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EA teases more projects for Nintendo Switch

EA is one of the biggest names in the world of video games but their Nintendo Switch support has been sparse at best. While that’s unlikely to change anytime soon, the company has teased that they have some projects in the works for the popular hybrid gaming platform, though they have nothing to publicly announce at present.

“We are very pleased with how well Nintendo has done with Switch,” EA COO and CFO Blake Jorgensen responded. “I mean, people love the platform, they enjoy it, it’s great.

“We are always looking and discussing with Nintendo what else we can put on the platform and as you can imagine, as the platform grows, our interest in adding content grows for that platform.

“But we’re also conscious of the fact that the top-selling titles by a long shot are all Nintendo software, which is fabulous software, but it helps us balance sort of the realities of how big our markets can be there, but trust that we’re looking at that.

“You will hear some more things in the future about what we’re putting on the platform,” Jorgensen continued, “and we’re very pleased with how it’s grown alongside the growth of both Sony’s and Microsoft‘s platforms.”


42 thoughts on “EA teases more projects for Nintendo Switch”

  1. Unless it’s Apex, I have no interest in any games of them whatsoever.

    Also, they sound like such slimy bastards. Just read the first note, damn. They are pleased? What the fuck. At least say something along the lines of ” We’re very proud and happy for them” especially after the Wii U.

    1. Nintendo First Order Recruiter Zscout1288

      But only if they scale down the price as well. I ain’t paying full price for a “legacy” edition.

  2. 𝑵𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒐 𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝑶𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒓

    I’m not interested EA. Get out.

        1. EA is just sleezy and greedy. Blizzard is just pure human garbage. I rather boycot Blizz than EA. EA does have games on Switch atm. FIFA and that little platformer game. EA has been acting quite alright after they got smacked for Star Wars.

          1. 𝑵𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒐 𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝑶𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒓

            I can only say that Blizzard did another flop with WC3R. They made changes that really I don’t understand. WC3R was meant to be a completely refresh from WC3 and in the end they made it just like the original one with just 3 missions beign different. Blizzard is losing their magic those years.

            1. Activision is corrupting them. This will almost always happen when company grows gigantic. Then the shareholders and owners just invest for large amounts of dividend, and nothing else matters.

    1. @Kantenstain Regardless of the company, in Diablo 3 Blizzard have what is the best third party port I’ve seen on Switch. It really is wonderful, and I highly recommend it. The Switch is a great platform for Diablo and the game runs beautifully on Switch. Overwatch isn’t such a wonderful port but on the other hand, it is fully featured (maybe with the exception of saving replays?), it still feels like a tier above any effort that EA has provided for the Switch so far. If EA are going to bother coming back to Switch, then I say do it properly or just don’t do it at all. I honestly don’t care which at this stage!

      1. I do agree. EA needs to come out with something good. I understand FIFA sells well, but give us something more. Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order would f.ex. be cool for Switch owners. But people do like exclusives. Why can’t they make that? Ubisoft made Mario vs. Rabbids and it was successful.

  3. EA used to say ‘expect us to be there if the Switch proves to be popular’ and now it seems they’re looking for reasons not to be there anymore. I’d say there’s something that Nintendo doesn’t agree with EA and that left a bad taste in Wilson’s dirty mouth. This whole “oh its’ because previous EA games on Wii U sold poorly” is too old for this shit; It’s 2020, the Switch is three-years old (ish) and if EA hasn’t learned to move on, they might as well be stuck in the past holding its IP’s along with their predatory MTX practices and keep that shit away from us.

  4. Nintendo don’t need EA and EA don’t need Nintendo. Only way they may change their mentality towards Nintendo is if they started failing on the other platforms but people still lap their stuff up over there so it won’t be for some time.

  5. Not looking forward to whatever downgraded cashgrab microtransansaction mobile trash game they wanna put on the Switch.

    1. P.S.: And what’s with that subliminal aggression against Nintendo owners by saying: “But we’re also conscious of the fact that the top-selling titles by a long shot are all Nintendo software”. If EA would create great non-predatory fan-serving games then they could have high sales numbers on Nintendo platforms as well. The reason why EA games don’t sell well on Nintendo platforms is because the average IQ of Nintendo gamers is much higher. We don’t want shallow and repetitive multiplayer experiences that force you to constantly pay more money in order to stay competitive.

      1. “The reason why EA games don’t sell well on Nintendo platforms is because the average IQ of Nintendo gamers is much higher.”
        Holy shit please tell me you’re saying this ironically. That you arent equating console preference to intelligence.

        1. Yes I am equating console preference to intelligence! You can deny that all day but it’s still a fact that people with a low IQ prefer Xbox and PS4 over Nintendo while people with high IQ simply don’t care because they play what they want to even when it’s a game for kids or a kinky waifu game.

      2. “You can deny that all day but it’s still a fact that people with a low IQ prefer Xbox and PS4 over Nintendo”

        You can say that you think this is true, but calling it a fact implies that you have evidence. So…… do you have evidence?

      3. You know what he meant by that. We all do. They are trying to say that because Nintendo’s games are at the top, in their eyes that means that either EA Games are too good for the Nintendo audience or the Switch audience prefer Nintendo games because they’re too young to enjoy EA’s, which could justify what he said next, “it helps us balance sort of the realities of how big our markets can be there”.
        EA is making this a much bigger deal than it is by playing the developer/publisher who is too cautious about what they’re going to support, as if the Switch was a Vita 2.0.

      4. “They are trying to say that because Nintendo’s games are at the top, in their eyes that means that either EA Games are too good for the Nintendo audience or the Switch audience prefer Nintendo games because they’re too young to enjoy EA’s,”

        Respectfully, this is deeply silly.

        He’s saying, as many publishers have been saying for around 18 years, that 3rd party games, not just EA games but all 3rd party games, don’t sell as well on Nintendo platforms. Now, someone might point out that perhaps many 3rd party games don’t sell as well on Nintendo platforms because absolutely zero effort is put into the port, but nevertheless, he’s certainly not making some big statement about age demographics because this has been a common slogan (or myth, I would say) about Nintendo platforms for nearly two decades now, and repeated by makers of games for all ages.

      5. “Yes I am equating console preference to intelligence! You can deny that all day but it’s still a fact that people with a low IQ prefer Xbox and PS4 over Nintendo while people with high IQ simply don’t care because they play what they want to even when it’s a game for kids or a kinky waifu game”
        I thinks this is actually the funniest thing iv ever seen anyone post on this site. in a site of blind fanboys, you have taken it to full retardation.
        if its a “fact” you must have proof right? something other than blind fanboyism. so what’s your proof that people who buy Nintendo consoles have high IQ?

  6. Madden Anniversary collection. The first 15 Madden games, all with card based online modes that run on microstransactions……

    Digital only. 59.99. Preorder the Hall of Fame edition today for 79.99 and get $40 worth of imaginary digital trinkets.

  7. I couldn’t possibly care less what your “things in the future” are, EA. We’re doing just fine without your garbage, thank you very much.

  8. Pingback: NEWS: Nintendo Switch Sells 52.48 Million Units; EA STILL Cautious About Supporting Switch - A Bad Password

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