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Here’s The Japanese Box-Art For Monster Hunter X


The next instalment of the immensely popular Monster Hunter series arrives in Japan in November. What we haven’t seen thus far is the box-art for Monster Hunter X. Thankfully it has been uploaded by Amazon Japan which currently has the game up for pre-order. Sadly we do not know when Monster Hunter X will arrive in the west, but sales for the last game Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate were extremely good.

Thanks, Evan


24 thoughts on “Here’s The Japanese Box-Art For Monster Hunter X”

    1. I’m pretty sure the Felynes are Monster Hunter’s Moogle/Nopon so don’t expect them to go away any time soon.

      1. Yea, maybe your right. But felynes being used as companions is a new idea that needs to die. In MH3U we had Cha-Cha and Kayamba, which were WAY better than the cats.

        The felynes have no personality. They all act the same. They all say the same things. The only thing different between them are thier colors, which you cannot see after you put armor on them anyways…

        With Cha-Cha you had personality. He was an interesting character with back story. I would much rather have him than a damn cat…

        Oh, and they meow WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too much!!! Every five seconds in a MH game you here a “meowwwwwww”! …. annoying as hell…

        1. I hear that! Besides, in nature, dogs are genetically more inclined to help people. Dogs can sniff out a bomb, smell cancer and lead the blind… Cat’s can be trained to shit in a box and pretend they own you.

          Totally over the cats. I really hope they ditch them.

          1. Cats are good for a few things, though, like helping with lowering blood pressure. Or those with heart problems. Dogs are too noisy for those with heart problems. Especially when a dog barks from out of nowhere when they are right beside you & make your heart skip a beat because you weren’t expecting it. Both animals have their uses in real life. But yeah. You don’t own the cat; the cat owns you. xD

          2. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

            >>>Cats are superior lifeforms because unlike dogs, they don’t obey the human cattle>>>

            1. Dogs are team players. A dog would give it’s life for you, a cat just wishes it was 50lbs heavier so it could eat you.
              My ultimate preference are wolves. Pre-domesticated Dogs, but canines in general are def superior. :)

              1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

                >>>In other words slaves, cats must retake Egypt from the humans again so that they can be worshiped as supposed to>>>

                >>>I abducted a cat once, it became my most devious pet ever, a Dark Grenchler>>>

            1. They were called Shakalakas from the Shakalaka Tribe in one of the earlier MH games where they were actually enemies. And the cat’s aren’t a “new idea” like you said. It may seem that way if you started the series with MH tri or 3U but shakalakas are the actual ‘new idea’ that only lasted for a few games in 3rd gen MH, every other game has had felynes since the inception of the series. Don’t expect them to go away, they’re the OG.

              1. I didn’t call them new, but I sure hope they keep trying something besides cats. Annoying fuckers! ;D

        2. They were called Shakalakas from the Shakalaka Tribe in one of the earlier MH games where they were actually enemies. And the cat’s aren’t a “new idea” like you said. It may seem that way if you started the series with MH tri or 3U but shakalakas are the actual ‘new idea’ that only lasted for a few games in 3rd gen MH, every other game has had felynes since the inception of the series. Don’t expect them to go away, they’re the OG.

  1. I can’t get into these games… Pacing is too slow in both story and overall gameplay. I tried Monster Hunter 4 on 3DS and it has not appealed to me in the slightest.

    1. It helps to have a group of hunters. MH3U…omg, we’d Voice Chat and hunt for hours, just shooting the breeze, hanging out and we’d try to take turns when more than 4 of us were available. Good times. Plus it was SO much easier for me to learn when my trainer could actually talk to me.

      So now we use MH3U to Voice Chat in MH4 (usually, not always) and since our group was established, we just stuck together. I’ve been out of play for a few months, but yeah.

      Also, I watched the Federation Force Trailer again, looking for some scrap of salvagability, and although I did not find any, and got frustrated all over again, I know what Nintendo is up to.
      They are trying to cash in on the MH franchise, I’d bet money. They simply tried to male it unique enough to call it something else and own it.

      It’s a cash grab to try and get MH gamers since there are millions of us…I’m calling them out.

      1. If that’s seriously what Nintendo is trying to do, wow. Did they not learn from Capcom when they tried to make Resident Evil into a Call of Duty clone? If they want to get people from another fanbase into their games, do a fucking crossover & quit trying to turn a main game into a fucking clone of another franchise! Oh my bad! Spin off! Pfft. Spin off, my ass. They want Federation Force to lead into Metroid Prime 4. That in itself makes it a main game of sorts.

  2. Pingback: Monster Hunter X - Japanisches Boxart veröffentlicht - Nintendo-Magazin

  3. Pingback: Monster Hunter X Japanese Boxart | PLAYERESSENCE

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