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Bill Trinen Says There’s No Main Mario Game Launching This Year

Looks like we won’t be seeing a mainline 3D Mario title for the Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS in 2015. The news was confirmed by Nintendo of America’s Bill Trinen who said in an interview that the company doesn’t have a sequel to Super Mario 3D World planned for release this year. However, we are getting the intriguing Mario Maker on Wii U and Mario Party 10, so that’s something.

Mario games release more frequently but we don’t have a new Mario game this year so it’s not an annual event. The teams focus on how they can recreate the gameplay experience or introduce new ideas to those games, which is what they did with NES Remix, for example.

Thanks, Kevin

92 thoughts on “Bill Trinen Says There’s No Main Mario Game Launching This Year”

  1. Main series, I see a 2016 release with an E3 2015 announcement. I’m still thoroughly looking forward to Mario Maker…

      1. Actually he didn’t. He never said anything about the Wii U not getting another 3d Mario game. I’m convinced we will see one in 2016.

    1. I imagine he was referring specifically to the main series by Nintendo EAD. Paper Mario could be a possibility (assuming Intelligent Systems is actually making it)

  2. Did people really forget when they said they won’t have a full blown 3d main title for mario until the next console? Sure we will have spin offs…. Probably another 2d platformer or what not. But games like mario 64, sunshine, or galaxy won’t be out until the next console. And i’m happy about that. Hopefully it’s not another galaxy crap.

    1. Miyamoto never directly said “there won’t be another 3D Mario game for Wii U”, he just said “Wait for Nintendo’s next console to see Mario evolve”

      Simply put, that could hint that the next 3D Mario game is a sequel but they are planning an entirely new 3D Mario for the next gen console.

      1. This is what he said in that interview “I think that maybe when we release the next hardware system, you can look forward to seeing Mario take on a new role or in a new game.”

        1. That only means Mario will be on the next console, which is pretty obvious. It doesn’t say that Mario won’t have another main Wii U game.

    2. Where is everybody getting thier information from? Miyamoto never said we weren’t getting another 3d Mario game…..

            1. It wasn’t to me. I had way more fun with 3D World than Galaxy. And I played it all the time. By myself and with other people. I played and beat Galaxy and never touched it again. It wasn’t that great. I don’t know about Galaxy 2 though. I’ll get around to that eventually.

        1. It’s because the concept was different. Galaxy was a full fledged 3d adventure while 3d world took a 2d mario and pretty much expanded it to 3d.

        2. No. Mario is Missing is what you call a POS Mario game. Mario Party 7 is what you call a POS game. 3D World looked just as beautiful as Galaxy and plays like it suppose to be like Galaxy. Not saying its the best game but its good enough.

  3. Good hopfully they have relized the milking and rehashing of the New Super Mario shit is boring and has pissed off a lot of fans including myself. I remember when NSMBU was announced I was greatly pissed of because I wanted a fresher Mario game for Wiiu same thing for SM3DW i became bored of 3D world before i even finished world 1,none of these are taking proper advantage of the Wiiu, now I pray by 2016 a fresher and sandbox Mario game will surface. These reasons are why Zelda is now my favourite Nintendo series thank god the next game is launching this year.

    1. That doesn’t exclude spin-offs and other games. We still have Mario Maker and Mario Party 10 coming. Don’t know about NSMB. But they’ll probably make another one for the next system.

    2. Mario is not really ever going to have sandbox game, a very open hub, maybe, but Mario doesn’t really need it, it would be cool, if they did. 3d world was good, not what i was expecting, but still fun. my main issue with nsmb is they don’t look at new ideas, and old ones like maybe have mario go into space like land 2. nsmb is aslso once per gen. nsmbu , is one of the better ones just nsmb2 left many with a bad taste. What ever they do with mario next gen, they hope to make it defining as galaxy

    3. To be honest, you get a kart every gen, 2d every gen, 3d every gen, so the talking that mario is milked is in the past. Especially before 2000 with the crappy spin-offs. Nowadays, I would say pokemon is getting milked.

      1. Impossible. Zelda will always be fun. I hope they make another new Zelda for the 3ds, not including Majoras Mask. We haven’t seen a new console Zelda in four years.

  4. Why he isn’t counting Mario Maker as a major Mario title.

    2D Mario is still relevant, Nintendo, just saying. They should make a new 2D Mario with the same charge of a 3D Mario, NSMBU was great but people misses something at the same level of Super Mario World (my favorite Nintendo game of all time, btw).

      1. 2D Mario is more main series than 3D Mario. Period.

        Far from trying any kind of polarization (because this shit occurs frequently in the Sonic fanbase, and I hate this because of it), but Super Mario Bros. is Nintendo’s most important game, and seeing Nintendo giving minor treatment for 2D Mario is mind-boggling, it should recieve the exact same treatment they give to 3D Mario as well.

  5. well i don’t want a sequel to mario 3d land, i want something comparable to mario galaxy.. possibly even more open than that

    1. eh well super mario 3D world was the first 3D mario game in 4 years.. i’d say they can very well release them more often than that

      and they can’t really be compared to the sidescrollers on the same level.. different audience i might say.. at least i’m not such a huge fan of the sidescrollers

  6. That’s right, Nintendo. Give the plumber a well-deserved holiday and then rock our brains with Super Mario Universe in 2016!

    1. Wrong, he’ll experience absolute hell and wish he never existed. Think about this, mario maker can literally create hundreds of thousands of levels… so you get the point. He’ll wish he had mario ballet instead XD

  7. As many 2D platformers that exist now days, especially on Nintendo’s consoles, this is not bad news at all. NSMB is a staple for all of Nintendo’s systems and brings in a lot of sales but I’m glad its not a yearly thing (although its never been). IMO I prefer the 3D Mario titles before they were stripped of story and innovating gameplay. I much rather see a sequel to 64, Sunshine, or even Galaxy before another 2D Mario or 3D land (despite their fun). Again 2D Mario’s are one per system but I suppose when you have a Mario title come out every year (whether its a platformer or not) they start to leave a bad taste in your mouth.

    1. With a new Nintendo-console being released every 5 years, there isn’t really a reason to ever release a sequel on the same machine.

  8. Good.

    I’m not saying this out of vitriol or anything but for these two reasons:

    1. It means we won’t hear people whining about how all Nintendo does is Mario
    2. Nintendo proves that they don’t need Mario to stay afloat; they have way more than just Mario

  9. I’m currently playing the first Mario Galaxy game, and while it feels like mario, I suppose the constant being under the laws of gravity makes it feel like a different game. It’s Mario but on platformer crack. It’s challenging and artistic. I suppose before I can truly say if I enjoy it or not, I should beat the game.

    1. You haven’t played Mario Galaxy before? My God… you have yet to LIVE! I guarantee you will love it. It’s fantastic.

  10. *GASP!* I’m actually kind of sad. I would really like another 3D Mario game… Nintendo fans are still Nintendo fans lol. Even though people taunt us for buying Mario all the time…. it’s true. WE WANT OUR MARIO! hahahahaha!

  11. Mario games are fun, but the franchise seriously needed a break.
    I would prefer Nintendo to focus on new IPs as well as turn their attention to the neglected titles such as F-Zero, Earthbound, Ice climbers, etc.

    1. I would LOVE a 3D Ice Climbers game that has adventures and puzzles like Zelda and ice mountains to climb. Dungeons to traverse and monsters to defeat.

      They could revamp the Ice Climbers to be one heck of a franchise if they wanted and it would be a huge success.

      I wonder why Nintendo doesn’t try to make another “Zelda” or “Mario?” Every new IP or new take on an existing IP that they make is kind of “small.” Save for Kid Icarus: Uprising. Ice Climbers needs a Kid Icarus: Uprising-kind of makeover on the Wii U!!!

  12. Pingback: Bill Trinen diz que não há Principal Mario Jogo lançar este ano | Games Bros – O melhor dos Games e Consoles, notícias, vídeos, reviews e muito mais!

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