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Game Informer Cover Story Coming Today And It’s 20 Pages Long

Andy McNamara, Editor-In-Chief of Game Informer, has revealed on Twitter that their cover story is coming today and will be a gargantuan twenty pages long. There’s much speculation online regarding which game will be featured, with some people thinking it could be a largely known IP such as Assassin’s Creed. Any guesses as to which game it could be?

Update: The grand reveal is Metal Gear Solid V which isn’t coming to Nintendo platforms.

146 thoughts on “Game Informer Cover Story Coming Today And It’s 20 Pages Long”

    1. YAY! Another game not coming to WiiU!! :D
      I just LOVE IT!! <3
      I hope absolutely NO games come to WiiU from ANY devs, because i just love it when games don't come to WiiU! <3 :D

  1. People on this website actually think it’d be a Nintendo game/game reveal. Really? Nintendo wouldn’t announce anything to game informer, much less 20 pages worth of material. But maybe most of these guys are being sarcastic. I can only hope

    1. While i dont hate MGS games, i have to say that Snake in Smash was really stupid idea, because he just doesnt fit in the roster. He was the “boring” character for me which you dont wanna use. Sonic and Megaman actually fit in the game.

      1. Actually I know pro players who raped with snake, he’s actually a really good character in brawl. But yeah I agree, besides a few remakes or whatever on the GameCube MGS hasn’t really been on a Nintendo console.

        1. ASSHOLE AWARD!!
          Metal gear the first two proginal games appeared on the Nes and a pc system which i dont know its name Ms-x maybe? So metal gear has more to do in the story of nintendo than sonic you stupid little “GAYMER” read before coment asshole.

          1. You are an idiot, at that time Nintendo was primarily the best console in the market. Did MGS appear on N64? Nope. Nothing you tried to prove was taken valid. I’m not hating on MGS, I love the franchise. But people now are saying that Nintendo might buy SEGA, so I think it’s definitely appropriate for sonic to be in smash. So no, I still don’t think Snake should be in smash.

            1. Smash bros is about history no about new things nintendo should do AND MGS didnt appeared on the N64 because of the cartridges instead of cds dumb asshole you stupid brar. Sonic games havent appeared in a nintendo system until sega fails so your argument is invalid AND MGS 3 is on 3Ds so again your arguments are invalid again fucking wanker. You may say ey but snake hasnt appear in any home console of ninty in the recent years (which is false) BUT HEY GUESS WHAT MARTH NEITHER so… Again your points are invalid fuckig scum fanboy.

              1. Your grammar has already insulted you so I don’t need to do so. Plus, are you some kind of idiot? Marth is owned by Nintendo. Plus, why didn’t put the MGS hand-held games on the Nintendo systems? You’re trying way too hard to be right. Nice insult “fuckig scum fanboy” nice assumptions. You’re just like the other brainless gamers on here.

    2. Lol All you Nintendo faggots want Snake cut from Smash Bros. though he is probably the most likeable character. If he’s gone, who else is there worth playing as? Sonic? Rosalinda? Lol

      1. kojima is the real faggot, they added snake on SSBB and we didn’t get any mgs game, would be cool if that faggot develop a mgs for wii u.

      2. Pretty much every Nintendo character in existence and future ones…

        Compared to our holy characters, Snake is a pile of turd…

        Don’t even get me started on Xbot figures…

      3. Mario
        Fox, Samus, Pikachu, Pit, Kirby
        Newcomers( Rosa, Villager,Trainer etc)

        Need more, idiot?

    1. I agree, Nintendo always wants to announce their stuff by themselfs which i like more than readin it from certain magazines,websites etc.

  2. Lol All you Nintendo faggots want Snake cut from Smash Bros. though he is probably the most likeable character. If he’s gone, who else is there worth playing as? Sonic? Rosalinda? Lol

      1. Of course he knows how to play Smash Bros. He more than probably already did play it. He is just mad to be stuck with Playstation All-Stars while we can play a fighting game with the most emblematic characters of all time.

    1. Show some respect to the oldest and beloved video game characters son. You’re the one here who is mad not to have them on your platform, proof is you came here to evacuate your frustration.
      Ou can stay here being a narrow-minded dumbhole trolling people who like Nintendo, meanwhile I’ll be playing both Zelda, Mario and MGS on my 3DS, Wii U and Vita. And yes you can smell my armpit in sign of submission.

    2. *Rosalina

      Fox, Samus, Pikachu, Pit, Kirby
      Newcomers( Rosalina, Villager,Trainer etc)

      Need more, faggie?

            1. He was the first Hand-held Nintendo Character, i highly doubt they’ll cut him. Id feel sorta sad if they do but others will make up for it.

    3. ༼ つ◕_◕༽つ STOP BEING STUPID BITCH ༼ つ◕_◕༽つ

      ༼ つ◕_◕༽つ YOUR BRAIN LEFT YOU ༼ つ◕_◕༽つ

  3. Nothing, but since the article say “game isnt comin to WiiU” it will atract all of those idiots who say that “WiiU doesnt deserve 3rd party games and people who buy 3rd party stuff on Nintendo consoles are stupid”. Whatever, world keeps goin around.

    1. “people who buy 3rd party stuff on Nintendo consoles are stupid”
      Well they kinda are. PC’s where it’s at and all gamers know that.

      People buy a Wii U for the exclusives, not the third-party games.
      Also, we already saw a MGS with last-gen graphics and engines ( and let’s be honest here, Wii U is last-gen technically speaking ). Good graphics help with the atmosphere of a game and, more generally, with the immersion. Even if the next-gen is rather shitty, MGS V will be better there than on the Wii U.

        1. Ooooh ? You sir gained my interest though. Please explain me how the Wii U specs are not last-gen when it’s basically the same architecture. Please do.

      1. “Technically speaking” Wii U is this gen, as generation has always been defined by timeframe, not specs. For those who speak out of their ass, or have some kind of deep-rooted hatred for Nintendo, yes it’s last gen.

        People who buy third party games for Nintendo are stupid? What? Suppose the game doesn’t release on PC. Suppose the PC version is terrible. Suppose the game is a third party exclusive, like Zombi U. Are they stupid then?

        Also, if all gamers know that PC is where it’s at (and in terms of non-Nintendo games, I completely agree with that statement) then why are PS4s and Xbones selling? Gamers are idiots. If they weren’t Xbox would be dead. I tell you what, I wish more gamers did move to PC, then maybe PC wouldn’t be littered with so many crappy console ports.

        Basically what I’m saying is stop pretending you understand the gaming industry. It’s clear you don’t get it at all, and it’s people like you who are part of the problem.

        1. Are you high ?
          Good thing the term “last gen” is used to speak about timeframe, ’cause I was just saying Wii U has old specs. Get it dude ? There you go.

          When I say third-party, I was talking about multiplat’. My bad, should have chosen my words carefully here. So yeah, multiplat’ games.

          Why do the Xbone and the PS4 selling like cupcakes while there is no games on it AT ALL ? Well I think that is because people were promised 1080p to play on their giant LCD TVs, that’s why. Just that. They don’t seem to give much credit to games anymore. Third-party, first-party, who gives a fuch, as long as there is enough promotion, the game shall sell.

          And I’m not pretending shit here, just giving my point of view. The only pretentious crap, popping out of nowhere to cry out how others are wrong when he is right, I see here is you sir. No offense.

          1. Also, stop with that “you say that because you hate Nintendo !” thing, it’s getting ridiculous now. I’m a long-time Nintendo gamer ( thing that may change soon though ) and I love this company, I ,just try not to deny facts.

                                    1. ༼ つ◕_◕༽つ Kirusu dear i will never leave you! ETERNAL LOVE FOR YOU! ༼ つ◕_◕༽つ

                                      1. Mr popo my 19 year old teddy bear was ripped open and shredded by my doggy today ;_; that reminds me i need to get it stuffed + stitched again

                                                    1. You have been a very stupid bitch Kirusu. Why would you wander off without your guardian? I am disappointed.

                                                      1. I don’t need you anymore popo! i am an independent human being! Please let me live my life ;_; i still love you though

                                                      2. Um You still don’t get it. Wii U doesn’t have old specs in terms of new consoles. It’s slightly above 360 and Ps3.

                                                        1. Oh, and “slightly above” the last gen makes it next-gen ? Hint : it doesn’t.
                                                          Also, its architecture is closer than the 360/PS3 than the Xbone/PS4.
                                                          Technically, it is last gen.

                                                        2. Oh, and “slightly above” the last gen makes it next-gen ? Hint : it doesn’t.
                                                          Also, its architecture is closer than the 360/PS3 than the Xbone/PS4.
                                                          Technically, it is last gen.

                                                            1. Hey dude, let’s be real for a sec shall we.
                                                              I’m a Nintendo player, but it’s a fact that the Wii U is last-gen.
                                                              You’re the fanboy here, dumb enough to write the same overused sentences we see all over this site. Stop talking in public, it’s embarassing and I feel a li’l dumber just ’cause I took the time to answer seriously to a 16 year-old kid.

                                                              1. Your definition of “next-gen” doesn’t meet some criteria. Just because it doesn’t have the same graphical abilities as the x1 or ps4 doesn’t mean it’s not next-gen. The fact that the Wii U has better graphics than the Wii also proves that the Wii U is the next generation up from the Wii. I don’t need to explain anymore, do I? Not trying to bash you, but you’re wrong.

                                                                1. Please read the entire thing. I’ll retype it for you : the Wii U’s architecture is closer from the PS3/360 than the Xbone/PS4. Developers said it, that’s what makes Wii U ports not so interesting. It is last-gen, face it now. And inform yourself.

                                                                  1. I have read enough of your posts, that I know you’re nothing more than a waste of comment space fantard.
                                                                    We have no completely unbiased analysis of Wii U by a game developer nor has Nintendo released the real technical specifications,
                                                                    we have only speculations and reverse engineerings (which do not tell everything).

                                                                    1. Are you even serious when you write that ? Godness, some people are ignorant… Anyway I’m done here, I should have learnd my lesson and stop discussing too seriously with people on this site.
                                                                      Cya loosers.

                                                                      1. Hey we get it, you’re a result of cousins curiosity and a broken condom,
                                                                        now just kindly get over yourself.

                                                                    2. It’s a fact that you are a retarded fanboy.
                                                                      A) you are not an engineer.
                                                                      B) you are not an software developer.

                                                                      You are just going by the bias info as every other fantard out there.
                                                                      You people demand benefit of doubt to already capped architecture of x86, claiming developers need to get used to it.
                                                                      While claiming Wii U to be “tapped out” (or as you people who have technically no understanding of definition of generation call it “last-gen “)
                                                                      So how about we wait and see, what proper developers can do with each device.
                                                                      And this is the most effort I will spend on fantards here, you guys are killing my brain cells.

                                                                      1. You seem to be a very limited person. Copying my sentences and all ? Dayum. Drop it looser, and run away.

                                                                        1. You seem to be poorly educated, there is a difference between word and sentence, also look up the definition of next generation.

                                                                          You my son, by your own definition, are not “next generation”, you are degeneration of the generation that came before you.

                                                                          1. You seriously could have avoided the second paragraph, it’s ridiculous.
                                                                            If that’s all you got, I should stop here, you don’t need me to dig it seems.

                                                                        2. “Dude”, you could claim to suck Iwata’s dick daily, and it still does not make your claims a fact.

                                                                          And I’m embarrassed, that you kids do not know the simple definition of generation.

                                                          1. A console peasant trolling people about their own console’s specs ? Could you be funnier if you were trying to Mark Cerny.

                                                        3. I don’t know about you guys but I’m not really into keep buying a new console for first party games only, how about skipping the console entirely so we could save the money and buy more games instead?

                                                          Zelda Wind Waker HD on PS4 – sweet***

                                                        4. Seriously why the f#ck did I pay €400 for a console that has no 3rd party games? €400 the same as what the PS4 launched at and is way more powerful and has/will have no problem getting any support. This is a load of b0ll0x. Nintendo have f#cked up big time!

                                                          1. “Seriously why the f#ck did I pay €400 for a console that has no 3rd party games?” We all bought a Wii U because we are all Nintendo fans who want to play Nintendo games that you can’t play anywhere else.

                                                        5. Wow, you’d do whatever it takes to post any irrelevant information, even after you acknowledge that it isn’t Nintendo related.

                                                          Let’s be smarter now and realize that Nintendo isn’t the center of the part these days.

                                                        6. Lmao @ people getting butthurt that it’s MGS5 and how it’s not on Wii U. If those same people were actually MG fans, they would know that it’s always been more prevalent on Sony systems than Nintendo.

                                                          1. While I agree with you, you must not remember Metal Gear started on a Nintendo system. Must I remember you what Sony was doing? Plus, MGS is great on any system.

                                                          2. I have the first Metal Gear on my NES. If you were a fan, you’d be sad it’s no longer multi-play. Just XBPS4 plat.

                                                            MGS3D WAS awesome as well.

                                                          1. thei never announced it to begig with
                                                            I dont get why ppl rant over games that dont come for WiiU
                                                            there are a ton of games that skip systems, even the PC is one of those

                                                            1. That might be true, but when it comes down to it, some of the games that skip the Wii U has no real reason to be doing so. I for one I tons of Wii U games in mind but can’t afford a lot of them. Not sure why people keep saying Wii U doesn’t have games.

                                                        7. GD people making their butthole hurt over a game on a $500 speak n spell where all you do is push x every 30 minutes for hours of cutscene.

                                                          ill play real games on my $300 etch a sketch. so its not selling well big woop. at least it has games to play.

                                                        8. I love MGS and still play them to this day. Believe it or not, I will actually miss Snake notbeing in SSB4… He didn’t fit well, but he was one of my favorite characters. I’m glad I have my Wii U and that i’m getting a PS4. I’ll get the best of both consoles.

                                                        9. Hmm… found this about Next Generation…

                                                          .- Used to describe a product that has been developed using the latest technology and will probably replace an existing product.

                                                          Hence the Wii U replacing the Wii, makes it NEXT GENERATION… (Yeah I know it says the latest tech… but still replacing the Wii and thus making it Next Gen of the Nintendo consoles…)

                                                        10. lol! Never played a Metal Gear Solid Game before so why would I start with number 5 anyway?

                                                          P.S Snake was a horrible addition to Brawl and should DEFINITELY be cut from SSB4.

                                                          1. Please stop this shit.
                                                            Even if any MGS is on wiiu snake MUST appear in smash bros.
                                                            We have classic megaman a NES character so why not Snake a NES character as well. Both are historical character smash bros is better with both stop being so butthurt.

                                                            1. Snake is not really a historic character like Mario, Sonic and Megaman. He barely makes a splash in the video game history hierarchy.

                                                              He doesn’t need to appear in Smash, like you suggest and just FYI, I almost guarantee he won’t be in the game. He is not relevant to Nintendo platforms anymore, we already have enough 3rd parties and he never really “fit in” in the first place.

                                                              He’s def gettin the cut.

                                                        11. A year into next gen (the 8th generation of gaming consoles) and people are still argueing over Wii U’s status as next-gen? Wow. Compare it to PS4 & XB1 all they want but it’s a dumb comparison, to be honest. Last time I checked, Nintendo didn’t make the PS3 & X360; they made the Wii. Wii U is an improvement over the Wii, making it Nintendo’s next gen console. If this is about the time between the release of Wii U compared to PS4/XB1, which I’m sure there are people thinking just that cuz some people can be pretty stupid, then Xbox 360 is 6th Gen since it came out practically a year before PS3 & Wii. In the end, this post is pointless because people will still bicker over Wii U not being next gen cuz they’ll still compare it to the other two next gen consoles. But if one person just so happens to listen to this post & actually learns that comparing Wii U to PS4 & XB1 is an unfair & dumb comparison, it’s a victory. A small victory, but a victory none the less.

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