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Nintendo Is Open To The Idea Of A Free-To-Play Animal Crossing


Animal Crossing lead designer Katsuya Eguchi says that Nintendo is open to the idea of creating a free-to-play Animal Crossing game which features micro transactions. Eguchi said that the first thing the development team would need to do is to look at what content will be available for free at the beginning. He concluded by saying that Nintendo would ultimately have to find a business model that works.

“I think the main thing that we need to think about before even considering doing something like that is to determine what we’re going to make available from the beginning. I think that’s key in deciding whether we do something like that. If I find a business model that works, however — that works for Nintendo and the end-user — then I can’t say that [free-to-play] is something we wouldn’t consider.”

“When you look at our main audience in Japan, they are definitely that audience that has smartphones. [They are] women in their late teens and early 20s. They are certainly playing free-to-play games on their smartphone.”

78 thoughts on “Nintendo Is Open To The Idea Of A Free-To-Play Animal Crossing”

        1. Really? Have you considered that she may be living far away? Or have you considered that she have a boyfriend? Or have… Oh why the heck I wasting my time with you. -_-

            1. Well if that’s what you think, For me it’s too early to tell. I’m sure it will get better by next year, But that PS4 juggernaut is coming, and It surely is going to knock Nintendo and especially Microsoft off there feet. I hope Nintendo fares well in the future though, as they are still my favorite gaming company.

              1. To me, it’s just saying Nintendo can’t be too smug anymore, Xbox is back in the race, so to us consumers, it can only mean good things :D

                1. I hope Microsoft will make the Kinect 2.0 optional. We’ve learned from the Wii U, mandatory gimmicks do not work.

                  1. Agreed. Sony made the PS eye optional, I’ve heard more rumours Microsoft are going to make it optional though, so we’ll soon see.

                    1. If they do indeed drop mandatory Kinect and price at 399.99, I’ll get Xbox One on release day. if not, I’ll probably wait a year or two until the price is lower.

                      For me at least, Microsoft showed the best exclusives at their conference, but i didn’t want all the DRM, always online crap.

                      1. Likewise (cept I liked PS exclusives more so), I can get most the exclusives I like on there system on PC, but if they do remove kinect and give a price drop, I’ll get one at launch alongside PS4.

              2. No my friend, PS4 total FPS domination overcome. A bloodbath now is eminent. Remember how you and Jelly were saying PS4 shall sail smoothly. Well it is over now lol. Wii U shall be the most unique of the three PS4 and xbodone just became the exact same system.

                1. I don’t want to have a confrontation with those two, but someof the things they say is completely BS(They still have good taste in gaming however). Wii U is most certainly the most unique and there is absolutely no way it is dead in the water, It is still doing better than the X360 and PS3 was doing in there first year.

                  1. *Cough* PS4 preorders out do Xbox One Preorders *cough* Wii U sales rise thanks to Xbox One’s failure *cough*

                2. PS4 will have the most JRPG support, plus indie, it will have FPS yes, and probably most 3rd Party Support.

                  Hate to say it, Wii U is on track to becoming another Wii (Just without the massive sales)

                    1. You are basically a hater now

                      You do know that RPG games don’t sale well in the West and also games like Mario, Zelda and Metroid sale butt loads in the West… Your argument sounds like a whiny PlayStation fangirl.


                  1. Don’t you mean Xbox One will be 10th because even with the news of no DRM and No 24 hour checks its still a weak system that can’t do shit, its about x10 more powerful than the Xbox 360 but that means its only x4 more powerful than the Wii U… and with the new info saying they had to underclock the console and they ran most of their demos at E3 on PCs with a bloody GTX 780… tells you how much the Wii U and PS4 will rape the shit out of the Xbox Done

          1. In fact, I enjoy having the disc and its manuals. Truly an experience that wouldn’t be the same if the game was free-to-play, aka:

            “Pay-more-than-any-other-game-for-content-we will-keep-delivering-and-you-will-never-manage-to-have-the-full-game-ever-because-we-will-always-update-this-shit-and-you-dare-not-take-a-break-of-6-months-because-when-you-come-back-we-will-have-extra-$30-in-furniture-that-you-will-want-to-buy-if-you-want-to-unlock-everything”.

          2. It is depend on what they are doing. I actually like the new PSO2 since there always people be on. Not sure how this work for in daily lives though.

      1. Don’t do it! JUST DON’T! *Free-to-play* aka *pay-to-make progress* is the devil itself! It’s made for cash maximization only just like DRM! Nintendo! Please do not “visit tue dark side” ! :'(

        1. Not necessarily. It could just be certain cosmetic items. As long as they have a good business model, I’m fine with it.

          1. Animal Crossing IS ALL ABOUT COSMETICS!!!!!!!!!

            Seriously, the joy of Animal Crossing is to buy the full game and then over the course of 1 year or 2 years to complete every set of furniture and unlock almost all special items, If it’s free to play it means we will PAY for the cosmetics, not unlock them how it always was.

            Plus, we will never be able to unlock everything if it gets “STORE UPDATES!”, will we? And end up spending way too much for the complete game than it should be. Definitely a franchise they should not touch, IT IS FINE BUY TO PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            /quick rant

      2. Are people really moaning over Animal Crossing being free? Still the best game in the world, I don’t see them making it crap because it is free, this is Nintendo we are talking about!

        1. Honestly, I would hate for it to have micro-transactions, because before you know it, you would more than likely spend more than the game would have cost in the first place.

          1. Except this is Nintendo not “generic mobile game company who dont actually make a good game to begin with”

        2. Animal Crossing IS ALL ABOUT COSMETICS!!!!!!!!!

          Seriously, the joy of Animal Crossing is to buy the full game and then over the course of 1 year or 2 years to complete every set of furniture and unlock almost all special items, If it’s free to play it means we will PAY for the cosmetics, not unlock them how it always was.

          Plus, we will never be able to unlock everything if it gets “STORE UPDATES!”, will we? And end up spending way too much for the complete game than it should be. Definitely a franchise they should not touch, IT IS FINE BUY TO PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          /quick rant

      3. NOOOO!!! Please don’t! I hate free to play so much. Animal Crossing would become so terrible that way. I would probably not even play it.

      4. The worst thing we can do is to not buy this game or put in any money for this game. Then Nintendo will realize that their costumers don’t “free-to-play” contents. After all the Animal Crossing series sell well in the past so they can’t go saying “nobody like Animal Crossing” in the future.

      5. Ehhhhhh, maybe.

        I personally hate how slow Animal Crossing is.
        It’s a very 20 minutes a day game.
        I think F2P would be a decent idea for a game like this, just depends on what is actually being paid for.

      6. Finally, nintendo gets into the real world. Smartphones are definitely something nintendo needs to get into, Hooray! :D

      7. This is what I thought the F2P game would be.

        I’d expect them to release more F2P games depending on the success of Steel Diver. Could definitely see Animal Crossing working well as a F2P title on the Wii U.

      8. DarklordNintendoFan

        Why has free-to-play become such a negative term, these days? They’re not so bad if put into the right hands. And I’m sure Nintendo is sure as fuck a good company to release a couple free-to-play games.

      9. I actually wouldn’t want a free-to-play Animal Crossing. I like paying once and never again for a game. Regardless, Animal Crossing > Steel Diver.

      10. Why does everybody hate Free to Play?

        I mean, it’s a FREE game.

        And you pay for what you want!

        As long as they stay away from the Farmville tactic (constantly asks for money) and stick to a DLC-like tactic (pay once per additional content), there should be no problem.

      11. Pingback: Animal Crossing: Nintendo aperta all’idea di un possibile free-to-play | Another Castle

      12. Free 2 Play MMO Animal Crossing would be good, maybe do what the guys who made Lego Universe did and block out any rude language or adult content.

        You could build a city full of people :D It will be like PlayStation Home… only less shit

      13. Pingback: Y si ya hay Free To Play para Nintendo ¿que sigue? | TierraGamer

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