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ONM Lists Seven Things That Would Make Super Smash Bros. For Wii U Beat Brawl

The Official Nintendo Magazine says the forthcoming Super Smash Bros. title for Wii U would be better than Wii’s Super Smash Bros. Brawl if it includes seven things. Among the seven things are a better online infrastructure, more cooperative options, the addition friend leagues, character transfer between Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, the ability to take in-game screenshots and share them, feature more Nintendo history throughout the game, and the option of playing as the Master Hand.

What would you like added to the first HD Super Smash Bros. title?

186 thoughts on “ONM Lists Seven Things That Would Make Super Smash Bros. For Wii U Beat Brawl”

    1. I agree. I don’t have the best connection but brawl was rediculous. My connection can handle 128 vs 128 on MAG with 40ms ping to the server across the country (east coast to west) but I get slideshow gameplay with 4 people on brawl.

      1. I’ll third this sentiment. Nothing they listed really matters much to me, all I want are interesting new characters – Mewtwo is at the top of my list. Ridley’s a close second. Ghirahim and Genesect tie for third, but my hopes aren’t exactly high for them.

        1. Mewtwo is definitely at the top of my list. Ghirahim seems much more likely than Genesect. My bets are on Zoroark for a gen V playable character, but you’ll probably be able to find Genesect in a pokeball.

          1. Sakurai has already stated that the roster will not increase a lot. He thinks (and he’s right) 35 characters is already more than enough and wants the development team to focus on other aspects to the game.

    1. it can be like the samus game in Nintendoland. The player on the gamepad can play as master hand. The other 2-4 players will team up and defeat him. The person with the gamepad will have all of master hand’s attack and will have stamina of about 500?

  1. Umm the main thing that would matter to me personally is more melee like physics…brawl was too slow and too floaty! This is my favorite fighting videogame series I hope they do an awesome job!(also do away with random tripping)

      1. Brawl slows things down way too much and as far as balance goes all I have to say is meta knight and ike nuff said. melee is based more for hard core players

            1. Skill is important, yes, but not as much as fun.
              Nintendo logic.

              I’ve been a pro Melee player, I see clearly what differences you’re talking about, and If I wanna confront my skill to some other guy’s, i’ll play Melee. But If I wanna have fun with a bunch of friends, Brawl wins by far. The random is the shit that makes it fun. Just compare Gran Turismo to Mario Kart, you’ll get it.

        1. Actually, Ike is on the lower side of the tier list. He really isn’t all that strong, especially when compared to characters like Diddy, Snake, Olimar, etc. MK on the other hand…

        2. Dear God how pretentious do you sound by saying it’s for the hardcore? Get over yourself. Each game has felt different so the fourth one will too. And then people like you will whine that it’s not like Melée when no-one has ever said it would be.

      1. If they make Dark Samus a clone it would be a complete waste. Anyone who has played Prime 2 & 3 know she can have a completely unique moveset.

          1. She may be a technical “clone” of Samus, but she has her own unique fighting style and moves that she’s almost a brand new character entirely. She would be a great addition to the roster, especially since it would give the Metroid series a much needed second fighter.

    1. Maybe an open world with story quests and side quests for the main story mode. To get more characters on your team you defeat them battle, complete their quest, or save them. That’d be awesome.

      1. Exactly what I said man.

        A dedicated RPG or MMO style feature. Kinda like DQX or like Konquest mode in mortal kombat

  2. People running away and taunting was so stupid and if you hit them you get triple teamed. That’s why I hated brawl online and the insane lag.

    1. Play wolf do his taunt xD soon enough we all play wolf and do his taunt…first to move gets jumped by everyone…yep brawl had some douches

  3. New characters I’d like to see in Super Smash Bros Wii U/3DS:

    Frank Woods – Call of Duty: Black Ops 1
    Travis Touchdown – No More Heroes
    Batman – Batman games
    Lego Character – Lego franchise

      1. Hey, if Playstation (Plagiarism) All-Star Battle Royale can have a character from Killzone and Nathan Drake then why not have one of the most bad ass characters out of Black Ops in Super Smash Bros

        1. Because Uncharted and Killzone are exclusive IPs owned by Sony- they’re not considered third party. I believe it’s already been stated that they want to improve on what already exists before they consider bringing more characters not native to Nintendo.

          1. Still it would be nice to see a Call of Duty character in Super Smash Bros, Snake got in and its a somewhat serious game.

            Besides, CoD has been on a Nintendo platform since the Gamecube so it would be good to see Frank Woods make an appearance in SSB Wii U/3DS

        2. Because COD sucks ass and how in the hell would a ultra realistic soldier fit into a nintendo game?… and before you say Snake I said “ultra realistic”…

          1. How is CoD Ultra Realistic? So you are trying to say if I shoot you right now you’ll be fine after you hyper-ventilate and your sight goes all bloody?

            Yeah CoD isn’t realistic in the slightest, plus, people who’ve played Black Ops 2 would beg to differ on your obvious bandwagnor comment saying that CoD “Sucks”

    1. The only real addition I would like to see is MEGAMAN…if this happens, then everything else is just icing on the cake my friends, just icing on the cake…

  4. More characters would be Neat, but it would also make the game more likely to be Unbalanced. Just imagine 10 more OP MetaKnights!!! @.@ Very Frustrating….

  5. I remember having been hyped like never before in my life for Brawl but when it finally released the gameplay just didn’t really work for me and it wasn’t nearly as fun as Melee had been back when I first played it. So I really hope the gameplay of SSB WiiU will be as fun as Melee.

  6. I agree with all the above except Master Hand. Being that it has always been the final stage in Classic, I think making it a character would cause it to be weaker (seriously no one could beat Master Hand if he was played like he is in Final Destination) because they would have to make its design so it would be fair among the rest of the roster. Also, I think one reason many people think Melee is the better game is cause of how much faster pace it is. I’d like to see the next Smash have the same speed pace as Melee. With this as well as a robust online and story that makes sence, I see no reason why this couldn’t end up being the best one yet.

  7. Due to a glitch in Melee, you could play as master hand, but his attacks were on the D-Pad for some reason and he had hp so couldn’t die…
    But in next SSB better online definitly would be good, but I would like a 1v1 online tourny?

  8. Oh and here’s something else I’d like to see storyline wise; let each character play like they do in their own game up until they all meet up in the main story, then have them play side scrolling like the game is normally played. For example, have Mario’s story start off where he hears there’s a portal in space sucking up everything and he has to go investigate. The game would then be played in 3rd person free roam like Galaxy. For Metroid, have a portal appear in Kraid and Samus must go investigate. This time the game is played from 1st person shooter view like Metroid. And for RPGs like Pokemon? Have Pokemon trainer engage in real Pokemon battles exactly like the game (turn based picking attack). After all the characters meet up then have them played like Smash Bros. This would really beef the game up and really make the story very cool. what do you guys think?

  9. The characters I want to see in this games,
    Travis Touchdown
    Bayonetta (depends on when the game is released)
    Ruy Hyabusa
    Lloyd Irving
    Jin/ Kazuya/ Heihachi

    Make it happen. Leave luck to heaven.

  10. What if they did a Tenkaichi/Budokai and Smash bros mix??. hahaha. That’d be pretty hilarious and kinda awesome in a way. Though no nintendo character in reality could ever beat a main DBZ character

  11. wow, this things are very important to the next super smash bros. tittle
    I think, the next SSB can have a same SSBbrawl gameplay and gravity
    but can fix the balance of the character

    We know, always be a character with more power of others but
    they can do something with this…

    the more important to the next smash bros is keep it as fun, and the competitivity.

    I hope to see another story mode same the subspace emisary

    sorry for my bad english xD

  12. Bring mewtwo back and another legendary pokemon
    More girl characters
    Toad as a playable character
    Race to the finish returns but insted they should make it like mario karts
    More characters
    No tripping

  13. Seven things that would make this game beat brawl:

    1. A return to the fast paced, technique driven style that was, Super Smash Bros. Melee. Regardless of intentions, people loved Melee, and less people loved Brawl. This comes from the number one rule of competitive gaming: minimize luck, and maximize skill. By replacing Brawl’s system with Melee’s, we would also eliminate tripping, since it is necessary.

    2. As mentioned in the article. Better online. Not everyone can gather four friends over for a heated match, and not everyone is comfortable in traveling to a tournament to play others. Not only does online need to match the speed of the game, it absolutely needs to support competitive play. I sincerely hope that Nintendo understands that, we want to be recognized for our skills. This is why other consoles have achievements and medals or whatever. Online needs to have a ranking system that shows our online record [very similar to the stat screen in Brawl or Melee].

    3. The concept of character “skins”. Everyone is always going to be upset by replacing characters with new characters and so on. I don’t think we should really expand the roster, but instead provide different “skins” that deviate in play style only slightly. Such as, instead of having Dr. Mario take up a spot in the character list, have him be a skin option. You could go through this with almost every character. [Maybe you want to play as Dixie Kong? Or Birdo?] Having different colors is fine if you are playing the same character, but adding skins or costumes would be great. [We could even drawn emblems for our characters much like in F-Zero].

    4. Sharpen up stage builder. It was very difficult to enjoy stage builder in Brawl, as it was terribly limited, and very generic. We were hoping to have a system that would allow us to have some more creative options. While building pits of no return were fun for a while, I believe that the stage builder could so much more. There should be a way to take pieces from different levels, skyscrapers or maybe even enemies. Perhaps we could even stylize our blocks with a draw feature, now that we have a game pad to fall on. It would also be cool to make moving levels as well. This would also have to be share-able. We need the ability to download amazing levels created by others if we so desire.

    5. Deepen the story of the single player campaign. I liked some of the ideas, but I think that there could be a more interesting story behind it. Especially if there was dialogue, whether it’s voiced or text, I wouldn’t really care. It would also be nice to have something that has replay value, so maybe offering different sides of the same story, or being told from different perspective. There are many ways to improve the story, but it really isn’t as important as the competitive aspects of the game.

    6. Don’t leave anything out, and go even further into giving us content. This game might surpass Brawl, but if it wants to surpass Melee, it needs to give us all it’s got. And by that, we’ll need: worthwhile events that challenge us, and give us decent rewards [pieces of stage builder, or perhaps character costumes]. We need break the targets, board the platforms, race to the finish, multi-man challenges, boss challenges, home-run contest, classic, all-star, and anything else I can’t think of. It all needs to be there. And not just that, we should have access [as I mentioned], to every character that’s been in the series, through skins, or just add-ons. Give us every stage as well. There’s room. The more the better. Give us all the goodies on Music as well. [Copyright willing of course]. And, please, let us continue to play on Final Destination with items turned off.

    7. This game will be better than brawl if a Tales Character is playable. It doesn’t matter if it’s Lloyd, or Luke, [or Presea!]. I really think that is what would make this game better.

    1. @Nana Yajirushi
      I agree with pretty much everything you just said. The story in Brawl annoyed me because of none of the characters talking. I’m sick of seeing Nintendo characters acting like puppets. It’s tiresome only hearing Mario make grunts and shouts, when we all know darn well that Charles Martinet can talk fluent Mario.
      I’m looking VERY forward to all the music in the next Smash Bros. I recorded all of the music from Brawl onto CD’s. Will most likely do the same with the next as well. So I hope the game has a music option where you can hear all the tracks.
      And finally, I really wsh these games was skill-based instead of luck-based. I kill my own self in these games more than others kill me. Often because of losing perspective and not knowing where the heck I am.

      1. Super smash bros does a great job of seperating the stages and the characters by making them pop. If you cant handle brawl then DONT get playstation all stars…trust me much harder to see your character

  14. I hold no desire to play as Master Hand.
    Instead, work on the game’s mechanics so that it plays similar to Melee but without crap like Wave Dashing.[Seriously, air dodging BEFORE YOU’RE IN THE AIR to gain a movement advantage with certain characters? I get that the series is a bit nonsensical in tone, but come ON…]

    1. Oh, and, do not EVER take out the items of the game.[as in, let them always be an option, and make them more appealing to everyone somehow]
      Screw the “only skill should matter” crowd; I like the new strategies and hilarious moments that items bring to the table. You can’t get that in the same quantity or quality from treating the game as if it were just like every other fighting game on the market. Like it or not, items are the other big half of the series that makes it so much more different and fun than the majority of other fighting games.

  15. Online tournament mode and chat would be nice especially in a team battle you could communicate with your teammate and make secret plans to dish out on the opposing team. Also Sakurai needs take a look at Project:M.

    1. I think Namco Bandai can easily do better than anything Project M can do. I like Melee, and I like Brawl, but I think this “Project M” is an insult to both games. I’ve never played it, and I never will.

      Not to mention, the name “Project M” makes me think of when Metroid: Other M was first announced.

              1. That’s right. It’s just the idea that’s the worst thing. Want Melee’s pace? Just play Melee! Want Brawl’s content? Just play Brawl! Want both? Own both games! Simple as that.

  16. The game needs Isaac from the Golden Sun. I didn’t like Lucario, bring Mewtwo back. Replace Ike for Roy plzzz :) Also, Replace R.O.B. and Wolf for other Nintendo characters

    1. Well… wolf I loved my favorite or so character, not to mention one of the best.

      Mew2 is better than lucario

      Ike I love and roy is a clone that is just slower and more powerful than marth, so no imo

      Replace R.O.B yes he wasnt that good even less played than game and watch and jiggly puff

      1. WHAT? I agree with you about Jigglypuff(god I hate Jigglypuff!), but Game & Watch? He is definitely in my top five favorite characters…not to mention I love his corny para-digital sound effects, lol

  17. To sickr and Alba, you really should delete the comments people make that have nothing to do with the posts. Like those people talking about Obama. What the heck? I’m sick of seeing people talking about stuff that has nothing to do with the news post.

    Anyways…..I only agree with the last 2 things. I don’t really care about the online stuff in Smash Bros. I don’t play games online.

  18. King Boo Move set


    Neutral special- Lick smack smash- Charges his tongue in his month crown will glow brighter at max (similar to donkey’s neutral special) then smacks his opponent. Quick charge- 15-17%, Mid charge-20-24%, MAX charge- 34%

    Side special- Boo Bomber- Smacks his opponent with a bomb having a high hit factor based on luck and uses 4 bomb types (common) Explosive prankster – 5-13%, uncommon, Goose bump chiller- 8-16% ( may freeze opponents), )(rare)Sparky thrills -10-20%,(SUPER RARE) BOO HOO BOOM- 20-36 ( has a high hit value that causes recoil damage)

    Down special- Fruity Boo -King boo throws random fruit at his opponents. He can throw this fruit up, left, right or down (while in air). (Common)Banana- 5-12%, (common)Orange 5-12%, (rare)melon-17- 24%,(uncommon) mango-7-14%, (super rare) Spicy fruit- 30-40%

    Up special- PEEK A BOO! – King boo will cover his face and vanish (similar to Zelda and Sheik’s teleport) after that, he will reappear in the direction the player wants with the control stick. Has ability similar to jiggle puffs’s rest and Luigi super fire jump punch, if the attack’s sweet spot hits a opponent , it becomes a powerful hit, which deals around 25% .

    Final smash

    Boonado – King boo Summons a army of boos to form a tornado that the player controls can cause 9-10 dame per hit and if trapped in tornado the players will most likely to get knocked out of the arena.


    Neutral- Smacks the player with his tongue two times then head butts to end it and does 16%. The combo starts out slow but ends quickly.

    Dash attack- king boo head butts using his crown to do 24% damage

    Side strong- double slaps his opponents with quickly timing doing 17-20% comes out quickly

    Down strong-licks the ground like a sweep like attack doing 17% comes out a little slow

    Up strong- Whirls his tongue in the air multiple times and comes out very quick doing from 15-18 damage


    Side smash- king boo head butts the player with a quick charge burst that charges slightly slow but comes out quick has a mid hit value doing 15-25%

    Up smash-, King boo does a quick small jump and does a spin landing multiple hit is the charge is rather quick and can do 17-26%

    Down smash- King boo spins with his tongue out more and spins his tongue on the ground around doing around 15-22%

    1. Wish i could have no way to say anything to them not on facebook maybe if this website started to spread this then high chance

  19. A couple more classic video game characters like PAC Man, Simon Belmont, Mega Man, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

  20. First things first Balance. Make sure all the chracters are balanced so everyone can have the maximum fun. Personally I don’t care about that but I know alot of people who do so please do it. Also make sure the online is great. Kid Icarus Uprising is an excellent example but make it more customization and I’m golden. Also lots and lots of content. I love Brawl more than Melee because it gave me more to do than just taking it out when friends or family are over and nowadays Smash Bros isn’t much of a focus to wither of them (at least the ones who come home) so as long as all these things are here I am perfectly fine. Oh and also things like the character stage entrance animations I hope to god they are in there. I was deeply disappointed in Melee for not having them in there.

    1. Balance will almways be an issue it plagued all smash bros games.

      Best people were Kirby and fox hands down
      Worst was link he was absolutely horrible

      Best were link, samus, Luigi , fox
      Worst were pichu, game and watch, bowser

      Best were meta knight, wolf, zelda
      Worst were bowser, rob, olimar

      Of course thats just the high and low of the spectrum

      1. False.

        There is no strongest character in the first. The game didn’t even use the concept of hit priority, so ranking the characters is pointless. Link, for example, had by far the best smash attack of the roster.

        For both successors, just take a look at the tier lists before stating this stupidities.
        The top 5 of Melee includes Sheik, Marth, Falco, Peach and Fox, everybody knows that.

        Olimar in the bottom 3 of Brawl? that’s just nonsense.

  21. That would improve things a lot for the next Smash Bros game.

    That and Issac from Golden Sun and Megaman being playable characters.

  22. Should the next Smash bros have new Final Smashes?
    I ***reaaaaallllyyyy*** want a GCN controller adapter or something…my beloved c-stick… :,C no retreating aerials, snakedashing, DACUSing, momentum cancelling, heck even decent DI/SDI…
    Plus the triggers are digital so no “light shield” from melee :/
    C-stick soo important. Especially during competitive play

      1. You’re right, I guess it’d just take some readjusting to reach up instead of down. It seems like Nintendow really wants your hand to stretch down to press the buttons…The main buttons (abxy) are were the c-stick use to be, which is pretty low

  23. PLEASE PUT PAC-MAN AND MEGA MAN. Those two characters BELONG in this series. They’re both very important characters and helped define the game industry. And leave Sonic, but add Tails. Also allow Mii’s as selectable fighters (as someone else said). And put the REAL Daisy in there too (and not just an alternate costume for Peach). Last but not least, put Ash Ketchum (instead of the generic trainer) and throw Team Rocket somewhere in there. They SO deserve to be in this series! Every time I knock a character into the stratosphere, I imagine it being Team Rocket blasting off. It suits them SO pefectly.

  24. I know i already posted it but here it is finished
    King Boo ( from Luigi’s mansion) for Smash bros
    Move set


    Neutral special- Lick smack smash- Charges his tongue in his month crown will glow brighter at max (similar to donkey’s neutral special) then smacks his opponent. Quick charge- 15-17%, Mid charge-20-24%, MAX charge- 34%

    Side special- Boo Bomber- Smacks his opponent with a bomb having a high hit factor based on luck and uses 4 bomb types (common) Explosive prankster – 5-13%, uncommon, Goose bump chiller- 8-16% ( may freeze opponents), )(rare)Sparky thrills -10-20%,(SUPER RARE) BOO HOO BOOM- 20-36 ( has a high hit value that causes recoil damage)

    Down special- Fruity Boo -King boo throws random fruit at his opponents. He can throw this fruit up, left, right or down (while in air). (Common)Banana- 5-12%, (common)Orange 5-12%, (rare)melon-17- 24%,(uncommon) mango-7-14%, (super rare) Spicy fruit- 30-40%

    Up special- PEEK A BOO! – King boo will cover his face and vanish (similar to Zelda and Sheik’s teleport) after that, he will reappear in the direction the player wants with the control stick. Has ability similar to jiggle puffs’s rest and Luigi super fire jump punch, if the attack’s sweet spot hits a opponent , it becomes a powerful hit, which deals around 25% .

    Final smash

    Boonado – King boo Summons a army of boos to form a tornado that the player controls can cause 9-10 dame per hit and if trapped in tornado the players will most likely to get knocked out of the arena.


    Neutral- Smacks the player with his tongue two times then head butts to end it and does 16%. The combo starts out slow but ends quickly.
    Dash attack- king boo head butts using his crown to do 24% damage
    Side strong- double slaps his opponents with quickly timing doing 17-20% comes out quickly
    Down strong-licks the ground like a sweep like attack doing 17% comes out a little slow
    Up strong- Whirls his tongue in the air multiple times and comes out very quick doing from 15-18 damage


    Side smash- king boo head butts the player with a quick charge burst that charges slightly slow but comes out quick has a mid hit value doing 15-25%

    Up smash-, King boo does a quick small jump and does a spin landing multiple hit is the charge is rather quick and can do 17-26%

    Down smash- King boo spins with his tongue out more and spins his tongue on the ground around doing around 15-22%

    Aerial attacks
    Neutral- spins 360 with his tongue sticking out more doing around 12%

    Up- king boo waves his tong in the air above him doing around 11%

    Side- king boo swings in tongue out slapping the player having a high knock off value doing 17%

    Down- king boo spins in his tongue below him like a fan doing multiple hits damaging around 3% per hit

    Grabs and Throws

    Grabs the player with his tongue and pummel the player with his hands this grab as good range that is quick.
    Up throw – King boo head butts the player twice then sending them flying doing around 14%
    Side throw – king boo can either quick throw the player like Mario does or spins them 360 degrees and sending flying father first one does 12% and second one does 18% this is random
    Down throw- king body slams the player knocking them down and stunning them


    King boo is light Based character what has running speed very similar to Kirby’s but a little slower but he still remands fast. His walking speed can be compared to Jiggly Puff’s but still he’s a little faster.


    King Boo can get into his dodging animation rather fast but leaves very slowly out of it. He can disappear for his ground dodge, roll on the ground for this side dodge and he disappears for a sec in his air dodged.


    1. King boo laughs very evil like waving his tongue back in forth towards the screen
    2. King boo covers his face and blushes and peeps out a little (like the boos do in most Mario games)
    3. King boo makes a scary big face

    Character details

    King boo does not have the highest attack damage values in the game but he makes up for it all on his speed. Most of his attacks a fast but not very fast. He will the fastest villain based character in the game but having a less attack damage then them and weighing less then them. King boo when jumping fly’s up just like Kirby having the best jump level of the villains and best jump recovery among the villains boos speed does have a down side since he’s a lighter character he can be knocked off slightly quicker then most the villains in the game. Most of his specials are based on luck rather skills at time but some do pay off in the end of the game. Most of his attack power is from his specials so king boo would be higher mid attack power character in the game.

    Reasons for must put in character

    Among all the villain based characters in the game all of them have been slow attack power is not everything in fighting game. King boo would offer more to villains then just power more focused on speed and higher mid attack character. This would also give a chance to expand the smash bros world as well since Luigi has a great fear of ghost in super Mario world and Luigi’s mansion this would also expand a little on Luigi’s character as well in game. King boo may seem hard to pull off but all it takes is a real good imagination to pull him off.

  25. 1. – 420i- 420p -720p -1080i -1080P resolution
    2. – Transfer characters and settings between Wii U and 3DS
    3. – Increased third-party characters max 10 characters: Sonic, Tails, Shadow, Snake, Great Fox, Megaman, Zero, Pacman, Jin Kazama and Rayman.
    4. – In Wii U version,35 characters. In 3DS version, 25 charaters. Totally : 60 characters
    5. – 50 stages including Smash Bros. 64, Melee and Brawl stages
    6. – No copy characters
    7. – A better online infrastructure
    8. – 5 players
    9. – New Adventure mode: The Subespace Emisary 2: Tabbu revenge.
    10. – New Final Smashes
    11. – Playable Controls: Wii U gamepad, Wii U pro controller, 3DS console, Wii Remote, Nunchuck, Wii Classic controler and Gamecube pad
    12. – Create characters and stages.
    13. – No DLC characters or stages.
    14. – The characters speak in adventure mode.
    15. – More stages with movements and simple than
    16. – Super Smash Bros Universe for Wii U
    17. – Super Smash Bros Memories for 3DS and 3DS XL
    and many other things …

  26. Chars I’d like to see: Rayman, Prince of Persia or an Assassin from Assassin’s Creed, Megaman, Zero, Shadow, GRAY Fox (not “great” as someone before me called him), Raiden (from MGS, not from MK), Ryu Hayabusa, Banjo-Kazooie (hard cause Rare owns them but it would be awesome to have them).

    I wouldn’t like 5 chars, 4 chars is great, tripping: I’d keep that, sometimes it annoys you but it adds that little “so close” that’s simply awesome, I disagree on something others said, I do want DLC chars and/or stages, I agree on better online but I always prefer to hang with friends, the use of game controller pro would be awesome, also agree on the no-copy chars (Captain Falcon – Ganondorf and such). 420i- 420p -720p -1080i -1080P resolutions, share and transfer content with DS version.

    Create characters would be awesome! Either with custom moves or your favorites from the existing chars would be great. Those are my opinions, I’ve owned and loved every single Smash Bros game and I just hope they keep on coming better and better.

  27. A ssb we deserve but not the one Salurai thinks we need


    Online? With a game like smash you need split second response time, online will never be perfect, but because they had it in brawl now every smash to come will have it. They’re just wasting resources. Oh wait unless it’s casual fest 3000 then it doesn’t matter.

    The article is shite, play as Master Hand? These all sound like ideas a amateur fan game creator would come up with.

    You know what 1 thing would be awesome to have? A casual mode and a hardcore mode. I guess thats what the 3ds version will be hopefully. But I doubt it.

    Less Kirby characters.
    Faster paced gameplay.
    More technical aspects to reward higher level play (essentially raise the bar, give superior players access to a superior toolset instead of dumbing it down like brawl did i.e. L cancel, Wave Dash etc…).
    The ability to SHUT OFF random elements like tripping and items (melee was great, you could shut them off, but in brawl it’s like they shoved it down your throat)
    Hell I’ll even say less characters, or the same amount, just better ones. Where is megaman? Why do we have king derp derp derp but no megaman?

    Idc if clones go and here’s why. They dont take long to make and provide more opportunities for slightly different versions of popular characters. (if in your mind falco = fox then stop reading this please. If you are not good enough to identify, detect, and utilize the subtle differences of speed power trajectory launch angle etc.. between falco and fox that is your own problem.)

    Or how about a double dash/ice climbers team up characters? Mario and Yoshi (yoshis island, super mario world), Wolf Link and Midna, Diddy and Donkey Kong. Ok maybe not.

    I want to say balance patches…but as far as tournies go, that would seriously screw up the metagame.

    Ditto/Mew as a character, they can completely copy a character and as they take damage they would loose their form and revert back to their original form like kirby Mew would be the better option seeing as it would have a moveset of it’s own in the absence of a copied genetic moveset, whereas the only move ditto knows is transform.

  28. SERIOUSLY alba (if this is your post), is there ANY way for me to receive only the direct replies to my comments through e-mail? Because my e-mail keeps getting swamped with EVERYBODY’S comments. Even when they’re not directed towards me. Very annoying.

  29. If there is a in depth STORY MODE. With characters from different games interact with each other in cut scenes I will be very joyful. And I do hope most ppl get what they want on here because I agree with them.

  30. “masterhand” Kinda stupid if ya ask me.. I never played SSB cmpetitvely more fun like really… but when brawl came out I decided to want to become competitive but the online gameplay experience was so trash, I just only played the game casually with friends. I hope this online business will be fixed.

  31. Pingback: ONM Lists 12 Characters That Should Be In Super Smash Bros. For Wii U | My Nintendo News

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