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Scram Kitty And His Buddy On Rails Gets A New Update

To celebrate Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails‘ first anniversary, developer Dakko Dakko has released a new update for the game. Available now on Wii U, the update introduces new control options, freer movement, improved balance and some audio bug fixes. In Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails, players take control of a rail-riding, laser-shooting young hero named Buddy, who embarks on a quest to rescue his pet cat Scram Kitty.

12 thoughts on “Scram Kitty And His Buddy On Rails Gets A New Update”

  1. Kaptain Krusha K. Roolenstein

    Damn rarely see your articles Alba…… Same with Colette…. It’s like Jackyanne likes taking all the news for herself.

    Tired of 8 bit games though.

  2. This news is soothing. It takes my mind off so many things! Like how the WiiU is not getting GTA V or Battlefront. Thanks MNN!

  3. THANK YOU. This update fixes everything that I hated about the game when I first played through it. It’ll probably be closer to a 9/10 instead of a 7/10 in my book now from the twin stick controls alone.

    1. I know what you mean, i probably played a few levels then stopped because i hated the control options.
      I’ma finally give it a another shot now.

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