feels good, lmao
          Every course gives you extra score the faster you beat it, but Sonic and Shadow are the kings of speed. There’s shortcuts, tricks, ramps, and homing combos that all combine to let you feel like a true speedster once you master all of them and put your skill to the test. There’s far less meandering with Sonic and Shadow than what you saw in SA1, but just keep in mind that near the end of the game they did try and throw in some puzzles that wind up slowing you down on your first encounter.

          SA2 is a game that thrives off multiple replays, even if you just replay a few of the levels. Testing your skills and skillfully overcoming its obstacles in the pursuit of that A rank is one of the most satisfying aspects to SA2 for me; I hope my lauding of the game lives up to your expectations, and more importantly I hope you have fun!

  3. Sonic Heroes is pretty fantastic and it’s great to see someone give it the recognition it deserves but I’d put it as #2 and Sonic Adventure as #1.

  4. Eh I don’t agree but I can see it. Except putting Secret Rings ahead of Black Knight, I don’t understand how anyone who’s played both games could think that.

  5. Personal opinion, but I would have put Generations at number 1. I literally don’t care/like the other 3D games at all. Now there are more than a few 2D Sonic games I like.

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