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Analyst Says NX Doesn’t Have To Compete Against PS4 And Xbox One To Be A Success

Matt Diener, who is a qualitative analyst for EEDAR, says that he doesn’t believe that the forthcoming Nintendo NX platform will need to compete against the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 for it to be a success. Diener points towards the Wii, which was radically different from the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, which was a huge success for Nintendo. He admits that when you take big risks, you’re going to have a few missteps along the way.

“I don’t think the NX needs to compete against the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One to be successful. Nintendo has a history of doing things its own way, and that’s partially what’s allowed it to deliver excellent, oddball experiences like Splatoon and Super Mario Makercompletely out of left field. When this experimentation works, as it did so well for the Wii, DS, and 3DS, it has paid dividends for Nintendo – but, unfortunately, when you take big risks, you’re going to have a few missteps along the way,”

“For the NX to succeed in the current gaming ecosystem, it needs to focus on delivering a clever, Nintendo-only experience while enticing third-party developers to port major releases onto it,” Diener said. “One rumor about the NX contends that it will be a hybrid handheld / console device, and I think that’d be a fantastic move for both Nintendo and players for the amount of freedom it would give.”

“The worst-case scenario I could see for the NX is if Nintendo tries to copy the PlayStation 4/Xbox One too closely in an attempt to entice more third party support for the platform. Those 8th generation console gamers without a Wii U are already well established in the Sony and Microsoft camps, and convincing them to leave for an experience that doesn’t offer anything different from what they’re already getting seems like an incredibly hard sell,” Diener said.

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124 thoughts on “Analyst Says NX Doesn’t Have To Compete Against PS4 And Xbox One To Be A Success”

      1. There is literally nothing Nintendo can do to get them back. Nintendo could literally copy the PS4 or Xbox One EXCATLY just mold the plastic into a different shape and 3rd parties would come up with some other excuse not to support it. Like the “Our games don’t sell on Nintendo platforms” the bias in the industry is most 3rd parties either don’t care to do business with Nintendo simply cause they chose to, like Rockstar and Bethesda, or they are part of the group of 3rd parties that want Nintendo to just be gone forever and never come back.

          1. Even the Wii didn’t have full 3rd party support. Other then COD, and Rockband/Guitar Hero and FIFA I can’t recall any major 3rd party support. Unless Sony or Microsoft leaves the gaming industry they will stay away from Nintendo. Which I’m fine with, I don’t buy more then 1 3rd party game a year cause most are filthy pieces of shit covered in micro-transactions and disc locked content. And if I want a 3rd party game so bad I’ll get it on my PC, not my PS4.

            1. Jaded Ridley X3 {I'm not whining, you suckers... *cough* ..poor souls! I've just been driven insane by Nintendo failing me one too many times this gen!}

              But you said it’s their game & they can do whatever they want with it. Oh wait. That’s only if it’s Nintendo. They get a free pass. Like I said, if you give Nintendo a pass with that bullshit excuse, you should give 3rd parties the same pass. Otherwise, you’re just a Nintendo fanboy. It doesn’t matter if it’s free or paid for. It’s all the same thing: it’s their game & they can do what they want when they want.

        1. That depends. Remember the Wii? Even though it reused GameCube hardware (slightly upgraded), it sold out so insanely that they wanna capitalize it. If that repeats with NX, they’ll likely come back to kiss their ass for that hype money as what I call it. lol

    1. Yeah, I agree. Budget constraints happen, and nobody wants to develop something new from the ground just for one platform.

      1. I agree that’s why I hope the rumors are true about them going with x86 for the NX as oppose of PowerPC. It does need to be different from the PS5 and the next Xbox from a innovation standpoint but at the same time very developer-friendly for not only 3rd parties but for their own in house developers as well

          1. PowerPC was a better architecture before Motorola pulled out and IBM stopped caring. POWER7/8 =/= PowerPC in any sense. Meanwhile, Intel and AMD have made unprecedented and massive strides in architecture improvements to x86 that even ARM is jealous of. x86 is simply going to be the way to go until someone finally scales ARM up to a high enough level of ipc and single thread performance to compete outside of mobile and scale-out servers.

            1. I see. Never knew Motorolla dropped out the alliance.

              In general lines, I know that powered PowerPC machines are incredible energy-efficient, and seem to demand less horsepower to perform similar tasks excuted by a X86 machine — at least, it used to be this way, I’d say, until 2 or 3 years ago. But you made interest points on the matter, like the strides on X86 achieved by AMD/Intel you mentioned.

              1. Technically, Motorola never did drop out, but they’ve also not been involved in the development of any PowerPC processor or architecture improvements since the G4 back in the early 2000’s

                The main problem is that IBM is the only company that retained any real interest in developing PowerPC after 2005, and they’ve had no interest in developing anything optimized for consumer devices. PowerPC’s instruction set inherently gives it an advantage when it comes to squeezing efficiency out, as compared to the tangled mess that is x86 with its dozen or so extensions.

                IBM does have the POWER chips, but they aren’t true PowerPC, they are Power ISA, which was a sort of replacement for PowerPC that IBM made after Motorola got rid of their PowerPC development and IBM wanted to make more mainframe/super high-end server chips. Being that they’re now optimized for bloated and massive mainframe operations, all of IBMs POWER CPUs much more heavily resemble an x86 Server CPU than anything PowerPC from 2005-2006, and they’re certainly not able to scale down to the power consumption and usability expected for consumer devices. POWER 8 has 8-way multithreading _per core_ and while that is genuinely amazing to have in a mainframe environment where you have to squeeze every last ounce of parallelization you can out of the chip, it would be an absolute nightmare to game developers because of how multithreading must steal ipc and single thread performance from other multithreads in order to work.

    2. Wii had third party games like scarface, godfather, obsure, star wars force unleashed games, silent hill, tomb raider, and splinter cell games. I don’t know where this myth of Wii didn’t have third party support come from.

      1. I know. Some of its best selling games WERE 3rd party. XD Ever since the wiiu hasn’t gotten much, it’s been (the wii didn’t have 3rd party, the GCN didn’t have third party, the N64 didn’t have third party.) One idiot even tried to argue the snes didn’t.

      2. Not this again, please.
        Yes, it had support. No, it didn’t have good third-party support, since most third-party studios were focused on the other consoles. Wii became the house of the budget projects that just wouldn’t sell in the PS360 market.

        1. Yes this again. The Wii had a ton of 3rd party titles, from CoD, to Mad World, to No More Heroes.

          Just because the wiiu doesnt have as much, does not magically transfer that status to every other console in history.

          1. I’m not dragging myself through another pointless argument with you. You have my previous posts about the issue if you want to know my opinion about the matter and why I don’t consider Wii’s third-party support worth mentioning, since most of the games were sub-part or very limited compared to the competition, both in design and number of games.

            Just because the Wii had a couple of games made by third-parties it doesn’t mean that Wii was their main focus, or that the games weren’t the cheap, less important projects of the company.

  1. Wii gave us new controller so it was new experience, which made it success the third party is good to have as a bonus for get to play more games and Nintendo ones which makes it all games under one platform, NX will need to be different from others and give new experiences, think about this why would anyone need another console giving us third party we already have 2 platforms doing this.
    PS4 and xboxone don’t make any sense at all, why is it that these consoles only had third party games only, when we have much powerful system like a PC can do all this and has huge library of games plus it does more and Nintendo Wiiu was only console giving us best exclusives, in theory PC and Nintendo are best systems on the planet giving us both sides first party/console exclusives Wiiu and having great third party on PC.

    Why do People still tend to buy these other 2 platforms, when they aren’t capable of doing anything new.

    1. It seems, in the end of the day, the market demand simple and reliable hardware. In fact, the PS4 and the XBOne didn’t bring nothing new in terms of “overall experience”, but both are safe purchases since we know there will be a constant flow of games — from 1st and 3rd parties — for them, for a long period of time. Also, they are powerful enough to please developers, and have no gimmicks — Kinect and PS camera are not mandatory for gaming on the twins, therefore devs can leave them alone and worry about the gameplay and such.

      I’m not saying that gaming on PC is not relevant — on the contrary. But some great titles still skip it, and, believe it or not, setting a game to flawlessly run on a PC is sometimes overwhelming.

      1. 1080p moniker is a gimmick. Saying most powerful console is a gimmick. All products that are out for sale has a gimmick. If a product does not have a gimmick it would not sale at all to anyone because their would be nothing that would attract someone to buy the product.

          1. What is the reason you buy any gaming console? If I am correct, that reason is the main gimmick of any gaming console which is to play video games at home.

            1. gimmick

              Word Origin

              an ingenious or novel device, scheme, or stratagem, especially one designed to attract attention or increase appeal.
              a concealed, usually devious aspect or feature of something, as a plan or deal:
              An offer that good must have a gimmick in it somewhere.
              a hidden mechanical device by which a magician works a trick or a gambler controls a game of chance.
              Electronics Informal. a capacitor formed by intertwining two insulated wires.
              verb (used with object)
              to equip or embellish with unnecessary features, especially in order to increase salability, acceptance, etc. (often followed by up):
              to gimmick up a sports car with chrome and racing stripes.
              verb (used without object)
              to resort to gimmickry, especially habitually.



              I still believe that is a better word for what you want to mean, like atractiveness, or appeal, or something. “Gimmick” is more related to something physical, a gadget, a device, a mechanism.

              1. your first definition is really good. an ingenious or novel device, scheme, or stratagem. This expains what I am speaking of. When I say power or 1080p is a gimmick, that is part of the scheme or stratagem of the definition.

                1. This is semantics, that is, the study of linguistic development by classifying and examining changes in meaning and form.

                  Semantically, “gimmick” has been consolidated as a word which refers to something physical, and this was clear from Pokemonsilph general idea. You first tried to mean that the NES, SNES, N64 and GCN controllers were gimmicks, which are not, in either way. They were not the main selling factor of the consoles they belonged to.

                  But let’s settle this down! :) I got your idea — although I cannot agree with it, LOL!

                    1. Nice to see two people with differing opinions actually have a civil discussion on this website. It’s rare that this hapens. Usually it just breaks down into cursing and bickering and all that. (even I have been dragged into it at times)

                      1. I am very open to what people has to say on topics. As long as the people involved are open minded then the conversations can be civil. I learn a lot from other people.

                      2. @shadowvegeta

                        I know, right? That happens frequently, man…

                        But I’m on tranquilizers today… That can explain a lot! LOL!

            2. He’s actually right. Anything you use to aggressively market your product becomes a gimmick by definition. It doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a worthless addition. Rumble support was a gimmick at one point. So were dual sticks. The gimmicks of today are the standard features of tomorrow.

              1. Right, I know that a gimmick os not always a waste of resources. But, like we already discussed, there was a little situation in understanding what is the meaning of the word. But the idea is there, and I appreciate your input!

    2. Another “King of Obvius”.

      As we already discussed weeks ago, some people over here (MNN) are more than able to make predictions like that one.

    3. I doubt Nintendo would create a PS or Xbox clone system. Nintendo has always tried to innovate in some way (whether it works or not). The Wii worked because it enticed a whole new slew of people to become gamers because of its novel motion control idea (and I think motion controls were alright in MOST Wii games). The Wii U hasn’t been doing so well because Nintendo tried to do the same thing again but in a different way. I like the Gamepad and all, but if I had no idea of gaming and I wanted to try it out for the first time, I wouldn’t be enticed to try a $350 system with a “gimmick” (however you look at it). Not to mention that the Wii U didn’t have any real gripping advertisements near launch, and even for the gamers that knew Nintendo and wanted the Wii U, the launch lineup didn’t even compare to previous consoles (ehhh… I guess it was still much better than the 3DS’s lineup at launch). Also, most gamers knew that the big more powerful consoles (that would be getting 3rd party support) would be out soon. I’d almost say that the Wii U is the “Sega Saturn” of Nintendo consoles: it had some ideas that worked, some that didn’t, but it just wasn’t marketed well and came out at the wrong time (albeit the Wii U has some great games to play, whereas the Saturn probably didn’t entice anyone with its games, except maybe for NiGHTS). I kind of partially trust Nintendo with the NX, but I’m sure it will still have awesome games at the very least, since at least we know Nintendo will be supporting the system no matter what happens in terms of sales.

      1. NES controller, Super NES controller, N64 controller, Gamecube controller, Wii motion controller, and Wii U gamepad were all gimmicks of their respective system. They all allowed you to play a different way from the previous generation. Nintendo did not start doing this with the Wii. They have always done this.

        1. gim·mick
          noun: gimmick; plural noun: gimmicks

          a trick or device intended to attract attention, publicity, or business.
          synonyms: publicity stunt, contrivance, scheme, stratagem, ploy; informalshtick
          “the trivia contest was a gimmick to sell more newspapers”

          Nintendo never marketed the NES, SNES, N64 and GCN controllers to death like they did to Wii Remote and gamepad. Based on the definition above (you can google the term “gimmick, it os going to be the first hit), I understand that the aforementioned controllers cannot be considered as “gimmicks”.

          1. a trick or device intended to attract attention,

            All of them were a gimmick and so was the Now you playing with Power tagline. Gimmicks have never been a bad thing. People have been trying to use the word as something bad when it means something good.

              1. I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to say you was saying that it was a bad thing. I was just stated that part for readers that would read our conversation. Yes, they were gimmicks, along with the games that those controllers are used to play.

                  1. none of them are really gimmicks (any of the Nintendo controllers, even the wiimote or gamepad) because they have functionality and took/take gaming to a different place. Wii U kept the motion controls (something missed by most) and it makes navigating the OS and parts of the games more engaging, smoother and more fun in general. In fact, with certain Wii U games, it seems that not only did they not use the game pad as much as they should have (something that gives it that negative spin often related to so-called gimmicks in general) they also (developers including Nintendo) have decided to not include motion controls as if to move away from what the Wii offered as if they are ashamed of it in some way, when really it should just be another block to build on top of, not to cast off. Mario Tennis with no controller is a recent example and the lack of a RE4 HD Wii U version (just to throw it out there) and its superior control scheme with the motion control as opposed to all other versions is another missed opportunity (or have the RE game that the Wii U did have not having those controls)

                    Anyway… these “gimmicks” really weren’t because they weren’t done to just attract attention, there was logic and forethought attributed to their design and integration. Unfortunately, the GamePad has not been used properly

                    1. I see what you mean, like they were strategic decisions technically supported.

                      But now I’m confused… In the end, the rationale behind the Wii Remote and the Gamepad was to attract attention, wasn’t it?

                      1. Anything you are selling is designed to “attract attention” so that part of the equation doesn’t hold water when anything new a business puts out has that element… I think the other rationale is that they can change the gaming experience to varying degrees with the said elements, how they are implemented is ultimately what leads to success or failure.

                        I like the Wii U gamepad, but they did not push the possibilities enough nor to the degree that was done with the Wii-mote… Now with the Wii (2)U they made the error of abandoning the wii-mote, or at least not keeping the motion in their games a core element that could be utilized better.

                        If you recall, they showed a Golf simulator before the Wii U came out, where they put the gamepad on the ground where the ball was and used the wii mote as the club and you swung over the game pad creating what could/would have been the most realistic combination for that sort of game ever. Even the Tiger Woods for Wii was pretty awesome in that respect and I expected the next level to come, but unfortunately, it did not

                      2. Yeah, now I fully see what you mean.

                        Maybe one of the reasons by which the gamepad was not further explored lies in the fact that there was more room to explore the Wii remote capabilites due to its nature. You can go further ahead when it comes to movement — in a general way –, but cannot be that innovative when it comes to press some virtual buttons on a second screen.

            1. I could understand you calling the wii remote and gamepad gimmicks in the sense that they were the focal point of their respective systems. But before them Nintendo controllers were pretty standard. They changed with each generation but there was nothing gimmicky about them.

                1. Standard in the sense that they were a conventional means of controlling video games. Each of those controllers are conventional. They each have some sort of control knob/joystick, and buttons. You can’t call them gimmicks just because their design and execution are slightly different. They all serve the purpose of controlling games in a similar manner. Would you call a steering wheel on a car a gimmick because it controls the vehicle differently than a plane’s controls fo? The NES zapper can be called a gimmick; the power glove, the super scope, the wii remote, the U gamepad. The other Nintendo controlles though are standard control apparatus, not gimmicks.

                  1. The NES controller was very gimmicky. It was in no way conventional to what people was use to. people were use to joysticks and a turning knob along with keyboard and mouse. This simple 4 way pad with two buttons was doubted upon. During that time, NES was not looked at the same as we look at it now.

                    1. Ok, I’ll grant that, at the time, the NES changed the way video games were regarded; and the controller was a step away from other control styles. However, the controller was not nearly as radical as the wii remote was and it definately wasn’t the main feature or the advertised part of the system. I guarantee nobody bought the NES because of the controller. Even if you call the NES controller a gimmick alongside the remote and gamepad, you can’t call the other ones gimmicks. They were simply updated to fit the systems they went with. They were never selling points.

                      1. Gamecube I don’t have an example of. The N64 was explained a lot during its presentation because of Mario64 as they explained that they game was not possible without the controller which mixed the idea of a joystick with their idea of the NES/SNES controller. SNES controller was the reason more arcade games was able to come to that system. I have vague memories of how that was presented so I will concede to that and gamecube controller. If you looked at the idea of the N64 controller and Wii U gamepad, the thinking was similar. They mixed two established ideas together. Gamepad is just a standard controller with a touchscreen in the middle.

              1. I’m going to have to disagree. The SNES tooted the shoulder buttons to a degree, the N64 used to whole tilt sensitivity and even anolog as a selling point, the GCN used the pressure sensitive shoulder button (to a smaller extent.)

                As far as I can see, the controllers have

      2. well they can add more microchips and make it more intense powerful like the PS4 yeah the Wii is not powerful but many more hardware like windows 10 is more powerful.

            1. Nintendo Tetrarch Quadramus-NX

              >>>You could but that takes cycles, total annihilation and the empire gets total console domination>>>

              >>>And well…>>>

        1. Jaded Ridley X3 {I'm not whining, you suckers... *cough* ..poor souls! I've just been driven insane by Nintendo failing me one too many times this gen!}

          He’s gone into conspiracy theorist territory. He thinks Sony & the US Military are working together to take over the world or something simply because NASA used Sony’s virtual reality thing for some stuff. In other words, he now thinks Sony is just as evil as Microsoft. Poor thing doesn’t realize at one point Nintendo products were also used by places like NASA to research stuff. Oh no! Nintendo is evil, too!

    4. At this point, if Nintendo doesn’t put out a machine that can at least keep up with MS and Sony, then it wouldn’t matter anyway. The days of the traditional “console wars” are over, with the gaps in machine power and time spent reinventing the controller it feels like the road catch up will never come to fruition.

      I want the powerful Nintendo console, it doesn’t require having to copy the other machines. More so, I’d like for once to see people do a double take when looking at NX. Not just for the “gimmick” factor.


    5. ok the only thing that nintendo NX needs to be successful is for nintendo to add third party support but i think nintendo is trying to make the NX more like PS4 and XB1 but i know they are not trying to steal there company ideas on making the type of next generation yeah they can even count how many IPs they got and they might be successful for the future plans they will have for the NX console.






      WAKE UP

    7. nintendo has on multipul ocatons RAPED THE INDUSTRY






        1. Just ignore him. Every now and then he pops up and spews nonsense in all caps. Thinks the Wii remote is the greatest invention of all time and that Nintendo can do no wrong. He makes fanboys look like Nintendo haters.

    8. He’s right, Nintendo shouldn’t be trying to aim the NX to compete with the PS4 and Xbox One, they should be trying to aim it to compete directly with the PS5 and the next Xbox. I also agree with the idea of the NX being different from it’s competitors from a innovation standpoint but power wise it should be as close to the other future next gen consoles as possible. I just hope that this new ” innovation ” doesn’t cripple the system’s power.

    9. Jaded Ridley X3 {I'm not whining, you suckers... *cough* ..poor souls! I've just been driven insane by Nintendo failing me one too many times this gen!}

      At one point or another, everything that is a standard today was considered a gimmick in the past. Even color television was considered a gimmick before it became the standard. Hell! Television itself was a gimmick, phones were a gimmick, electricity was a freaking gimmick! Everything great that exists today was at one time or another, a gimmick. If motion control or virtual reality ever becomes an industry standard, I guarantee people will forget all about the fact they were gimmicks at one point.

    10. JUST to be clear- if the game was built ‘Around’ the device-it’s Not a gimmick. If it wasn’t it ‘is’. Perfect examples: Zelda Skyward Sword Wiimote: directional slicing/stabbing based off wrist angle/swipes (ie. only way to damage a skeleton when he shield blocks his head is to slash straight upwards or diagonally) = Not gimmick Twilight Princess Wiimote: waggling wiimote = same as spamming attack button on a basic controller-Gimmick. Killzone 3: using 6-axis to grab and turn a wheel to open a door, only happens twice in entire campaign = Gimmick PS Move to aim and shoot pointing real time = Not Gimmick. Dance Central + Kinect = Not Gimmick etc. Wii MarioKart steering wheel peripheral to stick wiimote in = Gimmick

      1. I like motion controls, but, to be honest, Skyward Sword was a complete letdown for me. Graphics, storyline, soundratck… And, mostly, controls. Somehow motion controls don’t fit for Zelda, in my opinion.

    11. That’s because it’s not suppose to. Wii U failed on that hard so NX is just another Sega-console flop situation waiting to happen if they (more than likely) don’t play their own cards right and do a shitton of forgiveness begging by offering almost everything the fans (whatever’s left of them) want at last. No more excuses and casual BS. It’s either do or die forever in the next potential disappointment of a console which is probably not gonna par with PS4 AFTER their 7th core is unlocked (which I still don’t understand why they locked it to begin with if the console would’ve been much more powerful that way)

      1. Maybe because today’s standards can be acceptably met using only 6 cores.

        But I see that unlocking like a Sony’s smart threat to Microsoft, like “Hey, see the card we have up our sleeve!”

        Also, maybe Sony didn’t make all the cores available at once to avoid overheat and instability to a new on the market home console. That would give them bad press, which Sony definitely does not need and does not wish. Now they probably have enough data to support a safe unlock the resting cores — at least, the 7th.

        1. Sounds sensible. IDK if I should get PS4 or wait for that Alienware Steam console to drop its price down and get that? But that controller design is retarded. X( I rather use Xbox 360’s controller than that shit.

          1. Is that thing a controller? LOL!

            Yeah, even the entry model (i3, 4 Gb) is kind of expensive: $ 450 plus taxes… But I think the MSRP of that kind of hardware never goes down, they always update the hardware and keep the price…

            Did you also take a look at Alienware Alpha? It has less juice than the Steam box, but maybe it suits better for you, I don’t know.

            On the PS4… I cannot say I don’t like it. It is a great machine, but does 99% of what the XBOne does — I prefer the XBOne controller over the dualshock 4. But the PS4 clearly has more horsepower, and it’s a great addition for those only have a Wii U, for example.

            1. It is expensive and compare to PS4’s specs, it’s a fucking joke. It should’ve been cheaper than Xbox One right now, at least the base model. I bet the Wii U can outpace that shit too.

              Wait, there’s another Steam Box console?

                  1. The links are still working for me… :o

                    Please Google “alienware alpha”. It’s a gaming PC which runs W10 and have great configuration options.

                                1. Maybe. If I can resell my Surface Pro 3 and iPad Air 2 along with my 2 PS3s, I’ll be able to get one. Fuck paying for online play and fuck having limited hardware or DRM (Xbox). XP

                  2. I have a good feeling about this NX. I just want whatever is replacing the 3DS. And have my 3DS downloads carry over.

                  3. The Wii’s success was a one-hit wonder, and was a success due to being well marketed to easily appeal to non-gamers. The problem is that once the initial frenzy over the new motion controls died off, they ditched the system and let it collect dust. Nintendo still got the sales from the console purchase but in the long term, such actions hurt Nintendo (when they tried to sell the Wii U) and gaming in general (not that there wasn’t shovelware crap games before, but the Wii opened things up drastically in that department as people tried to jump on the motion control bandwagon) – to say that the NX should follow suit because the Wii was a success is simply naive, and also ignorant of the failure of the Wii U. I’m surprised that this analyst didn’t take that into account. If Nintendo does try to innovate and do something different again, don’t expect 3rd parties to jump on board again.
                    And while the DS/3DS had unique features to them, those did not sell the system – amazing games and a reduced price point did.

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