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Rumour: Nintendo NX Games Set To Include Wii U Ports?

Reports are coming in which suggest that certain Wii U games will be remixed for the forthcoming Nintendo NX. Emily Rogers apparently tweeted the news and said that there will be at least four games that we already know of. The tweet by Rogers has since been deleted but it is suggested by SegmentNext that we may see ports of Super Smash Bros, Splatoon and Super Mario Maker. This could be a good move by Nintendo as it has shown that these are proven franchises which could be given a new lease of life on new and more popular hardware.

I don’t know much about the NX’s hardware, but I do know five or six games coming to NX.

One of those is right. I’m not sure on the other two. There’s a bunch of Wii U ports coming to NX. I know four of them.

We laugh at Nintendo’s competitors, but don’t be shocked if Zelda U, Smash Bros U, or Xenoblade X get NX versions.

Right now I can’t speak on what is coming to NX beyond Zelda. But as we get closer to E3, I’ll talk more about NX.


139 thoughts on “Rumour: Nintendo NX Games Set To Include Wii U Ports?”

  1. 🎭Mr. Boss Ass Bitch💊

    If you’ll excuse fucking me. But wasn’t this information already bundled in some last post or am I having fucking deja vu.

      1. Well I don’t suspect you understand French so. Not really. I have to come here and write in your language so I can be understood after all…

                1. 🎭Mr. Boss Ass Bitch💊

                  Said I understood a little bit. By mixing in a different language with another makes me clueless for being cruel. Yep I think it actually does serve my point. Ciao

      1. No problem. If you follow her account, other than the two she confirmed (Zelda and Smash), the third she alluded to is Xenoblade Chronicles X !

        1. Don’t know how to feel if they port X to the NX. I still playing X (382 hours already), but having it on a more powerful console that I won’t be able to buy from the get go, will be kind of annoying. I would be okay if they did for instance, a port of X to the NX shortly before releasing a sequel to it also on the NX in the, let’s say next 2 years.

    1. Yea it might happen, but I’m ok with it, 1) most likely a small fee to update to owners of digital version 2) those that might get NX but didn’t get a Wii U well have a chance to buy. 3) they might have better graphics and performance, wouldn’t be surprised if Mario kart 8 and smash become development platforms where they just keep making DLC for NX versions but otherwise its the same game

    1. Right a bonus, and also a good way to hit the ground running with more content. For those that didn’t opt for Wii U it is good to know that they won’t miss those games. Might also point to no backwards compatibility

        1. For sure… Still plenty to play on my Wii U but I am ready to move into the future… A future a wish came a little faster or at least actual confirmation

        2. It may not be a given. The late Iwata did say the we’re going to incorporate Wii U architecture when speaking of the next home console.

            1. If I wasn’t on my phone I would give you the link. It was in one of the Q&A for one of the quarterly or yearly reports.

              1. Found it:

                “In this perspective, while we are only going to be able to start this with the next system, it will become important for us to accurately take advantage of what we have done with the Wii U architecture. It of course does not mean that we are going to use exactly the same architecture as Wii U, but we are going to create a system that can absorb the Wii U architecture adequately. When this happens, home consoles and handheld devices will no longer be completely different, and they will become like brothers in a family of systems.”


                The statement is vague at best, if you ask me. He even compares the next generation of Nintendo consoles to Apple devices: different form factors operating under the same OS so software can be ported easily between them. He even mentions the possibility of creating more than two different form factors, although I have no idea about what he’s talking about. Certainly not phones, if they discredited that rumor about the NX running on Android.

          1. I don’t know man, I thought he said the NX will not have the same architecture as the Wii U and didn’t Kimishima say something like that Nintendo is staying away from from anything that associates with the Wii and Wii U brands? And besides adding PowerPC architecture to x86 architecture will make the NX very expensive so I’m not really certain if backwards compatibility will be an option this time around unless of course it’s via the cloud

              1. ” It of course does not mean that we are going to use exactly the same architecture as Wii U but we are going to create a system that can absorb the Wii U architecture adequately. ”

                That could indicate that Iwata was making a reference to the NX most likely using the cloud for access to Wii U games when he used the term ” absorbing “……at least that’s what he sounds like to me

              1. No it didn’t because both the Wii and Wii U was using the same architecture so incorporating backwards compatibility was super easy and very inexpensive. It’s being reported from various gaming sources that the NX will be significantly more powerful than current gen consoles so adding 2 different architectures will certainly add to the cost of the system

                1. The wii architecture is on the board and the wii u architect is on the board. What do you think is running the Wii mode? That is not emulation.

            1. well this is very odd that the Wii U will not be the same like the NX and no the NX will not have the architecture so my guess is that the NX is gonna be twice as powerful as we thought but i know its expensive and all for the powerPC but we all have to understand nintendo expenses.

      1. It can be good for people that don’t own a Wii U I suppose. But I have to say, if the NX releases and its launch titles are just a bunch of revamped Wii U game I will be very underwhelmed, and honestly pretty disappointed. We need new fresh experiences. Super Smash Bros Ultra, or Mario Kart 8 plus does not interest me. I have already played those games, and can go back to them anytime I want. I also don’t think using these revamped titles as launch games will get the general public very excited either. They didn’t by the Wii U for these game, so why try to re advertise them on a different console? Releasing the games on the Wii U is fine later on down the road, after the NX has been out for a while. Releasing them at launch is a potential disaster IMO. New console sales are heavily based on hype, and old games will not create any hype. Didn’t Nintendo already try this with older 3rd party games during the Wii U’s launch? Wonder how that turned out.

        1. Those 3rd party games weren’t that old, and I did enjoy some of them because I hadn’t played them elsewhere, and as long as there is a good mix of games at launch, 3rd party, new games, and some retreads, that will be OK… and with solid release dates for upcoming games within 6 months of launch that should be good enough. Really can’t say though, I get your point if that is all they have. So we will have to see. Still, they must see the Wii U user base as so low, that those games were not exposed to most people and therefore, if they can port them relatively easily, why not toss some more logs onto the fire?

    2. Totally agree, but I believe this is for the people who DO have Wii U’s. Think about it, most people move on to the next system and leave the previous one in the dust. All of those games listed have a big online focus, especially Smash Bros. Nintendo doesn’t want those communities to die when they have so much life left because everyone will ditch the Wii U like a hot potato. And given that the NX likely won’t/can’t be backwards compatible, they’re making NX versions to keep it going.

      That’s pretty much the only reason because like you said, those games won’t make people run to it if they didn’t run to the Wii U for them.

      1. well more people agree to this but some people think that she lied about the paper mario release date. anyway i think nintendo will support the Wii U and the 3DS once the NX launch.

      2. I wouldn’t describe XCX or Zelda U as titles with a big online purpose, and I don’t think people that bought and regularly play those games online are that willing to just sell their Wii U. I don’t see how buying the same game twice appeals to anyone.

    3. I think it’s just a little side dish…
      but there is a chance they might just use those ports as an excuse for a decent lineup like they did with those old 3rd party games for WiiU. I doubt they are THAT stupid tho…

      1. And it would be stupid if they did that. It would be borderline disastrous. You need to create hype and buzz for a new console to sale properly. Launching the system with old Wii U ports will not only NOT create any hype, it would actually have the opposite effect. Yes, I’m certain of it. If Nintendo wants the NX to fail, then by all means, use Wii U games as launch titles..

    4. Yeah, they won’t be system sellers. They’ll simply be incentives for people to get on board early and pad a stronger launch window (assuming things like Zelda U/NX and Luigi’s Mansion 3 at launch are actually true as well).

  2. By “remixed”, does that mean with added content? I’m almost afraid to buy anymore Wii U games, because they might get better ports on the NX. Sadly, most games that stands a possibility of getting better ports on the NX, I’ve already bought.

  3. I have a question.

    If they port splatoon, mario maker, smash and mario kart to NX (games where the online component is important), the servers would be the same? If so, the life of that games would be extended?

    Excuse my english.

    1. Well this is what I was thinking. It wouldn’t surprise me if Super Mario Maker at the very least was cross-generation compatible, and this would be good news for both Wii U and NX owners – NX owners get an amount of content already and Wii U owners see the lifespan of their game expanded.

    2. I hope not cause the smash servers are trash and kart ain’t much better. I’d like to think the ports would enable the voice chat people wanted and more options online for smash at least.

  4. So Nintendo seems to be thinking ahead while the NX is in R&D. Too bad they didnt think this way when Project Café was in R&D. I hope while the NX was in early stange development, they thought about 4k or if they didnt, make necessary changes before it goes on sale.

  5. They also need to think of adding at least 2 additional cores making it 10 and not 8 like the PS4 has if they want this console to be successful. Also they need to think of at least 5 gigs for gaming.

  6. Also they need to be thinking of Pikmin 5 almost immediately since Pikmin 4 is going to be unveiled this year. They also need to be thinking of Splatoons 2 and Super Strikers. They also need to think of the Gamepad and Pro Controller support while they can still make changes. They also need to think about better upgrades.

    1. No need to rush, 4 isn’t even out yet. Let them tackle some other franchise before making another Pikmin game.
      As always, they need some core games to draw attention to the system. New IPs, third-party deals, whatever. Revisiting franchises that already had their chance on Wii U so soon is not going to yield different results.

      1. Yes you right. It was greedy of me about Pikmin 5. Whwn other people want another franchise to arrived. Pikmin is my favorite Nintendo Franchise can you tell?

  7. If you trust Emily Rogers then you should keep in mind that she also said that 4 Wii U games are coming to NX.
    I personally don’t think the NX will be backwards compatible if it moves to cartridges, because it would need to have a disc drive installed, which would just add substantially to the price of the console. Remember when the PS3 came in with a disc drive for bluray? Sure, it won’t be as bad, but the NX needs to keep it cheap. Just port the best Wii U games to NX and we’ll be fine

    1. You will be fine but I will not buy games I can play on my Wii U. It doesn’t make sense for me to do that when I can spend money on other games.

      1. Oh don’t get me wrong, I got most of the Wii U’s fundamental library and probably all of the games that will be ported, I’m just saying it for those who didn’t buy a Wii U. Having Smash Wii U and Mario Kart 8 could help as a little more motivation for those who skipped on Wii U

      2. i hope to say that many people will find that hard to believe that these rumors are real but i’m second hand that nintendo getting employees to do there hard work on making these rumors.

  8. Most likely games for ports in my opinion would be Smash 4, XBCX, Splatoon and Zelda U. Throwing Splatoon on the NX would be a good excuse for them to toss on some more content, Smash has an extensive DLC amassed that could easily be thrown into some sort of GOTY edition, XBCX is quite simply just a really big game, and Zelda U is super likely to see a dual platform release a la twilight princess.

    Mariokart 8 and Starfox could work too, but they both rely heavily on the gamepad gimmick, so they’re a whole lot less likely.

    1. well they are gonna make another mario kart title mario kart NX so we all know that gamers usually like the games that we have on the Wii U so lets see what happens now.

  9. I regret buying a wiiu if this rumor is true, the wiiu will die with nothing making it unique. Wii GameCube and every past console had tons of gems, Nintendo has been very pathetic with the wiiu.

    I’ll wait till after the nx before considering a buy.

  10. I'm just an Animal Crossing

    Hey not talk more about it now? Does she work for Nintendo? Why does she have to wait for e3?

  11. I fully expect Zelda to have a multi platform launch, but I’ll be pretty mad if the other games get ports, especially if they have extra content like Hyrule Warriors did. Why can’t they just make it backwards compatible? I hate how all the big consoles are cutting backwards compatibility.

    1. Unfortunately it’s not as profitable to include BC, and Nintendo might finally be catching up with the times. I just hope we get some major discount for buying the “remixed ports” if we already own the originals, kind of like how I already had Yoshi’s Story on the Wii menu on the Wii U and only had to pay $2 to get the “enhanced version” on the Wii U menu.

      1. Or Nintendo can copy Sony & give us cross-buy on the NX. If we bought the game digitially on the Wii U, we can download it for free on the NX.

          1. True. Hopefully Nintendo Account will be just that & Nintendo just needs time to upgrade Nintendo Account which is why the thing isn’t a universal account system just yet.

  12. Nintendo doesn’t port last gen games, minus Twilight Princess which was a 1 time thing. You think Wii U owners are going to be excited to buy Smash again, Splatoon again, Mario Maker again, Xenoblade Chronicles X again? No they wont. Even Sony and Microsoft haven’t launched a system with more then 1 or 2 last gen ports. No system has an amazing launch, and that wont ever change. Plus Kimishima stated NX is completely different then Wii U, so with it having it’s own architecture, how would they easily get games that were built from the ground up for the Wii U and Gamepad, to run on the NX which probably wont have the Gamepad…can you imagine Super Mario Maker on NX without the Gamepad? That’s not a better version, thats a shittier version.

    1. I agree with you but they can place the Wii U architecture in the NX. The same way they put the Wii architecture in the wii u. It doesn’t always add unnecessary expense to hardware. It don’t take away from the power that the hardware can have. This is something that shouldn’t be ruled out. Going away from the Wii branding doesn’t mean no BC either.

    2. that would be the next version of the next generation but usually nintendo agrees with the DneA to make a prefect console that nintendo wanted them to do but most gamers still have that touching feeling that they can still get games on the Wii U but sure NX won’t have a backward compatibility like the Wii U but at least the fans can still enjoy nintendo.

  13. i’m not really sure about this new rumor bit if they do make a smash bros NX then that would be good enough for me and the Wii U ports yeah the hardware is gonna die out in 2 years.

  14. Pingback: Rumor: NX poderá ter ports do Wii U e novo Metroid em desenvolvimento – Blogs BR Games

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