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Nintendo: Sony Patent Their Own Vitality Sensor, Could Beat Nintendo In Bringing It to Market

Sony has issued a patent for a biometric PlayStation 3 controller and handheld, which if they saw the light of day, would function similarly to Nintendo’s delayed Vitality Sensor. The device will check things such as how moist your skin is, your heart rhythm, and muscle movements. Here’s a list of ideas regarding the device direct from Sony:

  • Weapons that change depending on how stressed you are. An increase in stress level could make a weapon more accurate or less steady, which will make it difficult to target an enemy. Sony specifically mentions a sniper situation where the weapon becomes more steady if you’re relaxed.
  • Tensing up your muscles to withstand an attack or charge up a shield.
  • A video game character whose facial expressions, movements, posture, and even voice changes depending on your biometric data. For example, this character will sweat when a player is nervous.
  • An adrenaline style boost which will let you run faster, jump higher, and punch harder when stressed.
  • A health bar that depletes more rapidly if you have a high stress level.
  • An attack button that changes a character’s move depending if the player is stressed or relaxed.
  • Background music and scenery that changes depending on your stress level. Matching music is one example, but Sony also proposes to change music to make a player more relaxed. Brightness of objects and the zoom level, representing a higher level of focus, are two ideas for scenery.
  • A game that adapts difficulty levels depending on a players stress level.

133 thoughts on “Nintendo: Sony Patent Their Own Vitality Sensor, Could Beat Nintendo In Bringing It to Market”

      1. i don’t know how they could patent a pulce rate monitor that connects to a computer device. and if they do they could not say others have copyed them as these devices have been around for dacades, its just a change of use. also the nintendo and the sony controlers are incompaterble. if i was nintendo i would bring this out for the Wii soon as and just tack it on wii sports or somthing. sony are acting like children

      1. if thats so then they are probably going to do something even bigger than this for Wii U also metroid other M was good

    1. No, they stopped trying for a reason. This thing was obviously a bad idea.

      Also, lots of people who sweats don’t do it due to stess etc, making unfair adjustments to the game. If they brought this feature to lets say, Uncharted, a large majority would probably turn this thing off.

      1. Personally, I just think this will create people who start responding unusually in real life if they are diehard players of games like this. I don’t wanna play games that stress me out. Games are supposed to relax people.

        1. Of course the bulb will change colours.

          Ha! reminds me of Red Dwarf when they have to change bulbs to go from Yellow Alert to Red Alert

  1. haha Let’s just wait for Sony fanboys to make up some excuse in how Sony is NOT copying Nintendo.

    They hate the Wii’s controller, yet they’re fine with Move; they think the Wii U’s controller is stupid, yet they think the PS3+Vita will crush it with its “innovation;” and now this. Granted the Vitality Sensor hasn’t been released, but they showed the concept of it and people, including the entire gaming media, laughed at them. So, what reaction can we expect from this? I’m curious to find out.

    1. You know they are huge hypocrites. Oh well considering I’m getting a PS3 along with my WiiU I hope that Sony Smash game is good.

    2. i think the move is retarded, and over priced, innovation from sony is as original as the ending of the new mario or zelda, we all agree, its not original. But nintendo threw out the idea of a vitality sensor and people boo’d at it, i for one was looking forwards to it, since nintendo didnt go through with it, im happy sony is.

      ps: star trek had touch screen controls, yes it was fictional, but the idea was put out there, did nintendo copy them from an idea that was never put to work from the creators of star trek?? if you guys admit to that, then yes, sony is ripping off nintendo once again.

      1. Nintendo Cancelled? You’re wrong, they are still developing it so they can do 99% rating for people instead of 80% when someone with finger print does not compatible with Vitality because vitality will not recognize at all. However… Sony could perfect it that Nintendo desired to do for vitality sensor. (I hope it’s 80% like Nintendo so they can fail so hard)

    1. Like that can happen. That all they known to do. Their entire company didn’t do anything innovating. Camera, Phone, Game, TV, PC, Laptop, and others nothing here is new.

      1. I agree with Anonymous because they had done this once.
        They sued nintendo for the 3DS saying they made it first or planned it first.
        To Sony:Y U no leave Nintendo Alone?ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

        1. now don’t say they never did anything origonal you forget the failed eye toy i should be phrased more like they never made anything origonal that was succesful

  2. “I thought this idea was utterly retarded when Nintendo came up with it, but now Sony are planning something similar, I think it’s great.”

    SDF Spokesperson.

  3. Honestly, I think Sony is executing this idea better than Nintendo since it’s built right into the controller… doesn’t change my views on Sony though, I’m still all Nintendo.

  4. I think Nintendo gave up on the vitality sensor. I don’t really know though. I read in one of my gameinformer magazines that when asked about it Iwata responded in some kind of dodgy way or something. I don’t really remember, but I think Nintendo is done with the idea.

    1. I think they said it only functioned well with certain percentage of people they tested it on, and the percentage wasn’t high enough for them to release it as of yet.

    1. A nintendo article informing nintendo fans about what sony is doing relating back to nintendo…

      do you see in black and white too? or do you only read in it?

      1. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with Nintendo. At all. This is a press release for a SONY product, which isn’t even competing with anything Nintendo have released. This doesn’t relate to Nintendo at all.

        That last Sony post about a Sony fighting game also didn’t have anything to do with Nintendo either. Blatant Nintendo copy? Are you serious? Capcom made a fighting game with all their characters, SNK made a fighting game with all their character, even freaking Cartoon Network made a fighting game with lots of their characters, are they all copying Nintendo? NO! All of those games have completely different gameplay, so it’s comparing apples to oranges; sure, they’re both fruit, but they taste completely different! These games are similar in premise, but PLAY completely differently. Therefore, there is no copying done. And Hell, there isn’t even gameplay videos showing off Sony’s game yet, so Sickr doesn’t even KNOW if it plays similarly to Super Smash Bros or not! NOBODY DOES, because Sony haven’t even shown it off yet!

        But lo and behold, the rage of Nintendo fanboys permeates through these pages anyway. I’m getting sick of this shit. I’m blocking this site if we keep getting Sony news here. I come here for NINTENDO news, dammit. If I wanted Sony news, I’d go to a mySONYnews site or something! Jesus…

        1. Your fighting game comparison is horribly flawed. How in the world did you feel it appropriate to include Nintendo into the comparison? Also, it’s pretty obvious they’re not copying each other; I mean, how the fuck else are you supposed to have a fighting game WITHOUT characters in them? How would anyone think that two different companies having characters in their fighting games would be considered copying each other? No one in their right mind would think that! But in this case of the Vitality/Biometric schlong or whatever, the comparison is with merit and observations of questionable rip-off practices by Sony are wholly justified. Personally, I’m bothered by this case because Sony doesn’t seem to be just copying Nintendo; they appear to deliberately undermining Nintendo’s position in the video game industry. And that’s really more fucked up than just simply copying. It’s not like Sony hasn’t done something like this before. One instance, and we can just say they were copying. But several times? The pattern is too obvious, and the intent too clear.

          1. It isn’t flawed. Not in the least. You think I’m arguing to myself or something? You should SEE some of the comments on that article. “Nintendo should sue Sony for this!!!” Pah-lease! For what? Because Sony is making a fighting game mash-up of all their first-party characters? And just because Nintendo made a fighting game with all their first-party characters, this is somehow reason enough for Nintendo to SUE Sony over it? Fanboys are freaking ridiculous. Just like I told one of those morons, you can’t sue anyone over an IDEA. You can’t copyright IDEAS, only specific implementations of that idea. That’s why we can have lots of platforming games, not just Mario. That’s why we can have lots of FPS games, not just DOOM. That’s why we can have lots of racing games, not just Pole Position. That’s the only reason I made that argument. You should talk some sense into those idiots on that other article, not sitting here arguing with me about how stupid they are for thinking that in the first place.

            This thing Sony is making is NOTHING like the one Nintendo showed off. What Nintendo showed off was nothing more than a pulse oximeter. Period. [ ] What Sony is showing off is far more than that. This thing can even detect minute muscle movements.

            Not that it matters to me, because whatever it is, I won’t be getting it. I personally think it’s a stupid idea either way, and I don’t want some machine gathering data on me like that and sending it to whoever wants that data. That’s like buying a Microsoft Kinect and knowingly allowing it to take video and pictures of me while I play with it and send those pics to Microsoft (which it is confirmed that it DOES do this, so why people bought it even after learning of this fact, I’ll never know).

            I don’t care what people say about Sony. I’m not a fanboy to ANY company. I buy games from every company, because I love all kinda of games. But what people need to get through their thick skulls is that we’d be NOWHERE without copying. That’s how evolution takes place. Technology gets better and better because companies take each others ideas and expand upon them. I can’t understand why people don’t “get” this. We wouldn’t even be having this conversation if it wasn’t for Steve Jobs copying the Xerox GUI which was later copied by Microsoft and gave us the desktops that we have today! You should be THANKING these companies for copying! Every time this “copying” happens, we get better and better technology. That’s what “innovation” really is. Everything that any company has ever done has been an extension of something a different company already did. I remember when I was a kid, I was playing these “virtual reality” games that used motion control in the early nineties! Waaaay before Nintendo announced the Wii Remote. I remember playing a device which had an analog stick before the N64 came out. I remember playing minigames on a pocket translator/dictionary/thesaurus with a resistive touch screen before the Nintendo DS was released. I remember owning a device which had a capacitive touch screen before the iPod Touch came out.

            You know what all those other devices that came later did though? They didn’t just “copy” the idea, they took it and made it BETTER. That’s the evolution of technology. If companies weren’t allowed to take ideas from each other, we’d be in a much farther regressed state right now. We wouldn’t even be in “this generation” right now. So I’m thankful for it. I always will be. This breeds competition, which can only be a good thing for our future.

            1. You, sir, are awesome.
              You just showed that there are actually people in this world who think about things and understand them, instead of just crying around about “copying” and stuff like that. Copying means creating an exact same replica of something, not making ideas better in a completely different way. And since there is no gaming company out there which does create exact same replicas of something another company has created, I don’t even understand why people ALWAYS start talking about copying when the words “Sony” and “Nintendo” are used in the same sentence.
              Without Sony, gaming wouldn’t exist in the same way it does today. Same goes for Nintendo, without them the gaming companies wouldn’t be there, where they are now.
              It seems all of those fanboys are not interested in video gaming itself at all, but other crap. Sorry, but that’s pure bullshit.
              A person who loves videogames wouldn’t fight over companies, “forbid” himself/herself to play games of the other company and reject everything they ever created, but would just enjoy every video game he/she likes, completely regardless of the company it is created for.

          2. … actually, that cartoon network fighting game WAS pretty much copying Smash. Read almost any review and it’ll agree.

        2. I’m not too sure why you’re so upset. Sure, this article may be mainly about Sony, but it still involves Nintendo. I believe that gives it the right to be on this site.

          Fans of Nintendo would normally like to know whenever Sony is planning to release new hardware that does what Nintendo’s does (and possibly more) or a new game whose premise at least “seems” very similar to something Nintendo has done. I’ll grant you that some fanboys would like to hear about that just to flame Sony and call them imitators, but seeing how the general mindset is that Sony releases some products or games based on the fact that Nintendo has done it (in the spirit of business competition), the people would want to know about such seemingly rivalry-based projects.

          By the by, if there was a Sony-based website similar to this one, your anger at fanboyism would probably stay about the same. I imagine that articles like this would prompt comments like “This’ll blow Nintendo and their baby shit out of the water!” or “Finally, a [insert cool new concept] for games not meant for 3-year-olds!”(although for this specific article, I don’t find it to be a cool concept).

          This may seem to some like flame bait that has nothing to do with Nintendo, but I find this to be relevant to some people. Also, articles like this help give a little more diversity to the site, especially nowadays with nonstop articles about the new Zelda game, Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, the new Resident Evil game, and sales information, with random articles about interviews, press conference information, and less popular games sprinkled among them.

          That’s pretty much all I’ve got. Have a great day

        3. HealyHQ. You seem upset, maybe you should scroll down to the bottom of this page, lower your gaze and look at the bottom centre.

              1. Wait- if you’re having your most fun while debating, then why do you want sickr to stop posting these Sony things that cause flame wars? Because all that is is just debating (sometimes mindlessly, won’t name names) for different companies. Wouldn’t you like posts like these then?
                Just wondering, haha. Your logic kinda didn’t make sense to me.

  5. Why do people still think this is a good idea, unless it plays a game I don’t care, I can’t really control my heartbeat that well to play a game with it, I can only think of one possibility for a game with this and that’s it :/

  6. You know, innovation is great and all. However, I don’t want my characters to stink just because I’m nervous. That would have killed me trying to do the Perfect Run on SMG2.

    In addition, Sony is continuing to show they are huge rip-offs. I have respect for Microsoft because they at least made something somewhat original with Kinect (although I’ve tried it and it still stinks). However, Sony makes it hard to respect them when they just make the same things Nintendo does.

  7. the way sony explains what this thing could do makes it seem much more interesting. i thought this was just like some wii fit add on to read your blood pressure or something. seems like if it was created well, it could make games much more immersive and a new way to control certain things

    1. yea sickr is getting kinda out of control with these flame bait articles. he should atleast make another blog just for that.

        1. I hate to agree but sickr Sony -Nintendo fanboy bait on a Nintendo blog isn’t cool. I still followed this because it was just plain Nintendo news and informative. Now you’re just baiting trolls.

          Make a separate blog for Sony and cut the crap man.

    2. what i hate the most is that sickr is making sony look bad, in reality sony is a good company that has great first-party games and exclusives who cares for there customers. HOW BOUT TALKING ABOUT MICROSOFT FOR A CHANGE?

      1. What i hate about your comment is that is making Microsoft looks bad, in reality is a good company that has great first-party games and exclusives, who cares for their costumers. HOW BOUT TALKING ABOUT NINTENDO FOR A CHANGE?

        Oh wait….

        1. I’d actually appreciate if Sickr would post more about Nintendo for a change. If he wants to post about Sony news, then he should create a MySonyNews site or something. It just seems like there’s just as many posts about Sony as there are Nintendo lately, and there’s no call for that on a dedicated NINTENDO blog. The Nintendo fanboys here obviously don’t appreciate it, since they keep complaining, so obviously, unanimously and across the board, it needs to stop.

          How about a vote, folks? Show of virtual hands: who wants Sickr to keep posting news specific to Sony here on :|

      2. lol sony don’t care about their customers.

        sony, out of all the companies are the worst. the steal ideas to prove to everyone that they’re better than their competitors, when in actual fact it’s been a long time since they had their own completely original ideas

        1. dude, calm down. sony care fo there customers. as in not charging for unnecessary irrelevant things that “you need”. plus great first party exclusives. stop hating bro.

      3. You sound like somebody who refuses to see the bad aspects of what you love. To love something healthily doesn’t mean you have to be in denial.

        1. the thing is i really dont care if sony has done a couple of uninovative stuff. i just enjoy there games as well as other consoles games (or pc in some cases…minecraft) and thats it. its not until i go to this or any other site searching for new on wiiu or whatever that i find comments like “sony has no orignal ideas” or “sony not innovative”. although some stuff are true about being unorignal (move), it gets irratating at times because i know for sure that not all companys are perfect.

          its ok to say that sony is uninovative, but if i say “nintendo bin milking the same IP’s since the 80’s” than i get called a fanboy or whatever.

          1. The problem with Sony, is that if they could just admit that they based their ideas in Nintendo, then everything would just be fine, but no, they said is their idea and Nintendo had nothing to do, which is bullshit.

  8. Nintendo never canceled the VC they just said its coming when they have lots of ideas they can use along with it. they want it to be put to good use and i think we will see it on Wii U but not as a censor you stick your finger in but as an actual WiiM+VC controller that can feel through the lower sides of it.

    anyway this is sony the copy cat company how els could they have survived for so long :P

  9. Vitality Tech + Metroid Blaster Shaped Wii Motion Plus Controller + Suit In-game reacts to user = Awesome Metroid Game!!

    In my dreams.

  10. Keep on Copying Sony…. I guess that’s all you can do at this point…. since besides shooters you have no idea what your doing in the gaming industry haha

  11. Nintendo never really had anything set in stone about releasing it. Didn’t an article come out before E3 saying that Nintendo still has it in the back burner and would release it in the future.

    I’m gonna actually give credit to Sony, they seem to have more ideas for the device than Nintendo ever had for it. To me it seem that Nintendo might have only pulled of party type of games with it. Maybe metroid, maybe

    1. never mind after studying the list some more that stress level thing to determine difficulty seems like of pointless to the person that isn’t really stressed at playing the game.

      1. i think this controller could actually affect you and make you ill because is basically telling you that i you want to do something you have to alter your health

        1. yep, there’s gonna be an increase in doctor vists do to muscle spaz and plastic surgens will have a field day with the character changes facial expression with you biodata.

  12. Who gives a shit, the vitality sensor was an absolutely retarded idea. Even if sony were to release a vitality sensor, i doubt it would be the newest and coolest thing. “Hey Guys! Come over to my house! We can see out heart rates! ON THE TV!!!”

  13. I like Sony, they did good with the PSP, making it the easiest to hack with some of the best games and homebrew out there,(/sarcasm) but the Vitality Sensor has fallen flat on its face. Nintendo realized that next to nobody would buy the damn thing and their poor sales of the PlayStation Move (versus other Motion Sensors and paraphernalia they sell) indicate that their core demographic prefer using one controller with buttons. Adding a “vitality sensor” that connects to your fingers won’t work because of said buttons; putting it on your wrist gives an inaccurate reading, leaving only the neck to give a “true” reading and let’s face it, nobody wants to strap on a choker with wires coming out of it. So, no thanks Sony. Go rip off something that actually sells.

  14. Whoa, Sony, where’d you come up with that idea!? That’s almost as groundbreaking as PlayStation Move, or, no, the PS Vita’s compatibility with the PS3, or that new fighting game you’re making that’ll host all of your first-party characters!!! I swear, I can’t imagine WHERE you come up with these AAA money-making ideas of yours!
    (bite me, sony-fanboys, see what happens)

    1. You look like an ignorant jackass when you leave comments like these.

      – Motion controls predate the Wii by decades

      – Sony implemented motion control with their PS3 controllers from the start

      – PS Vita was designed to interact with the PS3 from the get-go, but that feature was not highlighted until after the Wii U was revealed. Sony did not retroactively add this feature, but chose to highlight it in order to make their product more relevant and appealing. There is nothing wrong with this, so don’t try to twist it into some sinister plot Sony has to copy Nintendo’s everything.

      – Sony’s fighting game is a RUMOR; nothing is confirmed.

      – Even if it is confirmed, sickr’s title was intentional flame-bait and was all pure conjecture. He knows as little as we do.

      – Since when has Nintendo been the only company to make a first party mash-up? Naughty Dog, Rare, Sony, Capcom, Square-Enix, Disney, Microsoft and Marvel are just a few companies that have banked in on more than one of their intellectual properties at once — and in many instances, it was a fighting game!

      1. -Saying that the PS Move wasn’t a direct Wii Rip-off will get you laughed out of nearly any gaming debate. It’s that sad. Not even Sony fanboys were proud of the thing.
        -yet, PS3 was released after the Wii, so you can’t say PS3 had it first
        -exactly, they didn’t highlight the feature until they found out Nintendo had something like it. That’s one of my points here.
        -it’s confirmed.
        -Yes, but Nintendo was the among the first, and also pretty much the only first-party to do so. I’m just going by what I’ve heard so far, but so far it does sound as if the Smash Bros games are what Sony is trying to do here.

        Please don’t call people ignorant jackasses for having their own opinions and having some proof to back those opinions up. It’s not very mature.

        Also, yoyo, no, I found the picture on the internet. I wish I had a Falco plush though, that’d be pretty sweet!

        1. -As Tobias Oliver Brown already mentioned, there was motion control long before the Wii was released. So you pretty much say that the fact that Nintendo “copied” (like you’d call it) other companies is not bad but Sony “copying” Nintendo is a catastrophy ? If you look at it that way, Nintendo would be “copying” a lot of things too. 3D, HD, touch screen, 2 analog sticks, just for example. You seem not to know what “copying” actually is.
          -Even if PS3 was released after the Wii, you can’t tell which company had the idea first. And even if, who the fuck cares ? They both planned it from the beginning, they both used it from the beginning.
          -I don’t get how that point of yours can be used against Sony (“exactly, they didn’t highlight the feature until they found out Nintendo had something like it. That’s one of my points here.”). Sony planned it from the beginning, as it was already mentioned, so why do you call it “copying” if you also do know exactly that Sony was planning it from the beginning anyway ? And how would it make it “copying” when they just didn’t reveal the info from the beginning ? That point of yours made no sense at all, in my opinion.
          -And to that fighting game: There is no info released about that game of Sony, except for that they’ll be using their first-party characters. How the hell can you tell that it’s a copy of Super Smash Bros. ? You don’t know anything about that game, but yet you are calling it a copy.
          You should try to look at games in an objective way instead of being led by your fanboy-feelings. You also should try to enjoy VIDEO GAMES, not fighting over companies. I don’t see any reason why people can’t just enjoy video games, regardless of the company they are created for/of. So many people are like “OMG IT SAYS SONY/NINTENDO (depends on what kind of fanboy they are..) ON IT, I’M SURE IT’S PURE BS, ALTHOUGH I DIDN’T EVEN TRY IT”. Seriously, grow up and face the truth. Without Sony, you Nintendo-fanboys wouldn’t be able to experience video games like you can today. Same goes for Sony-fanboys, without Nintendo there would be no way to enjoy video gaming like they can today. I think all of the companies have influences on each other.
          You are calling someone else “not mature”, but your behaviour doesn’t seem very mature to me either.

        2. Old post is old, but I’m going to retaliate regardless. Equal signs for organizational purposes.

          “Saying that the PS Move wasn’t a direct Wii Rip-off will get you laughed out of nearly any gaming debate. It’s that sad. Not even Sony fanboys were proud of the thing. Yet, PS3 was released after the Wii, so you can’t say PS3 had it first”

          I wasn’t talking about Move, I was talking about their Six Axis controller, which was shipped with every model until Dual Shock 3 replaced it (adding things like rumble). And the release date does not matter at all, as the Wii and PS3 were being independently developed at the same time.

          “exactly, they didn’t highlight the feature until they found out Nintendo had something like it. That’s one of my points here.”

          …and that point is? Sony is pointing out that Nintendo is doing something that their Vita + PS3 combo will be doing first. It’s not a big deal, why on earth does this offend you so greatly?

          “it’s confirmed. Yes, but Nintendo was the among the first, and also pretty much the only first-party to do so. I’m just going by what I’ve heard so far, but so far it does sound as if the Smash Bros games are what Sony is trying to do here.”

          There are still only very vague details available that only suggest it resembles Smash Bros. But, again, who cares? I don’t get mad at Forza for using a third-person driving perspective when CLEARLY Mario Kart used that first. Why should I be offended if another fighting game restricts itself to two-dimensional gameplay? The devs behind this game may have been inspired by Smash Bros, or hell, might even use a few of its ideas. There is nothing wrong with this. Every one will, at some point, use another person’s idea. Nintendo is not innocent in this regard.

  15. wow. just one more example that sony always tries to copy nintendo’s ideas, either way though, the idea of the vitality sensor or the sony vitality sensor is stupid

  16. I hate it when companies start stealing Nintendo’s Ideas! I hope Nintendo brings vitality sensor to the marker

  17. Man what has been up Sony’s ass lately? They are so fucking pressed at Nintendo. Basically all I heard all month is them bragging about how they’ll beat nintendo. I hope Sony FLOPS. Karma

  18. Pingback: Sony And Nintendo Developing Vitality Sensor Controller | Blog

  19. Sickr, seriously at the point what you are doing is highly un professional. Misleading title AND not enough facts in your article to make your side look better. judging my most of the recent articles you put the site should be changed to lame Sony here you Nintedipshits.

        1. So fans of Nintendo are being called dipshits simply because they are mad at Sony for copying one of Nintendo’s ideas? Kinda immature if you ask me….. would you be mad if, say, you invented a device that was revolutionary, but met bad public reactions so you trashed it, and then years later a richer rival of yours promised the same thing but “slightly better” and was met with excitement? Because I know I sure wouldn’t. And I don’t like it when Sony does this with other companies either. And you can’t say “Oh, but Vitality Sensors are already everywhere, just putting them into video games isn’t copying” because that’s really freaking stupid.

          1. How is it stealing? Technically Nintendo “steals” TONS of ideas. Wii U controller, HD Graphics, ect. See where I am going? Just because it is there does not make it STEALING. But none of these people never think past the fact that in business you take what is already there and improve it. You ad some new, and some old. How does CoD sell every year? Adds a little new and a little old. Sure Nintendo already had the vitality sensor, but not like this. This will actually provide a better gaming experience if it sees the light of day, unlike the Wii’s.

  20. So by putting this thing down my pants I can flex my dong and fire a missile? Or I could just it down my sweaty ass crack and do an endless combo?

    Your fuckin gross Sony, GTFO.

  21. XD This thing’s been announced by Nintendo for years…. If it was of any use to them, they would have used the idea by now. But they didn’t. Which means Nintendo obviously knows that it is a bad idea. I mean seriously, how many people get nervous and sweat and flex during a video game anyways? Sony can have this one… It will fail.

  22. Honestly, this sounds like a horrible idea. Could you imagine, let’s say you’re playing Majora’s Mask, the most stressful video game ON EARTH, and your bow will get wobbly when you get nervous. This also takes control away from the player. You can control your button presses, but your heart rate is an entirely different story. Also, people who stress yet want to play a more difficult game will end up always getting the easier end of the stick duo to the game thinking you’re not enjoying yourself. I’m glad Nintendo didn’t pull through with this product, it is a horrible gimmick and will fail in the market.

  23. I don’t care about what sony does. I don’t like that company and i already assumed that they copy again and again to nintendo. I entered this page cause I want to know things about nintendo ONLY. I have the other companies news in other webs.
    That’s why Im stopping reading this web. sorry. i don’t care about sony or apple or whatever. i don’t like the supposed war between nintendo and the videogame world or the excelent sells that vita will have,nintendo is shit and all that stuff. I JUST DON`T CARE. so, a follower of you guys from 1 year says goodbye.

  24. That’s gonna be tough. First of all, Sony…you guys are posers. Secondly, doing all this stuff listed down would bring video games into a psychological thing. Anyone who really wants their heart rate, sweat measured and stuff like that, go to a gym or a therapist. Yeah, a gym sounds good.

  25. “I want sony to die”
    “Sony stole another thing”
    “wow 2 days in a row”

  26. Pingback: Is Sony running out of fresh ideas? – W//W

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