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YoYo Games Exec Says “Consoles Have Become A Barrier To Creativity”

YoYo Games’ CEO, Sandy Duncan, thinks video game consoles will appeal to solely a niche audience in a few years. Although consoles are common household items, Duncan says the living room will no longer be ‘console exclusive.’ He prefers streaming boxes, like Ouya, and claims that ‘consoles have become a barrier to creativity.’

“In the living room we get much more excited about things like Ouya, Steam’s Big Picture and Smart TV than consoles. Consoles will move from being mainstream to niche in the next few years. Consoles have become a barrier to creativity with massive development costs and closed, archaic ecosystems. We’ll leave the console space to other tools that can chase a dwindling opportunity.”

-Sandy Duncan, YoYo Games CEO

124 thoughts on “YoYo Games Exec Says “Consoles Have Become A Barrier To Creativity””

      1. I nearly exploded in a fit of rage when I read the title then saw a picture of an Ouya, sigh……… So angry right now , lol.

        I nearly put my fist through the ouya

          1. Not exactly for the most part, for the most part, they’re really good. It’s just those year-after-year releases like FIFA.

        1. I love my Android OS, and you’re an idiot if you think that Nintendo would not benefit from such an awesome OS.

            1. No, it’s actually not wth are you talking about? Just because Nintendo would use the Android type of OS doesn’t mean they would make Android games, that’s retarded. The Android platform is so open for development that I’m willing to bet if Nintendo ever even considered going that route, they would make their own derivative of it. An Nintendo derivative of Android running on a Nintendo system would mean that Android games could PROBABLY be compatible, but not the other way around. Nintendo games stay Nintendo games, Android games could probably be put on Nintendo console, and Nintendo console stays a Nintendo console.

          1. I don’t care for Android for gaming , just Nintendo , sony and microsoft . That is all . Just IMO .

    1. You can easily write a letter with all your personal data and interests and send it directly towards Google. That way, you covered up all Google features and you saved money and time you can spend on nintendo devices.

    1. No? Relevance can be shaped into profitting game developers to spend as little money and making a bad game, yet selling it and making millions. Resident Evil 6 is pure garbage. But people will buy it. Why? Because theyve had a fanbase since the psone, and they know they can amuse that.

      Creativity is needed in gaming, but what we really need is GOOD developers that actually makes games worth the price tags, and not as many companies are actually doing that as youd like to think.

      1. We have the good developers, but when creativity is taken for granted, devs loose money. Thats why developers arent too keen in developing for a small portion of the gaming audience just to lose or break even on a new game. This goes for every single platform.

        1. I know, an ive seen it happen, with companies like Platinum with Vanquish, and Dragons Dogma, ect, but the creativity is there. But i think Nintendo always successed in that, because they force it open you. And that might sound bad at first, but eventually you start to realise, “hang on, this is much much better”, or you realise it from the begining

  1. Errrm, no. Touch screen gaming took off the DS. Motion control took off because of the Wii. Full 3D game world were made a reality because of Mario 64.

    Seriously, Ouya is garbage as a lone system. It should just be a service for PC’s and/or consoles. Its basically an overpriced phone app player, but you can play on a TV. Wow -__-

    The only thing restricting creativity is lazy, unimaginative developers and companies. Go bash PC’s they havent changed one bit, but does anyone care? Nooooooo, attack consoles, because they actualy take your shitty quick cash market. Cunts, take your bullshit £1 games else where

    1. THIS^ . And with wiiu and 3ds , nintendo has added BAG LOADS of new amazing features to the gaming world .

    2. Oh, and “massive development costs” has nothing to do with consoles. First of all, attack PC’s first, seriously. Second, the only reason the costs are so big is because the gaming market is moving too fast. We get new tech and companies are, “OH MY GOD USE IT NOW!”. No, leave it alone, perfect it, make it AFFORDABLE. Stop trying to rush the video game market into an expensive pile of mess. The ps3 is physical proof of this. Bluray drive. Almost unneccessary, because other than a couple of dozen of exclusives (maybe), not alot of games went over the GB restrictions of the 360 disks. And even then, they had to low the disk read speed, which is why the ps3 needs to install. But now, the WiiU has bluray disks (25GB), its at a MUCH faster disk reading speed, so no need for a large HDD, and its alot more affordable, and the ps4 and 720 will use it. It was a complete waste of money, for what, so you didnt have to change disks. No-one on the 360 cared about changing disks, its not like you could massively creative with it, other than 1-2 franchises like Uncharted and MGS4.

      The console industry needs a slow down, we dont NEED better graphics. Just hecause some high and mighty PC games, spent hundred of dollars/pounds on a GTX graphics card, doesnt mean thats how gaming should be. Make innovations, make games bigger and longer for the same or even less of the cost of an game with uber grade graphics, dont use the same fucking controller for 3 generations.

      “oh but graphical progression needs to happen, and ot can make games better”

      Does it fuck. It add NOTHING to a game, other than, “its a bit nicer to look at”. Uncharted, great looking game, really enjoyed my first playthrough. Cba playing it again though because the gameplay is uninteresting in my opinion.
      People remember gameplay, thats what makes people come back to a game, thats why i played and still am playing Borderlands 2 for the 3rd time in a row. Ive NEVER done that. Ever. And im not even bored of it.

      Make better games, not prettier pictures, and some sucking mobile games £1 cocks.

      1. You say to attack PC’s, but you don’t say why. Why should we attack PC’s? PC’s are an open platform. How are PC’s bad for creativity?

        1. Because in terms of cost of development, and creative limitations, that this guy talks about, PC’s are the worst offender. Still use a mouse a key, even Valve is bored of the lack of creativity.

          Im not bashing PC’s, i would like one if i could afford to manage one top of a ps3, wiiu and 3ds, but the guy cant attack consoles, but ignore PC’s, kind of straight up shows he’s just talking garbage because consoles are his competition, PC’s arent, even though they do the same, if not worst thing as consoles, when it comes to this guys “opinion”

          1. I’m not quite sure how, in terms of development costs, PCs are the worst offenders. Anyone who has a PC can legally download what they need to program and develop a game for free(Microsoft Visual C++ and Unreal UDK Editor) and then they can publish it themselves. As for controls, a lot of PC games are developed with the option to use a controller. I don’t think any platform is worse seeing as a game could be developed for every platform and be exactly the same for each one.

            1. Im not talking about user generated content ect, i mean as a business, and for other companies, PC has higher development costs, and lack of creativity. Again, not knocking PC’s, its just in relation to what this moron was talking about

      2. Oh and im not hating on the ps3, i love Sony, and the Playstation brand, but the ps3 was way too ahead of it time, and had uneccessary costs.

        1. It definately way , there was absoloutly no point in it being so powerfull when it launched with its ‘OK’ looking games . Sony shot themselves in the foot .

          The wiiu is perfect for todays market , yes in 5 years it may seem a little behind , but we will be wating for the new Nintendo console.

          Wiiu is well up to date ! does anybody on here planning on buying a tv other than the thin ass 1080p one you recently bought ??? I know I don’t….

          1. Well i want a new tv, but im not gona buy a 4K, its pointless, and too expensive, im fine with just getting a full hd plasma

            1. Full HD has not been properly explored on consoles yet at all , so Nintendo wiiu is future proof for another 5-6 years at least …

              Sony with their 4K trying to corner the market but failing , can piss off .

              1. I don’t think 4k will happen with the PS4. Sony would be stupid to go down that road. 4k TV’s are not going to be popular anytime soon. I’m a Sony fan and I hope it doesn’t happen with the PS4.

      3. Yeah, I tend to agree with you (except for bashing PCs first.) Look at the Zelda Wii U demo; I don’t think graphics will be able to get much better than that.

      1. Meh. Everyone junping on it like its sliced bread, but in reality, its an anroid phone you can plug into your tv, with its own store. I know people can “hack and mod” it, but whats the point, when its such a weak system, people will just stick to PC’s for that, because, the people that do it, already use PC’s. It should just be an application for PC’s and consoles.

          1. I assumed that by calling Ouya a “stream box” they thought Ouya would just stream games to your television and that it wouldn’t have, say, a processor or a gpu or anything of the sort, which Ouya will.

      1. when a new xbox console comes, youll say that youll wait til the price goes down, then when the price goes down, youll say ask this quitseon again just buy it already

  2. I also don’t think a lot of you guys realize why Ouya is good. They want people to hack it. They want to make Ouya very open and easy to hack (and it won’t void your warranty). And for those who think this is irrelevant because of the PC, can I buy a gaming PC for 100$? I mean, I know Ouya won’t be amazingly powerfull but the Tegra 3 chipset is good for the price.

    1. I also dont think you realize that Ouya could possibly cause another crash.

      The fact that its OPEN means anyone can develop for it. Back before licensing, and standards became part of gaming. Anyone could make a game, and 1000’s of companies pumped out crappy half assed games to try to capitalize on the gaming craze. This lead to a flooded market of bad titles. Which CAUSED the crash.

      Kinda sounds familiar doesnt it? Kinda like whats happening now.

      Then Nintendo came in, and created STANDARDS for putting games out. Saving gaming.

      I wouldnt be surprised if we’re close to another crash, and I wouldnt be surprised if Nintendo cleaned up the mess AGAIN.

      1. I’m a bit worried that getting sequel after sequel on consoles would be more likely to cause a video game crash. I think developers don’t want to take risks on consoles due to the amount of money they would lose.

        1. I personally don’t hate consoles or sequels and am a nintendo fan. I’m just looking at the fact that for a while game software sales have been declining (although I guess with Wii U coming out that might change soon). Granted, the state of the world economy may be at fault there, but don’t tell me you havn’t heard somebody complain about the lack of innovation and sequelitus in gaming lately.

          1. Oh and I do NOT think the Ouya would replace conventional consoles. Just as something different and would possibly allow for more creativity.

  3. This is along similar lines to what the public thought of games during the video game crash in the 80’s.
    You know, the one that Nintendo almost single-handedly rescued the industry from.
    Everyone thought gaming was just a passing fad back then, and now some people are starting to think that consoles are going to be the next passing fad.
    And now, here comes the Wii U with its much-more-indie-friendly environment, as well as far batter third-party support than the Wii.

    Is history going to repeat itself?
    I wouldn’t count it out.

  4. ouwho? wtf is that? That sounds like some xbox playstaion retated hybrid, that didn’t amount to sh*t & was put down. I ratter stick to my ps3 & wii u for my living room experience. Thank you very much.

  5. Niche? I think this guy is talking out of his ass. Gaming as a medium is developing in a way that rivals movies, as more and more people buy into it. More people are growing up playing games and so for most of their lives, gaming will be as close to them as music, TV and film are. Sorry man, but it’s only looking up for gaming.

  6. i actually think this is a cool system and probly will buy it but as always since 1990 i have owned a nintendo system first then the bullshit later but i will get this ouya or what ever its called if it has android games in it its gana be better than 3ds because it actually have fps games like modern combat and some other fun FPS games

  7. Im starting to get sick of these FUCKING idiots.

    An artist who’s truly creative finds ways around barriers. What I take from this is he wants it easier to appear creative. Instead of actually thinking to create something truly different, and working around the system.

    Im against “OPEN” consoles, because something very similar caused the video game crash. If something is open. Its not moderated by things like licensing. Which means EVERYONE can make games for it. This means there will be a flood of halfed assed shitty games. Thus causing ANOTHER crash.

    Im not into this “CONSTANTLY” being connected to the net, or relying on net speed. To just play a game.

    These short sighted “visionaries” can shut the fuck up.

    1. Oh, and am I the only one who think the word “niche” is being overly used as of late? Its become the new “EPIC” hur hur.

    2. Back in the 80s there were not web based communities that could rate games.

      we will have this now, to know which game are worth buying.

      But honestly the only reason I want the ouya is for emulation. :/

      1. Casuals make up the largest percentage of the market. How many casuals do you know who read video game reviews, post on forums, ect? Thats right none.

        With that said. How about using your own brain to pass judgment on a game? Not someone elses review score. You’ll only know if you like something if you play it.

        1. wouldnt this be better then? I mean if the casual part of the market crashes is it really gonna affect the hardcore? I mean think about it. Nintendo, Sony, and MS are still going to cater to the hardcore (so hardcore profit is there) but if the market gets flooded with shitt games that the casual would buy, those developers catering to the casual would suffer.

          Not Retro, Naughty Dog, Nintendo, SSMS, Valve or any high profile developer who develops for the hardcore. Meaning the casual part of gaming dies…. right?

  8. Do anyone else remember when games where “Niche”? So do I, it was not long ago! I as an oldschool gamer want those days back as games were made more challenging then. But for the industry I hope not.

  9. Well, atleast, mankind hit its peak before dec 21 by creating the android platform. Seriously, when people like this go so far out of their way to sound like they have something to new offer, the first thing that i see is that they dont.

    In the best scenario, under the greatest of circumstances, ouya ends up as a less mature version of the already thrown together xbox live indie market where everything is rediculously overpriced at 99 cents.

    Enjoy your gaming future full of nothing but text based relationship sims with copy and pasted anime chicks ready for action.

  10. I think Sandy is right overall. Eventually, having a separate system just for games, home or portable, will be a niche concept and, for the majority of people, obsolete. With phones, general computers, and tablets getting better at running games and with more big titles becoming available for them all the time at extremely low prices, most people won’t see the point of having a separate piece of technology just for games, especially if they stay at the high prices they are at now. Hell, PC gamers already have their gaming console built into a machine designed for far more than just gaming.

    I do feel that Sandy underestimates how long it will take for them to go away completely, though. While Microsoft will most likely embrace it fully, Sony and Nintendo will fight to keep their consoles in a popular market spot, and Nintendo will probably be the last to leave. They all will, however, join the herd as simply game developers or find a new technology market in which to move and dominate.

    1. Console gaming will probably last since consoles are far easier to use and their games are basically guaranteed to work. The upside to consoles is that they don’t have as many variables that can cause a game to crash or not even start up at all. I’ve actually had to look up some stuff online for multiple games just to get them working properly, not always being helpful.

      I am mostly a PC gamer but I still have to admit that both sides have their ups and downs and I hardly think that one is going to die out soon.

  11. They can say that all they want. Nintendo has been around 123 years. They will outlast Ouya and such. Not that I have anything against Ouya. But Sony and Microsoft wont be in the gaming industry much longer. But Nintendo has always been in the entertainment industry. Nintendo IS the gaming industry. Ouya wont make Nintendo stop making consoles. And as for me and my friends we will always support Nintendo and their consoles.

  12. The Dungbox360 is the only hindrance to creativity. Every thing else is on point. Even the PS3 has uncharted 3 and a slew of great creations. Nintendo though leads them for it is creativity in motion.

    1. I sh*t you not, my Crapbox started freezing after playing Skyrim for more than 30 minutes three months after I bought it (Skyrim, that is.)

  13. The Wii U has them running scared, now they are even trying to use dirty tactics to try and market the bizarre contraption shake my head.

  14. While I agree that in some point a console, a compilation of hardware, limit the creativity, saying thing like Ouya and or steam boxes does not, is one of the most stupid thinks I ever hear, because WTF do he think a Ouya or a steam box (a PC) is? A compilation of hardware that limit creativity to what that F hardware can do.

  15. Anything you could make on Ouya, you can make on a console, so they aren’t a barrier to creativity in that sense. So then the only way they could be a barrier to creativity is if the companies themselves are the barrier. And yes, that does happen, but we’ve heard nothing but good things about the Wii U when it comes to allowing devs to make the games they want to make, so I don’t see this console-less future happening. What will happen, however, is that the consoles will learn to adapt and allow this creativity that Duncan wants to much.

    But let’s keep in mind that nobody (other than wannabe developers) wants to have a bunch of games made by some kid at home. People actually do like it when the more high-quality, professional games are filtered out from the rubbish. I’d honestly rather not see consoles become anything like an iphone’s app store, filled with so many crappy games that I’ll never play.

    1. “I’d honestly rather not see consoles become anything like an iphone’s app store, filled with so many crappy games that I’ll never play.”

      Too late for that, mate. It’s already happened. Hell, many are sold as full-price games in game stores too ;)

  16. We could just play those random games on the internet like fog, dragonfable,… ect. Rather than the ouya, and keep our consoles for the hardcore

  17. heh…as per some people’s comments…have you heard of Nintendo? The people that can take ideas which to me and my friends sound absolutely ridiculous when we first heard about them and then have us drooling over them? I remember when I first heard about the Wii U was going to have a screen on the controller I thought it was the dumbest idea in the history of controllers…and then came e3…and then came the Nintendo press conference…and then came me going from huge disappointment to OMG THIS THING IS GONNA BE INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE. So no, consoles are here to stay as long as Nintendo is in the game

  18. No. I dont believe that something this open would be able to surpass the standing consoles of today and the future. I’m sure there are a lot of good indie developers out there but there are just as many if not slightly more terrible ones. I don’t know too much about specs of a console or much about the developers but I do know what makes a good game which opens the way for making a system good to even great. One thing consoles need is standards and limits as to who can develop for it. The risk for this system is great to possibly extreme with the reward almost measuring up to the risk, if not, barely

  19. it seems IF ouya reach their success, their yoyo games “gamemaker” will be used as starting kit for anyone to create more games independently. As this would ensure if : more indie developer = more yoyo games “game maker” softwares will be sold = huge cash for yoyo games. so they bombard anyone who thinks creative enough to think like them (yoyo games) …

  20. The Ouya and other streaming devices, while a somewhat decent idea, is simply a novelty. It will not be taken seriously by none but the smallest niche of core gamers who gave to it’s Kickstarter programme, casuals will not take it seriously because 90% of the games on there are playable on Android devices, and developers of actually good games will not take it seriously because of its lack of power.

  21. Ouya has plenty of internet hype, but that doesn’t mean anything. OnLive was supposed to be the next big thing and had similar hype levels, and it’s been nothing but an abject failure.

    I can see it selling to a few enthusiasts, who then hack it to hell and never actually buy anything. Developers will quickly realise they aren’t making any money because of this (as much as some of them might say they want people to hack the thing, which will change as soon as they see their bank balances) and then head on to the next big thing instead.

    1. Ouya’s raised a fair bit of dollar already, mind you. Look up how much Kickstarter money it raised and how quickly it raised, it’s pretty surprising.

      That being said, they’ve said themselves that they aren’t trying to compete with the main consoles. It offers something different and is targeted at a different audience (though there is some overlap between it’s audience and the Big 3’s audience, obviously) I don’t understand why all this drama is even here in the first place.


        Dude, no one on this site reads anything but article titles. Don’t even bother trying to speak sense to these circle-jerking idiots.

  22. All I have to say is here’s another LAZY developer!!! Why do they get to tell us that consoles are going to die? Let’s tell them just how lazy they are!! We need to stand up and let them know “hey you need to make better games that we WANT TO PLAY not have to play just because they’re there.” That’s what we must do. If they think they have power, well lets show him why he even has a job, and that’s to entertain us. Let’s face it $1 games suck even the good ones as they just feel incomplete. This just comes from them being LAZY!!! With this attitude this is what causes over saturation of the market like what happened back when Nintendo had to rescue the market back then. Whew that was long for me, but you get the picture.

  23. This is the best Video games ever and consoles are better than ever and the Nintendo had the best most creative games ever, what does he know

  24. this is the same as in the late 80’s and early 90’s when they said the computer would create the paperless office, and ebooks will see the end of traditional books. oh and the best one i liked mp3 will spell the end to CDs and cds where supposed to replace vinyl records. well non of these things have happened it is the same with this ouya even if it does make money it wont change the game industry. it is like those cheap consoles where you get 50 games on it and that’s it.
    it is just marketing bull it means nothing

  25. Pingback: Team Ninja: ‘Consoles Are Not Going Away Any Time Soon’ | My Nintendo News

  26. Pingback: Team Ninja: ‘Consoles Are Not Going Away Any Time Soon’ | Gaming R.S.S.

  27. Pingback: Team Ninja: ‘Consoles Are Not Going Away Any Time Soon’ | Nintendo 3DS News

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