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The GameStop Expo Is Returning This Year And Nintendo Will Be Attending

Good news for video game fans in the United States as GameStop will once again be running their GameStop Expo. There’s a number of exhibitors this year including Nintendo, Sony Computer Entertainment, Microsoft, Activision Blizzard, Electronic Arts, Warner Brothers, and Take Two Interactive. It is set to be a one day only event and will take place in Las Vegas on September 2nd. If you are interested in attending then a ticket to the event will set you back $40. The company has stated that there will be over 80 booths across 250,000 square foot of Expo. It just a shame that it is only running for one day.

“Going into our fourth year of the GameStop Expo, and our second time in the entertainment capital, it is only appropriate to makes this show bigger, better, and the ultimate gaming event for our fans,” said Bob Puzon, senior vice president of merchandising at GameStop.

Thanks, MasterPikachu6


42 thoughts on “The GameStop Expo Is Returning This Year And Nintendo Will Be Attending”

  1. Why would Sony Microsoft and Nintendo wanna be there its Gamestop they hurt the industry with used games sales i meam they sell used games only a few dollars less than a brand new game….Game stop ripps you off on your trade in games….Please I pray Gamestop go out of bussinesss…please

    1. The industry is doing fine, with or without GameStop. I thought the point was to enjoy yourself, not worry about who’s winning a “war” or how much money you can throw at a company. There are better things to be concerned about buddy

      1. I traded in two sports games Basketball games for PS3 in mint condition with cases and insteuctions no scratches on disc there were 2012 and 2013 editions I know they may be a little old but That Pawnshop called Gamestop gave me 2 cents for one and 14 cents for the other one….I left the store heartbroken poor confused…thinking how can a company do this legally in USA even A pawnshop would have me 6 bucks i paid over 100 dollars for the games but 16 cents total….Buddy they are hurting the industry and gamers and society ok buddy boy get yo facts straight

        1. I went in Gamestop with 6 games, some new some old and all in very good condition.
          They were willing to pay about 1.6€ for all.
          I walked away.
          Can get 10x more by selling them online, even if you would get stabbed during a transaction.

    2. GameStop is a business, and just like any business they’re in the game of making money. By having what a person wants they are filling a need that without their business would be run by the same fucks that are hoarding the Amiibo’s. Its not they’re job to make sure you get back what you feel you think your games are worth, if that was the case I would have asked for hundreds for Killer 7 for gamecube, which I got an ok 25$ for recently. You want what you paid or half? Sell it yourself, ebay it, Craig’s list it. But don’t blame GameStop for being thousands of people’s middlemen for gaming needs. Besides other than GameOverVideoGames, GameStop is the only major game selling force around. Gameovervideogames does everything though. NES TO XBOX1.

      Been with GameStop since I was 13, that’s 15 years and I can never recall actually feeling ripped off from a game. But then again, I dont serve money so this wouldn’t be a big deal.

      1. If you could have have got hundred for killer 7 why did you let Gamestop ripp you off for 25….Gamestop is a ripoff it ought to go out of bussiness…you dont know the value of a dollar….some people dont like to get legally ripped offed buy a crooked company when they sell thier hard earned games

        1. You shouldn’t put words in people’s mouths bro. I said I would have asked for that much, I know they wouldn’t give that much, and also I never said it even went to GameStop. Value of a dollar? You’re only bullshitting yourself if you actually think that, those sports games aren’t worth shit because they go through copies like a fat kid through chocolate cake. I honestly wouldn’t pay 16 cents for both of them because I can play real sports.
          Besides that I wouldn’t take advice from a rant with absolutely no grammatical sentence structure. I would go as far as to say at times GameStop has gone over what it should in terms of service for me, and im a skeleton. Nothing special.

          1. You make no sense bro…quit defending Gamestop they rippoff kidds and poor people…Gamestop is a ripp off bro like it of not.

      2. Just because you like to get rippoffed by Gamestop doesnt mean its right it ought to be illegal…I pray to God Gamestop will close go bankrupt they are evil ripp off…gamestop is worse than any pawnshop they dont deserve to hang with video game companies..gamestop and thier ripp off employees out to be put in jail for stealing ripping peole kids off.

    1. He will quit his part-time job at GameStop in August or September when he will move away to Berkeley for college.

  2. Crunchyroll has the crappiest and most buggy video player, ever. Illegal anime streaming website still offers better video player. I can’t believe Crunchyroll charge you money for their inconsistent and buggy video player.

    1. I actually feel like CrunchyRoll is decent on the Wii U compared to other devices and especially their site. Absolutely no lag or graphical issues, although their home screen layout sucks and makes it hard to browse for anime. I’m only using them at the moment though, because they gave me a free trial (again), but I prefer Hulu for anime even though they have ads. Hulu IMO offers a larger anime selection, however Hulu also doesn’t work on the Wii U for whatever reason so I use my Wii or Chromecast.

        1. It’s been a long time since I watched anything from them. There’s tons I haven’t watched on Hulu, so I’ll stick with them until they run out or I’m looking for a specific anime.

          1. I haven’t regularly watched anime in years now. Is there anything you’d recommend? I really need to get back into it. :p

            1. Funny: Assassination classroom, The Devil is a part timer, Hetalia
              Harems: My Mental choices are completely interfering with my school romance comedy, Haganai: I Don’t have Many Friends, D Fragments.
              Romance: Golden Time, Clannad, Wolf Girl and Black Prince.
              Action: Attack On Titan, Parasyte, Tokyo Ghoul, C3 (<–all gory) The Sacred Blacksmith, Tower of Druga, SAO

              That should be a big enough list to try out until you find one you like. If you want to know more about any of them specifically just let me know. :)

            2. Btw Parasyte and Tokyo Ghoul fall more under horror than action just because they are really graphic. I know you aren’t into horror stuff, so I thought I’d would remind you before you check them out.

              1. Thank you. I will check those out. I mainly like comedy animes. And animes with action. Some animes I’ve enjoyed that I can remember are School Rumble, Bamboo Blade, Negima, Ranma 1/2, Panty and Stocking, and Naruto. :)

                1. You’re welcome. The harem animes I listed also fall under comedy, but some people don’t like harems so I put them in their own categories.

                  1. I’m gonna try and buy some of them. I prefer having the actual discs because they are higher quality. The only downside is that not all of them have blu-ray versions and the ones that do are kind of costly. -.-

                    1. More power to you. I don’t make much if any money from babysitting, but anything I do make will be saved until e3 since I’m sure new things will be announced. I would rather spend money on games, just bought the Humble Bundle, but it’s your choice. :)

    1. Dude, I don’t think GameStop has to worry about that. Is there any other game selling store specifically catering to three different main groups of gaming, (and more) that have been able to stand the test of time? Eb games still around? Funcoland?! Naah. GameStop having an Expo is GameStop staying relevant.

    2. Gamstop is a Ripoff i pray they will go bankrupt go out of bussiness..the ripp you you off outta be illegal

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