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Pokemon Celebrates The Return Of “Gotta Catch ’Em All”


“Gotta Catch ’Em All,” the phrase that became a fan favorite when Pokémon landed in the United States in 1998, is back in time to celebrate the October 12 worldwide launch of Pokémon X andPokémon Y for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. As part of the celebration, The Pokémon Company International is debuting a brand-new Pokémon music video, “Catchatronic,” playing now at Produced by world-renowned electronica artist Pogo, the music video takes the essence of “Gotta Catch ’Em All” and mashes it up with iconic Pokémon animation.

The music video leads fans to, where they can unlock numerous virtual Poké Balls on the website to reveal Pokémon from the Pokémon X and Pokémon Y video games, receive cool Pokémon-themed digital gifts, and get a chance to win weekly prizes like Nintendo 3DS XL systems and downloadable copies of Pokémon X and Pokémon Y. To unlock the virtual Poké Balls, fans will need to search for special codes hidden across the Internet. Join the Pokémon Gotta Catch ’Em All Hunt today through October 12 for a chance to win weekly prizes.

Watch the Pogo video, “Catchatronic,” at

52 thoughts on “Pokemon Celebrates The Return Of “Gotta Catch ’Em All””

              1. Indeed…

                I’ve been fighting Xbots ever since they entered our gaming universe…

                So far about 356 Xbots defeated 1 vs 1…

                1. I dream with the day in which Nintendo will buy Banjo and Kazooie rights back… :(

                  Also, can you imagine how sweet should be the sequel of Perfect Dark on Wii U? :(

                  1. One can only hope…

                    Too bad the Xbots would demand such a high price for them that High Command would think it’s absurd…

                    I hate you Xbots…

        1. So I’m not the only one who prefered chubbychu more?
          The anime was a waste though, Ash’s a loser;he never amounted to anything&never will. I got sick of all the cornines. Gary became a professor after a loser defeated him&TR made me sick to my stomach.

          1. The thing I hate the most sometimes is that in some battles Pikachu owns everything and in others he gets knocked down by a let’s say caterpie…

            It just doesn’t make any sense…

            1. Exactly, that too. Did you ever see that YouTube video where Pikachu gets owned by a Magikarp in…A POOL FILLED WITH WATER?! Isn’t that the same reason Misty stood no chance against Ash had he actually used Pikachu from the start of their first battle? I also read somewhere that at the beginning of every season, Pikachu reverts back to level 5… Why? To keep dragging on this beyond milked series apparently, since I can’t find any other logical explanation.

              1. To level 5?!…

                That really is a joke…

                Then they could atleast reverse him to a chubby cute little mouse again…

                I like the show but I agree that certain elements should be decreased dramatically…

                Don’t make Pikachu overpowered in one episode only to be totally weak in the next…

                Team Rocket have tried to capture Pikachu in similar ways hundreds of times, nobody is that retarded, specially if you have knowledge about electricity like they do…

                And Ash should be a lot more experienced than he is…

                It would be great if they changed the formula somewhat so that Ash still is a main character but he acts as a mentor to a completely new trainer…

                1. I honestly cannot stand Team Rocket. To me, they’re pathetic, not funny, & a waste of time. I’d have liked if the anime were more like the Pokemon Adventures/Special manga series (not sure if you’ve ever read them).

                  I wouldn’t mind an Ash cameo, like you mentioned, except for the fact that his team is a compile of weak, mostly unevolved Pokemon and Ash himself doesn’t demand respect. I liked the anime up until Orange Islands, and I kept watching it only because I thought Ash would eventually become something better.

                  I’d have liked a more serious tone to it, but that’s not the Japanese preference.

                  1. I somewhat agree, it needs to be a little more “competitive” like as the games or something where Ash would like some Pokemon atleast to evolve…

                    I didn’t really like the conclusion in Indigo League…
                    No Elite Four at all that was a let down…

      1. Ok….IGNs Keeza…she reviews games. She struggled with Ww101 button layout, so she down graded the game….we have all been giving her shit about that and that we all knew she would hand out GTA5 a 10…..and she did just that. I feel so bad for Nintendo, how can you trust anyone???

        Ps..there was not ine negative thing about GTA5…??? No game can be perfect

        keeza is a ugly fat pig…who downgrades games because of her personal intrest, she gave Xenoblade negatives becuase of the graphich limitations????

        Ign is wacked

        1. Well, ultimately, they can state whatever they want. It’s part of their business.

          But, like you, I don’t agree with their lately editorial positions. And, offenses aside, IGN as a whole is indeed going to the deep end.

          The best deal is forget about them. They used to be good some years back.

      2. Pingback: Pokémon celebra el regreso de "¡Atrápalos Ya!" - MásGamers

      3. Pingback: Pokemon Company Celebrates the Return of “Gotta Catch ‘Em All” |

      4. Pingback: Pokémon Brings Back Long-Loved Motto | Magic, Gaming, and all Things NERD & Otaku

      5. I wish the anime would celebrate with the return of Misty and Brock, and get rid of all of these other idiot new characters like Cilan. I also with they’d put the anime characters in the games (like in Pokémon Yellow). I get sick of playing as a generic trainer. But alas, things will stay the same until I’m completely burned out on Pokémon games forever. Oh well, maybe I’m too old anyways.

        1. There’s nothing wrong with the new characters. They always grow on me (like Iris<3) and I'm upset enough seeing Ash's face every generation so I'm glad we get a new main cast every generation.
          And I prefer the games being nothing like the anime. I don't understand why people would want this.

          1. I got sick of all the old gen. characters,especially TR.I thought w/the R/S season they’d finally get rid of Ash&the rest&start anew w/ the protagonist of the game as main characters.I was wrong once again…I completely stopped watching it after that.

        2. Well I kinda want Richie back, but I feel like if they brought him back, they’d ruin him. :/ They’re milking the anime as it is, so I’d like to see it die actually–

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