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Rumour: Nintendo has 2 big re-releases to launch on current Switch after March 2025

A new rumour is currently doing the rounds online from PH Brazil, who was the first to note that the Switch 2, which was originally planned for release at the end of 2024, had slipped to early next year. He’s back and this time he says that Nintendo has two re-releases in the works which are due out after March 2025 for the current Nintendo Switch system. He says that one of these classic re-releases was originally on the Nintendo GameCube and the second one is a classic Nintendo 3DS title. He also added that these probably won’t be shown during the Nintendo Direct presentation which is confirmed for next month. Carrying on from this he speculates that Nintendo intends to fully support the original Switch, despite the fact that its successor will be available. This is because of the huge install base of the Nintendo Switch family of systems. Nintendo has plans for the transition period between the two systems, much like Sony’s PlayStation 4 console is still being supported, despite its successor, the PlayStation 5, launching in November 2020.


26 thoughts on “Rumour: Nintendo has 2 big re-releases to launch on current Switch after March 2025”

    1. These are pretty easy to guess. I think you are right with Kid Icarus. The other has to be Wind Waker.

      1. Either Super Mario 3D Land, Zelda: A Link Between Worlds or Kid Icarus Uprising would be my guesses. All of these are classics in my eyes

        We’re already receiving LM2 HD, so that one’s out of the picture

        1. I think it will be Pokémon sun and moon because if you jailbreak your 3DS (everyone probably knows this) the code for the switch startup screen is in Pokémon sun’s Updates/DevPorts folder and yall know it because of the leak in 2019 and later that year the switch button config was added

  1. I love how these “leakers” try to save face by pretending that if their information is false, it’s because of Nintendo and not theirs… pitiful…Otherwise, a reissue? On Switch? in 2025? unless Nintendo releases its new console for the end of 2025 (which is very likely), this will not happen… Moreover, they never supported their old consoles, once the successor was launched, I don’t see why they would do it there despite the base of the switch especially if the successor is different from the Switch (with all due respect to those who believe that it will be just a boosted switch…)…. More fan fantasies

    1. They have supported all their previous handhelds systems. The first couple of years their new system comes out. Haven’t had some crossover games like the Pokémon mystery dungeon series, both being on GBA and DS and two different versions. Hell there were even cross-gen titles between the 3DS and the switch that came out day and day like Fire Emblem Heroes even though their architectures and power were literal generations apart. So yes, Nintendo does have a history of it, although they don’t support them as long as other companies do.

      1. You’re mixing it up…. Of course Nintendo will release 2-3 games on Switch even when the successor will be there but it will be a hard year at best and then nothing, those who hope for a 10-year support like Sony and its PS4, you are wrong eh…. Nintendo doesn’t have the human resources to do it and they never did it even after the DS and its 150 million sales were switched to 3Ds
        The last Switch game will be, in my humble opinion, Metroid Prime 4, then there will be nothing left, stop dreaming….

  2. I’m sick to death of all these ports/remasters/remakes. I’ve played and own most of them already. They’re cheaper to make than original games. But do you think Nintendo would pass on these savings to consumers? Of course not, they’re misers!

  3. Maybe it is Metroid Prime 2 and though some people will not like it… Metroid Prime: Federation Force. Now seriously, it might be Kid Icarus: Uprising or Hey! Pikmin. Who knows.

  4. Hopefully one of them is Wind Waker + Twilight Princess double-pack for $40. But this is Nintendo…………

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