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Nintendo considering expanding Nintendo Switch Online games library

Nintendo answered a number of questions from its shareholders yesterday and one of the thing that came up was whether Nintendo has plans to extend the Nintendo Switch Online subscription games library to include other systems like the GameCube. Nintendo said that it was something that they are considering but they are not ready to announce anything yet.

While I can’t give any new information about further classic hardware etc. here, we are thinking about expanding the NES software lineup on the online service and other ways of providing them. We understand your desire to play past products.


18 thoughts on “Nintendo considering expanding Nintendo Switch Online games library”

  1. This is really tying in with that other article that nintendo will stop supplying new games for the nes service there aren’t alot of good nes games tbh, and the service qerks aren’t looking to good
    they need to:
    ☆Release more than three games a month (lol everyone knows thats not not enough)
    ☆Release more games (snes, 64, gamecube, gba, and wii, they already have the asseories for them to make them playable)

    1. With respect, I think a lot of this post is ridiculous.

      “there aren’t alot of good nes games”

      By what standard. I could probably come up with a couple dozen amazing NES titles that aren’t on the service currently without putting a single bit of thought it into it, and the service already has more high quality games on it than many entire platforms ever get. They aren’t designed with modern gaming habits in mind, but that’s an issue of taste, not quality. As it stands, if I had to choose between never playing any PS4 games again, and never playing any NES games again, I’d ditch the PS4 without a moment’s hesitation.

      “Release more than three games a month (lol everyone knows thats not not enough)”

      Completely ridiculous. 3 new games for the service per month is already more than the competition gives for their (more expensive) online service. PS4 had 2 for June, and if you aren’t a member during that specific month, you never get them. The Nintendo service at a fraction of the cost gives you every game they’ve ever added.

      “Release more games”

      We can agree here, though two things get in the way. The classic mini series, and third parties putting out their own remasters and rereleases on the Switch eshop on their own. Do you want N64 games on the service, or do you want an N64 mini? While I agree that I want the games on the service, it’s certainly understandable that there’s some sorting that needs to be done about the mixed direction of Nintendo’s classics monetization.

      1. How much does Nintendo pay you to suck their pp so hard? LOL.
        The vast majority of NES games have NOT aged very well at all. Of course there are high quality games that are still fun to play decades later, but it’s a pretty big stretch to say that these games are enough of a reward for paying money to play online, both qualitatively and quantitatively, especially when considering how abysmally bad the online multiplayer is to begin with.
        Yeah, Nintendo’s service is cheaper than the competition (for very good reasons), but if you ask me, it’s still too overpriced for what it offers: Garbage online multiplayer + old ass games barely anyone even wants.
        I don’t even understand what exactly are they charging us for, because the way I see it, there’s nothing that justifies them expecting us to pay money for their terrible online multiplayer. I mean, they don’t even offer dedicated servers, they literally make us pay money so we can let people connect to OUR shit through p2p, in any of their games.
        And the online modes in some of the games are completely lackluster too, or do I have to remind people of the absolute shitshow Mario Party’s online multiplayer was? LOL. Just one of many examples.
        Even the most basic features the competitions has been offering for nearly 15 years are still missing on Nintendo’s platforms, which is absolutely mind blowing to me. Where is the messaging system? Where is voice chat? Or team chat at the very least where you can talk with your buddies from your friend list?? And no, I do not want to use a shitty external phone app to use the most obvious features that should be taken for granted and should have been on their systems 10 years ago already.
        So really, what exactly are we paying for?? I can’t see a single thing that warrants them asking for money for their online multiplayer. The service has been active for a while now and nothing has improved compared to how it was before they introduced it. Using the money they charge to actually improve their shit might be an idea. But then again, there hasn’t been much of an improvement in online multiplayer since the 3DS, if we’re honest here, LMAO. Friend codes in 2019, amirite hahaha.
        At least try and compensate by giving people actual rewards that can be considered attractive. Because NES games really ain’t it, chief.

        NES games as a reward are bad, the online service is bad, them charging money for all of this shit is bad, and these are facts. Your personal bias towards Nintendo doesn’t change any of that. If you can’t see how flawed their system is and defend this garbage, you’re completely delusional and pathetic for being so emotionally committed to kissing up to a corporation. Nintendo won’t notice you, sorry to say.

      2. “The vast majority of NES games have NOT aged very well at all…….it’s a pretty big stretch to say that these games are enough of a reward for paying money to play online, both qualitatively and quantitatively, especially when considering how abysmally bad the online multiplayer is to begin with.”

        Good thing I didn’t say that. When you start your comment by joking about me being a whore, you should probably double check that you didn’t misread anything. At no point did I suggest that NES games were “enough”. I said that there were plenty of great NES games.

        ” it’s still too overpriced for what it offers: Garbage online multiplayer + old ass games barely anyone even wants.”

        Aside from the completely irrational complaint about the games’ age (the vast majority of free games people want on the service are 20 years old), this pretty much describes every console online service since they started. Nintendo could do a lot to improve their service, not the least of which would be ditching that insane phone app voice chat idea, but garbage online multiplayer + “free” cheap games is 100% the industry standard model.

        ” I mean, they don’t even offer dedicated servers, they literally make us pay money so we can let people connect to OUR shit through p2p, in any of their games.”

        This has been true of most paid online services for consoles. I agree that nobody should pay it, but they do and so long as they do this will be the industry standard.

        “The service has been active for a while now and nothing has improved compared to how it was before they introduced it. ”

        Worse, Nintendo makes no effort to communicate that improvements will ever be made.

        “NES games as a reward are bad, the online service is bad, them charging money for all of this shit is bad, and these are facts. ”

        lol. Literally everything you said was a judgement based on subjective personal standards. I agree with every part of this except the silly knocking of classic games, but you can’t call them facts because there’s no objective way to evaluate “good” and “bad” in this context. Everyone on the planet could agree with you, they still wouldn’t be facts.

        “Your personal bias towards Nintendo doesn’t change any of that. If you can’t see how flawed their system is and defend this garbage, you’re completely delusional and pathetic for being so emotionally committed to kissing up to a corporation. Nintendo won’t notice you, sorry to say.”

        I think you need to head back to elementary school and brush up on your reading skills. I said nothing anywhere close to any of this. You’re making a fool of yourself, not me. I rip on Nintendo all the time, just not typically for the same reasons as a lot of gamers.

      3. You literally started your response to felixgray’s comment, who criticized NES games being insufficient, with the words “I think a lot of this post is ridiculous”. The essence of his comment was him asking for more and different things than just NES games, and you called it ridiculous, said that the games are higher quality than “many games entire platforms ever get”. How is that not implying that they’re enough?? You don’t have to blatantly spell something out for people to understand what you’re trying to say. Just because you didn’t say it word for word, you can’t just act like that’s not what your words implied, LOL.

        I can agree with the point that a lot of people actually do want old games, such as N64 or GC games, but even then, there’s old games, and then there’s OLD games. There is a very, very big difference bewteen N64 games and NES games, especially in replayability/longevity.
        And saying that all other online services are the same since launch is not true. You can look up the games that were offered by other services in their first year. Obviously, not every game is gonna appeal to you, but they are worth more than NES games, and certainly weren’t as old. All apart from the fact that the other companies had absolutely nothing to base their services off of, since they were the first ones to try and do it. Nintendo had 10 goddamn years to watch and learn, but they’re still doing unreasonably stupid shit, they’re so behind the competition in anything related to online features, it’s kinda unreal. There is no excuse for their service being this bad, saying the others weren’t any better at the beginning is not a justification in any way, they had many years to perfect and polish their system before launching it. Saying that the other companies offer “cheap” games is also kinda funny, and definitely a big stretch, because some of the games you can get on them aren’t even in the same dimension as NES games in terms of price and scale. You not liking them maybe doesn’t make them worth any less. Yeah, as you’ve said, PS+ only had 2 games in June. But which games were those? The Borderlands collection and Sonic Mania, both relatively new and absolutely incomparable to NES games in many respects.

        And nah, other systems actually do offer dedicated servers for their games. Not all games, of course, but many of them do.

        Saying those aren’t facts is delusional to me, sorry. Your argument in your defense doesn’t make sense to me either. Nearly everyone on this planet would agree that murder is bad. But by what standard? Their own moral standard. So does that mean that murdering someone isn’t factually bad just because it’s based on our moral evaluation? Obviously, it’s a more extreme example, but fundamentally the same argument you’ve brought up.
        Their service is bad because of many obvious reasons. Period.

        Defending NES games in this context is kissing up to Nintendo, that’s just the way I see it, sorry.
        And before telling me to brush up on my reading skills, you might wanna do the same. I said “If you can’t see how flawed their system is, you’re delusional and pathetic”. You do say that you can see the flaws and agree with some of the points I’ve raised, meaning those things wouldn’t apply to you. So why do you feel attacked by it? LOL.

    1. Usually considering means they have been already working on it, they say the same thing when talking about new hardware they use that same term when talking about VR (till we found out it was labor lol)

      1. Maybe you’re right. I really do hope they are aware enough of Switch Online’s shortcomings to not be like “maybe we should start working on some improvements, but only veeeery sloooowly, it has time”.

  2. What’s the point of more (lackluster) rewards for an online service when the online service itself blows ass.
    They should (strongly) consider improving the actual online experience first, more shitty bonus games won’t make the service more worthwhile.
    Nobody even wants NES games, I don’t think they realize this either.

    1. I mean, a bit aggressive, but I have to agree. I thought I was the only person who couldn’t care less about games made decades ago. Plus I’d just rather have new things I love instead of Nintendo reusing the old things I love.

  3. If the release more 64 games I couldn’t care less about that $125 N64 adapter that allows you to play N64 on flatscream. I just want to play Banjo-Kazooie.

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