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Nintendo Direct Coming Thursday March 8th 2018

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Mark your calendars: information about Nintendo Switch and Nintendo 3DS games is coming this week in a new Nintendo Direct presentation, which includes new details on Mario Tennis Aces.

To tune in, check out the Nintendo Direct website  or the Nintendo UK YouTube channel this Thursday, 8th March at 10pm (UK time) / 23:00 CET, where the broadcast will be streamed.

Tune in on March 8 at 2:00 p.m PT/5:00 p.m. ET for roughly 30 minutes of information focused on Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Switch titles launching this year, including new details on Mario Tennis Aces.

Source: PR

226 thoughts on “Nintendo Direct Coming Thursday March 8th 2018”

      1. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

        ||The Switch hasn’t had a single negative Nintendo Direct since launch yet, the Empire and the Wii U are dead, no need to go down memory lane to situations irrelevant to the new course of victory…||

        ||Anyone that says that the Switch has had a Nintendo Direct worse than a solid approved one are Xbots and other nonsense haters by default and have irrelevant arguments…||

      2. Nintendo First Order Recruiter Zscout1288

        The problem is over hype has the power to turn a great direct to the end of the world for fans. Look at the Pokemon Stars incident

        1. That PKMN Stars is their own fault. Pokemon Company didn’t cite or hype anything. This is like The Last Jedi thing: They overhype the movie with fan fictions and theories that wasn’t even in the EU they loved so much and damn Disney for “de-canonize” which they’re still using it. After watching it, they curse it’s name just for the whole family fiction theories being tossed out the window (unsurprisingly) and then scold Rian over Luke Skywalker not being the perfect/powerful Jedi without flaws but call out Rey for being Mary Sue. lol See how fanbases are a fucking joke these days? They wanna set themselves up with so much hype because they’re too selfish to expect everything to go their way or land on their laps.

      1. I’m thinking Pokemon is either in May or June. I know the Pokemon Company does it’s own thing in May. If it doesn’t happen there then it’s definitely in June for E3!

  1. 30 minutes…
    Let me guess…
    25 minutes of kirby (return to dreamland) star allies in the north american direct, the other 5 minutes will be about games you know are coming…

    – Church of Sasori

      1. Speak for yourself. Sony’s E3 was great for me; Nintendo’s was okay at best. If this direct is exactly what Church says, it’ll be trash compared to all of E3.

        1. Only Spider-Man (because, you know, Sony wants to hold it hostage from Marvel), Last of Us 2 (still nothing of gameplay was shown yet) and God of War (is it a reboot in another camera angle or is it the 4th with a new camera angle/gameplay people have a problem with?). That’s all I see that’s “hyped”. Switch has endless possibilities and games that it’s portability can make it better.

          1. It’s God of War 4 with new gameplay and you have control over the camera now. They revealed a lot of cool stuff at E3 last year. But I won’t tell you. Telling you about all the other cool stuff they showed at E3 2017 would be like DemiGOD trying to tell Quadraxis about all the cool stuff Microsoft showed at E3 2017: a waste of time.

              1. The original 3 Devil May Cry games are coming to PS4 in an HD collection this month to join the 4th game already on the system. Also got God of War 3 on PS4. So I’m not lacking in those games if I don’t bother with a new Switch later in the year. As for God of War 4, it’s just doing what Assassin’s Creed Origins & Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild are doing: breaking away from tradition to create a new way to play the game.

                1. I guess Sony Ponies got pissy of having a crappy DMC game and see Bayonetta run off to Nintendo on top of GoW NOT 4, having a change of gameplay/camera/pacing that leaves them wondering “will we ever have a true hack/slash again?” and that’s where this trilogy remaster comes in because they got nothing else. It’s a sad time for Sony fans isn’t it? No crossplay, no backward games, PSN getting hacked up the ass…again and now this. XP

                  1. You’d be surprised how little the majority of PlayStation users actually care about Bayonetta. Remember, the original Bayonetta did poorly on PS3 & XBox 360. And it did poorly for a reason: the vast majority just didn’t care.

                    1. I know. Less than 3 million COMBINED sales of the first game on both systems, maybe over 3 with Steam. But that’s that so I’m wondering why they’re suddenly salty when Nintendo funds the series to continue. Anyway, Bayonetta now has a home and I’m happy for it. I like the series to stay and provide itself as a first-second party hack/slash since Sony has God of War..until the fourth game changed that and Microsoft has DMC if it doesn’t suck again that is. That’s why they’re mad about Nintendo having Bayonetta because it’s a solid franchise that hasn’t screwed up or died yet.

                      1. You pay too much attention to the minority of PlayStation gamers. They are so loud in your head that they got you convinced the majority of PS gamers are 1st person shooter crazed and that they are mad about missing out on Bayonetta 2 & now 3. The internet tends to make the minority of any fanbase or whatever look like the majority when that’s just not true. The minority are just very, very, very fucking vocally loud. It’s also why people like cronotose, Phazoon, and megamansurvives think the vast majority of hackers, modders, & emulators are just nefarious, evil shits that will steal your credit/debit card or hack an online store for the sole purpose of stealing everyone’s credit/debit card information first chance they get. It’s like saying all sharks are man-eaters because bull & tiger sharks will eat anything that trespasses on their territory, including humans, when the vast majority of sharks don’t eat or attack humans and even when they do, it’s because of mistaken identity, not some evil plot to wipe out humanity from the earth’s oceans. lol

                        (I’m sure there is a run-on sentence in that mess somewhere…)

                        1. They were making noises about it like it suddenly matters and yes, there is too many shooters games out there that it’s even more of a plague than platformers in the 90s trying to outdo Mario.

                        2. Not just the internet but the media as a whole, too. They both tend to make the worst things seem like the only things happening in the world. In reality, most media only focuses on the bad because that’s what makes their ratings go up the most.

              1. Since your dumbass called Miyamoto “overrated” at the same time. Also, that amnesia excuse isn’t your neural network in the brain.

                1. The sad truth is Miyamoto IS overrated these days. Least when it comes to him making games. He did give us this game, after all. *points at Star Fox Zero* See? Overrated.

        2. HELL TO THE YEEEEAAAAAHHHHH…….I hope Nintendo shocks us with some surprises…..can’t wait

        3. 1 minute opening
          3 minutes of detective Pikachu
          4 minutes of indies
          4 minutes of Mario Tennis (release date announced)
          3 minutes of Kirby allies
          2 minutes of 3ds games that should be on switch but are not
          2 minutes of Dk country
          2 minutes hopefully of Yoshi switch
          3 minutes of labo
          2 minutes of Hyrule warriors ( release date announced)
          3 minutes of 3rd party whatever
          1 minute closing/ wrap up THATS ALL FLOKS 😂😂😂


          1. I’d be happy if they announce metroid prime trilogy HD or a new metroid prime 4 teaser. But the last one is material for the E3 while MP trilogy (if it happens)…

            1. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

              ||That is a possibility yes, but, Metroid Prime 4 will likely be saved for E3, it is not ready to be shown yet…||

              ||However, there is a slight possibility that it could be delayed for the next one if some unforeseen factors occur like with Zelda…||

              1. Yes, as i said MP 4 is material for E3, i’d rather they take their time with that game than rushing it, expectations are soooo high for that new weapon.

        4. Why’s everyone’s expectations so low? This is 2018. It’s the sophomore year for Switch. Y’all really don’t think Nintendo has any heavy hitters to announce?

          …hold up, more 3DS announcements??

              1. No but the games are slowing down. All I’m expecting is Detective Pikachu, Sushi Striker, and Dillon’s Rolling Western 2 which I think was already confirmed.

            1. 10 years of crap belongs to Sega as a rep. I would say 5 years most and that’s during the entire Pii U’s pointless and loser life cycle.

              1. Nope. It’s been 10 years of mediocrity & crap. It started with the Wii in November 2006 and ended in March 2017 (I hope) with the Switch. It’s not been great for me when it comes to Nintendo & the Switch but it’s not been crappy or mediocre, either. We’ll see soon enough either tomorrow or at E3 if & when we find out about paid online.

                1. Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3/Trilogy, Twilight Princess, MK6, Smash Bros. Brawl, Mario Party 8, Return to Dreamland, Donkey Kong Country Returns, The Conduit, Skyward Sword, Epic Yarn, Wii Sports/Resort, VIRTUAL CONSOLE? None of those sound lame to me.

                  1. Out of all the games you mentioned, the only ones I actually fully enjoyed were Metroid Prime Trilogy, Mario Kart 6, Donkey Kong Country Returns, The Conduit, & Skyward Sword. As for VC, I only got a handful of them. Other than them, Wii was a good 80-90% of crap.

                      1. Yes. The shovelware. Like it or not, they were Wii games & they dragged the quality of the system down immensely for some of us.

            2. I mean if that’s how most people see it, then I understand. But when I look at Nintendo, I definitely don’t see 10 years of mediocrity and it’s hard for me to understand anyone who has that point of view.

              1. Then I’ll help you understand. 10 years of missing out on all of the major 3rd party games because they skipped Nintendo because of Nintendo’s failures with the Gamecube and releasing a weak system with terrible porting, another 5 years of SD because the idiots at Nintendo thought HD wasn’t gonna take off, and only a handful of games on Wii & Wii U to play. I spent more time either watching Netflix on Nintendo home consoles or not playing games at all. And why? Because of foolish loyalty in Nintendo instead of buying a damn PS3 like I should have done & not getting the PS4 when it became available in the beginning of 2014. Around 20 games on Wii. Around 10 games on Wii U. Over 50 on PS4. And that was in less than 3 freaking years when I got my PS4 back in November 2015. And that’s not counting the games that are bundled into one sale. I got over 60 games if I count the multiple-games-in-1-game bundles. The 3DS was the only good thing from Nintendo during that time & even then I only have around 25 games for it. Maybe 30 before it gets put out to pasture. (To be honest, I actually hate handheld gaming because of the little screen (the 3D effect of 3DS is pretty cool, though) and the little buttons so the Switch being portable means very little to me. But that’s another subject for another time.) So overall, Nintendo has been mediocre & crap for me. Now you know & will hopefully understand it better. If not, the only thing I can say is you’ve been too blinded by your nostalgia goggles for Nintendo to see past your own thoughts and see how others feel about Nintendo. (I broke my goggles at E3 2015… lol)

            1. That would be bullshit. We want a NEW Star Fox, not another rehash of an SNES game. Remastering Star Fox 2 would be more ideal since that game never came to the West at all.

              1. IMO star fox zero wasn’t that bad, again that’s just my opinion and i understand why others disliked this one. Yes, a star fox 2 remaster would be better or a new star fox but this time directed by Kamiya. I’ve always thought that zero would have been different with him helming the project mainly because i am sure that Kamiya is one of those people who has the guts to stand against Miyamoto.

                1. Miyamoto should step off the next game and worry more about the Mario Bros. movie because of..well, you know how the last one went down…

                  1. Nintendo wasn’t involved with the first movie, I’d be worried if they put in charge those weebs who works at the tree house. Now the main issue is if Miyamoto understands Americans’ sense of humor, Jackie chan (hr is from china i know), said that he didn’t like the first rush hour movie because of that, Asians may not understand that and maybe the producers might take advantage of that. Illuminarion’s fart jokes are well suited for Wario not Mario.

                    I fully hope that Koisumi is somewhat involved with the movie, but at least Nintendo is not Sega/sonic team, lol.

                      1. Mario has potential to be a fun movie, Mario’s world is wacky and so rich, i am hoping that they don’t fill it with fart jokes.

                          1. Do you think so?

                            Americans’ logic is “kids love fart jokes”. look how some studios ruined some franchises (smurfs, yogi bear, Scooby-door, Alvin and the chipmunks, cat in the hat, freaking astro boy, dragon ball), i hope and i mean really hope that they make this adaptation right Mario has more potential than Sonic to be an entertaining movie. Personally i don’t want to watch a narcissistic hedgehog reminding me every minute that he is the fastest thing alive.

                            You are right, sorry i have been generalizing every movie producer.

                                1. I’ve watched a number of episodes but only because they were being shown early in the morning & I needed something to fall asleep to. xD Least the episode where Cyborg is spam singing one specific song was pretty good.

                                  Behold the one redeeming thing about this show: this song!

                                  1. Ah yes, the night begins to shine. Lol, a friend of mine gave me the puffy Amy yummy cover, i have to watch that episode.

                                    Today it was confirmed that Nicholas Cage will voice superman in the teen titans go movie…now if they can get Michael Keaton to voice batman it would be a dream come true :)

                            1. I honestly think making a Zelda movie is much easier and there’s plenty of talent who worked on Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones and even Harry Potter who can nail it. All they have to do is make Link mute and everyone else speak. That’s it.

                              1. Fuck that mute bullshit! Link so obviously is able to talk in the games but we don’t hear it because of the “but he’s the player’s avatar!” bullshit.

                                  1. I say screw ’em. Even if Link talking is the best thing ever, some will still bitch, so might as well go all in & see what happens.

                                      1. Screw playing it safe. After BotW was a bold step forward, going safe with Zelda related stuff is backpedaling.

                                          1. Some things shouldn’t be changed. Ganon being the villain is one of them. Of course, if they intend to make a trilogy, Ganon should be saved for the 3rd movie, ala like Thanos.

                                        1. That’s a great idea, if they do it I’d love to see Gendy Tartakovzky involved, some samurai jack episodes/scenes were almost mute with only environmental sounds, for me he’s the man for the project

                                    1. That’s what I’ve been talking about. When platinum was celebrating its anniversary Kamiya lamented the fact that he was busy working in scalebound and because of that he wasn’t able to direct zero.

                                      1. That lamentation turned to anger when Microsoft shut Scalebound down. I mean, this is Kamiya we’re talking about here. He doesn’t play when he’s annoyed, angry, or pissed.

                            2. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

                              ||Too early, unless they switched it with the potential Switch version of Xenoblade Chronicles X…||

                                  1. It’s not a true Xenoblade, to be honest. If anything, it’s more of a Xenogears game. But since Square Enix owns Xenogears, they had to make XCX as part of the Xenoblade franchise since the name Xenogears was impossible to use. Maybe if Nintendo had used the money they have, they probably could have bought Xenogears and released XCX as a sequel and maybe even released an HD remaster of the original Xenogears to Wii U.

                              1. Nintendo First Order Recruiter Zscout1288

                                What do you think about everyone moving separately but at once that they tried in top 100 and star rush but with full proper boards

                            1. One thing I would love to see is “We’ll talk more about Metroid Prime 4 at E3, but here’s Metroid Prime Trilogy HD coming to Switch this year.”

                              They did give us the first two Bayonettas before 3 so it’s not impossible.

                                  1. I’m sure Prime 4 started development after FF flopped to hell after 2015 reveal and the same goes for SR. I can guarantee it so it’ll come this year, maybe around November marking 16 years since Metroid Prime debut on GameCube.

                                1. That would be at E3.

                                  If Nintendo wants as much sales as possible from Prime 4 it only makes sense to put out the first three games too for new players to get into it.

                              1. Do you know that Metroid Prime 4 might have it’s name? Metroid prime, Metroid prime 2 Echoes, Metroid prime 3 corruption. And last but not least, Metroid prime 4 it could be called something else.

                          2. Dang. I’ll have to go on a Nintendo news blackout for an hour so I could watch this on my lunch break.

                          3. 2018 and Dark Souls, MP4 and Fire Emblem have already been teased…
                            I know I can’t be disappointed now.
                            The Switch has marked out its value and developers know it

                            1. No one, especially Ubisoft, Capcom and Activision cannot ignore the Switch’s unprecedented success anymore. It’s NOW or lose the window of opportunity.

                                  1. Something that fucking BAD, it cannot be easily forgotten and like what my grandmother taught me: “Forgive but never forget” because when you forget and the same shit happens again since you allowed it, it’s on you for being a fool. It plays with the whole “Fool me once, fool me twice” kind of thing.

                                              1. Amiibo Festival had everybody curse Nintendo for ruining Animal Crossing just to promote more Microtransaction toys instead of making a big social game that AC was suppose to be and Star Fox 1.3 was obviously the final nail in Pii U’s coffin for being a terrible rehash with subpar graphics and forced motion controls that nobody has a choice to turn off.

                                                  1. Me either after I tried New Leaf and SFZ is not underrated. It’s shit, it’s lazy and it’s bad for good reasons.

                                          1. That will be the best surprise I did have since Metroid Prime 4 and Samus Returns!! BTW I also like AM2R.

                                            1. I’m sure Quadraxis isn’t gonna like that last part. AM2R is the reason why SR exists but should’ve exist as AM2R being official commissioned game like Sonic Mania for 3DS/Switch.

                                          2. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

                                            ||People can like that unofficial weapon if they want to but it is NOT the reason to the existence of Samus Returns or official part of Metroid now or ever…||

                                            1. Then how come Nintendo was flashing that exact same fan art AM2R had as it’s credit post? That’s purely no coincidence to you? They could’ve shown ANYTHING ELSE but THAT? It’s obvious AM2R had plenty to do with SR being created because after FF reveal backlash, Nintendo more than likely heard about AM2R because that’s exactly where the fans ran to for comfort, I surely did after I fucking quit gaming with them since.

                                                  1. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

                                                    ||Multiple sources state, including the creator of the art that she willingly submitted it to us even after High Command shut the overall project down…||

                                                    ||So no, there is no hatred between her and Nintendo at all despite of what some other say…||

                                                    1. I’m not saying hatred is involved with the artist or AM2R creator but everything about what Nintendo was doing and implying with that artwork is too convenient to be a “coincidence” that some idiots wanna believe. They could’ve picked ANY Metroid fan art but they specifically chose THAT one for a reason: Simmer down the AM2R boycotters to buy SR which it didn’t work.

                                                    1. This proves what exactly? Like I said, they could’ve picked anything else but that to promote Samus Returns. Do you have any idea how much fan art I’ve seen in deviantART regarding Metroid 2? Too many and they suspiciously picked that one. I’m not falling for it.

                                                      1. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

                                                        ||They showed this fan art among others, 3 months after the revelation of both Samus Returns and Metroid Prime 4 at E3, she submitted it 2 months after that herself, so no, this was a more out of respect for her work only…||

                                                        ||Whether they knew about the fan art involved for AM2R or not is irrelevant, we don’t need other’s work to promote our own, especially after we already did it ourselves months prior and the coming 3 months before they even used her art to the public…||

                                      1. All they have to do is show Fire Emblem and I’ll be satisfied.
                                        I’m not going to get my hopes ridiculously high like most other people allllways do. But I’m sure it’ll be a solid presentation.

                                        Oh crap. We’re possibly boned! Just give me news on paid online and we’ll see if I get a new Switch by the Summer if I like what I hear. If I REALLY like what I hear, I might have a hard decision to make next month: a new Switch or PS4 Pro… Pro might win out, though, since I got a nice 4K TV with HDR+ and I’m dying to get a 4K capable system in my house (even if it is just upscales for games & not natural 4K.)

                                          1. For someone that doesn’t have a PlayStation nor cares about it, of course it has no significance to you. But I do have a PlayStation & care about it. I want the best of the best that Sony has to offer & the PS4 Pro is that with better HD quality, faster load times, better frame rates, etc. So PS4 Pro is significant to me.

                                            As for Nintendo, if my needs aren’t met, fuck them. Sony comes first now; Nintendo second.

                                            1. So it’s basically an overclocked base PS4. Got it and by that, I mean I’m not gonna bother spending $400 for a slight speed boost.

                                              Also, Quadraxis is gonna have a field day with your ass. lol

                                              1. If you prefer the weaker Switch, there’s nothing wrong with that.

                                                As for Quadraxis, I’m not worried about him as we’re cool since half of his shtick is an act & he’s not as fanatical about Nintendo as his RP character would have some of you to believe.

                                                1. And if you prefer the redundantly cosmetic upgrade Pro, that’s fine too. lol

                                                  I know he RPs for character posts. I don’t take him THAT seriously myself. XP Only when it does make sense.

                                              2. *redoes that first line* If you prefer the weaker Switch, there’s nothing wrong with that. But I prefer to have a 4K capable system for my 4K TV since the Switch is no where near capable of 4K. And since I like PlayStation, that 4K capable system is gonna be the PS4 Pro. It’s either that or the Xbox One X which is only 100 bucks more. BUT I prefer my PlayStation. Not only because it is cheaper but because I actually quite enjoy the Sony exclusives. (Until Dawn, for instance, is great even if it is a cinematic movie video game.)

                                        1. Nintendo First Order Commander Quadraxis

                                          ||This is a Nintendo Base, not My Little Ponies ‘R’ Us Base and Sonyans will be attacked and destroyed for promoting their corrupted filth here, and of course Xbots even more so…||

                                      3. I refuse to get excited, after that last Direct had nothing interesting whatsoever. I’m also sick of Reggie not being a part of the Directs anymore. Since Iwata died, it feels like he took everyone down with him. Nothing is the same anymore. I’m also sick of always wishing for Pikmin 4 and Animal Crossing Switch, but getting nothing.

                                      4. Please let there be a Donkey Kong 64 remake for 3DS or Switch or Both! This game deserve to have a remake!

                                        1. Some stuff predicted are agreeable, but here’s what I have to say on others:
                                          *Next Official Mario Kart game for Switch: Probably they’ll announce it to be in Development at E3 this year. Would really make my day if it is announced then.
                                          *Mario & Sonic at the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games: They can announce it in that Direct or at Sega’s Presenation next week.
                                          *Super Mario Maker 2: I don’t really see that happening until after the Next 2D Mario Game, nor unless the Switch has itself a Miiverse Successor.
                                          *New 2D Mario Game, Mario Party 10 Deluxe, Luigi’s Mansion 3, New Captain Toad Adventure: What be nice if these all were announced sometime this year, whether it be at E3, in this Direct, or in a Future Nintendo Presentation.

                                      5. Pingback: Platinum Games Hideki Kamiya Retweets Today’s Nintendo Direct Announcement – My Nintendo News

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