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Call Of Duty Developers Confirm The Latest Game Won’t Come To Nintendo Switch

If you were holding out for a surprise announcement for Call of Duty: WWII for the Nintendo Switch then you are going to be disappointed. Sledgehammer Games, who are the developers behind the title due this fall on various platforms, has confirmed via a Reddit Ask Me Anything thread that the game won’t be appearing on the Nintendo Switch. So basically that clears that up!

Yes or no? Is Call Of Duty WWII coming to Nintendo Switch?

Sledgehammer Games: “No”


93 thoughts on “Call Of Duty Developers Confirm The Latest Game Won’t Come To Nintendo Switch”

  1. No shit. All developers know exactly what they are doing and not giving the real games to this console.
    1) Switch cant handle these games
    2) Nintendo fans are just nintendrones who are buying only Nintendo games. so it’s not worthy for developers to spend time for this

      1. Says the nintendrone who thinks is gonna have witcher 4 in the future if the switch is selling good…stick on mario now
        the nintendo consoles are only for nintendo games. and the majority of the people who will buy this machine are going to be ninendrones or other people who already got ps4 just to play the exclusives. That means when the new witcher 4 will arrive the developers will not port it to switch cause EVERYONE will buy it on the PS4xboxPC since the switch is not a standalone console like the rest.

        Doesn’t matter what you think about your fuckintg switch nintendrone. Is about what developers think.they know their games will not sell good enough on a console full of kids who never bough bayonetta or xenoblade. on wiiu the only 2 mature games.

      2. Uh no….He is actually right. They can’t be bothered to put games like this on the switch when they don’t sell well, the installbase is low, or nintendo gamers ONLY playing nintendo games(first party) or all the above.

    1. You do know a game does have to be mature to be enjoyable right, probably not, you’re more than likely one of those 12 year old kids who yells a bunch in a game lobby and curses everybody out

    2. Lol, really?

      You used a game that’s never going to happen (The Witcher 4) as a basis in a reply to someone else. You’re absolutely the dumbest one here.

      Besides, games will come if the audience is there and the demand is there for it. Don’t say “it can’t handle it” That’s stupid, the Switch can plenty handle these games brought to it. Even if its running a different engine, it’s still the same game. CoD even came to the Wii so your points are moot.

      By the way, the Witcher 3 was the last game in that series. End of story. Don’t assume it’s coming

      1. Complete bullshit the game is already made so it won’t cost any money to release it on different consoles, heck they can even sell it trough the online store wich costs zero materials used. It will cost money if they have to downgrade it , besides that why would you want to downgrade your game? Also mutliple games than run on Switch and PS4 show issue’s on the Switch.

      2. And what are you talking about stupid nintendrone? Thats why you nintendrones are the worsts among all the fans. YOU KEEP talking for the PAST!!!!!! Like wii had cod so what. So did wii u. Yes WII had COD and then who bought it? compared to the rest of the consoles? None. It sold 2.50m AT hes BEST among 100m wii. while the rest consoles sold crazy amound of millions. And this is why the developers are knowing ITS NOT worth it to bring games now on switch. Cause all nintendo consoles are just for nintendo games and to bring games on Nintendo console is not WORTH IT. Im trolling right? THE FACTS ARE REAL IDIOT.

        1) Switch cant handle these games
        2) Nintendo fans are just nintendrones who are buying only Nintendo games. so it’s not worthy for developers to spend time for this

        Get over it. when the developers make massive games with graphics There is A LINE for how A GAME will be upgraded (for pc) or downgraded for ps4-xbox. These 3 gaming devices are inside that line. The Switch is not. The switch crossed that line to much. So Yes 1) Switch cant handle these games they have to downgrade it with the Line crossed. While the worst console is Xbox and with Pro and xbox X is already pain in the ass to make so many different versions of the games. And also including the weak switch? with Dock-handle mode too? totally not worth it to bring-downgrade with massive changes games there and also no1 will buy them because like i said again and again Nintendrones only buy Nintendrone games. and nothing else
        Well i guess they can bring some games 720p 30fps. on next year…2018…wow well for handled is ok.

      3. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4; Awaiting Greatness on Nintendo Switch!}

        CD Projekt RED leave open the possibility of more Witcher games. Whether they will follow Geralt of Rivia is another matter, though, since Witcher 3 is meant to be the end of Geralt of Rivia’s saga. Anyway, Wild Hunt made more than enough money for them to continue the franchise if they so choose to. So don’t be surprised if a Witcher 4 does happen.

      1. like i give a shit what you thing about my words. in th meantime stick to your reality and keep thinking sony is paying the other companies to not to bring games on the switch, And keep dreaming switch will get more games when the sells are going to be good enough

          1. “Assumptions”

            Yes because they things i said are wrong. Because when a third party game arriving on the Nintendo consoles EVERYONE IS RUNNING TO BUY IT. SO developers are crazy now and they dont like to bring their games on this console!


            This is how cleary every attempt the 3d party developers they made is a failure. A huge failire to bring it on every nintendo console. Even the CoD on the BIG WII with the 100millions didn’t sold shit. The best CoD was 2.5m.

            The poor wii u sold around 500k cod copies? i dont remember. THIS IS SO BAD for COD standards.

            So this site is proving how my “Assumptions” are real. The people who buying Nintendo consoles are for Nintendo games. Not 3d party support. And the developers know that very well.

                  1. i just answered already shut up with your useless replies. The facts are on the link i give you. Go make comparations with all the 3d party support on your BIG wii console compared to the rest and you can see cleary no1 give a fuck to buy 3d party support on Nintendo consoles. same for wii u but on wii u you could say something like “wii u sold only 13m”

                    So how developers will bring games on the nintendo consoles with fans with logic like (i mean nintendrones not fans lmao)

                    “i buy switch only for mario-zelda-splatoon-arms-fire emblem-pokemon-etc-etc-etc”
                    “The rest games like Witcher-Gta-etc i have ps4 xbox-pc”
                    These are the facts. These are what developers knowing long time ago. Yet some of them they are still taking risks because always developers making risks and after the risk failure…they stop the support again. just like wii u.

    3. lmao, I’d rather have the new Doom game compared to the next COD – You know, The franchise which has plagued FPS games with it’s influence for nearly a decade?

      Infinite Warfare did shit compared to Doom 2016, There was a reason THAT game was highly successful: It was a return to classic FPS format with exploration, Enemy variety and no regenerating health or iron sights. It was fast paced action at it’s finest.

  2. Between this and the Shadow of War decision, there’s only one answer you need to know: 3rd-Party Attach Rates

    Until a few AAA devs/publishers make a move and their “testing the waters” software sells well, expect this same answer of “no plans at this time.” The “at this time” is there, btw, because the system is selling very well.

    1. Exactly, this is the reason I’m eager to see how Mario+Rabbids sell. I think if it does alright we may start to see some more games from Ubi. Heck I’d die and go to heaven if they made a unique AC game for Switch like what they did with Liberation on the Vita.

    2. I wouldnt necessarily assume a lot. Many devs likely haven’t had a dev kit for a while. This years wouldn’t, but next years isn’t out of the question. Especially if they have over 16 million sold by then

    3. Complete bullshit the game is already made so it won’t cost any money to release it on different consoles, heck they can even sell it trough the online store wich costs zero materials used. It will cost money if they have to downgrade it , besides that why would you want to downgrade your game? Also mutliple games than run on Switch and PS4 show issue’s on the Switch.

      1. Yeah, like Microsoft or Sony haven’t been doing the same shit for years, pay to play online that’s overpriced, same controller designs (especially Sony), too many console revisions, and let’s not forget all of those remasters Sony releases (totally orginal)

        Nintendo might have those console revision, but their controllers are sure as hell different from each other, the Wii controller is different from the Wii U controller and the Wii U controller is different from the Switch’s controllers. Nintendo does have online services now, but it’s cheap, $20 a year is better than $60 a year and they need a way to keep up their game servers. Though Nintendo has ported games to their other consoles in the past, they’ve added enough stuff to make them different from the original version whereas Sony will make the game look better.

      2. Having different controllers is not a good argument. A lot of people hate Nintendo’s more recent models. That’s why they have the pro-controllers. So PlayStation having the same controller is a good thing if people like it. Personally, I hate the Wii-mote, the gamepad, and although I haven’t tried it yet, most likely the joycon, since it’s basically an upgraded Wii-mote. I loved the older Nintendo controllers, and I like the pro-controllers.

    1. unless you’re new to the third-party boxes. I just got Tomb Raider, Witcher 3 + all DLC, and Metro Redux plus telltale’s Game of Thrones seasons 1-6 for under $40.

      my video game backlog continues to grow. It sucks missing out on 3rd party so long, but it’s great to get fun games for $5, $8 and $20. Of course, I pay $60 a year (the cost of one new game) to get all the free and cheap games.

      I’m just saying… If you are still Nintendo exclusive, stop torturing yourself.

        1. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4; Awaiting Greatness on Nintendo Switch!}

          I hate to say this but when even the fanboys & the non-fanboys both dislike you equally, that’s not a good thing AT ALL & you should really settle down a bit. You are bordering on sasori levels, dude.

            1. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4; Awaiting Greatness on Nintendo Switch!}

              Just giving you a warning. Whether you take it or not is your problem, not mine. But if you don’t mind being a joke to nearly everyone in this blog, more power to ya, bub.

                1. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4; Awaiting Greatness on Nintendo Switch!}

                  Maybe one day when you grow a spine & venture out of your bubble, you’ll realize paying for online is not as evil as you are making it out to be since you aren’t just paying for online but other things, too. Then again, you do bitch about the optional portable aspect of Switch a lot, so you’d probably still whine. *shrug*

                    1. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4; Awaiting Greatness on Nintendo Switch!}

                      I do have those. I’m just not cheap, is all.

                        1. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4; Awaiting Greatness on Nintendo Switch!}

                          *rolls eyes* Whatever you say, Sasori 3.0.

      1. Pingback: Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War Developer Discusses Lack Of Switch Version – My Nintendo News

      2. King Kalas X3 {Greatness Awaits at Sony PlayStation 4; Awaiting Greatness on Nintendo Switch!}

        The next year & a half is going to be mighty interesting.

        1. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

          ||Of course, the warmongering me and my fellow zealots will conduct…||

      3. Of course it’s not coming. I’ll say the same thing for the next big 3 party game that doesn’t come to switch until Nintendo’s next console and the cycle will continue. smh.

      4. I’m not getting WWII day one, I’ll wait 3-4 months and get it discounted, as I get all my Next Box games. Can’t wait. I have had a blast with Battlefields WWI, WW2, assuming it’s not pay to win should be fun.

        1. Congrats. You successfully turned your Switch into a WiiU. LOL. Way to stream games to the handheld tablet with controls. xD WiiU been rocking that shit for 5 years!

          1. Well actually I want to play OW and I’m playing the Switch all the time inside my house. Because nobody of people who I know bought the Switch.

            In summary I don’t care if I have to play just like a Wii U. It’s about OW to play on a console which I want to play on the Switch.

        2. As long as you have a PC that you can game on, and decent wifi signal, I’m sure it will be fun for you. I’m not saying it’s a bad idea, just that it’s ironic the switch needs to take a step back and be tethered to another machine that does the actual gaming.

          meh, whatever floats your boat, at least the streaming option appears to be coming.

      5. Please lets stop Deceiving ourselves.. once we knew what was under the hood, the fate of the switch as regards 3rd party AAA games was sealed!

        The problem is not getting a direct port.. the problem is the 3rd parties not making a switch game FROM SCRATCH! Making games has nothing to do with shiny graphics and high rez textures but it seems that is all they think about! Why not make a game for switch that respects the hardware and the people who own it?

        Get creative… make something people will buy!

        For all the talk of 3rd parties not selling on switch, if Rockstar were to make a GTA switch using the GTA V engine.. it will sell like hot cakes!

        no way games that launch at 50gb with a 40gb day one patch were ever going to come to switch.

      6. Nintendo stopped wanting to be the only gaming platform for “hardcore” (ie 13-24 year old male) a long time ago. They want to be everyone’s second console, while reaching for the “casual” audience to penetrate homes that otherwise only have mobile.

        But here’s the deal with these “AAA” third parties: they’ve become a cancer on the industry.

        As the push for higher quality graphical realism continues, we’re seeing massive diminishing returns on money invested. Development cost on art is just a giant bloated mass that makes for long development time and huge cost of production (risk). At the same time, Steam sales, Humble Bundle, and mobile game costs have massively reduced customers’ willingness to keep up with this increased production expense. So studios and publishers have been cannibalizing themselves for years, meaning we have waaay less third party teams than we did in the 360 days. The few studios left refuse to take any risks or innovate in game design in any way. They churn out sequel after sequel rather than focus on new IP (at least Nintendo sometimes rely on old IP to sell new game design, which is better than most nowadays). I played all the Call of Grand Theft Battlefield I needed a decade ago, and yes new boys are turning 13 every day to gobble up the next rehashed murder simulator, the reality is the median age of gamer is increasing every year and the gender divide is almost non existent. We need someone like Nintendo doing exactly what they are doing, while still providing a platform with a lower spec ceiling to cater to those innovative indie and smaller studios while selling their own AAA quality games that appeal to a much broader demographic.

        1. Not just new boys turning 13, but some of us old dogs that have been exclusively with Nintendo, feeling 13 again when we see and play all the games we’ve been missing :D

        1. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

          ||Because the human race is a primitive uncomplicated barbarian lifeform, there are no more reasons to it than that…||

            1. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

              ||Considering you got so offended by it, I’d say good for you coming out as a primitive, but we all know you already were so it isn’t news…||

            1. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

              ||We both know that isn’t your real issue here, you don’t need to pretend human boy…||

        2. Great Question.
          On the surface, Commander is right. Some… a lot of people enjoy violent video games. I don’t know if it’s an outlet, if it’s the addrenaline rush of being in a tense situation, but one you can walk away from, or for some, something more primal.

          For others, it may include some of that, but it’s also what it stands for. My family is has many soldiers. Army, Navy. My grandfather… the stories I could tell. For at least the older of us, it’s the physical fighting of something you believe in or stand for or cherish. You could be living a very different life if the events of WW1 or two went differently.

          I don’t know what country you are from, but America went to war for Independence. So, some people have pride in what specific wars represent… ESPECIALLY WW1 and 2.

          Personally, I think CoD is cashing in on the Battlefield 1 bandwagon, but as long as it’s done well, it’s ok I guess.

      7. I’m watching this comment section closely. Treat each other nicely, please or do us all a favour and don’t comment at all.


      8. Pingback: Call of Duty: WWII, esclusa una versione per Nintendo Switch

      9. Pingback: Call of Duty: WWII, esclusa una versione per Nintendo Switch – Italia Notizie

      10. Pingback: Nintendo Game Developers • Japan Technology News

      11. I really don’t know why they haven’t put cod mobile on the switch yet. I would play the hell out of that. Dowsnights says Thing is we have realised this year that Activision cares about Switch for Certain games so Crash Bandicoot, Tony Hawk, Spyro ,Diablo and Over watch which they know have done well or their upcoming games will do well on the console but the switch is going to definitely become the best selling video game system of all time and never receive a Call of Duty.

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