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Zelda Wii U Won’t Be At This Year’s E3

We’ve already heard that The Legend of Zelda Wii U most likely won’t be coming out this year. Now we’ve heard that the game won’t be shown at this year’s E3, which is a rather surprising development. The news was posted by The Legend of Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma on Miiverse. Let’s hope it’s still coming to the Wii U and not being developed for Nintendo’s next console, the NX.

As I said in the video, we would like to take this time so we can bring you a very special experience, by making the ultimate Zelda game. Since we’d like to focus on developing the game we’ve decided to not show the game at this year’s E3. Thank you for your continued support, and I hope you’ll look forward to the game!

Thanks, WhiteEagle

208 thoughts on “Zelda Wii U Won’t Be At This Year’s E3”

      1. Nintendo gave up on Wii U a long time ago. This game could have been ready but they are pushing it back one year to cross release it on their next platform aswell.

    1. Actually he never said why they cannot give us a little taste of the game. His excuse was so they can focus on development, but making a thirty second preview video would not disrupt the development process.. You may buy the PR bullshit but I know better. They should have never told us the game would release in 2015… They delay a game 9 months before it was suppose to release tells me they never intended to release the game in 2015. They needed some hype for 2014 e3 and used Zelda…

                    1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

                      >>>It’s spelled “Follow”, I don’t need slaves but if they want to become mine then so be it and rachet is an ape ritual behaviour>>>

          1. Hahaha. Damn people. Calm down. Cool it down. I hope they change that shit but I doubt it.

            This is insane tho. Didn’t see this coming at all! I wonder what will be their holiday game? xenoblade is to niche and not popular enough.

    1. Unless it’s, “See you at Video Game Awards AGAIN (for some fucking reason), and Maybe play it at the launch of the NX.” Sounds about accurate…

    1. Lol. Don’t worry. Nintendo will be showing it @E3. They don’t really have anything else…like all…

  1. Be patient everyone. This is great news. It’s way better than being like COD or sports games where they release the same crap each year. Beautiful, great games take time. Be patient.

    1. Shut up dude. I really wanted to see some gameplay of this game this year on the internet when people are at E3. The fact that it’s delayed makes me a bit sad. But the fact that it’s not even gonna be at E3 is pissing me.

      1. Well look on the bright side bro, at least now you have ample time to save up for a Wii U for Zelda but I must say I do share your grief. I too am very disappointed about the delay so it looks like I’ll have to look forward to my PC for all of the big name multiplats that are releasing this year like Mortal Kombat X, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Batman Arkham Knight etc and Wii U games like Splatoon, Mighty No. 9, Rodea The Sky Soldier, Yoshi’s Wooly World, Mario Maker, Star Fox Wii U and Xenoblade Chronicles X to hold me over till the new Zelda releases next year……..damn even saying that shit pisses me off lol…smh

  2. Not surprising. This has become standard for the series.

    Oh well, more room in 2015 for Xenoblade Chronicles X then!

    1. Rushed? This isn’t delayed cause they need more time to finish what they planned, its taking LONGER cause they all of a sudden want to change the damn game up so much. This game has been in the works for like 4 years.

      1. You can’t rush perfection. Even if it was in development for 4 years it doesn’t mean they had the ge up and running years ago. A game goes through planning phases,the one in E3 is the final product but they need time to make it how they wanted it to be not what would look cool in previews but really isn’t when playing it. I don’t know why some people are getting butthurt over this, they should be glad Nintendo cares about the quality of their products both pre and final. Something a lot of 3rd parties need to understand,most games these days are cool looking in trailers to get people to buy it but when it’s outthe experience isn’t what they want you to be. Take Order 1886 and all COD games

  3. oh well, at least is for the good. I really love the graphic style and i am glad for the road they decided to go with this one.

      1. I’m not gonna lie, I’m still very disappointed with the delay but now that I’ve had time to think about it you make a great point. It takes time to ensure quality, it takes time to ensure perfection, and it takes time to develop a masterpiece. Nintendo doesn’t believe in selling their consumers half-assed, poorly developed rushed games and us as Nintendo fans and Nintendo platform owners should be very grateful of that. It’ll take some time for me to get over the delay but you did opened my eyes as to why Nintendo cautiously takes their time with game development. They only want their consumers and devoted supporters to have the best gaming experience possible

  4. no one likes to wait, but this game will be worth it.

    I just hope Nintendo has the games in the pipeline to get the wii u through holiday 2015. Splatoon, Yoshi, xenoblade, Mario Maker & then what?

    Hopefully Metroid. Hell, I’d be happy with more pikmin dlc. Lol.

      1. They sure do know how to make their fans happy with constant droughts. How about making a Zelda game one of the highest priorities when making a new goddamn console and not the putting it as one of the last games that come out.

  5. I wonder if they are going to pull a twilight princess. Releasing it for both the Wii U and the NX at the same time. It would make sense. give their Wii U owners one last hurrah while giving the NX a must have launch title.

    1. Why the hell would they dump an entire console they just released? Nintendo’s not gonna dump the Wii U and the NX’s probably not going to be a successor to the Wii U.

    1. Why wouldnt it be
      They kept showing us reviews and saying it will be out this year while playing the game. No delusion there, there have just come up with a better plan

  6. Eh, better to delay it and fix it than release it broken. We don’t want another Sonic Boom, after all.

    I know this has nothing to do with Sonic, I’m just sayin’.

    1. Except Aonuma never said he’s delaying it because he’s having problems, that would be understandable, no, he’s delaying it simply because he’s got in a fucking Ratatouille mood and now wants to fucking experiment with a game he said he was near finishing almost a goddamn year ago.
      EXPERIMENT! Do you think it’s fucking time to fucking EXPERIMENT after five fucking years of development?! This is something he should have been fucking doing in the first three years, not now, a few fucking months before releasing.
      Fuck you, you stupid asskisser.

  7. That was really unexpected. I am looking forward to see the new fire emblem on the 3ds still and fire emblem cross shin megami tensei.

  8. If Nintendo doesn’t have some big, surprise announcements for E3, it’s gonna be VERY boring. They’ll probably waste their whole E3 Nintendo Direct talking about something boring like Splatoon or Star Fox etc. I’m not really looking very forward to this year’s E3.

    1. I fucking swear you have shittiest taste for gaming I’ve ever fucking seen. Like there’s absolutely nothing you like at all. You don’t like StarFox and then you called Splatoon boring when that game looks nothing close to that.

      1. I used to be a fan of Star Fox. But it’s been SO long since the last one I played that I’ve completely lost interest. I like games with depth, adventure and a good story. And Splatoon doesn’t fit that description.

      2. @gamerprince1999,
        You’re probably just very easily amused. So you think that all games look fun. I have very selective taste. It takes a lot to turn me into a fan. I’ve found myself getting burned out on nearly every game and series lately.

  9. So Zelda U was ready enough to show at last years E3, but isn’t ready to be shown at this year’s E3. Nice logic Nintendo.
    I’m really sick of these game droughts. Now all I have to look forward to this year is Star Fox.

    1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

      >>>If that would be the case then they should just dropthe Wii U version completely and announce its destruction already, specially if no Metroid game is announced at E3>>>

      1. I'm a Boss Ass Bitch

        Nintendo’s trying to squeeze every last fucking cent out of the Wii u. I believe Nintendo is going to release the NX along side the Wii u but slowly and quietly kill it off. They will release games exclusive for NX and some that both the Wii u and NX can handle. Your metroid game will be an NX exclusive. That will get Nintendo fans to jump to the NX with no second thoughts.

        1. Nonsense. Nintendo stops supporting their home consoles with games almost immediately after the new one drops and we won’t even hear information about NX until next year. At earliest it will arrive in 2017. Plus the Wii U is nearly halfway through with it’s life and there’s no reason to kill it off at all. Just ride her out and retire her when they got games for the NX ready to go for it would be a far wiser decision.









  11. Well they very well better have something to tide the fans over while we wait longer… REMASTER A LINK TO THE PAST FOR WII=U, Or Go Home! }:-0

    1. just masterbate over my revolation of the future NX is going to be the above

      a gamepad tablet with detachable controls forming handheld and console gaming into a holy union

  12. I agree with most people here that quality takes time. So I’m not upset with Nintendo for not releasing a half baked Zelda game. But I am upset they are not even going to show the game at E3. Thats bullshit.

    And here it is almost April, and I have yet to buy one Wii U game this year. And we thought this was going to be the Wii U’s best year? This may turn out to be the Wii U’s worst year. And don’t tell me about Xenoblade, because we don’t even have a release date for that! Nobody really knows if Xenoblade will even release this year. And besides, Monolith Soft is giving the West the finger, and only focusing on Japan. All Japan Directs, release date confirmed for Japan, everything about that game is all for Japan. So what do we have, …. Kirby?,,,, Splatoon will be great, and a day one buy… So I can say after about 8 months I have bought ONE Wii U game…..

    And have we heard about any more good 3ds games coming out this year? No?

    My excitement for Nintendo in 2015 has nose dived off a cliff…. I have fully prepared myself for complete and utter disappointment from Nintendo..

    1. Xenoblade better fucking release this year, if that doesn’t release this year. That is really going to push my patience. That’s the main game I want this year, so as long as I can get that I’ll be satisfied. I know I’ll put hundreds of hours into it.

      1. Why would it not? All we see are informational vids in it being near release in Japan next month so there’s nothing for them to add to it at this point that might not just be DLC later.

  13. Expect the game to release and barely be half as big as Xenoblade.
    Remember how they hyped Skyward Sword? We all know how big the thing was.



  15. The problem with this is what it means.
    The Wii U was counting on this release for the holidays, now to make up for it they’ll probably hold Xenocross back until November, meaning a year long drought.
    Yes, Yoshi and Mario look good, but they’re not going to move systems.
    And Nintendo keeps wondering why there’s no consumer interest or developer adoption on Wii U, one would think they had learned with the 3DS, they seemed to be actively trying to save it with the sudden flow of monthly releases, but now I think it was probably just a fortunate coincidence.

  16. Well fuck you too Nintendo. At least let us see the gameplay at E3… But no. They literally made people not want to buy a Wii U with the delay. Then they’re making it even worse by not even making demo for the game at E3… Yup. Nintendo is on those retard pills again. They need to STOP DOING DRUGS AND GET THEIR HEAD OUT OF THEIR ASSHOLE.

    1. Woa woa woa man, what’s the point on an E3 demo if they’re changing things in the game? If people only wanted a Wii U for the next Zelda game and not the plethora of games on the console now, fine, they’ll get it later and their loss. If they don’t want to get a Wii U cause of a demo that might no longer represent what the game will entail then… that’s a special brand of gamer right there.

      I mean look, this isn’t like Uncharted 4 where the game was pushed back after The Order bombed for… reasons. This was the person leading the team working on the game telling everyone who’s excited for the game what the deal is, why it’s being delayed, and offering a more grand experience for the wait. I get it can be aggravating to wait for that, but there are games to play in the meanwhile and it’s not like they waited until September to let us know about the delay.

      1. Stop telling other people what to play, faggot, just because you’re hyped for fucking Splatoon it doesn’t mean everyone fucking is, you fucking egocentric dickmuncher.

  17. This “NX” will not be shown in 2017 at least, this was merely a response to the idiots fanboys who thought that Nintendo would focus on mobile business after that announcement, simple.

    People think that Nintendo will not announce anything at this E3, besides the already announced and not shown, many games are expected to appear this year, Zelda U will be a very big game and perfect to be released any time soon.

    Every Zelda is delayed or changes a lot (for the better) until the release.

  18. Oi….just when everyone thinks the Wii U is looking better for once with a whole load of great games in one year….this happens….and on top of that this could also easily change Star Fox’s date as well. We all know full well that Zelda games are November/December games…so where does that put Star Fox with Miyamoto claiming it’s release prior to Zelda?……could be anywhere within the next year and a half at this point….things really aren’t looking as good as we thought they did….

  19. The only way this makes sense is if they are ready to make this the NX launch game for Holiday 2016. After all, why waste the game on the Wii U since sales are so bad. It’s probably best to have it be part of a strong launch (unlike 3ds and Wii U) and get out of the gate running. I was always skeptical it was to come out for Wii U anyhow. If it isn’t because it’s going to NX than Iwata just needs to be fired. Barring a price cut to $199 the Wii U is toast and there is no reason to waste great 1st party games on it any longer as its fortunes have been decided.

    1. A delayed game also means another shitton of games delayed to cover up for it.
      Want X? Well, prepare to wait until November to play it and waste your fucking summer with a shitty niche shooter.

  20. You people do know what this means, right?
    This means something has to cover the holiday slot. What do you think that will be? Yoshi? Mario? Or perhaps XENOBLADE FUCKING X?
    This is freaking wonderful, a drought of 13 GOD DAMN MONTHS since the last big fucking release (Bayonetta 2), that’s certainly going to help the console a whole fucking lot.
    And you can be sure this means you’ll be waiting for Zelda until November 2016, early release new Zelda, yeah right, keep lying to yourselves.
    If Nintendo thinks three or four niche games tossed here and there are going to move systems they’ve officially lost it.
    The Wii U is no longer a competent system, it’s a side thing, like the fucking pink ginger thing that comes with sushi, buy a fucking PC if you want to play more than two fucking games a year.

    1. ….What? Thirteen months of a drought? I guess if you ignore the actual games released you’re right, but Hyrule Warriors, Bayo 1 and 2, SMash Bros, Captain Toad, Kirby, Yoshi, Devil’s Third, Star Fox U, Xenoblade X, Splatoon, Mario Maker, Tipping Stars, and more kinda suggest a flow of games big and small ending last year and that are continuing throughout this year. Unless of course you have a Wii U and no intention on playing anything on it until you’ve played Zelda U first in which case… More power to ya. But if you actually want to play games, Nintendo exclusives and indies should suit your humor nicely especially if you currently have a Wii U. You’re more likely to build a back log than suffer a drought.

        1. I’m pretty sure… one moment… yeah I definitely named several non indie games scheduled for this year and I didn’t even complete the list. And I generally just play games that are fun to me so I tend to avoid artsy fartsy hipster games from indie or third party devs (one of the reasons I’m glad Gone Home isn’t polluting the console).

          Also I made no suggestions, I was pointing out the fallacy to assume that there would be no games this year when there clearly are going to be plenty of games this year. LoZ is popular, but it’s not the grand end all be all as some hyperbolize it to be.

  21. That sucks! I guess it’s time to start looking at that second system purchase this holiday season. Thanks Nintendo. I’ll have to throw my money at another system who actually has games coming out this year.

    1. It’s amazing but I’m in the same fucking boat.
      I’ll have to go and spend hundreds of dollars on a fucking system I don’t want just because it will at least get more that two games I want to play.

      1. Splatoon will be the only Nintendo game I buy until the Holidays…..

        I’m sorry Nintendo but that is fucking sad!!

  22. And I look back on E3 2014, and it made Nintendo look so good. But how many of those E3 games have released?

    Why would Nintendo cross 3rd parties if they knew they could not single handily support the Wii U… This was a failed console generation for Nintendo. It took the delay of Zelda for the Wii U for me to realise that.

    But hey! guess what? I got some good news… Bloodbourne kicks ass! Thumbs up to Ps4 owners! Nintendo could take some lessons.

  23. And they should not have announced they are developing a new console so soon. I am not convinced the Wii U is their main focus anymore…

    Makes you wonder if Nintendo will have ANY Wii U games in 2016… Im not convinced Zelda will even release on the Wii U..

  24. Im sorry for rambling but Nintendo really stabbed me through the heart with this one… I do not think I will get over this for a long time…

    Damn Nintendo! You really fucked up bad…

    1. I imagine it will be like October or something. SO its something like this for 2015:
      Splatoon – May
      Yoshi Woolly World – July
      unannounced Sports or Mingame – August
      Xenoblade – September
      StarFox – October
      Mario Maker – November
      Surprise Game – Holiday 2015
      Zelda – March 2016

      I am not counting specific Eshop games.

  25. They have taken on more than they can handle….but then again Ocarina of Time had a delay like this, so we can probably expect in sometime in March.

  26. First Sony then Nintendo, Nintendo better have a 3ds Metroid Fusion sequel and a Metroid Prime 4 teaser planned for e3. They also better not screw over Metroid’s anniversary again like they did for the 25th anniversary because I have a feeling they’re planning to celebrate Zelda again and forget about Metroid. If Nintendo either puts Metroid on that NX crap or ignores the franchise completely I’m done, because I can’t wait any longer. We haven’t received a Prime game since 2007 and we still haven’t seen a real 2d Metroid since 2004; I’m finished waiting!

  27. This Zelda will not be released to the NX, stop being paranoid! This “console” was only a response from Nintendo for players who thought the company was going to the mobile branch.

  28. And yet Skyward Sword took 5 years to develop, lol.
    The sudden delay doesn’t bother me as much, but the no E3 appearance is just disappointing to me. I was really hoping to see some footage at the least. :/

  29. If this ends up cross-platform with NX from the start, I’ll be angry. They went on and on about how they were going to shore up the library on Wii U to let fans know their purchase was worthwhile, and now I’m getting this sinking feeling that there’s going to be more mobile and NX news out of E3 than the machines their fans have only recently purchased.

    1. Dude if zelda u goes to nx, even along with wiI u, thsts a huge kick in the balls for anybody who bought that console that was born in a junkyard. Talk about wasting people’s money, wiI u is not only a horrible console but if they start bringing big games to their next console they just made millions of people waste money like no other. I think there next console shouldn’t be backwards compatible at all either just to make wii u owners have s meaning to have bought one. You only can play wii u games on wii u. If you want to play those old games, by wii u. If nx is also backwards compatible, buying
      a wii u will be one of the worst gaming investment in years ffor people.

      1. jtz Igbo Tribe and Decedent of Gad.

        I’m not buying an NX right away. I learned from Wii U. They probably are putting Zelda on NX. I hope Pikmin 4 comes to Wii U not NX.

  30. told you wii u sucked

    I wish you dumbass fanboys would have agreed with me how awful wii u was from the very start and would have admited how terrible nintendo has become. They just get worse and worse, never learn. Of course mostly all of you wouldnt know how awful they become, its because you never were a true fan in the first place or if you truly do know nintendo and you think nintendo hasn’t turned into shit, how are you enjoying wii u and the millions of stupid sss decisions they make? If you’re not a blinded fanboy you know it sucks more than the number of dicks superman has sucked. Nintendo has fallen, and iwata ruined nintendo, it’s funny what damage control does to a company. Dumb bastards……….. xbox is even a decent console now because people voiced out! They fixed it even if it was a fail product.

    Nintendo fanboys sucked so much cock that nintendo had pretty much fallen beyond repair and you guys are crying wondering why nintendo fucking sucks? Maybe you shouldnt of been in denial all these years and voiced out on every shitty ass mistake nintendo made and it still amazes me how fanboys still want reggie, iwata and other upper management, they all just need to get the fuck out of here. There not only awful for nintendo but are awful for fans. Real fans I dont even count half of you anything other than cocksuckers and cheerleaders. The worst part is even their games are starting to suffer, just milk and playing it safe. Nintendos games used to be everything, amazing, ridky, new ip, s everywhere and they had way more variety. Now milk marios nipples raw snd stroke links dick till he blows, nothing else really.

    I guess nintendo really isn’t anything more than good gaming memories now and all the stupid ass fanboys care about are amiibos and fucking mewto……… a character in smash. It really is impossible with such a retarded fanbase who are pleased with anything when the rest of the world are trying to tell you how shitty nintrndo has become. You guys wanted shit. …… well here you go, play wii u. Have fun collecting toys.

    1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

      >>>Like these so called Nintendo fanboys that bash the Xbots and Sonyans so much just like the members of the N-Dub Nation do and yet own the Xbox Done and PS4>>>

      >>>They are nothing more than hypocrites and a disgrace for the empire, and so is High Command, Lord Yamauchi reprogrammed me to his command>>>

        1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

          >>>The N-Dub Nation (not our comrade in this base), are constantly bashing the Xbots and Sonyans while at the same time owning and playing their machines probably more than the Wii U, hypocrites>>>

    1. What part of his speech did you not fucking get, you retard?
      He’s not delaying it because of problems, he’s delaying it because he suddenly decided to “experiment” on it, like he can’t fucking save his damn ideas for the next game, he’s withholding a nearly finished game to push some fucking retarded last minute gimmick.

  31. Moat last gen games that onlyt rook 1 or 2yrs to make blew.

    A great game should takes 5yrs to make.

    Return to dreamland and tf2 took 9yrs to finish and both are masterpieces.

  32. No regular 3ds in U.S ridiculously small amount of exclusives on everything from amiibos to special editions no voice chat option in splatoon and now showing a game last year that they had no intentions of releasing this year. I see now why people make fun of Nintendo they make great games but even that isn’t enough now when they’re so far and in between. I’m done Nintendo I’m blowing off steam I’m not angry anymore I’m just done.

  33. #Zelda30th – The celebration begins next year. Remember it.

    “A delayed game is eventually good…
    but a rushed game is forever bad.” -Shigeru Miyamoto

  34. This is more fu@ked up than delaying the game… if they don’t have something new to show from the game for E3… not even a trailer, than why’d they annouce the game last year at E3?
    Smells like something fishy is up…. like they are putting it out on the NX now.
    The NX is definitely coming out in 2016 or 2017.. it’s adding up.

  35. Pingback: Nintendo Says E3 Will Just Be Focussed On Wii U 2015 Games | My Nintendo News

  36. Let’s hope it comes out for Nintendo nx actually. Skip the Wii u. I love my Wii u but sales aren’t large enough to release such a big game. They’ll probably bank all their coins on launching it with Nintendo NX.

  37. jtz Igbo Tribe and Decedent of Gad.

    Good new ideas pushing something back. They are finally thinking this game out in R&D thinking ahead of time. I’m not complaining.

  38. Doesn’t make any sense why not show Zelda wiiu at e3 dumb move Nintendo I don’t think I will watch e3 this year this fucking sucks

  39. This game should be finished by now its been 2 years since the announced it and its still not done Nintendo
    excuses are getting old

  40. Listening to these fan boys saying dumb shit like it takes time you don’t want a rushed game idiots they had lots of time to finish this game now there just dickin us around making excuses stop being a little bitch agreeing with everything Nintendo dose speak your minds instead saying stuff like its ok its just one more year it takes time guys

    1. jtz Igbo Tribe and Decedent of Gad.

      The reason why it’s taking so long is because they are putting a big open world game into an underpowered console. Now if Wii U was as powerful as PS4 it wouldn’t take that long.But they thought making a more powerful PS4 in 2008 was a good idea.

  41. Disappointed and since Mr. Aonuma made such a big claim, the promise better be held by the end. I would not believe a company’s word for word but I wouldn’t impose the negative outcome as a fact either.

    If they presented details at E3 I’d be more lenient but no? Good luck Nintendo, you’ll need it this year more than ever. Prove the haters wrong or submit yourself as a carpet to be walked all over.

    1. jtz Igbo Tribe and Decedent of Gad.

      Common sense like Nintendo had that when Wii U was in R&D in 2008. Hell they don’t even have that today. NX will probably be a little bit more powerful than the PS4 and then it’s Wii U all over again. Let’s see if Nintendo has common sense this time to estimate how powerful NX needs to be when PS5 arrives.

    2. jtz Igbo Tribe and Decedent of Gad.

      Also wasn’t some racing game by Neo supposed to be 4k at one time? NO GAMES or 4k anymore? System is weak.

    3. jtz Igbo Tribe and Decedent of Gad.

      Mario Party 10 has long loading times with no sound. If they thought about power in 2008 it wouldn’t take forever the load. That’s why Double Dash on GameCube doesn’t have long loading times. The console was powerful enough during its time. Yet DKTF, MK8 and Mario Party are HD with a CPU a little more powerful than PS3. And i thought Wii U would have less loading times. But they thoughr 1gig for gaming from 2008 would hold up for 2015. No wonder why Zelda U is delayed. The system has to be optimized so it can work for the underpowered console.

  42. this is fine *anger boils behind my eyelids*
    Seriously though, I’m fine with Nintendo taking their time on this game, as I want it to be the best Zelda game out there and I have high hopes for it to be so. I just also wanted it this Christmas because, Zelda games and I have a special connection through Christmas. I always have great memories with playing Zelda games on Christmas, I don’t know.
    What I AM irritated about though is this whole ‘we will not be showing it at E3’ bullshit. Just give us another gameplay trailer or even some freaking screenshots! I’m okay with extending the release date but, leaving us hung and dry for another few months? Come on! In the past year we’ve only gotten a 30 second long teaser and gameplay that was too far from the camera for us to see it’s HD beauty. Give us something, we’re dying here!

  43. Ffs, I had accepted the news of it being pushed (perhaps to the first half, you know, just sacrificing the holiday season opportunity, but in favour of a better game and the 30th anniversary) but this just took the cake. Knowing this they’re probably betting on showing previews at the next E3 which then means a 2nd half 2016 release and I just…cant…take….it…anymore…..

    My wii U can’t survive the painstaking wait
    And I’ll be old

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